HerndonHerndonOak Hill Page 7 Herndon Police Department Lt. Michael Berg scoops up 4-month-old Lila Cannell while he speaks with her mom, Shannon Cannell, during the “Coffee with a Cop” event at the Virginia Kitchen restaurant on Monday, March 13. Classifieds, Page 10 Classifieds, ❖ Entertainment, Page 8 ❖ Opinion, Page 6 Citizens Connect With Cops Over Coffee News, Page 3 Committed to Peacemaking Requested in home 3-16-17 home in Requested News, Page 3 material. sensitive Time Attention Postmaster: Attention Thumbs-Up for #322 PERMIT Easton, MD Easton, PAID U.S. Postage U.S. Hospitality Outlook STD PRSRT Photo by Fallon Forbush/The Connection News, Page 9 www.ConnectionNewspapers.comMarch 15-21, 2017 online at Oakwww.connectionnewspapers.com Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 15-21, 2017 ❖ 1 News Front Row: Aneesh Edara, Kaien Yang, and Yuvy Sethi; Back Row: Anuraag Kaashyap and team parent Fengrong Li. Nysmith Teams Win, Advance In Academic Competitions diverse group of Nysmith School Chemist” (YBTC) local event held last for the Gifted students and teams weekend at Marymount University in Ar- Ahas recently recorded a number lington and advanced to compete in the of academic accomplishments. YBTC State Challenge on April 29 in Rich- Here are the details having to do with each mond. The competition encourages stu- of the competitions: dents in grades 5-8 to explore chemistry ❖ Nysmith’s Science Bowl team won last concepts and their real world applications. weekend’s Virginia State Championship to Alisha Luthra, a sixth grader from McLean, advance to the National Finals April 27-May also represented Nysmith at the local con- 1 at the National 4-H Youth Conference test. Center outside Washington, D.C. Created ❖ Several Nysmith debaters had impres- and presented by the U.S. Department of sive showings in this past weekend’s March Energy, the nationwide event tests students’ DC Urban Debate League (DCUDL) tourna- knowledge in a range of science disciplines ment. Two eighth graders—Alex Misiaszek including biology, chemistry, Earth science, of Ashburn and Vikram Bala from Great physics, energy and math. Coached by Falls—won the varsity level competition. Maria-Theresa Dragg of Herndon, the team Seventh graders Sarang Arun (Fairfax) and includes four eighth graders: McKenzie Hiek (Great Falls) recorded a sec- Captain Kaien Yang (from Chantilly), ond place finish in that same division. The Aneesh Edara (McLean), Anuraag Kaashyap debate topic was “Resolved: The United (Herndon) and Yuvy Sethi (Great Falls). States should no longer pressure Israel to ❖ Nysmith eighth grader Vance Kreider work toward a two-state solution to the of Herndon participated in the “You Be The Mideast situation.” Alex Misiaszek, coach Maria-Theresa Dragg, and Vikram Bala. 2 ❖ Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 15-21, 2017 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Herndon Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Bill Davis of the town of Herndon talks with Herndon Police Department Herndon Police Department Cpl. Mark Fraser listens to a family while Chief Maggie DeBoard about his neighborhood’s concerns on behalf of they wait for their breakfast to be served: Paul Cella and son Seth Cella, the Four Seasons Homeowners Association. DeBoard takes notes on a 9, and Jeanne Travis and her daughters Kaitlyn Travis, 10, and Rachel yellow notepad. Travis, 8. Citizens Connect with Cops Over Coffee Photos by Fallon Forbush/The Connection Bodycams coming next month. By Fallon Forbush The Connection he Herndon Police Department invited the public to sit down Tand have a cup of coffee with officers at the Virginia Kitchen restaurant on Elden Street on Monday morning, March 13. A handful of people, including Herndon Councilmember Sheila Olem, took them up on their offer. “I wanted an update about activities in the town,” said Bill Davis, president of the Four Seasons Homeowners Association in the town of Herndon. “I followed up on some issues that I reported. Most of them had been taken care of, but they’re still Herndon Police Department Officer Devin Sullivan chats with Jake Geyer, working on one of them.” 19, of the town of Herndon. He was glad the department held the Herndon Police Department Lt. event and hopes they do more. “It’s good for the kids to know they’re also be an auditing process to ensure offic- Michael Berg scoops up 4-month- This was the department’s second “Cof- around and that they’re friendly,” she said. ers turn them on when they are supposed old Lila Cannell while he speaks fee with a Cop” event. The first one was at Ross said the department hopes to grow to do so, she said. with her mom, Shannon Cannell, Amphora’s Diner Deluxe on Elden Street in the event and hopes more people come to “I hope people turn out so we can take during the “Coffee with a Cop” March 