SOe (GST Inc.) Wednesday July 17· Finance officials THE Hotel Association meets today in Windhoek and will discuss the incident reported on the front page of The Namibian yesterday, in which deputy minister of deny wrongdoing Wildljfe, Nature Conservation and Tourism, Ben Ulenga, was booted out of the Hotel Onduri at Outjo. After the proprietor of the Onduri Hotel refused to allow Ulenga and his driver to eat at the hotel last week, deputy minister ofWorks, TrllIlSport and Teleconununications, Klaus Tax returns spark unhappiness Dierks and his party of 13 vacated the hotel where they had been staying in protest at the racism. There is widespread outrage about the incident. Approached for conunent, Tom Mutavdzic, chairperson of MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE the Hotel Association, confirmed that the matter had been brought to his attention and that a meeting would take place THE MINISTRY of Finance yesterday strenu­ today and that a press release would be issued this afternoon. It is also reported that the Cabinet have already discussed the ously rejected claims that three of its officials were matter and are considering appropriate steps. involved in irregularities with regard to the issuing * Meanwhile, a printer's gremlin (',rept into our front page of P AYE 5 certificates. report yesterday, where it was 'incorrectly stated in one para­ graph that the Hotel Onduri was at Otavi. Hotel Onduri is in in The ministry made the de':" In a statement issued on the fact at Outjo, as was indicated elsewhere in the article. nial in response to allegationS instructions of Minister of against three senior officials Finance Otto Herrigel, Gaoseb in the Receiver of Revenue's said the allegations against the office. three were factually incorrect The officials are the Direc­ and totally misplaced. Treason trial tor of State Revenue, Hannes - Gaoseb explained that a~­ Lubbe, his deputy Harry Kruger cording to the Income Tax Act and the head of general sales (Second Schedule, par, 13(2» , tax collection Koos Viljoen. , each and every employee was spotlight on Sources in the ministry al-' , entitled to his PAYE certifi­ leged that these three officials cate within 14 days after the had designed their own hand­ end of the tax year. drawn PAYE 5 forms so that Aftei that date an employee Montgomery they, could submit income tax could insist that a PAYE 5 returns as quickly as possible. certificate be issued to him. According to these soutces, : According to Gaoseb, in , ROBIN MONTGOMERY, one of only three of the this allowed the three to claim terins of this provision quite a original nine accused left in the sensational treason large income tax rebates much number of Government offi­ trial, was yesterday described by it psychologist as quicker than otherpublic ser­ cials had, in fact, requested having low intellectual ability which placed him in the vants. their pAYE 5 certificates this " lowest five per cent of the population". There has reportedly been a year. great deal of unhappiness within The relevant ministries had The trial resumed in the and the devastating phosphor the ministry about the fact that responded positively to these Windhoek High Court yester­ grenade attack on the offices some officials were apparently requests and issued handwrit­ day after it was postponed last of The Namibian. favoured over others. ten c(}rtificates. month. During previous hearings Permanent Secretary for "The allegation that the'three Montgomery shares the dock extensive evidence was heard RISING STARS. CLAUDIA, one of the 'street chil· FInance Godfrey Gaoseb has, officials mentioned have de­ withJosefKleynhans and Uwe of plans to overthrow the dren' who will be appearing in the NTN's forthcoming however, strongly denied the signed their own handwritten Tietz, after Gunar Dreves, TO PAGE 2 production. See story below. allegations. TO PAGE 2 ThoIilas Henke, Tobias De Klerk, Holm Nebe, Alexander Schreiner and Abraham De Klerk jumped bail earlier this year and fled the country. Street kids reach for the stars They face charges ranging from housebreaking with the THE STREET kids were in full swing yesterday, the' kes and Willie Mbuende. and 15, one group of children The , production is being intent to steal, theft, unlawful first day of rehearsals for an NTN production scheduled The original idea was to was put through its paces yes­ organised inco-operation with possession of weapons and for the end of next month. include about 15 children in terday by Bricks cultural worker the Ministry of Local Govern­ anununition to high treason. the production, but when audi­ Simon Nuariseb. ment and Housing. The chil­ The cas~ follows a major Some' 30 children will be ationofthe street kids, devised tions were held on Monday, ' Only five minutes into the dren are part of the feeding arms bust last year, the uncov­ involved in a 'musical spec­ 'and directed by Windhoek­ the directors decided to take warm-up, the courtyard of the ering of an alleged 'coup plot' tacular' focusing on the situ- based performers Leon Beu- all the kids. Aged between seven NTN was alive with talent. TO PAGE 2 <BUFFET CARVERY> NOW Every Monday to Friday and Sunday lunch time in "The Pink Room" " 12hOO· 14hOO Tel: 37293 **TYYV CONTINENTAL HOT E L " ••• .... • '. l' .... , ... 