pip? 9 •.-1HI ill ' '•'•& : •'••''•"<-' K ••> First M .:.V, .V •*•••> in JiiS'i—f - , . ' i^ I . , '.9 >' & K,,p Astrid* ivitie* ' • »1 1 d A mm All Tfci A*t m ':} Ife Ur** Jtoi IMI Shop* A«4 Of The T r \ •i igthW ITkAAOtf Home-ToWftftp^r 1 f 9' 1ML1S Ik* M • A rPi _— ' •—•- \l • r XXVI.—No. 10 .CARtSRBT.'/K I.,1 FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1947 HUCB THREE' aduation Carteret Families Help Needy Folks of Eanpe Begin* Campaign Held at With Money and Packages of Food and Clothing Legal Moves Awaite OARTKREf-^Many Carteret year and that rtin» Into money. gone. We put newsp»P*» Wd families are playing prominent It is a sacrifice too, because cardboard on our fett trylhi to Joseph parts In the maintenance of a the demand never ends., Pood it keep out the mow ant iato. lifeline across the Atlantic to the eaten quickly by hungry people' The only clothing we have it In Ouster of Goodel needy peoples of Europe and It and clothing lasts Just sp long, what we have on. We .Presented is one of the greatest charities Letters are reaching Carter** shirt or underwear to ,|niiiiis are of all time. families every day pleading for and our winter coatt art Jear* food and clothing. Many of th* old: We cant even get net** or The lifeline is a continuing letters go to the pastors of the twine, to patch up our dothee. Me Irfr.dlM flow of money, fodd and clotting, various Carteret churches. Tluwte There Is no food in the house Sift Tenure Questid | v. sent voluntarily and individually pastors have been bu«y too col- either." T to destitute perons in Hungary, lecting food and clothing and 1 Most Carteret talks mate up i I.HKT -Many parents at- Poland, Chechoslovakia, Italy have shipped and are »tW ship- their own packages which takes in rommencemeat exev*' Ore&e, Austria, Rumania, Bel- ping them across the Atlantic. several hours to prepare, the i i in- st. Joseph's Parochial Niemiec Explains His Stand Board in U ^ glum, franee and Holland, One Carteret pastor <sald: women do the 'shopping and the mutiny night, when dip- Hundreds of packages are be- "Some of the pleading letters packing and the men leave, the • rr presented to twenty* ing sent every week through the are heart breaking. Here is one packages at the post office. ,, ii ID t<vs. Several awards also In Controversey Over Goodell Decides Against • local /post office. Sending pack- letter from Hungary: Some Carteret .families send iiic. in the morning, the ages means sacrifices for many "We have beeta Without shoes food packages through various/ CARTBRBT-Walter Niemiec, that I should notify Mr. Ooodell communion In Carteret families. Most of them In the last winter, We had only food stores that make it a president of the Board of Educa- to the effect that there was a A New Contract Bend a dozen or more packages/ a ono pair and the soles are mostly specialty to ship food abroad, tion in a statement at the meetinit possibility that he would not be II,.V Casper Yost, pastor, of. thB board Wednesday night, able to obtain another appoint- ,i ihf. Rroup and presented claimed that Supervising Principal ment, so that he woula have every CARTERET — Legal: ,.lim,is with the Rev. Victor George S. Ooodell complained of opportunity of seeking a, position awaited as the next st«p In j 'I'i'-lsling, h Honored ALEX V. EVONITZ, JR. controversy between the ' m Escapes Death As Contract Awarded lack of cooperation between him •lsewhnre if he so desired. I did ,,,!io\viriK received scholastic and.the teachers. that only because I thought it was Education and Supervising I pal George S. GoodeU, ] 1M the eighth grade: Ricn- The fufl text of President Nlem- the fair thing to do rather than to Carteret's school system , ,n(iKMlmk, Joseph Sabol, His Auto Skids For Oil Burner • Evonitz Cets Set lec's statement follows: it until September, when It past four years. MH lurry, M&rlene Lozak, "I desire to make clear my por- might then be said by him that he Mr. Ooodell's term In the i fim,li, Mary Irving, nolores tion with respect to the matter of was taken unawares. H was then For Council Race on of the school board • sn-lia Matway and Huga Paslowsky Has Minor Hayrfuk Wins Job on the appointment of Mr Ooodell. that the papers carried the story June 30 and It Is unlikely I Since Mr. Goodeli will be in thethat the board was not going to Injuries As Car falls His Lowest Bid; Other court action will be Instttujp4§ "f.iilnwiiiR also received Carteret School system three years reappolnt Mr. Qoodell. In fairness G. O. P. Liululute h fore then. ,„. .iwanis: Seven* grade, Down Embankment Board Business