ORNL/TM—6248 u 3 VilWm • Meteorological Effects of Thermal Energy Releases (METER) Program Annual Progress Report October 1976 to September 1977 - -r e y V / .S, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BV UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION • FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ORNL/TM-6248 Dist. Category UC-12 Contract No. W-7405-eng-26 METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THERMAL ENERGY RELEASES (METER) PROGRAM ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT October 1976 to September 1977 Contributions by: Argonne National Laboratory Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Laboratory (NOAA) Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories Oak Ridge National Laboratory Pennsylvania State University Rand Corporation, Compiled by: A. A. Patrinos H. W. Hoffman Date Published: August 1978 NOTICE: This document contains information of a preliminary nature. It is subject to revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report. Prepared by the NOTICE Th» report WII prepared ai ,„ account of work OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY iponxired by rh« United Sutn G-^.rm-trt Nerrher the Unilld Sum nor the United Slate! Department or Energy. not any or their employees, not any or their Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37830 contractors, juhcomrjctori, or thin employeei, maker any warranty, exptets or implied, or auutnei arty legal operated by liability or rnponUbiltty for the accuracy, completeneu or uiefulaeu of any information, apparatus, product or UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION procca diKkned. or rcprncnts Uiii tu UK would not infringe pnvatcty owned nghu. for the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY iii CONTENTS Page BACKGROUND 1 FIELD STUDIES 1. PRECIPITATION STUDIES AROUND PLANT BOWEN 9 1.1 INTRODUCTION 9 1.2 THE CLIMATOLOGICAL STUDY 11 1.2.1 Data Quality Evaluations 13 1.2.2 Data Stratification and Presentation 17 1.3 THE FIELD STUDY 33 1.4 SUMMARY 34 1.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 35 REFERENCES 35 APPENDIX A 36 APPENDIX B 40 2. STUDIES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF EVAPORATIVE COOLING TOWER PLUMES 41 2.1 INTRODUCTION 41 2.2 AIRBORNE MEASUREMENTS 42 2.3 AEROSOL AND AIR CHEMISTRY MEASUREMENTS 43 2.4 INDIRECT SOUNDING OF PLUMES USING S0DAR 45 2.5 APPLICATIONS OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL PLUME MODELS .1 46 2.6 PLANT ENERGY BALANCE MODELING 46 REFERENCES 47 3. COOLING TOWER DRIFT: EXPERIMENT DESIGN FOR COMPREHENSIVE CASE STUDY 48 3.1 INTRODUCTION 48 3.2 MEASUREMENT PROGRAM 49 3.3 FIELD DATA APPLIED TO MODEL VALIDATION 53 3.4 CONCLUSIONS 57 REFERENCES 58 4. COOLING FOND FOG STUDIES 59 4.1 INTRODUCTION 59 4.2 1974 "SIMULATOR" DATA 61 4.3 1976 DRESDEN OBSERVATIONS 61 BLANK PAGE iv 4.4 STABILITY REGIMES ASSOCIATED WITH COOLING PONDS 63 4.5 CONCLUSIONS 65 4.6 NOMENCLATURE 65 4.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 66 REFERENCES 66 MATHEMATICAL MODELING 5. REPORT ON ATDL RESEARCH ON METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THERMAL ENERGY RELEASES, AUGUST I, 1976-SEPTEMBE& 31, 1977 69 5.1 INTRODUCTION 69 5.2 APPLICATIONS OF ATDL PLUME AND CLOUD GROWTH MODEL 69 5.2.1 John E. Amos riant 69 5.2.2 Los Angelas Oil Refineries 72 5.2.3 Chalk Point Plant 72 5.2.4 Paradise Plant 76 5.2.5 Sensitivity o£ Model to Elevated Inversions .... 77 5.3 SECONDARY MOTIONS IN COOLING TOWER PLUMES 78 5.4 CHAPTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE AND POWER PRODUCTION .. 