NOVEMBER 1960 HARD TO MATCH 60 CENTS Subscription Rate ONE YEAR S6.00 1 W hite t o move a nd w i n 2 S hIc k t o move a nd wi n T ltl~ Jlo ~ ltion wa s offered He r e again is a pOll llion ALWAYS BE ALERT! by JlO ~ tali le Homancnko from In which the OI)pOIlC tt l Is S eLtlng ti l) t he Ol)ening scien Uficltlly h; a ll l'e l'Y well. h l ~ ~OI ttt e s . T he s pice lies. lll l'eatcning to ma te on t he So is fa ult lessly bulld iug up of an altjlc k lng stn Wllll"e. ,\ nd we ~ lt l ' l , o S l· . in t he f:wt lImt move. A nd thel"e is no d l· so o n. But the 1I."\y-off is in the seeing of the o ne ri lle nhwk t h r ea te n~ to male . He rect mea ns of III'e l'e ntlng momen t In w hich to strike. T he following pos ition,; a re 1ll :I Y. therefore. have lao: ked White'» Queen move e ither. some examples In w hich to look fo r t he slll"ewd mo\'e. A 1Ii,I t e ;' ~ent l a l ale l ·lt1 e ~s fOl' T he Knig ht sacririce see ms g law'e may give t he answer. If not. look aga in. Sco re t he '·I·i1l,·,, 1 mo ment. l311 t to be of :10 heill. T ime rOt· e xcelle nt fOl" ten co ncct s olutions; goot! for eight ; fa il' W hite dltln·1. Do you :-;ce t he a lel"lne!:ls again. Can you fOI' six. poi nt ? I>I"Ov e W h Ite is 110t a lert? Solut ions on page 335, 3 W h it e t o move and wi n 4 alack t o m ove a nd w in 5 Wh Ite t o m ove and w in G Blac k to move and wi n T his Is another postal po· This is a nother Romanenko ThIs Is 11 0 t a postal posi· It eH ca ped our attentlon at sition from one who ask s posta l posit ion with a bit tlon . but it hus its point!;. fi rRt t hat Black has two th'lt he be Ile rm itled to re­ more involved poin t t han ill too. I,e,n 't' ('nOllg h pi(', ' t'~ Iy· l! ie O"t' ~ en prise. Did it c t<· main :lIlonrmous. T h is limc th'" 111'0 1' 10 11 11 one. :\"0 one is ing :II"OUlHt loo ~e. ,m,1 ~ O I1l t' · ,"lI le hi,.! 0 1' did \\'lli te >1 0 While is not t h rea te ned by unde r t hreat o f 1lI:lle ( m tles!! one Ii! ~ t ll "e to oH 'rlooli a eye t ho,;e pieces t ha t he ma te bu l h; It piece down - W h it e's Q ueen dese r ts t he $wl(t t r kk or two. I UxQ i>l failed to fo re s ee 8 lncli 's In· for /!ood com lle ll satio n a s Ili nned K night. w h ich Is ruN H<\equ:1te ly here br 1 .. j::e u lolill l11e thod of win ning rOil 11 hll I'e to prove . Do \\"o l·tll bear lll g In m ind). Can HxQ utili eno ugh Pa w ns I,er· In i< llltc of such odd ~ ? T he roa i)C rcelve the rOl'm of Black get back Illle res t 011 hll. !l ~ to e m; l1!'e a drill\". Cun all'l·t 111 00'e retlays here !l ll r e all' rlneMs t hat wins here ? h i~ 1>UlI" n down? W hite II"ln m ore definitely ? ilgaln. S pot it ? 7 W hi t e t o move and wi n 8 Blac k t o m ove and w in 9 W hit e to move a nd win 10 BI OI c k t o move and win Thill Ilosltlon Is an in tet·· Aboll t a ll one ('an 11'1>" for T he power of Knight \" e r >l U!\ \\" ell. we'I'e lectured far ,, ~ till !,: ta ng le. Black is a bit Ul aek hO I'e is that he 1:< a l· BIs hop Ie ofte n argued. Here too muc h on ale rtneSlI by nam pel!. nnd thnt's to be might )" ro t·tunate t hat It Is t he argumen t la cks {uim e»! now (01' ha\'e we?), SO Wl' the poin t, of COIIt'se ; bu t is his Q Ueen and not W h ite's in that the K night is m il ch wo n't me11lion tha t rig ht it clear w hat W hite ca n do tha t Is o n that long dia go· lltOl"e ud vantage oltsly l)illced, he re is a most fOl"Ce ful ex· to pro fi t by lbe s itua tion ? l1 a l beH r lng on Black's K :\" 2. But l hen thaCs t he IJoln t ~mlj1le of how a lertne !S !S ,-,:I tt If it is . more power to you : T ha t's a ll , for fi rs t view. nbolt t Knigln s, t hey nre so II"l n. \\'hile 's Iliece s are a H it is n·t . the re's a lw!l Ys t he In/(. tl1M Is . O n fn rth"r. I)OIl'I>rrul in fron t a nd ('enter bit HtI"CW Il about. trne: bm an,, '\" 'I' wailing 0 11 lilt, ,l{' s · ~' O lt ":111 I'm)" Ih:1I 1l I," '1; h~ s ~ :t Il, 1 off .. r SII .