KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF E COMMISSTONER. NEW PUBLIC OFFTCES. NRUPATUNGA ROAD. BANGATORE _ 560 OO1 PROCEEDINGS F THE STATE LEVEL P MEETING FIELD FOR OPENING TCAL BIDS IN RESPECT OF SUPPLY OF THE YEAR 2O15-L UNDER THE HAIRMA TSSIONER FOR PUBLIC in the Meetins: L. Sri V. Ponn raj, IAS, Commissioner for Public Instruction, Bangalore. 2. Sri Dr" Ja P.C., IAS, State Project Director, SSA, Bangalore. 3. Smt. Philo na Lobo, DPI (secondary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore" 4. Sri K.A a, DPI (Primary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore. 5. Sri Sattya akash, Asst.Director, MS & MEDI, Rajajinagar, Bangalore. 6. Sri Sunil K , DD (MSME), O/o. Dept. of Industries & Commerce, Bangalore. 7. Sri. Nagaraj S Dhoni. DDPI, O/o. Addl. Commissioner for Public Instruction, Dharwad. B. Sri. Gura Police Patil, SADPI, O / o. Addl. Comrnissioner for Public Instruction, Kaluburgi. 9. Sri B.K. Chief Accounts Officer, Of o. CPI, Bangalore. 10. Sri Kem DDPI (Primary), O/o. CPI, Bangalore. resentatives the Biddine Corrr Present in the Meeti 1. SriSharath M/s. Hero Ecotech Limited, Ludhiana. 2. Sri Kiran K M/s. S"K. Bikes (p) Ltd., Ludhiana. Director (Primary), welcomed the members of the committee and bidders present in the meeting. rement web site was opened. Firstly, payment verification of all the bidders who had u loaded their bids was done. Information is as below: Supplier Bank Transaction Ref. No. Name u B I NR5 201 60307 00518267 sB I NR5 201 60308269 48315 B ARB R5 20 L 60309 007 61987 H DFCR52 0 1. 605127 8281267 Page I of 10 7 s24935 Hero Cycles DRAFT EMD 50,00,000/- r00643 )073 Lrd. & Tender 550/ - 207601, 19010881 Reiected Fee B s10153 Intarvo DRAFT EMD Technologies & Ltd. Rejected Tender s50/- Fee q s24935 Rarnanathan DRAFT EMD r,70,00,000/ - GOKO !30168781001 Sornasundaram & Rejected Tender 550/ - Fee ders which is fixed as follows: 1) For bid quLantity above 1.5 lakh bicycles: EMD of Rs 1"75 crore out of which Rs. 50 lakh shall be paid online Ld bank guarantee will be submitted for the balance Rs 1.25 crore. (2) For bid quantities uptoL.5lakh bicycles: EMD of Rs.0.875 crore out of which Rs. 25 lakh shall be paid online bank guarantee will be subrrritted for the balance Rs.0.625 crore. received through online" 1. M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd., Ludhiana 2"M/s. S"K.Bikes Pvt., Ltd., Ludhiana thr{ugh online" 1. M/s. Atlas Cycles (Haryana) Ltd., 2.M/s. Vishal Cycles (P)Ltd. Ludhiana, 3. M/s. T"I"Cycles of India, Chennai, 4.M/s. Avon Cycles Ltd., Ludhiana, 5. M/s. Hero Cycles Ltd., Ludhiana, 6. M/ s.Intarvo Technologies Ltd., and 7" }lfr. Ramanathan Somasundaram Hence their bids are rejected by the e-procurement software itself. But, fr.owever M/s.Atlas Cycles (Haryana) Ltd., and M/s.Vishal Cycles (P) Ltd., Ludhiana h4ve submitted only Rs.1.25 crores by way of Bank Guarantee an online. Hence their bids are also rejected. Technical Bids of the following firms were following bidders were downloaded one by o 1. M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd. Ludhiana" 2. M/s. S.k. Bikes Pvt. Ltd. Ludhiana. Since the downloading of the documents uploaded by bidders topk lot of time the Committee decided to meet on 21-0!2016 to finalise the eva The meeting concluded with vote of thanks by Director (Pri ) (v. Po n lon. Page 2 of l0 KARNATAKA GO\IERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF E COMMISSIONER, NEW PUBLIC OFFICES, NRUPATUNGA ROAD. BANGALORE _ 560 OO1. PROCEEDINGS THE STATE LEVEL EE MEETING HELD FOR LBI TN RESPECT OF SUPPLY MANSHIP OF COMMISSIONER N ON 2L-05-20L6 @ 4.00 P.M: 1. Sri V. r aj, IAS, Commissioner for Public Ins truction, Bangalore. 2. Sri Dr. Jaffr P.C., IAS, State Project Director, SSA, Bangalore. o J. Smt. Phi Lobo, DPI (secondary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore. 4. Sri K. , DPI (Primary Edn.), O/o.CPI, Bangalore. 5. Sri Sattya Asst.Director, MS & MEDI, Rajajinagar, Bangalore. 6. Sri H KGa iah, Asst. Director, O/o. Dept. Women & Child Welfare, Bangalore. v Sri Dr. Chi ppa, Associate Professor, UVCE, Bangalore. B. Sri. Kempa ju, DDPI (Primary), O/o. CPI, Bangalore. Director (Primary welcomed the members of the committee present in the meeting. The downloaded docu of the following firms were placed before the committee for evaluation. a. M/ S.K. Bikes Pvt" Ltd. Ludhiana. b. M/ Hero Ecotech Ltd. Ludhiana. After ver tion of the documents uploaded by the Two bidding companies it was found that M/s. S.K. Bikes Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana & M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd., Ludhiana have submitted r bids according to the requirements prescribed in Tender