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THI RI> SERIES a PUBLICATIONS SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY THIRD SERIES VOLUME XXIII CALENDAR OF SCOTTISH SUPPLICATIONS TO ROME 1418-1422 1934 CALENDAR OF SCOTTISH SUPPLICATIONS TO ROME 1418-1422 Edited by Rev. and Hon. E. R. LINDSAY, M.A. AND A. I. CAMERON, M.A., Ph.D., D.Litt. DIPLOMAS OP THE VATICAN IN PALEOGRAPHY EDINBURGH Printed at the University Press by T. and A. Constable Ltd. for the Scottish History Society 1934 Printed in Great Britain PREFACE There can be few great collections of historical documents remaining in the world which have not already been sifted by historians. But, as this work shows once more, the Archives of the Vatican, representing the care and activity of the Papacy during centuries of European development, still prove to be an unexhausted storehouse of historical material. And the liberality of the recent Pontiffs, especially of His Holiness Pope: Pius xi., in opening the Vatican Archives to the^J^dents^of' the world, has made it possible to collect a™t publish this interesting contri- bution to the history oil^gotland. I should explain thaW-the, calendaring was begun in collaboration, but that my part in the later stages of the work has been confined to a few footnotes and the pre- paration of the printed text. Miss Cameron has written the Introduction and made the Index. It was chiefly she who deciphered the original registers and translated each unpunctuated supplication into the good flowing (if sometimes complicated) English presented to us, impressing her co-editor as much by the rapidity of her work as by her knowledge of the mediaeval Chancery ; and the reader will not be slow to recognise that the Calendar could not have been produced without such archivistical experience as Miss Cameron possesses. We desire to express our deep sense of gratitude to Monsignor Angelo Mercati, Prefect of the Vatican Archives, and to his Staff, for the courtesy accorded to us in the facilities of collaboration and for the privileges granted to vi PREFACE Miss Cameron for making the most of a short holiday visit to Rome to complete the Calendar. We also owe our thanks to Mr. William Angus, Curator of Historical Records, H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh, and to Mr. H. M. Paton, his colleague, for the privileges of the Historical Department, as also to Dr. H. W. Meikle, Librarian of the National Library of Scotland, for advice and assistance given in various ways while the work was in progress. To the Benedictines of Prinknash, and especially to the Rev. Dom Gregory James, O.S.B., we are grateful for information concerning the liturgical interest of some of the supplications ; and we likewise thank the Rev. William E. Brown, D.D., Professor W. J. Watson, and the Rev. D. E. Easson, Ph.D., for their help in contributing explanatory notes on questions arising out of the text. And finally, we must gratefully acknowledge the invariable assistance we have received from Mr. E. W. M. Balfour-Melville, who, in addition to his duties as General Editor of the Society’s Publications, has placed his special knowledge of the period at our disposal. E. R. LINDSAY. October, 1934. