REGISTERED No. D. 221 The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY PART I—Section 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 108A] NEW DELHI, MONDAY. MARCH 31,1952 MINISTRY OF LAW NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 31st March 1952 No. F. 24(4)/52-C.—In pursuance of section 67 of the Representation of the People Act, 1931 (XLIII of 1951), the following declarations containing the names of the candidates elected to fill seats In the Council of States at the elections referred to therein are published for general information:— DECLARATIONS (1) Election by the elected members of the Assam Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 60 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that,— 1. Bhuyan, Shri Suryya Kumar of Company Bagan Road, Uzanbazar, P. O. Gauhati, 2. Borooah, Shri Lakshesvar of Khalihamari, P. O. Dibrugarh, 3. Das, Shri Pushpalata of European Ward, P. O. Shillong, 4. Roufique, Shri Mahammad of P.O. Nowgong (Assam), 5. Tayyebulla, Shri M. of Earle Road, P. O. Gauhati, and 6. Thanhlira, Shri of Village Thakthing, Kulikawa, P.O. Aijal, have been duly elected to fill the seats In the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Assam Legislative Assembly. SHILLONG, R. N. BARUA, 27th March, 1952. Returning Officer. (2) Election by the elected members of the Bihar Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 66 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that,— 1. Agarwala, Shri Ram Gopal of P.O. Domchanch (Hazaribagh), 2. Shri Ahmad Hussain of Ward No. 8 Phulwari Shareef (Patna), 3. Shrimati Angelina of Nayatola, P. O. Ranchi, 4. Shri Imam Jafar of Qutubuddin Lane, Darjitola, Patna 5, 5. Imam, Shri Syed Mazhar of Patigali, Guzri, Patna City, ( 536a ) 538b THE GAZETTE 6t INDIA EXTRAORDIMARV [PART t 6. Shri Khwaja Inaitullah of KarimganJ, Gaya, 7. Lai, Shrl Kailash Behari of Awadh Niwas, Anthalaya Road, P. O. Nathnagar, Bhagalpur, 8. Mahtha, Shri Sri Narayan of Muhalla Chandwara. Ward No. V, Muzaffarpur Town, 9. Menon, Shrimati Lakshmi N. of 2 Science College Compound, Patna—5, 10. Mitra, Shri Purna Chandra of Sarada Babu's Street, Ranchi. 11. Princess Vijaya Raje of Ward No. 1, Hazariba/jh Municipality, P. O. Hazaribagh, 12. Ram, Shri Kishori of Chakand Bazar, P.O. Chakand (Gaya), 13. Singh, Shri Kameshwara (Maharajadhlraj) of The Palace, Darbhanga, 14. Slnha, Shri Braj Klshore Prasad of Village Sheotar, P. O. Sheotar, P.S. Atri (Gaya), 19. Slnha, Shrl Mahesar Prasad NaTayan of River View, Hajipur (Muzaffarpur), 15. Sinha, Shri Rajendra Pratap alias Balajee of P.O. Surajpura (Shahabad), 17. Sinha, Shri Rajeshwar Prasad Narayan of Village Birsingpur, Birsingpur, P.S. Warlsnagar (Darbhanga), ] 8. Sinha, Shri Ram Bahadur of Village Chhotaipatti, P. O. Chhotaipatti, P.S. Darbhanga, 19. Sinha, Shri Ramdhari (Dinkar) of Village Simarla, P.O. Simariaghat, P.S. Teghra (Monghyr). 