Document. Finally ttee decided to accept the Technical bids of M/s. S.K. Bikes Pvt. Ltd., Ludhiana M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd., Ludhiana as they have submitted their bids according to the req irements that were prescribed in Tender Document and declared them as technically ualified. statement regarding evaluation of the Technical Bids was prepared, after thorough rification of the uploaded documents and the same was signed by all the members the committee. bid evaluation is enclosed. concluded with vote of thanks. LCommissi nstruction. Page 3 of3 KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER, NEW PTIBLIC OFFICES, NRUPATUNCA ROAD, BANCALORE _ 560 OOl for Girls & Boys during 2016-17 Name of thr Bidders sl. M/s. S.K. Bikes Pvt. Ltd.. M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd.. Ludhiana and the A ldress No Ludhiiana r4t 010. Descrip on - ls Bidder a Bidder is a Manufacturer of Bicvcles Bidder is a Manufacturer of Bicycles 1 Manufacturer? Details of the M/s. S.K. Bikes Pwt.Ltd. Ludhiana., M/s. Hero Ecotech Ltd., Ludhiana. Manufacturer Estabtlshed in 24-12-2001. Factory ls Established in 06. I 1.2008. Factory is located at D-233, 23 4,235, Phase-VIL located at Phase VIII, Focal Point, Focal Point, Ludhiana. Mangti, Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana. 2 Incorporation ertificate U35921PB200IPTC24846 u3 5900DL2008PLC I 84705 'v/ Dt 24.12.2001 is copy enclosed. Dt. 06. I 1.2008 is copy enclosed Registration & _tcense License is issued to S.K. Bikes License is issued to M/s. Hero Ecotech to run the factr ty. Pvt.Ltd. Ludhiana. Ltd. Ludhiana. License No.LDH-7/S-148/758 is issued License No.Ldh-7/H-141625 is issued to 3 to run factory. Which is renewed for ,run factory. Which is renewed for the the year 2016 valid up to 31.12. year 2015 valid up to 31.12.2019 (Copy (Copy enclosed) enclosed) Has the Bidd >r applied No, o,/ whole q rantity of Girls Bicycles - 1,30,000 irts Bicycles - 1,30,000 4 for / girls and boys ricycle? Boys Bicycles - 1,35,000 Boys Bicycles - 1,35,000 Total - 2,65,000 Total - 2,65,000 EMD Submitl rd? lf so Rs.50,00,000/- remitted through online Rs.50,00,000/- remitted through online details of amount and Bank Guarantee submitted for and Bank Guarantee submitted for remitted on ne and Rs.l.25 crores No.50130IGL00023 16 Rs.1.25 crores No.04046158G0000047 5 Bank )uarantee issued by Union Bank of India, issued by State Bank of India, Ludhiana. submitted. Ludhiana Dt.04-03-2016, valid up Dt.03-03-2016, valid up to 29-Il-2016. 30-l 1-2016 ls Turnove details Year : Rs.in crores Year - Rs. in crores Produced? ll so as per 2012-13 : 174"39 20r2-t3 - 67.64 the requirem )nt (Avg. 20t3-t4 : 20r.28 20r3-r4: 107.22 for the past t ree years 20r4-ts : 209.32 2014-t5 : 143.2r o is it greater t ran Rs.75 Average turnover of Rs.194.99 crores Average turnover of Rs.106.02 crores crores per i nnum (ls per annum. Yes enclosed. {er annum. Yes enclosed. Audited statement / enclosed?) d Whether Ma ISO 9001:2008 certificates are issued ISO 9001:2008 certificates are issued by Bicycles by TUV Rhenland certification. WRG certification. Certificate No. GMS- certified? lf Certificate No. 85 100 001 09307. valid -XV-IV-511, valid up to 17.03.2018. to (date)? up to 01.03.2018. \. Bicycles Installed Production Capacity of 12 capacity per Lakhs Bicycles per annum. i.e., I (should nave Lakhs ner month installed d capacity of bicycles P.M I (ii) Section r of tender Doct Page I of 5 'past Have bidders supplied Auditors Reports of past 3 years shows Auditors Reports o 3 years shows average quantity of 3 quantity of suppty / sales as quantity of suppty / rales as Lakhs bicycles in past 3 Year - No. of Bicycle Sold Year - No. r f Bicycfe Sold /submittedyfirs, for which bids are 20r2-r3 6,75,117 2012-t3 2 7 5,533 (are 20r3-t4 7.46.55 t 2013-14 3 72,394 information of all past 20r4-r5 7.63.836 20r4-t5 4 14.084 supplies supported by rarar_______2ld )4 TOTAL IO 62.0 r 1 supply order copies on an average of 7.28 lakhs bicycles on an average of 3, i4 lakhs bicycles per submitted) as per per annum. which is More than 3 lakhs annum. which is More than 3 takhs section | (iii) page no.2 bicycles of the quantity as required in bicycles of the qu rntity as required in of tender document. section [ (iii) oftender document, section I (iii) oftenr er document. Whether details regarding past supplies Annexure-C Document is enclosed Annexure-C Docun :nt is enclosed 10 of the Bicycles produced has been submitted in Annexure-C? Whether Undertakings Undertaking stating that they have not Undertaking statinl that they have not submitted on Not been black tisted by any Govt.
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