~\YW!O: Of. MWAI..UBAAWY - ariana·s ~riety;;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ ~ Cing orders Senate Sergeant-at-arms: ' er' By Zaldy Dandan Palmer said he will only testify Where is Oscar C. Rasa? Variety News Staff once served a proper subpoena. Palmer and the commissioi:i 's THE TINIAN casino gaming But according to Cing yester­ chair, Jose P. Mafnas, are consid­ commission yesterday asked ex­ day, Palmer has "no excuses." ered the "key" to the whereabouts ecutive director Paul Palmer to "Even if the subpoena was de­ of commission consultant, Oscar submit in the next seven days all fective--it isn 't--ifhe really wants C. Rasa. documents that will aid the ongo­ to cooperate he should have ap­ Monday's hearing revealed that 11 ing Senate investigation, or face peared to clear things up," Cing the former House speaker, con­ ouster. said. victed of corruption-related Acting commission chair An­ "It's already clear what the hear­ charges in 1987, "receive~l'' over l tonio S. Borja, in an interview, ings are for, and everyone knows $600,000 from the commission, said Palmer was also summoned what we 're trying to accomplish." Continued on page 20 to appear before the commission David M. Ging Paul Palmer yesterday evening. Borja said the decision was alleged irregularities in the be held next month. Miller clarifies: No federal taken during the commission's commission's operations and fi­ Served a subpoena for meeting yesterday morning, nances said the Senate sergeant­ Monday's Senate oversight hear­ takeover without hearing which was also attended by com­ at-arms was already given an or­ ing on Tinian, Palmer did not By Zaldy Dandan missioners Martin DLG. San der to arrest Palmer. show up. Variety News Staff Nicolas, Jose P. San Nicolas, "We have to arrest him," Sen. In an interview with the Vari­ UNITED States Congressman Vicente M. Manglona and deputy David M. Cing (D-Tinian) said ety Monday, Palmer said "the executive director Esther H. Barr. yesterday. subpoena was grossly defective." George Miller CD-California), Arrest order out "And if the law allows, we He added, "I was told by my the CNMI's foremost House Meanwhile, the chair of the should put him in jail until the lawyer that I would be violating critic, said no "federal takeover" Sen\lte committee looking into the next hearing," which is likely to my rights ifl go ahead and testify. legislation should be passed without hearing from the Commonwealth's residents. In a letter to House Speaker Taylor decries suit/a~ 'haias_sment' Diego T. Benavente (R-Saipan), Miller said his record "reflects By Ferdie de la Torre the complaint publicly tarnish George Miller Variety News Staff the. Taylors' goocLreputation my strong _belief in open dia­ CHIEF Justice MartyW. K. Tay­ "before the truth-determining logue." CNMI's immigration and wage • ~ .• i, lor said the drafting of a com­ func'tioil of a trial can vindi- He said he has twice requested policies. plaint against him and his wife cate them." .. the chairof the U.S. House Com­ "Unfortunately, Chairman · Celina, is an abuse of t~e judicial Taylor was sued by his mittee on Resources, Congress­ Young has so far refused to dedi­ processes as it reads more like a mother-in-law Amalia De man Don Young (R-Alaska), to cate any time to the important "press release." Leon Guerrero Diaz who is hold hearings on Miller's fed­ issues of the CNMI," he said. Taylor and wife, through coun­ accusing him of deceiving her eral takeover bill, H.R. 1450, Miller is the ranking Demo­ sel Rexford C. Kosack, said the into signing false land docu­ and the Clinton administration's crat in the committee. ---- complaint contained statements ments, "theft of electricity," highly-critical report OT) the _'Continued on page 17 that serve no purpose other than and breaching Chamorro cus­ to harass them. toms and tradition. Kosack said the statements. in Continued _on page 17 By Rick Alberto firm was aware of CRM's posi­ Variety News Staff tion on the issue. THE AQUARIUS Beach Tower The CRM had written Aquarius Condominium has announced its part-owner Kenneth Y. Jones that conversion as an all-suite hotel the conversion was not allowed and its ooening this coming Nov. unc.lerthe conc.lominium 's permit. ...... -·1 2-MARIANAS V 6gIETY_NEWS AND VIEW=S-::..'.W~E~D~N_..E:"':S~D'..'