' Magic Valley's Home Neivspajter — S . 1 4 VOL. 68 N O. 30 TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, SAJNDAY, /(AAY 16, 1971 t w e n t y C E N T S ■: n . ByCllARLOTtEbBLL night, trusloos unanimously Unoiln school, designed In such Getting rid of Lincoln School details of purchasing and fiscal Tlmes-News Writer approved the suggestion of a way that it can bo expanded was terr^ as “top pclority." arrangcmwts- board member Gordon Haglor . and converted into a high school/nils building was first con- In agreeing to the addition to JEROME — Jeromo sdiool to have the new 16-room or ^'otherwise fit the specific demaed 4o years ago. and has the high school gym. Gordon' trustees have approved a multipurpoae grade school, needs of the school district in beenimprovedenoughtokccpit. HolUndd and Kim Keith, 9544,000 buUding project which wlilch will rcpIace .the old Uio future.” open all these years. trustees, polntcdi)Ut the athletic will Include a new grade school D ale V inlng, board chalnnan, program In, the district has aitd an addition to the. high said he had attended grade grown far beyond the preswnt scHool gym nasium . l/p school therehimself. as have all facilities. At a spcclal meeting Friday ----his children. The plans for the now school KclUi suid, " If wo continue u p to keep the kids Involved In will mean tearing down the athletics, and close to '80 per Lincoln building and using the cent of them now part^clpatu in a n d a t v a y ! site as a parking lot for high one sport or another, we will school students. Jerome keep them off the streets, and Lincoln School Is located • -behind Ihe-hlgh-sdMolr out_of_lcoublei!!_______________ Soven .locations are being Campbell ^ d all bonded aEopts consider^ for the new grade indebtedness for the school school and Supt. John Campbell district will be paid off by the budget was InirtnidM to proceed wUh end of the 1971 tax year. JEROME — Trustees of the Jeromo school district ap­ Big force proved a $1,236,716 budget for 1971-72 during a meeting Krlday. ' night. No one appeared at the meeting to protest the budget, endorsed which is an Increaso of $104,446 over the 1970-71 budget of KEY BISCAVNE, Fla. (UPI) Lyndon B. Johnson' and 24 . 11,132,270. —President Nixon rallied sup­ former diplomatic and defense Ihe Increase in the now port from former President officials Saturday In a strong budget Is offset by an 187,000 bid to defeat a proposed gain in state and local tax imilateral reduction of U.S. money, Supt. John Campbell forces in Europe. sidd. plus about 121,000 in added In separata statements issued Police, / the Florida White House, federal funds. Other bvcreases In the budget llxon said the troop cut would include the addition of four be an ‘'error of historic rnore teachers, two in the first crowd dimensions" and Johnson said ^ a d e and one each in the second It would "endanger what we and third* grades. It also In­ have achieved In the.past and cludes pay increases for r Ixit skirmish shatter our hopes for the future." teachers ran gin g from $80 to ^ W ^ J BERKEl^Y, CaUf. (UPI)- $120 depending upon experience Mbon's blast, signed by 24 Pollce using tew gas and putty- elder statesmen fro m four- and education. ^ke crowd control l^ets The only change made bi the previous admlDlstratloni, WM b attled m ore th an 50Q demoo- aimwi at flnatei^Daiiiacr^ Bnal budget from the proposed itrators In Mt<un sUrmlshes leadu'M ika.Uan<U(W niic&^ figures U Jbe_ . item . for ■ Saturday after a rally, marking conperflilve vocational m ent to c a t U.& troop atrttg th the second annivers^ of the in Europe fai ^ hair- ^rom 300,000 e d u ca tio n w here $13,524 3 Sister Bernita Peode's Park riots. to 190.000. originally was budgeted, but About 100 Berkeley and changed t& $12,500 to conform to Neither Nixon's statenMnt University of California police nor Johnson's mentioned Rua- SUNSHINE, U U « and ■ (irettjr gtrl are all ilfiia of almMt the amount approved by the , swept down Telegraph Avenue sla’s call /or negotiations' perfect May wealher enjoyed byH ailc Valley reildenU la tte ttate. Lovely, pail lew daya. Tiklng advanlafaff a ihori break In ber ilndlea here for visit driving the bands of demonstra­ toward mutual cuts in Eu­ Ih e driver education funding tors onto the Berkeley campus, ropean troops and armaments., to balk In the inaililiie abd anUf the perfume of the