I - MANCHESTER HERALD. Monday. Oct. 14, IM5 *- KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE Lprry Wrigh* MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Real Estate gi]S?Mu Rain, then clearing; BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY r Route 6 documents Cheney house tour X-country squads I HOMES said to be public is a great success have plenty to do sunny on Wednesday FOR SALE MNLOHIB/ SERVICES 1^ SERVICE |^BUIL0M D/_ ... page 15 ... page 2 Vernon — Clean 4 bed­ OFFERED ISalcONTRACTINO CONTRACTWS ... page 3 ... page 11 All real estate advertised room Colonial with city OFFERBI l 2 l | r ------------------- In the Manchester Herald utilities, refInIshed Inte­ All types remodeling or Farrond Remodeling. — Is sublect to the federal rior. New driveway, 24 Odd lobs. Trucking. Leaves, Leaves, More repairs —- Complete kit­ Cabinets, roofing, gut­ Fair Housing Act of 1968, foot swimming pool, Homo repairs. You name Leaves. Schedule your chens, baths, garages, od- ters, room additions, which mokes It Illegal to photo dark room In base­ It, we do It. Free esti­ WHY PUT leaf clean up now. Also dltlons, dormers, decks, oil types ot remo­ advertise any preference, ment, garage, large lands­ mates. Insured. 643-8304. THEM giving snow removal esti­ porches, decks. No lOb deling and repairs. FREE limitation or discrimina­ caped yard. Mr. Swain, mates. Call Partners Resi­ too large or small. Call estimates. Fully Insured Ler^JE-AT tion based on race, color, Belflore Agency, 447-1413. Hawkes Tree Service — dential Services, 6444)415. Larry> 649-3985. Telephone 643-6017, after T h e m Now. religion, sex or national Bucket Truck 8, Chipper. 6pm, 6474509. origin, or an Intention to Manchester — 7 room Stump Removal. Free Es­ Classified ads serve the make any such prefer­ timates. Special consider­ people today ... lust os Robert E. Jarvis, Immaculate Ranch. First Building-Remodeling Leon Clesxynskl Builder ence, limitation or dis­ ation for Elderly and Han- they have since our coun­ M n m h t B k v H f r a l J i floor family room. Nke Specialist. Additions, gar­ — New homes, additions, crimination. The Herald residential neighborhood. dlcapfied. 647-7553. try's beginning. Read and ages, roofing, siding, kit­ remodeling, rec rooms, will not knowingly accept Full basement, fireploce. use them regularly. chens, bathrooms, re- garages, kitchens remo­ a . a . a . ' TlJASdaV.Tuesday, OCt. Oct. 15. 1985 — Single copy: 25« any advertisement which $92,900. Hayes Corpora­ Delivering rich loam — 5 deled, ceilings, bath tile, Manchester. Conn. — A City of Village Charm Is In violation of the law. yards, $65 plus tax. Sand, plocement tion, 6464)131. IR9JPAINTIN6/ windows/doors. 6436712. dormers, roofing. Rest lOH grovel, 8< stone. 643-9504. La^PAPERINO dentlal or commercial. Manchester — Porter M ore fo r the Dollar — Is Carpentry and remodel­ 649-4291. Street area — Immacu­ what you w ill find In this 8 Trees Down From Storm ing services — Complete late 4 bedroom, 3'/i bath, room Colonial with 2 — Free estimates for Nome your own price — ®iiB5byMEA colonial cape with 2 car baths, large kitchen, first wood and brush. Call Father and son. Post, home repolrs and remo­ garage. Large fireplaced floor family room, 4 bed­ 649-7757, 742-5947. dependable service. deling. Quality work. Ref­ Pointing, Paperhanging erences, licensed and In­ I^HEATINB/ Directors critical of proposed town plan living room, formal din­ rooms, full attic, on child Light Housekeeping and 8i Removal. Coll 646-5761. sured. Call 6464165. l O O l f CELEBRITY CIPHER ing room, rear deck and safe cul de sac, clase ta PLUMBING Celebrity Opber cryptOQremB are created from quotaUont byim m ov priced at only $159,900. everything. Ideal for Ironing. 649-7693. and the Case Mountain area would Dumas Electric— Having people, peat artd preeent. Each letter In the cipher ttanda for has no say when it comes to town Planning Director Mark decision on the plan until 1986. Zinsser Agency, 646-1511. growing fam ily. $84,900. Painting and Poperhang- a n o th e r. Todty’$ cAre. Z 9qust» K By John F. Kirch become an environmental conser­ Electrical Problems? Fogarty Brothers — Ba­ planning and zoning. All I can hope Pellegrini. William J. Diana, the Republi­ Century 21 Jackston- WANT ADS ore worth Ing — Exterior and Inte­ Herald Reporter • Dispute may en­ vation area that would allow only rior, ceilings repolred. Need A large or a small throom remodeling; In' by CONNIE WIENER for is (that) what I say will hold Fogarty, Ferguson and several can minority leader, agreed with South Windsor — 6Vt Showcase, 646-1316. looking Into whan you're stallotlon woter heaters, one house every two acres. References, fully Insured. Repair? We Specialize In Some members of the Manches­ some weight with the Planning and danger sewer plant other members of the Board of Penny about the medium-density Room Ranch, 3 bed­ looking for a place to garbage disposals; faucet ••VC V OWPU'J ABBU WU The plan would be used as a Quality work. Mortin Residential Work. Joseph ter Board of Directors aren't Zoning Commission." Directors said in interviews Mon­ housing plans for southern Man­ rooms, spacious lower Enclosed Sunporch — Al­ llye...whether It's a home, repairs. 