..A'-'Y~-~S~E!....PT~E::.:M~B~E~R~l7._,_, 2_:19'..:'.9_._7 _____________________________ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1997-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Villanueva claims innocence: i i'·· ,' .. , ;I'.. N. Korea fallline 'severe' i'" ! By Robert H. Reid 'tenting" caskets for use during fu­ ; I NEW YORK (AP)-N01th Kore­ Reliefgroup reports bodies in streets. coffins reused neral rites and then bmyingthe lxxlies J. ans are 1ep01ting bodies lying in vil­ p01tions,"Andrew Natsios, vice presi­ Japan, South Korea and China, to set in the country. without coffins. ,·:( aside political concerns and step up Natsios said two North Korean Natsios spent five days in N01th ·tness' lage stn:et~ and coffins being 1eused dent of World Vision, told 1eporters. to keep up with demand in a famine Natsios, who duiing the Bush ad­ aid to save "poor people who have no teen-agers who crossed the border Korea inJune and said World Vision tliatmayal1eadyhavekilled I million minisu-ation led the U.S. disaster as­ political power." into China reported a truck "going based its estimates in part on inter­ By Ferdie de la Torre the couch for a ride around the bite mark caused by Mendiola's make love." people or mo1e. a Christian relief sistance office, said famine deaths are "Having them die to prove some around every morning picking the views with about 400 Koreans living Variety News Staff island. daughter who struggled with Mendiola's husband Donald group said Monday. expected to rise steadily until No­ political point makes no sense at all," lxxlies up of people who had died the in China near the border with North "GOD is my witness" said Anto­ Villanueva said they ended up Villanueva at the Mendiola 's also testified, saying he was play­ ··rt is imperative tliat our govern­ vember, when shipments from the Natsios said. night before who had no relatives left Korea nio P. Villanueva as he testified at Paupau Beach where they Koblerville residence. ing poker in the evening of Jan. ment, as well as nations throughout latest hmvest begin to reach urbaJJ HealsourgedNorthKorea'sCom­ to pick them up." Based on the inte1views, Natsios in court yesterday denying any stayed until sunrise. Agnes also testified co1rnbo­ 19 until morning when his brother. the world. stop p1etending this so­ areas. munist government to relax its re­ NatsiossaidWorldVisionreceived estimated that famine has wiped out 'involvement in the killing of The defendaJJt told the ju1y that rating Villanueva 's statements told him that a family member . called· fcxxl sho1tage' is anything but He urged the United States and suictions on WorldVision and other a copy of a letter from a North Korean about 15 percent of people in the ·1 Bemadita B. Mendiola and injur­ . , the mark on his left side was in­ that her husband woke her up at was taken to the hospital. u full-scale famine of signifirnnt pro- counuies in the region, especially foreign 1elief organizations operating to a relative in China saying that towns and villages along the China­ ing her three kids . flicted by an object while he was about I :30 a.m. Senior Counsel Loren Sutton is deaths had increased so rapidly in his North Korea border. During the jury trial, the 47- farming the day on January 19. Agnes said it was Villanueva 's expected today to cross examine town that the local mortician was Continued on page 17 1 year-old Villanueva, through an The prosecution said it was a . I idea to go to Paupau Beach "to Villanueva today . ,/ interpreter, claimed he was at the .Palace denies royal rift ( home when the "attack" at White House denies IRS Mendiola family residence hap­ Antonio P. Villanueva By Maureen Johnson the palace said. appeared. from other royals, .·· •. pened last Jan. 20. LONDON (AP)-Snmg by pub­ "Suggestions that ~ure had to Newspapers and millions . of retaliation against Jones "No it's not me. I feel sorry for gerous weapon. lic criticism ofthe royal family over exerted on by people \Vho be the queen anyone, tbrongep l..oridonpal­ "We do dumb things from time to the. family, for the pain," said The defendant said he was at its conduct after Princess Diana's including the Prince of Wales, are aces with tnbutes in the week after By Sonya Ross WASHINGTON (AP) - The time, but we are not certifiably crazy," Villanueva who is on trial for home until midnight on Jan. 20 death,Buckincllam PalareonMon­ false," the palace statl:lllent said ·. murder in the first degree, sexual Dian11'ssie&thpresswajthe'7l-:l~­ White House denied Monday that it McCuny said. "So don't imagine for when his daughter arrived. should be scrapped day broke its usual silence to defend "Stories of disat;reements and old ~·-···~(}tnaj<e a i;eri~()f abuse of a child, burglary, and a;?;31d}i rianda!l had Paula Jones singled out for an a minute we did. We don't even call He said he woke up his wife ...... \lariefr !fews $ta ff.. .. · "I don't think you can make it a · Queen Eliz.abeth II against her crit­ heated conversations between the rev~ i,<•.
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