^mmmm *^*^m^* :, ice cream arelight treats, IB Volume 25 Number 17 Monday, August 14,1989. Westland, Michigan 52 Pages Fifty Cents : ES Wdti&afa. :i£'Vji^il^^ ;'; ,t> i.',;''!) 'r,—,:-.:^.U... -. V.: \-.L- : \ '•-' "'•: >\- ^^ -/Ar.\ :Vi._itri}.<-ifr?-,:X3i,l 019S9 Sutorfcin ConvrajnteitJorJ Corpor »tioo. Atf RJgh'J R«e«vrd- places The show must goon. building was evacuated and the fire Steve DeChambeau, the theater's department called/ managing director. and faces Even fire and smoke couldn't stop Batman from foiling the Joker or Westland Fire Chief Larry Lane While several fire trucks and an Sally and Harry from getting togeth­ said the department has ruled the emergency 'rescue vehicle were RESTORATION of the er on screen Thursday at the Quo fire accidental, but doesn't know parked next to the theater, several historic Nankin Mill continues. Vadis Theater.on Wayne Road north, .specifically how the fire started. cars drove up to the entrance and The Westland City Council last of Warren. were told that the theater was tem­ week approved a bid from the porarily closed Foremost Development Corp. to THE STATE police fire marshal's DeChambeau said the doors were replace the roof on the 120-year- A fire that started in a storage room containing a popcorn machine office has been called in to help in reopened for the 7 p.m. shows. old building with a new cedar the investigation, said Lane. shake covering. and popcorn filled the second floor A company which specializes in The 124,000 project will be with smoke and caused the opening deodorizing interiors was called in to paid for with part of a $50,000 of the theater to be postponed. Lane said he is "definitely grate­ help eliminate the smoke odor, he state grant that was obtained to ful" that the fire didn't start when said. restore the historic mill at Ann No one was Injured. The shows customerswere in the theater. ART EMANUELE/slall photographer Arbor Trail and Farmington had not yet started when an employ­ It was the first major fire in the Road. ee reported an obnoxious odor com­ Although the adjacent room stores theater, which opened nearly 25 Fire Capt. Ed Ferguson inspects a room with a popcorn ma­ ing from a second-floor room. The film, there was no film damage, said years ago. chine where a fire started Thursday. DON'T HAVE your property tax bill paid yet? Well, you've got another couple of weeks to scrape the money City man together. Tuesday's deadline for Couple weds in historic home payment without penalty has been extended to Thursday, Aug. sentenced 31. By Leonard Poger staff writer ATTENTION Franklin A Garden City man was mar­ Junior High School students (and ried Saturday morning in a home to prison parents)! that has personal and historical We hate to Interrupt your ^significance. summer vacation with school Jeff Summers and Cheryl Siko- foj^assault news, but here goes: ra were married in the Westland StudenU enrolled at Franklin • Historical Museum, the first such for the fall semester will -ceremony In the city-owned build­ A Westland man who confessed to schedule classes on Wednesday, ing on Wayne Road. _ ... sexually» molesting his 12-year-old Aug. 23, and Thursday, Aug. 24. stepson two years ago has been sen­ Ninth graders should report to The reason for the couple pick­ tenced to 10 to 20 years In prison. the school cafeteria on ing the 120-year structure as the At the sentencing Thursday, Re­ Wednesday morning, eighth site for their wedding was simple, corder's Court Judge Warfield graders Wednesday afternoon Summers said. Moore, Jr., criticized the defendant, and seventh graders Thursday His grandfather, Herschel Sum­ David Hatfield, 35, and other rela­ morning. Make-ups for all three mers, owned the building and tives for allowing the boy to be grade levels are Thursday farmland behind It from 1939 un­ molested and trying to cover it up. afternoon. til he died in the late 1960s. Times are set alphabetically, Hatfield initially denied molesting by last name, so students or The groom, who has lived in the boy, and the victim this summer parents should call the school to Garden City "on and off for 25 recanted his original statements that find out exactly what time they years," recalls he and his four he was molested. will register for classes. older brothers spending most The defendant was then ordered to • Also, students who have just Sundays In the home, cutting the take a lie detector test but confessed' moved Into the Franklin grass, accompanying their grand­ Tuesday before taking the test, said; attendance area should call the father to the church nearby and Westland police officer Laura; school, 595-2407, to make an watching him use a manual plow Moore. ' appointment