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TABLE OF CONTRACTIONS .... TABLE OF REFERENDARIES CALENDAR OF SUPPLICATIONS RELATING SCOTLAND INDEX . Transcript of Facsimile. JuniiInceptum xvi Quintemus viij libri decimi de vacantibus per fiat anno secundo Pater1 beatissime Cum vestrum humile Monasterium Cal- koniense ordinis sancti Benedict! Sanctiandree diocesis ecclesie Romane immediate subiectum sic in Confinibus Regni Scocie s[anctiandree.] versus Angleam2 videlicet et propterea insultus guerrarum ibidem prochdolor inter ipsa duo Regna vigentium sepe contingat aliqua loca sacra dicti Monasterii et sibi subdita per sanguinis effusionem polluj interdici uel suspendi que de leui reconsiliarij non possunt propter distanciam loci Episcopi crebraque pericula marium inter sedem episcopalem et Monasterium ipsum consis- tentia vnde plurima dampna atque scandala possint exorirj propter etiam similes causas ac graves expensas dicti Monasterij interdum Religiosi et subditj ipsius ad ordines dum opus esset promouerj nequeunt Calices etiam et Altaria ornamenta et vestimenta dicti Monasterii et ecclesiarum sibi subditarum benedici retardantur propter que sepissime diuinus cultus tam honeste prout deceret nequit etiam exercerj Supplicant igitur sanctitati vestre deuoti oratores vestri Willelmus Abbas et Conuentus dicti Monasterii quatenus cultus diuinj reverenciamque sancte Romane ecclesie Concessio. cuj dictum Monasterium immediate subiectum existit ut prefertur dicto Willelmo suisque successoribus dicti Monasterij Abbatibus Monasterium ipsum omniaque et singula loca sacra ecclesias et Cimiteria dicto Monasterio vnita et ab eo dependencia que per sanguinis uel seminis efFusionem aut excommunicatorum in- humacionem polluj interdicj uel suspendi contigerit pro tempore per seipsum reconsiliarj Religiososque dicti Monasterij Necnon seruitores et subditos ad omnes minores ordines promouere necnon calices Altaria ornamenta et vestimenta dicti Monasterii et ecclesiarum sibi subditarum benedicere licite ac libere possit et ualeat dignemini misericorditer concedere facultatem de gracia speciali Constitutionibus apostolicis necnon statutis dicti ordinis ac synodalibus et prouincialibus ceterisque contrariis non obstan- tibus quibuscunque cum clausulis oportunis. fiat ut petitur O. datum florencie Pridie Jdus Junij Anno Secundo. 1 The large initial letter is designed to give prominence to the begin- ning of a new quinternus. It is the eighth quinternus of the tenth volume of the second year of Martin v., and is designated de vacantibus (vacant benefices). The marginal note states that it was begun on 16 June. 2 The correction mark above e denotes error ; rectius Angliam. It will be noticed that the latinity of the whole supplication is poor. Facsimile (reduced) of Register of Supplications, vol. 127, f. 101. Calendared, p. 73. 1 8< vitcxv) p Oiu) <Cy^ 1 XT' Be*?”a,$n^ *G<n} v. lXn<t\ -nj -ifiSDSWanon*p*rrud ©SUn&^; OAvcctywp tr-'-m n <Cmf»v^?.. 4 0Rcg-»j 6>. a. .-- ftyx! caMO^Tlf- fi>c«£>cA /Xr 3 I»T} ccrcc lie.|M». p*e&*A ytr-jxrr- fanflwi um^K>v.^»)cfAjla^eyr, y>o{f~j /rttT-ft.pi-0»pi »>pfp»fpp>^'»icf CifyJOViSi <tv»*cyi»« 6?»vi vc<-l»i/vvcO”fr■«-&a.-| i'*1 «m>tj jrvrfti?* ■ C*** Ctjp crubrrtcy jty\<*.(U **t*r(ZZ -*wx'»- llikyy ±imM6*p•rr, tc-Tjfyy cnr^f&}’-y?n&l-j>t»n*k <vct^ |hvv.9^fi»/ ! 