lavender from the state was cut In half By ILRE TREMAINE a conference with Sister Mary where the dissidents, ripped lovely bloonu ll M lu Dentae Danlchek, a iludent at Twin Pall* Old Vinlng said this means the Tlmes-News W riter 23ta, prin cipal of St. Edw ard's, apart wooden walls of a Buslueis College. (Photo by Times-Nciws Photographer M ike class will be cut in half, but. T W IN FA LLS ^ An : " im ­ who approved; a call to ^ the building under construction and RoberisoQ.) Stalls will be decided later. possible dream" was made Mother House of the' order for , «et fire to the debris they piled possible for parishioners of St. formal approval, and a final in a large street barricade. Ih e r C d w i i n l W O tti h p H w ^ O h u i t h jOillitoritw airollA Friday . night when Sister Bernita, a teaching sister who "She had only about 45 1 toward police Blaze deifroys’Eonie had served the parochial school minutes to get packed and make bottles and for 23 yeai's, arrived for a visit, the plane by the time we had bricks, then broke and Oed as approval," Mrs. Walker said officers launched tear gas at D etaiU , p. 10 By BONNIE BAIRD JONES of the home, plu^ garage attached to the oast end Because Uio hom e Is located all the w ay from Pennsylvania. Saturday. them . Tluei-News Writer lawn equipment and other l^m s h the home and destroyed the'' about a mile and a half outside Ihe St. Edwhrd'B Parents’ SUter Bernita flew to Salt TWIN FALLS — Loss stored in the garage.* garage portion, burningn ln g ininto to tthe of Tvidn F alls C ity, the alarm Club is sponsoring a reception Lake a ty , but faced a flve4jour estimated by the owner at He said the fire broke out rear end east part of the homo. w ^ tiuiicd into two rural fire and open house at the p iu ^ layover before she could catch a around $35,000 resulted from a about 0:30 p.m. when an ex­ Dr. Miller said smoko .and departm ents. D r. Miller said by hall today from 2 to 5 p j n . to fli^t to Twin F ^ . Robert Friday night fire which broke plosion occurred in the garage. heat' dam age were extensive the'time they arrived the fire honor the six sisters of .the school t who will leave shortly Harney, a Twin Falls pilot, League into out in the garage of the home of Dr. Miller said some gasoline through the house. It was had spread through the garage volunteered to go to Salt Lake Dr. and Mrs. George H. MiUcr for mower equipm ent was in the necessary for the family to and into tlie house. , after th ^ school closes later this m onth. Oty and bring Sister Bernita _ QnHighl4wn Dr^ve, east gf Twin new location.___ .....More than fiOO parishioners back. — ' * Fails. p ^ t , since he was p r e p a ^ ^ to He said the loss ’ IT'partlly' ^ ^ e c i a l p e rm ls^o n was g i ^ * and friends are expected to When they an-lved at the D r. M iller aaid the loss would repaint the home. He said either covered by insurance, although by City M anager Jean M i l ^ for attend, and the public Is- Twin Falls City-County Airport Include about half of the house, the paint or. gasoline fum es the two autom obiles were not one of the city's fire engines to Idaho hassle welcome to meet the sisters one FViday night, Wendy Walker. the garage and two'automobiles apparently ignited. covered for fire loss. He said he assist in bringing the blaze last tijne. 13-year-old daughter of Sharon COEUR D'ALENE - The <Uf«ctors are M m . H a n y >, which were Inside, bll of 'the Fire spread through the' will probably rebuild the hon^e. under conb'ol. Sharon W alker, a m em ber of and Kenneth Walker, presented Idaho Le^ue of Wonwn Votert Day, Idaho Falls; Mrs. Lairy; the pariah who knew Slater Sister Bernita with, an arm plunged into the White Oouds Hastte,' BoUe; Mra. David . >Bemlta wheo she was here as bouquet of abc, red roses and a controversy Saturday by Sewart, PocateUo; Mrs. Calvin. teaching sister and U superior hearty "Welcome home, adopting a resolution « a l ^ (or Wamick, Moscow; • of the school, told the Times- a iite r l" protection . of the state's Oebome Heard and Mrs, J.W . News she thought that "it would ' Sister Beiiiita will a ^ d the watersheds and a moratorium Haw l^_b^(^..dlAJane.. •. ' be wonderful If Sisttf Bernita reception today,..andr ihay be svlslon of In w a lu a ^ Idaho land use could-come out for the recep­ able to atay a few d ^ s , Mrs.
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