1..... _ ..... ~ .. \-,."..""'\,'.1 · 2 Wednesday July-17 1991 ;::ii!..............IIIB!m '.: ... ;;:-: ... '. :"':-:'.':':'.':.: Suspected thief shot ':;:::::::::::;:::::;:::;:::::::::::::::;:;::':··:···:···· · ·.·. :.· f1R~N1~:::;:;:;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::;:;:::::;:;::. · .••.•....•••••••..........! •••• . i:: ~~p;g~~;~ i·:: and killed at Tsumeb scheme and social progranune being run every day at Suider­ FIVE people are reported fatally injured on Saturday when Windhoek Magistrates court hof and were accompanied to have 'died unnaturally the police vehicle in which she soon following the death ofhis yesterday by two of their 'street over the past weekend, was trave lling left the road and stepson. educators'. overtUrned on the Okahandja/ According to the police, the "We're operating on a shoe- while goods worth more than R300 000 were stolen Windhoek road. Naroseb was man allegedly severely beat string budget, keeping props a witness in a criminal case. nine-month-old E Gariseb with · and technical effects to a mini­ countrywide. * Katan Ujala, 18, was shot a flat object on Friday. The 'mwn," said Beukes. "We hope * A thief was shot and killed and killed at the Central Stores child died on Sunday as a re­ to draw largely on the energy on Sunday evening when he in Katutura on Saturday night sult of the injuries suffered. and vibrancy oftJa.e kids them­ and three <>!her suspected thieves after an argument. Ujala was A case of murder and one of selves. " tried to steal cattle from the hit in the neck and died in the child abuse is being investi­ "We'll be using Their songs farm Heidelberg in the Tsumeb Katutura hospital. gated against the stepfather. and dances, building the music district. A case of murder was regis­ Two case of attempted mur­ around that," added Mbuende. According to the police, tered' and it is expected that the der were also reported to the 1he production will also carry .' employers at the farm noticed suspect will be arrested soon. police over the weekend. s.erious social comment, how­ the intruders while they were * A member of the Namib­ * Desmond van Wyk ofErf ever. "We will try to examine chasing the cattle. Three wam­ ian Defence Force, Stephanus 321F Rehoboth and Donovan the relationship between home­ ingshotswerefiredandonehit Shikwaya, 30, was found dead Kastoor were shot at on Friday less children and the rest of Kawaya Nekonya, 24. Nekonya at Liideritz on Saturday night. night. Van Wyk was wounded society, looking particularly at died on the way to hospital. It is believed that Shikwaya in the cheek, while Kastoor the consumer society which His three friends were ap­ shot himself with his service was hit in the thigh. the kids depend on," said prehended and will appear in rifle, an AK-47. Another incidei1t of attempted Beukes. court soon on a charge of at­ . No reason for the suicide murder is being investigated at tempted stock the.ft; was apparent. 1he only strange SW3kopmund after Constable · RIGHT: SERIOUS busi­ * A case of culpable homi­ happening was that Shikwaya April of the Namibian Police ness: this young performer cide is being investigated at had been to see a witch doctor was overpowered and threat­ concentrates on his warm­ Okahandja following the death the previous day. ened with a knife as he tried to up exercises. of Emily Naroseb, who was * A man will appear in the arrest a suspect. concluded. knowledge, ' , V orster said. He Despite the Permanent Sec­ added that Montgomery was 3 kids killed retary's denials there still Furthermore, certain second •• emotionally unstable", appears to be several curious tier administrations had been trusted people easily and was . as hut goes aspects about the manner in forced to print certificates for animp!llsive type of person. up in flames certificates is devoid of all truth which the whole question of the 1989/1990 tax year twice, When Vorster said he could and is viewed in a very serious PAYE 5 certificates was because difficulties were ex- Namibian Government. not reveal some of Montgom- THREE brothers are reported light," Gaoseb said. handled. perienced with the first print- When called to the testimony ery' s personality characteris- to have died on Monday when The fact that the thIee could Only last week Deputy Di­ ing. The end result was a short- box by Montgomery's defence tics in public, Justice Bryan the hut in which they were apply ,like any other taxpayer, rector of State Revenue Harry age of tax certificates for the counsel yesterday, Dr Charles 0 'Lino ordered the press and sleeping burnt down in the to receive their certificates Kruger issued a statement in 1991 tax year.
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