I Am Leafy Speafingc I Am Leafy Speafing C (I Am Leafy) SPEE-Fihng

I Am Leafy Speafingc I Am Leafy Speafing C (I Am Leafy) SPEE-Fihng

I am leafy speafing C I Am Leafy Speafing C (I Am Leafy) SPEE-fihng) C (composition by Stephen Albert [STEE-vunn AL-burt]) I brasil C I-Brasîl C ee-bruh-ZEEL C (poem by Fiona Macleod [fihO-nah m’KL!WD]) I capuleti e i montecchi C I Capuleti e i Montecchi C ee kah-poo-LAY-tee ay ee mohn- TAYK-kee C (The Capulets [KA-p’yuh-luttss] and the Montagues [MAHN-tuh-gh’yooz]) C (an opera, with music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto by Felice Romani [fay-LEE-chay ro-MAH-nee]) I ching C I-Ching C YEEEE-JEENG C (a classic Chinese book) I crisantemi C I Crisantemi C ee kree-zahn-TAY-mee C (composition by Giacomo Puccini [JAH-ko-mo poo-CHEE-nee]) I el vell cavall C ee ell VAYL kah-VAHLY’ C (And the Old Horse) C (an excerpt from the suite Suburbis [soo-BÔÔR-biss] — Suburbs — by Federico Mompou [feh-theh-REE-ko mawm-POOO]) I gioielli della madonnaC I gioielli della Madonna C ee joeeAYL-lee dayl-lah mah-DOHN-nah C (an opera, with music by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari [ayr-MAHN-no VAWLF-fayr-RAH-ree]; libretto by Enrico Golisciani [ayn-REE-ko go-lee-SHAH-nee] and Carlo Zangarini [KAR-lo dzahn-gah-REE-nee]) I lombardi alla prima crociata C I Lombardi alla prima crociata C ee lohm-BAR-dee ahl-lah PREE-mah kro-CHAH-tah C (The Lombards on the First Crusade) C (an opera, with music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Temistocle Solera [tay-MEE-stoh- klay so-LAY-rah] after Tommaso Grossi [tohm-MAH-zo GROHSS-see]) C (the title is often given as the shortened I Lombardi) I marinai C I Marinai C ee mah-ree-NAH-ee C (The Mariners) C (excerpt from Les Soirées Musicales [leh swah-ray mü-zih-kahl] by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]) I masnadieri C I Masnadieri C ee mahss-nah-deeAY-ree C (The Bandits) C (an opera, with music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAY-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Andrea Maffei [ahn-DRAY-ah mahf-FAYEE] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur]) I musici C I Musici C ee MOO-zee-chee C (string chamber orchestra) C (also a composition by Antonio Vivaldi [ahn-TAW-neeo vee-VAHL-dee]) I penitenti al sepolchro del redentore C I penitenti al Sepolchro del Redentore C ee pay-nee- TAYN-tee ahl say-POHL-kro dayl ray-dayn-TOH-ray C (overture to the oratorio I Penitenti al Sepolchro del Redentore by Jan Dismas Zelenka [YAHN DYISS-mahss ZEH-lenn-kah]) I pescatori di perle C ee payss-kah-TOH-ree dee PAYR-lay C (The Pearl Fishers) C (an opera, with music by George Bizet [zhawrzh bee-zay]; libretto by Michel Carré [mee-shell kar- ray] and Eugène Cormon [ö-zhenn kawr-maw6]) I puritani C ee poo-ree-TAH-nee C (The Puritans) C (an opera, with music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto by Carlo Pepoli [KAR-lo pay-PO-lee]) I solisti veneti C I Solisti Veneti C ee so-LEE-stee vay-NAY-tee I und mei bua C I und mei Bua C ee ôônt m§ BOO-ah C (song by Carl Millöcker [KARL MILL-lö-kur] I vespri siciliani C ee VAY-spree see-chee-leeAH-nee C (The Sicilian Vespers) C (an opera, with music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Eugène Scribe [ö-zhenn skreeb] and Charles Duveyrier [sharl dü-vay-reeay]) C (French version of the opera