E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2002 No. 126 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the THE GUEST CHAPLAIN called to order by the Honorable ZELL United States of America, and to the Repub- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I MILLER, a Senator from the State of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. wish to take a moment of the Senate’s Georgia. time to particularly acknowledge the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s f presence of our guest Chaplain, Gerald prayer will be offered by Rabbi Gerald Kane, who is the Rabbi of Temple Beth- Kane of Temple Beth-El, Las Cruces, APPOINTMENT OF ACTING El in Las Cruces, NM. NM. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Rabbi Kane was ordained first in Cin- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cinnati in 1970 at the Hebrew Union PRAYER clerk will please read a communication College-Jewish Institute of Religion. The guest Chaplain offered the fol- to the Senate from the President pro He has served pulpits in Portland, OR, lowing prayer: tempore (Mr. BYRD). New Orleans, Phoenix, and in Kansas In these most challenging of times, The legislative clerk read the fol- City, before coming to Las Cruces some may this parable from Jewish tradition lowing letter: 3 years ago. provide inspiration and guidance to Las Cruces is the second largest city you, the distinguished Senators of our U.S. SENATE, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, in my home State of New Mexico, a wonder-filled country. Washington, DC, October 1, 2002. very vibrant, growing metropolitan A man, wandering lost in a dark for- To the Senate: area. It is one of only five communities est for several days, finally encounters Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, in New Mexico that has a synagogue. It another. He calls out: ‘‘Brother, show of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby has the third synagogue that was built me the way out of here.’’ appoint the Honorable ZELL MILLER, a Sen- in our State. The man replies: ‘‘Brother, I too am ator from the State of Georgia, to perform Our Jewish community has always lost. I can only tell you this: the paths the duties of the Chair. had a special role in the life of Las I have tried to get out of this forest ROBERT C. BYRD, Cruces. Three of the mayors of that have led me nowhere. They have only President pro tempore. city have been of the Jewish faith. led me astray. Here, take hold of my Mr. MILLER thereupon assumed the Following the September 11 attacks, hand, and let us search for a way out of Chair as Acting President pro tempore. Rabbi Kane, together with other reli- this dark place together.’’ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- gious leaders in Las Cruces, issued a ‘‘And so it is with us,’’ the author of pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- statement of unity and support at the the parable concludes. ‘‘When we go ognized. Las Cruces Islamic Center. He has co- our separate ways, we may go astray. ordinated clergy participation in this f Let us join hands and look for the path year following 9/11, and has worked out of the darkness together.’’ SCHEDULE very hard to bring the community to- Dear God, inspire those gathered in gether in that regard. this historic chamber to walk on the Mr. REID. Mr. President, the Chair We are very proud that he is here. In path of freedom, respect, and solidarity will shortly announce a period of morn- talking with him this morning, we together in to the light of a sun-filled ing business with the first half under were at a loss to think when we last day. the control of the Republicans and the had a clergyman from New Mexico as Imbue them with Your wise guid- second half under the control of the our guest Chaplain in the Senate. But ance, tremendous strength, and awe- majority. I ask unanimous consent it is entirely appropriate that we do some courage. Together may we better that after the Chair’s ruling the Sen- today. pursue the high ideals of liberty, jus- ator from New Mexico be recognized for I am very honored that Rabbi Kane tice, and equality for all upon which up to 5 minutes to speak, as the guest was able to be with us. this, our great Nation, is founded. Chaplain is from the State of New Mex- Also, I wish to acknowledge the pres- Lift up Thy countenance upon us, ico. I ask unanimous consent that the ence of his wife Cyrille, who is here and grant us Thy most precious of time not be charged against either the with him. They have four children and blessings, the gift of shalom, balance, Democrats or the Republicans in that nine grandchildren. and peace. Amen. morning business. Let me also acknowledge the very f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- good work of one of the staff people pore. Without objection, it is so or- who works with me, Jeff Steinborn, PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE dered. who works in our Las Cruces office and The Honorable ZELL MILLER led the The Senator from New Mexico is rec- who helped make the arrangements Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ognized. today for Rabbi Kane to be here. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9653 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:10 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S01OC2.REC S01OC2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S9654 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2002 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME Indeed, that is what happened in 1981. surplus projects, that is simply not ac- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We had a tax cut that was so huge, we curate. The two largest reasons for the pore. Under the previous order, leader- had to undo it—not once, not twice, disappearance of the surplus are tax ship time is reserved. but three times in the decade of the cuts and the administration’s rosy esti- 1980s. mates of the revenue. f Last year when we were having this The third biggest reason is what you MORNING BUSINESS debate, I suggested that you just would expect: Spending on defense. The The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- couldn’t count on a 10-year forecast, smallest cause of the disappearance is pore. Under the previous order, there that there was too much risk associ- the economic downturn. will now be a period for the transaction ated with planning that far in advance. The fact is, the surplus is gone. We of morning business not to extend be- At the time I supported a huge tax cut. are back up to our eyeballs in national yond the hour of 11 a.m., with Senators I supported one version on an amend- debt. Last year, the administration permitted to speak therein for up to 10 ment that was up to $1.2 trillion over a said the debt held by the public would minutes each. Under the previous decade and one that would give back to be virtually eliminated. Last year, the order, the first half of the time shall be our citizens and assist those who were administration said the debt would be under the control of the Republican struggling to make ends meet but one eliminated by 2008. It didn’t happen leader or his designee. that wouldn’t break the back of the that way. The Senator from Florida is recog- Federal Government should things not Now we are in the middle of deficit nized. appear quite as rosy as we thought financing. Instead of having no debt, they were going to be, which has been we are going to be stuck over that dec- f the case. ade with $3.8 trillion of debt, and the ORDER OF PROCEDURE Things didn’t turn out anywhere consequences of this enormously in- Mr. NELSON of Florida. Mr. Presi- close to the rosy picture that was creased debt are that the interest cost dent, I have already cleared this with painted for us a year ago. After passing to the Federal Government will have the Senator from Wyoming. I ask last year’s tax cut, which goes upwards tripled from $620 billion over the dec- unanimous consent that I be allowed to of $2 trillion over a decade, we find ade to $1.9 trillion. That is going to speak for up to 10 minutes and it be that if we adopt over the next decade have real consequences in our national charged against the Democrat’s time. the administration’s, the President’s economy. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- spending and tax policies, we will not Why do you think the stock market pore. Without objection, it is so or- see the $5.6 trillion of surpluses, but we is going in the tank, it is right now? dered. will see instead $400 billion of deficits. Every day it is losing. It is down in the Some point to congressional spending f 7,000 range on the Dow Jones. It is not as the root of this problem. That is just because of the threatened war on DEFICIT SPENDING simply not accurate.
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