jal V ^ • >»T • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, PACUS TWflSfry-BIGOT illanrbieBtpr , Evpttins V^roUi “4 ' £ 3 ■ M The Ladies ot St. James will Town to Enter Finley of 888 Avery Bt., W«p- About Town have a Christmas party Mon­ plng, estimated the loe* of the Authority Revietps Policy The W esO if day after a btisiness meeting at money and property dantagO to ~^Falr tonight. Xjom In Mi lIanoiiest«r Jayc««k and Jay- Report in Test 8 p.m. in tha upstairs hall at be a total of about $200. morrow fair. EDgh 40 to $0. CM W^ttm will aponaor a Christ- St. James’ School. Students of Three full aeta of hubcaps For tiousing Applicajits anrh^at^r lEtif Baralb mas party for member's chil­ the Beveriy Bollino Byrton Manchester'' once again will valued at $280 were taken from enter its annual report in the 15,541 dren Sunday from S to B p.m. Dance Studio wilt entertain the three cars at Manchester Olds- The Manchester Housing Au­ felt that the length of time on Town and City Reports Contest, Mtmche$ter—“A City of VUlage Charm at the VFW Home, 608 E. Cen­ group. Mrs. Frank Philopena is mobile Inc., 012 W. Center St thority reviewed its aidmlaslon application bad been filed was ter St. There will be cartoons, in charge of arrangements and conducted by the UConn Insti­ The hubcaps were of the wire an'important ffustor and under tute of Public Service. policy for elderly housing appli­ MANCHESTER, C»NN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1967 (OlaoMfled Advertiaing oa Page 28) PRK7E SBVBN CXNTB cookies and punch, and a visit Mrs. William Murphy, hospital­ disc variety and were taken the point system it could be VDL. LXXXVH, NO. 68 (TWENTY-BIOHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) It will enter its 1966-67 report cants this week, but after some fnnn Santa Claus. Children ity. Members are reminded to sometime Tuesday night or assigned 28 to 80 per cent at JiUk in the 20,000 to 50,0P0 population should be accompanied by their bring grab bag gifts. yesterday morning. discussion decided to delay until the points. classification. Contest entries in parents. Christmas lights were taken a policy it has already outlined Several members ot the Auth­ *hls, the 23rd annual competi­ from in front of two residen­ meeU with either approval or ority felt that income and as­ Dr. and Mrs. John B. Shea tion. will close April 1, 1968. In The Chaminade Musical Club ces last night. Mrs. Emily Beh- disapproval by the federal hous­ sets, housing conditions and of 249 Main St. plan to attend previous years, entries closed Chorus and soloists will present a post graduate seminar Satur­ rend at 103 Center St. reported ing agency. health should be considered in Protest Hits in early January. a Christmas cantata, "The to police the theft of 14 bulbs The authority plans to get in addition to lengfit of time an day and Sunday at Brandies Bids will be opened Dec. 20 yOA/rru Birth of Christ," Sunday at 4 from In front of the house, and touch with the Housing Assis­ applicant has been waiting. University, Waltham, Mass. The for the printing of 12,000 or IB,- p.m. at a Christmas Vesper Mrs. David Demars of 14 Strick­ tance Administration in New Chairman John Cronin said he topic of the event is "Modem 000 or 18,000 of Manchester’s an­ ; Service presented by Hope Chap­ land St. told police six bulbs York, a division of the Housing thinks the tenant selection sys­ Country stor& Art and Science of Podiatry.’’ nual report. The report will be ter, Order ot Eastern Star, at were taken from a display at and Urban Development Depart­ tem has been good, and he It is ^K>nsored by the Manches­ distributed door-to-door to all is laadetL tvLfh, g o o d ta s New Haven the MEisonlc Temple, Orchard her home. ment, and to ask that adminis­ doesn’t see how the job could ter Podiatry Association. Manchester ^households, as was w 4 W St., Ellington. The Rev. Willard tration to expedite its decision. be properly done on a first-come demonatraton that the "reoiat- done last year. T O f i CHRlSr/^AS Conklin, pastor of Rockville Me­ Members of the Come Doubles The authority Tuesdaiy voted first-serve basis. He said that a ance begins when poHUciani do thodist Church, will speak. The Club of North Methodist Church 4 to 1 in favor of establishing first-come, first-serve eliminates iM>t act.” event is open to the public. Re­ Democrats Rule the need factor which he be­ - & ITTS- "W e will work until we gat will meet Saturday at 6:30 p.m. an admissions policy based on Six in Area freshments wiil be served. at the church to go caroling. Break Reported In New Voters a point system. The one mem­ lieves is an Important consid­ reaulta,” Minot said, "Hundreds They will return to the church ber opposed was in favor of ad­ eration. 