-l i ,·h'" I""" iH It ,.· d , ' :O ol ~ T h " t ' ~ I'm' .\"fll l igll:t l... tI l':lgo. :t Wi ll , by o ll e " le ft 11101'(, . r,w a lt 'rtlll1 ~s! Sflfl t. h " \\"ill ~ I() .~ : I y . HARD TO MATCH AU. S. TEAM? CHESS When Samuel Reshevsky won the inter· There seems to be almost a monopolr national tournament in Buenos Aires, he on chess by the communist countries. Ad· caused \'i/. Hcidenfeld to write in the mittedly, they have some of the strongest REVIEW South A/rican Chesspla.yer. "Reshevsky 'H' ",e",., CHISS MAO"JlN' teams. and the .!' trongest of all in the Volume 28 Number 11 November, 1960 has scored a tremendous triumph and has USSR. But, when one event after an· proved beyond doubt that he is still the other, recently the Students Team Tour· EDITED &. PUBLISHED BY I. A. Horowitz no. 1 player in the U.S.A." He went on, nament and now the Inlernational Team later, "It may even surprise students of Tournament (or "Olympiade" ), takes TABLE OF CONTENTS form to learn that of all the great masters place behind the Iron Curtain, there are active in the fift ies - from 1951 to 1960 hardships imposed here. FEATURES After the World Chess TiUe Match 328 - Reshevsky has by far the most con· The <organizations which II sually raise Game of the Month .............. 330 sistent international record: 1st at New funds for 11 US Team were cooled off ·by a White to Move . 344 York 1951; joint first with Najdorf at report that the government, not recogniz· Havana 1952; joint secund with Bronstein ing East Gt'rmany where the team tourna· DEPARTMENTS and Keres at Zurich 1953; joint first wilh ment is tu be, was opposed to an American Chess Club Directory . .... ........ 336 Gligorich at Dallas 1957; first at Tel team going there. And, for that matter, a Chess Vignettes . ..... ... ......... 327 Event of the Month ... ..... ..... 322 Aviv 1958 and now juint first with Koreh. good many in American chess circles dis­ Finishing Touch ..... ...... .. ..... 334 noj [Buenos Aires, 1960]." liked the idea, 100. It is to he noted that Games from Recent Events ...... .. 337 NIr. Heidenfcld was taken up properly Pal Benko, who would be a strong factor Past Masterpieces ................. 343 by his editor who jJointed ont that Fischer on an American team, could not risk his Postal Che ss .... .. ... ..... .... 348 won. the US championship three times person behind the Iron Curtain since he Problemart ....................... 329 runnIng and each lime ahead of Reshev· escaped from the communist domination Solitaire Chess ......... .. .. ..... 322 sky. of Hungary. Nor could others feel totally Spotlight on Openings ... .. ... 332 It is interesting, however, to observe unapprehensivc without the diplomalic Tournament Calendar ... ....... 326 an appraisal of Heshevsky's deeds. And protection of the U. S. government. World of Chess ....... ... .. ...... 323 it is even more creditable to Reshevsky So, for long, the project of sending a to enumerate his match victories. US team was considered written off. EDITOR Samuel Reshevsky has added Pal Benko Ultimately, but after time for well I A. Horowitz to his long list of victims in set matches. worked out ·action was no longer possible, EXECUTIVE EDITOR Jack Straley Battell Sammy does not alwa\"s win his matches the issue cleared somewhat. A statement CONTRIBUTING EDITORS by wide margins - sometimes, in fact, by from the White House to the effect that A.
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