649-4539. Vlsa/M - bonding guide when the PZC was faced with leyel family room, wall to lows for evening relaxa­ on apartment or a mobile Mottsson, evenings, 649- Dumas. Fully Licensed. impressed with the town's pro­ The PZC has the authority to day that they probably would chester. He said denser develop­ Free Estimates. 646-5253. osterCard accepted. WRJLE, V HLFMP OWXB decisions on zone changes or wall carpeting. Lot with a tion and watch the world home. 4431. posed Comprehensive Plan of adopt or reject the proposed plan of • EDO postpones attend the hearing to listen to ment would increase the need for special exceptions. view, very nice condition go by. House has 4 bed- Development and say they are development, which would be used comments both for and against the services such as schools and sewer BWJBU WUP PEFUT DZKBMC action on proposed Currently, the land south of 1-384 throughout. Asking raoms, 2 full baths, det­ paying close attention to a prop­ as a policy guide for land-use plan. But most said they were not and water lines, something he's not and west of Main Street, where $924)00. U 8. R Realty, ached garage, oak floor­ erty owners' group's opposition to decisions in town for at least the plan happy with the proposed higher-^ sure the tax base would be able to 643-2692. ing and new wall to wall, JL PBWJO MLUN WNL." — most members of the property adopting it. next 10 years. The commission will density zones called for in the plan. support. large living room and owners' group live, is zo n ^ almost " I f I had a vote on the issue, I hold a public hearing on the Democratic Majority Leader At First Glance — You'll kitchen, basement, rec ROOMS I STORE AND MISCELLANEOUS — stories on page 3 entirely Rural Residence and HOMES I ELNBE DLLEB. would vote against it," Demo­ proposed plan at 7 p.m. Wednesday Stephen T. Penny said that he IF THE P LAN were adopted, the love this 8 room rambling raom, well Insulated, FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE FOR SALE in the auditorium at Waddell didn't like the medium-density area of southern Manchester near Residence AA. Although there is Cape Circa 1771. Small many extras thru-out, FOR SALE PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Habit Is habit, and not to be cratic Director James F. Fogarty I School, 163 Broad Street. proposal made for the southwest Interstate 384 would be designated some land designated for business farm on a acre lat. (lung out ol the window .. but coaxed downstairs a step said Monday. "But I don't have a 2'/2 aluminum sided, has Office Space — Excellent Large Dog House — uses and high-density housing "We Guarantee Our Extra Nice. Large. Male. at a time." — Mark Twain. vote, so I don't know what I can do. PZC Chairman Alfred Sieffert est Manchester Property Owners' section of Manchester, which for high- to medium-density resi­ charm of days past. Custom Built Brick & location with ample park­ Brond new. Never been regulations allow allow between Houses." Blanchard 8, $87,500. Century 21 Near buses. Cooking. I can do as much as the average changed the location today. He Association has announced plans would allow up to six housing units dential use. Some land would be Cedar Ranch — Luxur­ Parking. $55. 649-0102. ing. 600, 400 8, 300 sq. ft. used. $70 o r best offer. one and two houses per acre in Rossetto Real Estate, 646- Jackston-Showcase, 646- person." also announced that an additional to have numerous speakers testify per acre in most cases. Penny said designated for low density hous­ ious appointments office suites ore now Call 646-5160 after 6pm.n against the plan at the hearing the PZC should take its time and ing, business and industrial use. most cases. Residents have said 2482. 1316. abound In this 3,000 sq. ft. " I am not for the overall plan of hearing, which has not yet been available. 649-2891. because it calls for higher-density study the plan before taking a vote High-density land south of the this keeps the desirable rural home set on a quiet, treed, {APARTMENTS King Size Sealv Mattress developmenL” said Director Tho­ scheduled, will be held on the plan. Just Listed — 4 Family Starting Out— Why Rent? hillside, 2 qcre lot with Manchester — Office or and box spring with com­ r n CARS/TRUCKS mas H.
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