2016. banter at the next one. their input and show that we’re going to event at the Virginia Kitchen res- “It’s about meeting with the community,” “The more interaction, the better,” she have a consistent application,” she said. “It’s taurant on Monday, March 13. said Jane Ross, the department’s spokes- said. for our transparency and accountability and person. “There’s no agenda. It’s just a The department is hosting its next public I want people to be comfortable that we’re roll out planned for next month, which is chance for officers to sit with the commu- forum at the end of the month, where Chief doing things well and responsibly.” sooner than expected. nity and talk about anything. People get Maggie DeBoard will address the DeBoard started seriously considering “The bodycams aren’t expensive, but the to know the officers in a relaxed atmo- department’s deployment of body cameras. bodycams for her officers two years ago and storage of the video is,” DeBoard said. sphere.” “I expect positive reaction, but some con- decided that the department needed other The Herndon Town Council approved Shannon Cannell came to eat breakfast cerns about how they’ll be used, which video enhancements first. $71,000 of new funding for the bodycams at the restaurant without knowing the de- makes sense,” DeBoard said. Last summer, the department replaced its in its fiscal year 2017 mid-year budget on partment was hosting the coffee hour. She wants people to know that the interview cameras at the police station and Feb. 14. “I was surprised to see the chief is a fe- bodycams will be used responsibly. all its vehicle cameras. The body cameras “We wanted to really take our time,” male,” Cannell said. “That’s awesome.” All uniformed officers on patrol or inter- were the final step in the department’s video DeBoard said. She walked her two youngest children — acting with the community will be required upgrade, according to DeBoard. DeBoard’s bodycam forum will be on 4-month-old daughter Lila and 3-year-old to wear them and will not be able to delete A bodycam pilot program was imple- Thursday, March 30, at 7 p.m. at the son Reed — over to meet the officers. videos, according to DeBoard. There will mented at the end of last year, with the full Herndon Police Station. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Oak Hill/Herndon Connection ❖ March 15-21, 2017 ❖ 3 News Herndon senior Surabhi Khanal has been a member of the Herndon Leo Photos by Tim Peterson/The Connection Club and founded MedLove, Inc, a non-profit organization with the South Lakes senior Emily Lockwood mentors freshmen transitioning to mission of helping rescue women in the United States and abroad who high school and coaches track for children with special needs. are human trafficking victims. Student Peace Awards of Fairfax County Committed to Peacemaking reception honors activists and advocates. By Tim Peterson students by fellow board members Ryan The Connection McElveen (at-large) and Dalia Palchik ing with anti-bullying and giving respect. advocacy and service, as well as runs de- (Providence). Sabah Munshi, senior at Hayfield velopment programs in Guatemala, India, uraya Sadeed said hearing more Fairfax County Board of Supervisors vice Secondary School Liberia, Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia. than 20 stories of students promot- chairman and Mason District representative Munshi helped organize a project called Naomi Soquar, senior at Robert E. Sing peace in and out of their Penny Gross (D) read a letter of recogni- Walking for Water and raised both aware- Lee High School schools made her believe “there is tion from board chairman Sharon Bulova ness of the world’s water crisis and more Soquar helped found a chapter of the still hope for a brighter future.” that thanked the students for their commit- than $2,000 for the Tap Project by UNICEF. Amnesty International Club at Lee — she Sadeed is a native of Kabul, Afghanistan ment to peacemaking. She has also volunteered at Virginia Hospi- currently serves as its president. She led who made a new home in the United States All the students have come together, Gross tal Center in the renal unit. club members and volunteers in writing let- in 1982, fleeing the aftermath of the Soviet read from Bulova’s letter, “in one goal, Surabhi Khanal, senior at Herndon ters against human rights violations, which invasion. She founded the non-government strengthening peace and unity.” High School in one case contributed to two political pris- organization Help the Afghan Children and Del. Kenneth Plum (D-36) joined the Khanal has been a member of the oners in the Democratic Republic of Congo is author of “Forbidden Lessons in a Kabul other elected officials in congratulating the Herndon Leo Club and founded MedLove, being released.
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