2URAr>p//i/&s-/ve>r£s- (SAKiX T • T b * A- thousands of Americans have The Men’s Club of North for a Christmas program. At Two Shops Only one person registered missions on a first-come first- In view of the fact that New j o i n L r l S S e n i . aald, ‘We have inade a mistake serve bdsls. York may tell the authority to CHRISTMAS DEQ6RAr/aMS In 'Vietnam.’ Methodist Church will have a Couples are reminded to bring A thief who police 'Say appar­ Republican last night. In a three- clam chowder and oyster stew two grab bag gifts. ently knew his way around the The authority’s present ad­ accept applicants on a first-come hour voter-making session In the Face g V iy O can Independent Movement tic­ supper Monday at 6:30 p.m. at building at 14 High St. broke mission policy is based on need first-serve basis, the commission ^s.viEgea ^AMdiBs the church. Alter supper, the into Jay Mac’s, then went Municipal Building, compared to of the applicant decided to wait until their next ket, Minot campaigned for the Polish Women’s Alliance, Four Coventry rcaldenU, re- office now held by Republican men will go caroling. Their do­ through an interconnecting door 10 who registered Democratic Four methods of Selection cur­ meeting to discuss the possibil­ Group 018, will elect officers portedly Btudmts at the Uni- Thomas J. MesklU, U;S. Rep- nations for the supper wiil be in a rest room to ttie Gamer and 16 who declared themselves rently being used in the state ity of setting up a point sys­ in: ?3 and have a Christmas party vwrslity o f Conneotlcut, were reaentatlve from the Sixth Oon- contributed to the Manchester Rug Cleaners where he took unaffiliated. are on a first-oome first-serve tem. Sunday at 3 p.m. at 77 North among 29 Vietnam Wair protest- gresslonal District Association lor the Help of Re­ some money. The 27 new voters brings Man­ basis, need in terms of funds, Other business last night in­ TAkCoTTUa.^, QdAfV, St. Members are reminded to era arrested today as they Following Minot, John Wooch- tarded Children. The break was reported to chester's voter lists to a 22,044 a state pcrint system, and first- cluded the awarding of a bring grab bag gifts. cnoased barriteades at the Army er, a Yale senior, announced police by James McGee of New­ total, with Republicans showing come first-serve combined with contract for the interior paint­ tnduCtilon Center in New Ha- that a demonstiratlon was in Loyal Circle of Kings Daugh­ ington, owner of Jay Mac’s, a a slim 192 lead over Democrats. need. ing of 81 units of Project Conn. Manchester Jehovah’s Wit­ van. Also arrested tvere two preparation for next Tuesday, ters will have a potluck and The totals show 8,980 Repub­ Under a state point system, 26-1 to Robert E. Martin of nesses will have a theocratic woodcraft shop Police say the professors from the universiity. when recruiters from the Dow Christmas gift exchange Mon­ office {it Jay Macs’ was ran­ licans, 8,788 Democrats and 4,- a given number of points would Manchester who was low bid­ mlnlstery school tomorrow at ChaiTged with ddsorderly con- chemical Co. are supposed to day at 6:30 p.m. in the Robbins 776 unafflllated. be designated for conslderatlng der with a price of $7,446. Three „ , ^ ^ ^ , 7:30 p.m. and a service meet- sacked but nothing was taken. duct were; Suzanne Standish, be at Yale. About $00 in damage was done a number of categories such as other bids were received. ^?2h Congregational g .35 Kingdom Hall. 27, a graduaite student ait the Dow has been 'singled out by MANY STRIKES SHORT need and length of time the ap­ to property in the office. University; Thomas Jeflfreys, demonstiatora for Its production Gamer Rug Cleaners was en­ WASHINGTON — About two- plicant has been wtdting. The extension of loose skin, Methodist Youth Fellowship which connects the fore and 22, Michael D. Tucker, 25, and of napalm, used in the Vietaam Grade 7 of South Methodist tered next, an office door lock fifth of the work stoppages One member felt that the on­ Riaphael Sloane, 23, atl of CJov- war. was sprung, and $20 plus three settled in 1966 lasted less than a ly fair way to handle admissions hind legs of the flying squirrel,, Church will meet tomorrow at n L 44f*70f «r I7I-.7398 entry.
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