for registration. to farm crops on the five acres behind the house. In a bench trial earlier this sum-i mer, Hatfield was convicted of two; DON SCHMIDT of counts of first degree criminal sexu-; Harlow Tire has been named "CHERYL AND I agreed inde­ al conduct. The judge had set a sen- • employee of the month by the pendently to have a small cere­ tenclng date when the boy said he; Westland Chamber of Commerce. mony and be married In my wanted to recant his earlier testimo­ Schmidt was cited for helping grandfather's former house," ny. local businessman Bruce Priestly Summers said. But in a signed statement read in! change a flat tire after business "Cheryl liked the rustic atmos­ hours on Friday, Aug! 4. Priestly court Thursday, the boy said he was phere and the small size of the coerced by relatives into changing^ pulled his car Into the Harlow lot house," he added. as Schmidt was closing the store. his story. Schmidt also gave his winnings Summers, 31, said his grandfa- Judge Moore criticized the family '• from the chamber's monthly ther willed the house to a son, for allowing the sexual abuse to take: business card raffle back to the John, Jeff's father. place and for trying to cover It up. organization. "My father lived In the house The judge said he was "sick to my: The chamber gives the award from the age of 12 {he is now 66) to a local employee or business until he entered the service in stomach and something should be; that goes "beyond the call of World War II," the younger Sum­ done with the family," the officer'- _duty" inservlclng Its customers. mers said. said. \ - Norril nations may~be madTKy ' "" "After the war, he'returned • "The;boy ls~cTirre~riTIy staying with; calling the chamber office, 326- home, married and then moved to his natural father, Moore said. 7222. ... Wayne." Hatfield was charged after an Irt-i Summers and Slkora, 33, of cldent which reportedly took place j CITY COUNCIL meetings Farmington Hills, were discuss­ Photo by Brlam Toovalian during the Father's Day weekend of; are bound to be a little shorter — 1987. - ~ ) ing getting married since last Jeff Summera and Cheryl Sikora light a Museum. Tho building once belonged to but not quite as entertaining B— winter but he didn't propose until ceremonial candle during their Saturday Summers' grandfather, Herschel Summers. During the trial, officer Moore! now that longtime council the Fourth of July weekend, he said, Hatfield jumped bond and went; watcher Mildred Evans has said. morning wedding at the Westland Historical south for one year. He later returned- moved to Tennessee. to have the trial resume. ': Evans' harangu«3 against city spending policies or services perceived as Inadequate were pretty much a regular feature. She will be missed, although probably riot by city officials. what's inside A match made in heaven VOLUNTEERS from Calendar. .6A Hot-air balloon carries couple to marital bliss Michigan United Conservation Classifieds. C.E.F HOMES Clubs will be canvassing ftuto .... C.F The ceremony began at 7 a.m. the; Westland neighborhoods through Cindy Grant, a longtime Westland . who Is required to do a lot of travel­ Employment. E,F of the finest resident, was In the clouds — literal­ ing. During a planned camping trip next day when the balloon was Oct. 31. Index .-. ,8E ly —' when she and her husband, Al­ In Yellowstone Park during the launched, with the minister reading' The volunteers, who carry Real estate . E Fourth of July weekend, he stopped^ tho couplers f a^yjorjte_Blblo_Y.crses, al»_ picture Identification and travel distinction exander, were married In a hot-air . Creative living . .1E balloon over the Grand Teton moaft*' *the car and asked Ctndy~To7oTni hTrrf lowing them to recite personal vows/, door-to-door between 4 and 9 tain range In Idaho last month. running through a wheat field. exchange rings and enjoy the one-: p.m., will explain MUCC Crossword. ... .3E Entertainment. .5D She wrote that the 7 a.m. ceremo­ He picked some flowers, got down hour ride. • campaigns on conservation of the. : They returned to Earth for a'> environment, education and other ny on the Fourth of July was the on his knee and said that hot-air bal <m&Bs$$mmos t romantic ceremony she has loon races were In nearby Drlggs, homemade breakfast In town. \ Issues. -t Street scene. .1D Taste ..... '.IB everknowh. Idaho, and tha,t he would like to take Unlike most weddings, the Grant her up In a balloon and return rjer to THE NEW bride, 39, Is the former • TIIEWAYNE-Wcstland Earth as his bride. / Cindy Parent Balhorn, who lived In I Newsline.... .591-2300 ceremony, and balloon trip were school board will meet at 7 p.m.
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