known as Les vepres siciliennes [leh veh-pr’ see-see-leeenn]) I vidi in terra angelici costumi C ee VEE-deen TAYR-rahn-jay-LEE-chee ko-STOO-mee C (I Beheld on Earth Angelic Grace) C (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST]) I will not go to bed till i suld die C I Will Not Go to Bed Till I Suld Die C (I Will Not Go to Bed Till I) Sood (Die) C (anonymous early Scottish tune) C (suld = should) I zampognari don din don C I zampognari! ... Don, din, don! C ee dzahm-po-n’YAH-ree! ... DOHN, DEEN, DOHN! C (Bell Chorus from the opera Pagliacci [pah-leeAH-chee], libretto and music by Ruggiero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY-ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo]) Iam ver egelidos C EE-ahm vayr ay-JEH-lih-dohss C (excerpt from Sirmio, Tria Catulli Carmina [SEER-meeo TRIH-uh kuh-TOOL-lih KAR-mih-nuh], a cycle of autobiographical poems by Catullus [kuh-TOOL-lôôss] set to music by Carl Orff [KARL-AWRF]) Ian the proud C The Lament of Ian the Proud C (The Lament of) EE-unn (the Proud) Iannaccone C Anthony Iannaccone C ANN-thuh-nee eeANN-nahk-ko-nee C (known also as Anthony Joseph [JO-zuff] Iannaccone) Ibach C Johannes Adolf Ibach C yo-HAHN-nuss AHAH-dawlf EE-bahk Ibanez C Federico Sopeña Ibáñez C fay-thay-REE-ko so-PAY-n’yah ee-VAH-n’yehth C (known also as Federico Sopeña) Iberer C Silvia Iberer C ZILL-vihah EE-buh-rur Ibert C Jacques Ibert C zhack ee-behr C (known also as Jacques François Antoine Ibert [zhack frah6-swah ah6-twahn ee-behr]) Ich atmet einen linden duft C Ich atmet' einen linden Duft C ihh AHT-mutt ¦-nunn LINN- tunn DÔÔFT C (I Breathed a Tender Fragrant Scent) C (song by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Ich baue ganz auf deine starke C Ich baue ganz auf deine Stärke C ihh BAHÔÔ-uh GAHNTSS ahôôf D¦-nuh SHTEHR-kuh C (aria by Belmonte [bell-MAWN-tuh] from the musical play Die Entführung aus dem Serail [dee ennt-FÜ-rôông ahôôss daym zay-RAHIHL] — The Abduction From the Harem; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Johann Gottlieb Stephanie [YO-hahn GAWT-leep SHTEH-fah-nee] after Christoph Friedrich Bretzner [KRIH-stawf FREET-rihh BRETTSS-nur]) Ich bin der welt abhanden gekommen C Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen C ihh BINN dayr VELLT ahb-HAHN-tunn guh-KAWM-munn C (I have become lost to the world) C (poem by Friedrich Rückert [FREET-rihh RÜ-kert] set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Ich bin des herrn C Ich bin des Herrn C ihh binn dess HEHRN C (composition by Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger [YOHOH-zeff GAHP-reeayl R¦N-pehr-gur]) Ich bin die erste sangerin C Ich bin die erste Sängerin C ihh binn dee AYR-shtuh ZEHNG-uh- rinn C (trio from the opera Der Schauspieldirektor [dayr SHAHÔÔ-shpeel-tih-reck-tawr] — The Play Director; a one-act comedy, with music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF- gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Gottlieb Stephanie [GAWT-leep SHTEH- fah-nee]) Ich bin ein liedersanger C Ich bin ein Liedersänger C ihh bin §n LEE-dur-zehng-ur C (song by Erich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rick WÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rih VAWLF- gahng KAWRN-gawlt]) Ich bin geliebt C ihh binn guh-LEEPT C (I Am Loved) C (composition by Robert Schumann [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn]) Ich bin in mir vergnugt C Ich bin in mir Vergnügt C ihh binn inn MEER fehr-g’NÜKT C (I Am Content) C (cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS- tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Ich bin vergnugt in meinem leidenC Ich bin vergnügt in meinem Leiden C ihh binn fehr- g’NÜKT inn M¦-numm L¦-dunn C (I Am Contented in My Sorrow) C (aria from the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Ach Gott, Wie Manches Herzeleid [AHK GAWT, vee MAHN-huss HEHR- tsuh-l§t] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Ich bin vergnugt mit meinem glucke C Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke C ihh binn fehr- g’NÜKT mitt M¦-numm GLÜ-kuh C (I Am Contented With My Lot) C (cantata [kunn- TAH-tuh] by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Ich danke fraulein C Ich danke, Fräulein C ihh DAHNG-kuh, FROY-l§n C (duet from Act I of the opera Arabella [ah-rah-BELL-lah]; music by Richard Strauss [RIH-hart SHTRAHÔÔSS] and libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal [HOO-go fawn HAWF-mahn-stahl]) Ich denke dein C ihh DEHNG-kuh d§n C (I Think of You) C (poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [YO-hahn VAWLF-gahng fawn GÖ-tuh] set to music by Robert Schumann [ROHOH- bert SHOO-mahn]) Ich esse mit freuden mein weniges brot C Ich esse mit Freuden mein weniges Brot C ihh ESS- suh mitt FROY-dunn m§n VAY-nih-guss BROHT C (With joy I eat my scanty bread) C (aria from the cantata [kunn-TAH-tuh] Ich bin vergnügt mit meinem Glücke [ihh binn fehr- g’NÜKT mitt M¦-numm GLÜ-kuh] — I Am Content With My Lot — by Johann Sebastian Bach [YO-hahn {suh-BASS-tihunn BAHK} zay-BAH-stihahn BAHK]) Ich fuhls C Ach, ich fühl’s C AHK, ihh FÜLSS C (excerpt from the opera Die Zauberflöte [dee TSAHÔÔ-bur-flö-tuh] — The Magic Flute; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder [ay- MAHAH-nooayl SHEE-kah-nay-dur]) Ich fuhls es ist verschwunden C Ach, ich fühl’s, es ist verschwunden C AHK, ihh FÜLSS, ess isst fehr-SHVÔÔN-tunn C (Ah, I sense it has vanished) C (aria from the opera Die Zauberflöte [dee TSAHÔÔ-bur-flö-tuh] — The Magic Flute; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart] and libretto by Emanuel Schikaneder [ay- MAHAH-nooayl SHEE-kah-nay-dur]) Ich ging mit lust C Ich ging mit Lust C ihh GHIHNG mitt LÔÔST C (It was my delight to walk through the greenwood) C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess k’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Ich ging mit lust durch einen grunen waldC Ich ging mit Lust durch einen grünen Wald C ihh GHIHNG mitt LÔÔST dôôrh ¦-nunn GRÜ-nunn VAHLT C (It Was My Delight to Walk Through the Greenwood) C (poem from Des Knaben Wunderhorn [dess K’NAHAH-bunn VÔÔN-tur-hawrn] — The Youth’s Magic Horn — set to music by Gustav Mahler [GÔÔ-stahf MAHAH-lur]) Ich ging zu ihm C ihh GHIHNG tsoo eem C (aria from the opera Das Wunder der Heliane [dahss VÔÔN-tur dayr hay-lihAH-nuh]; music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold [{EH-rick WÔÔLF-gang KAWRN-gohld} AY-rihh VAWLF-gahng KAWRN-gawlt]; libretto by Hans Müller [HAHNSS MÜL-lur] after Hans Kaltneker [HAHNSS KAHLT-neh-kur]) Ich grolle nicht C ihh GRAW-luh nihht C (I’ll Not Complain) C (song by Charles Ives) C (poem by Heinrich Heine

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