in September of this year, It was to the members of the board, I ,,,, vmry O'Brien; sixth War Veteran; Served my thought to sound out bite mem- state that such a Statement was At a stormy Msslon of Uw I i mnnid D'Zurllla, and grade CARTERET — Michael Paslow- CARTERET—Stanley Hayduk of 1 bers of the board, or at least the never made and so far as the rec- on Monday, Mr. Ooodell «ii In Army, Air Force vised that lie would not ba ui)itra Kiin. sky, 24, 30 Fitch Street, miracu- I this borough was awarded the con- majority, for the purpose of de-ord here Indicates, there never has ployed by the board for the ,, to receive awards were lously escaped serious Injury Fri- tract for installation of an oil rmuilng their attitude in this been any vote to that effect. CARTERET- Alex Victor Evo- 1948 school year. The notto*. /;,,,l,.i'. Robert Csakl, Marie day night, when his car skidded burner at the Cleveland School on matter. I did so and it was my "What was done was done on nltp, Jr., Republican nominee for In the form of a 7 to 2 VOtn .'.in mid John Little, out of control ort the Dunham Hill his lowest bid of 13.350, at the •pinion, that for reasons which I my own initiative, because Republican councilman, has al- motion of Commissioner ,,i,v A tmnquet for the grad- section of Woodbridge Avenue in meeting of the Board of Bducatloh will hereafter set forth and others thought it was the right thing to ready begun his campaign for the Scally. chairman of the, \vi,.s held at 6:30 o'clock Raritan Township. Wednesday night. Bids wei'e re- there seemed to be a question as do. November election. committee. , ., limii hall sponsored by the Paslowsky told police his ma ceived at previous special meeting. whether or not he would be "I can only speak for mywli Mr. EvontU, a designing engi- Voting for the ouster' [Viicher Association. Tues- chine skidded while he was pass- Charles Yanvari was given two and I do not attempt to speak for neer, is employed by Synco Ma- eappointed. mlssloners Scally, Walter' piinic was given for the ing a truck on the hill. The ve- contracts, one for painting of Na- feeling, therefore, (Continued on Page 6> chine Corporation in Perth Amboy. "It was my Patrick Potocnlg, Andrew I'hildren at Echo Lake. hicle went out of control, snapped than Hale School auditorium on He is the former owner of the gartner, Stephen Pedlam, <3$ ...,inv the eighth grade grad- off a telephone pole and moved it his low bid of $850 and painting •V, : WashinKton Avenue Restaurant. Morris and Michael ShuteUo, I, !ht'ir annual outing to several feet; then it went through of gutters at the Columbus School A veteran of World War II, he negative votes were cast by i . iwii.N.Y. • a guard rail and stopped after for *150. served eighteen months in the U. Goodell Charges School Board mlssloners Frank Slekierk* , , kiiHinwulrn class held its plunging down a 20-foot embank- Applications for teaching posi- 8. Army Air Force. He received his John Ciko. n.m.iKTint-ut at St. Joseph's ment, tions were received from Mrs.Abra- medical discharge on November 17, The Ooodell case came IH •.',„, linn with 36 children grad- ham Durst, of this borough; Vin- The driven stepped from the 1944, Failed to Cooperate With Himthe board first in the fona '.II, n:i Rev. Yost presented vent 3. Sullivan, of Elisabeth; machine and received treatmen He attended Port Reading public CARTERET-r-Lack of coopera- session In the High School on letter from the Carteret Wo , ili|i!nil);is ROBERT R, BROWN Mrs. Josaphlne T.' Moody, of Mem- for a cut foot. He was taken to schools, Woodbridge High School lon between the. Board of Educa- Monday, June 9. should have been Club asking Information i \,-.r .l'liih iirade graduates are phis, Tenn.; Arthur GoldWeig of Middlesex General Hospital, New and Middlesex County Vocational tion and his administration was given to the supervising principal, report that the school head ,,,! Ln/ak, Joan Houlihan, Brooklyn and Joan Miller, of Perth Brunswick, in the Raritan En School. He is an active member charged-by Supervising Principal who is the chief executive officer asked to resign. The letter was or-' ,, i,i stimii, JanetOlnda,Ellis Amboy, ' Bine Company No. 1 ambulance of the Carteret Lions Club. George S. Oooddll in addressing employed to run the school system. dered filed. Then President: 'iHuieil. Anucla Stragepede, where he was treated for a head Brown Installed At the recommendation of Com- the, board at'Its meeting Wednes- This is all example of where the lee read a prepared statement.,) ,-ii,.
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