20. Shri Tajamul Hussain of Khajakalan, Patna City, and 21. Valadi, Shri Ganapati Iyer Gopal of 14-K Road, Bistupur, Jamshedpur, have been duly elected to fill the seats in the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Bihar Legislative Assembly. PATNA, N. SINHA, 29th March, 1952. Returning Officer. (3) Election by the elected members of the Bombay Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 66 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that,— 1. Abld All Jaferbal, Shri of 6, Forjett Street, Cross Lane, Bombay—26, 2. Alva, Shri Violet Joachim of 9, Sobani Road, Colaba, Bombay—5, 3. Ambedkar, Shri Bhimrao Ram.1I, C/o K. V. Chitre, 140-A Portugese Church Street, Bombay No. 28, 4. Dave, Shri Somnath Prabhashankar of 16-A, Saraswati Niwas, Co-operative Housing Society, Sarkhej Road, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad—7, 5. Deogirlkar, Shri Trimbak Raghunath of 481/2, Sadashiv Peth, Poona—2, 6. Devkinandan Narayan, Shri of District Congress Committee Jalfaon (E. Khandesh), 7. Diwakar, Shri Rangrao Ramrao of 5, Safdarjang Road, New Delhi, 8. Doshi, Shri Lalchand Hirachand of Ncila House, 3-C, Peddar Road, Bombay, 9. Gilder, Shrl Munchershaw Dhunjeebhai Dorabjee of 07-F, Bhulabhal Desal Road, Bombay, 10. Gupte, Shrl Bhalchnndra Mahcshwar of 'Swatantrya', Poona—4, 11. Jain, Shri Shriyans Prasad of 29-A, Carmichael Road, Bombay—26, 12. Kher, Shrl Bal Gangadhar of 21, Ridge Road, Malabar Hill, Bombay—G, 13. Munshi, Shrimati Lilavati Kanhayalal of 26, Ridfie Road, Bombay, 14. Parikh, Shri Chandulal Pitamberdas of 40-C, Ridge Road, Bombay, 15. Pawar, Shrl Dhairyashilrao Yashwantrao of Suragana House, Agra Road Naslk City, SEC I] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 536o 16. Raut. Shri Rajaram Balkrishna of 91-1, Kollwadi, Fanaswadl, Bombay—2, and 17. Shah, Shri Manilal Chaturbhal of 15-Shlrmali Society, Navrangpur, Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad, have been duly elected to fll] the seats in the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Bombay Legislative Assembly. COTTNCIL HALL, FORT, BOMBAY, S. K. SHEODE, 20th March, 1952. Returning Officer. (4) Election by the elected members of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 66 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that,— 1. Shri Waman Sheodas of Barlinge of Dharampcth, Nagptir, 2. Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh of Komakhan, Tahsil Mahasamund, Dt. Ralpur, 3. Shri Ramrao Madhaorao Deshmukh of House No. 72, Ward No. ft), Amravati Camp, 4. Shri R. P. Dube of 'Nirvana', 3, Nerbudda Road, Jabbalpur, 5. Shri Sitacharan Ramcharan Dube of 15, Dhantoli, Nagpur, 6. Shri Martandrao Ramchandrarao of Burhanpur, District NImar, 7. Shri Chandrafiopal Gajadharprasad Misra, Advocate, Garhlpura, Harda, District Hoshangabad, 8. Shri Gopaldasjl Bulakhidasji Mohta of Mohta Mills, Akola, 9. Dr. Raghu Vira of Old Assembly Rest House, Nagpur, 10. Shri Samlullah Khan of Sadar Bazar, Nagpur, 11. Shrimati Seeta Parmanand of Parmanand Bungalow, Chhindwara, and 12. Shri Gangaram Mathajl Thaware of Sadar Bazar, Nagpur—1, have been duly elected to fill the seats In the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly. NAGPUR, T. C. SHRIVASTAVA, 27th March, 1952. Returning Officer. (5) Election by the elected members of the Madras Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 66 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that, 1. Shri T. Bhaskar Rao of "Rosewood", 28, Nungambakkam Hifih Road, Madras—6, 2. Shri Ezhukuttikkal Imbichi Bava of Ponnani, South Malabar, 3. Shri Gopalaswami Ayyangar. Naraslmha of 5, Queen Victoria Road, New Delhi, 4. Shri Guruswami, S. of 15, Natchiappa Chetti Street, Mylapore, Madras—4, 5. Shri Kakkllaya, B.V., of Maidan Road, Mangalore, 6. Shri Kamalaswamy, T. V., of 2-C, Bhagavantham Gupta Street. Madras, 7. Shri Kommareddi Suryanarayana of Pothunuru P. O., Eluru Taluk. West Godavarl District. 