0 *A« C« Icpraoipia 9fi)«>Onrtp».v>jII""'^ 'F ™ 1jf>/weo-Si^tyf' ** l*x<I 'KB^oIIi. 1~~ "V ,j,v^<b & o&wl* 9»»r) ajyMi ■vt&i*4»mr~jG*'' daa& enMKp et-OVf*«tvUl otr va^t-K^iwnx SOapar, «-pfl* 6r9m> witivStMvtm-^JKT- pyv^p«AC $Wr»vw6 cwi^ tyntp*! it- Swvrtft- «iu>^ t^rotT-|< Q^^CkSi? vgvruv- o »- 8a«m ^-.wovtK) w) rw^fco 7\8A*-0 <SE&? cw, cr,o»*lk~yov^)S.wHy IW^ jlilvcrtw^; tjovjl.- p-pp fl^afjir^a rJf- ^ge« Jj «>$ ^ p-^5 c«- p^ e&gaa 4T <Gi*'^«rtA 9v<« u^y^iOvru) 'Wkc^ (jtrui’iW 9cj>cn$CY%c^\ Y* fir p»^“« ^ p-**4''® *ffU(W pLcfc*, .wn»&Pl U«fp«f :x9' a«<* *r*e- ptya J>^ (iy*y rrxvnf - e^, <Y»>%m>P05 S*0 r <Y7co,»ppMKOrta3 ( o<^ |W9vrac AS Am^Odc-<i ^prfoxS-^8 crtfi«a a8o~a &CXM.84 axo&tllrci£r*+4X&<** our R~o8Ae«vMjf. , avtnpp cmwwtte^*, otjyG? o*«5 cH<J optfrtS^ pM-^p«uw- O' fya^jCafp ©towSu Transcript of Facsimile [Conclusion of a supplication concerning the monastery of sine diocese. St. Laurence en Brunois of no diocese (sine diocese), but referring to benefices in the Cathedral Church of Macon in France.] Pro Celestino Verum pater sancte quia per Inaduertenciam siue errorem H. prot. superMacgillamicheyl vicaria supplicationis expressum fuit In Supplicatione cuius copia ecclesieparrochalis sancti premittitur quod dicta vicaria vacauit per mortem Cristinij edder dalloch predicti cum re vera vacauisset per obitum laurencij mac- Ergadiensis comdyn quondam eiusdem ecclesie perpetui vicarij cum super huiusmodi gratia litere Apostolice sint confecte Efrgadiensis.] Dignetur sanctitas vestra ne id Celestinus huiusmodi gratie frustretur effectum committere et mandare huiusmodi mandatio. literas gracie de mandate in Cancellaria vestra corrigi ac ubique expediri cum expressione quod dicta vicaria per obitum predicti Laurencij non Cfistinj vacauit ac gratis de mandate cum pro eisdem Uteris in omnibus offieijs vestre sanctitatis prius plenaria solucio facta erat et sub prima data contrarijs non obstantibus quibuscumque fiat O datum florencie quarto Non Julij Anno Tercio. Reformatio. [Reformatio of a supplication for dispensation for defect of birth of petitioners in Savona2 diocese.] fo. xx ultima Julijfinitum fo. xx. v Julij 1 This is a summary of the contents of the original supplica- tion2 of which a copy was produced. This marks the end of the quinternus. A discrepancy will be observed between the two notes of the day of finishing, unless v is for ultima. The general aspect of the page shows a tendency to crushing at the end of a quinternus in order to conform to the page limit. See p. xiii. Register of Supplications, vol. 144, y. 200t,5 Calendared, p. 214. J**ir<r**^ 4+1 C\-\n+xr\* sr**. vv^tm) talk ^ ^3c#»<0 Cxcyvoti C^£*+ -jr****)'^ ^rf***^ 'x?' PCwf ^ QW J^**< sy+v*U* r*+o%o At n*uji4 \yy+^* oov*<^ T oi»rt ^-^r* ^a»? Quj~*^\> ■ el /^r>v ^**vt' **?/«& cC U 'jJonW cxrU< t*2*4*Jli>£xy $0*£tlSi*r c^*U6 trCfx^tl Ct ‘fu**f fyrt^ sTr CJ&yJphrS (iBnf tpr* Qlo*-^ />%«* oQpGyi^f rtie, D|>oa4»»»M6 i ^t4t C?oxJ^Ue -*t'M&** o ) ^^tzVTU&CTYyiyO 0^*C ^^rtxO J> j& <yUA fjp ^-hSuUx.^ *%yy£ j*p<~4r * rNo<xm4ur Jjprn+OTfv' Cvt^-j tO««\^J <e*€M***JJh~ SLZf^f^ ^atrtrt^rm c*‘f3 J®6*'44 ^nvus^ f~r ^**^1 y^) fo a^£« r»« ^ s ^pw-T rc^vTtt? ^ >»^4? &»+> yntf Sk o£&i*v "t> €<»"*<&*£) (\^) t-cwuj\ <%*-\Bup orp-^Ot^ ^ 1^\t4n^/^ cQi^^&th LttZZrj Cvjk-J CmcmmV ^r-^g^r ^ >^Sr«»v rw ^Hv Cirf vC\4 t>*^)C> ojKfUfi CV e- <£%** PC- P -« ^ f-g P< ^ L' ^ IcJ; ikf o o^c cjWo ' 4 ffr fr^^p fP A fr-c A r-wtx, ^ - Lr?i^^,, ^k, Gi^ftif'fa-,, .
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