78 5.5 ANALYSIS OF OBSERVED PLUME CROSS SECTIONS AT CHALK POINT 79 5.5.1 June 22, 1976: Bent-Over Plune 80 5.5.2 June 23, 1976: Vertical Plume 83 5.6 ANALYSES OF SATELLITE PHOTOGRAPHS OF MOISTURE AND SMOKE PLUMES 87 5.6.1 Cooling Towers 87 5.6.2 Dispersion of Smoke Plumes ..................... 87 5.7 A NUMERICAL MODEL OF METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF WASTE HEAT AND MOISTURE RELEASES FROM HYPOTHETICAL POWER PARKS 88 5.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 89 REFERENCES 89 APPENDIX A. MODEL PREDICTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS OF CLOUDS FORMED BY OIL REFINERIES IN LOS ANGELES . 9i APPENDIX B. SECONDARY MOTIONS IN COOLING TOWER PLUMES 95 APPENDIX C. A NUMERICAL STUDY OF METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF WASTE HEAT AND MOISTURE RELEASES FROM HYPOTHETICAL POWER PARKS . 105 V Page 6. NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF AN INDUSTRIAL CUMULUS AND COMPARI- SON WITH OBSERVATIONS 133 ABSTRACT 133 6.1 INTRODUCTION 133 6.2 DESCRIPTION OF MODEL 134 6.3 IMPLEMENTATION 138 6.3.1 Ambient Atmospheric Conditions 138 6.3.2 Energy Input 139 6.4 COMPARISON OF SIMULATION RESULTS AND OBSERVATIONS 142 6.5 SENSITIVITY STUDIES 150 6.5.1 Turbulent Mixing 150 5.2 Ambient Wind 151 6. ..3 Heat Flux 156 6.6 CONCLUSION 161 6.7 LIST OF SYMBOLS 163 6.3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 165 REFERENCES 165 7. DIFFERENCES IN ATMOSPHERIC CONVECTION CAUSED BY WASTE ENERGY REJECTED IN THE FORMS OF SENSIBLE AND LATENT HEATS .. 168 7.1 INTRODUCTION 168 7.2 MODEL DESCRIPTION 170 7.3 RESULTS 171 7.4 DISCUSSION 177 7.5 CONCLUSIONS 182 REFERENCES 183 8. A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF DRIFT DEPOSITION FROM A BIFURCATED COOLING TOWER PLUME 184 ABSTRACT ] 84 8.1 INTRODUCTION 184 8.2 COMPARISON OF THE CENTRIFUGAL FORCE TO THE GRAVITATIONAL FORCE 186 8.3 DROPLET TRAJECTORIES IN AN UNBOUNDED FREE VORTEX FIELD - A TWO-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATION 187 8.3.1 Equations of Motion: Cartesian Coordinates .... 188 8.3.2 Equations of Motion: Polar Coordinates 192 -Vi 8.3.3 Variation of the Droplet Emission Positions 194 8.3.A Variation of the Vortex Strength 196 8.3.5 Variation of the Drag Coefficient 197 8.4 DROPLET TRAJECTORIES IN A BOUNDED FREE VORTEX WITH AN AMBIENT WIND - A THREE-DIMENSIONAL CALCULATION 201 P.4.1 Equations of Motion 202 b.4.2 Calculational Procedure 205 8.4.3 Results 206 8.5 SUMMARY 208 REFERENCES 210 PHYSICAL MODELING 9. PLUMES FROM ONE AND TWO COOLING TOWERS 213 9.1 INTRODUCTION 213 9.2 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT 214 9.3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 216 9.3.1 A Single Tower in Crossflow Wind 216 9.3.2 Froude Number Effects 220 9.3.3 A Single Tower, In-Line Flow 221 9.3.4 Two Towers In Crossflow 221 9.4 BRIGGS' FORMULATION COMPARISON 231 9.5 CONCLUSIONS 236 9.6 NOMENCLATURE 237 9.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 238 REFERENCES 238 ANALOG STUDIES 10. THE FIRE ANALOG: A COMPARISON BETWEEN FIRE PLUMES AND ENERGY CENTER COOLING TOWER PLUMES 241 10.1 INTRODUCTION 241 10.2 TYPES OF FIRES .242 10.