8. Shri Kotamraju Rama Rao of 7. Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi, fl. Shri Makkineni Basavapunnaiah of C/o Andhra Provincial Committee, Communist Party of India, Governorpet, Vl.iayawada—2, 10. Shri Mohamed Ismail, M. of 37. Fudupet Garden Street, Royapettah, Madras, 11. Shri Mona Hensman of 63, Harrington Road, Chetpat, Madras—10, 12. Shri Naraslmham, K. L. of No, 11, Bh.arjjth.1 Road, Perambur, Madras. 536d THU GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [PART I 13. Shri Obaidullah Sahib, V. M. of 9, Anjuman Street. Velloro, North Arcot District, 14. Shri Pattabhl Sitaramayya, B. of 118, GandhinaRar, Adyar, Madras—20, 15. Shri Pattabiraman, T. S., Advocate, ThiruchenRode, Salem Dist., 16. Shri Puchalapalli Sundarayya of C/o Andhra Provincial Committee, Communist Party of India, Governorpet, Vljayawada—2, 17. Shri Pydah Venkatanarayana of Kakinada, 18. Shri Rahimatullah, K. M., Landholder, Anantapur, 19. Shri Rajagopalan, G. of 0 Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, Madras—6, 20. Shri Rajagopal Naidu, P. S. of No. 11, Infantry Road, Vellore, 21 Shri Rajah, H. D. of 20, Boas Road, Madras, 22. Shri Ramaswami Mudaliar, A. of Kensington, Kllpauk, Madras, 23. Shri Ranganayakulu, G. alias N. G. Ranga of Nidubrolu P.O., Guntur District. 24. Shri Sadananda Hegde, K., Advocate, Karnad Sadashiva Rao Road, Mangalore, 25. Shri Sivalanka Sambhu Prasad of 14/15, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Madras, 26. Shri Surendra Ram, V. M. of Sath Vilas, Ootacamund, and 27. Shri Venkataraman, S. of 25, Conran Smith Road, Gopalapuram, Madras—6, have been duly elected to fill the scats in the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Madras Legislative Assembly. MADRAS (Madras State), M. SURYA RAO, 28fh March, 1952, Returning Officer. (6) Election by the elected members of the Orissa Legislative Assembly In pursuance of the provisions contained in section 66 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, I declare that,— 1. Shri Biswasroy, Radhakrishna of Nuaput, Hamlet of Balia, P. O. Jcypore, Dist. Korffput, 2. Shri Das, Jagannath of P. O. Jajpur, District Cuttack, 3. Shrlmati Das, Shaila Bala of Mission Road, Cuttack. 4. Shri Deo, Frafulla Chandra Bhanj of House No. 30, Nurpada Village P. O. Baripada, District Mayurbhanj, 5. Shri Dube, Bodh Ram, Advocate, Jhamapada, P. O. Sambalpur, District Sambalpur, 6. Shri Dwivedi, Surendranath of Telenga Bazar, Cuttack, 7. Shri Hemram, Sundar Mohan of Village Tarana, P.O. Bahlda Road District Mayurbhanj, 8. Shri Mahanty, Surendra of 3, College Lane, P.O. Chandnichouk, Cuttack and 9. Shri Rath, Baldyanath of Allsa Bazar, P. O. Cuttack—2, have been duly elected to fill the seats In the Council of States to be filled by election by the elected members of the Orisso Legislative Assembly. BHUBANESWAR (Orl&sa State), S. C. DAS 27th March. 1952. Returning Officer. Sic. 1] THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINABV BQQe (7) Election by the elected members of the Punjab Legislative Assembly.
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