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF MASS FIRES 244 10.4 COOLING TOWERS AND ENERGY CENTERS 245 10.5 FIRE ANALOG HYPOTHESIS 246 10.6 GEOMETRIC SIMILARITY 249 vii page 10.7 DYNAMIC SIMILARITY 249 10.8 THERMAL ANL ENERGY SIMILARITY 250 10.9 KINEMATIC SIMILARITY 253 10.10 BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 254 10.11 CONCLUSIONS 256 REFERENCES 258 PREDICTIVE METHODS 11. LOCAL PRECIPITATION INCREASES CAUSED BY SCAVENGING OF COOLING TOWER PLUMES 263 ABSTRACT 263 11.1 INTRODUCTION 263 11.2 APPROACH 263 11.3 APPLICATION 267 11.4 CONCLUDING REMARKS 271 REFERENCES 271 12. RAINFALL ENHANCEMENT DUE TO SCAVENGING OF COOLING TOWER CONDENSATE 273 12.1 INTRODUCTION 273 12.2 AEROSOL SCAVENGING THEORY 274 12.3 CALCULATION OF RAINFALL ENHANCEMENT 275 12.4 SAMPLE CALCULATIONS 280 12.5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 289 REFERENCES 292 APPENDIX A. DETERMINATION OF APPARENT CONDENSATE FLOW RATE FROM A TYPICAL, LARGE NATURAL-DRAFT COOLING TOWER 294 APPENDIX B. PLUME DROPLET SIZE DISTRIBUTION USED IN SCAVENGING ESTIMATES 296 SUPPORT ACTIVITIES 13. THE METER INVENTORY 301 METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THERMAL ENERGY RELEASES (METER) PROGRAM ANNUAL TECHNICAL PROGRESS REPORT October 1976-September 1977 A. A. Patrinos H. W. Hoffman BACKGROUND D. M. Eissenberg The Meteorological Effects of Thermal Energy Releases (METER) Pro- gram* originated in 1976 as a response by the Energy Research and Develop- + ment Administration (ERDA) to questions raised in regard to tue potential environmental effects of future nuclear energy centers. These questions were raised in a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission study, Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey 1975 (NUREG-0001), which contained a thorough analysis of available data regarding the effects of existing power plant atmo- spheric cooling systems (cooling towers and cooling ponds) on the atmo- sphere and also of analogous large natural and manmade heat releases com- parable to those of the proposed nuclear energy centers. Because of a perceived lack of sufficient information to make adequate judgments from available data on the potential impact of energy centers on the atmosphere, Originally the Atmospheric Effects of Nuclear Energy Centers (AENEC) Program. f Now Department of Energy (DOE). BLANK PAGE 2 along wi h the conclusion that significant impacts may occur based on the analysis of the analogs, the study recommended a substantial program of theoretical and observational research to provide a guide to the evaluation of heat dissipation systems an! their climatic effects. The METER program was initiated under the sponsorship of the ERDA Division of Nuclear Research and Applications with the cooperation and assistance of the Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research. Program coordination was assigned to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In 1977, the program name was changed to METER to reflect the broader con- cern of DOE for the effects of smaller heat releases than from energy ters, including those from fossil energy sources. The objective of the METER program is to develop suitable methodology and supporting lata for predicting the nature and magnitude of each of the meteorological effects resulting from the release of heat and lrois- ture from cooling towers and ponds which may have advr.rse environmental consequences. The effects identified as being of current concern in- clude : 1. drift transport and deposition, 2. precipitation augmentation, 3. ground-level temperature and humidity (T/h) increases, 4. shadowing, 5. fog and icing, 6. augmented transport of atmospheric pollutants, 7. triggering of severe storms (including tornadoes, hailstorms, etc.). The intent in developing the predictive methodology is to provide regulatory agencies, utilities, and consulting firms with improved methods for assessing the environmental impact of future power plant atmospheric cooling systems.
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