Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 4-15-1959 The Ledger and Times, April 15, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, April 15, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3588. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3588 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • so • • !41)AY APRII, 14, 1959 Geologists classify only four •• • tones as precious: diamonds, ru- !Selected As A Best All Bound Kentucky Community Newsy, ,per les. ehiereadeatirentirsanphires. All he` rest are either semi-precious First... r ornamental. Largest 1 with Circulation In Local News The City and Largest Local Pictures. Circulation In The County United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, April 15._1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No- 90 • RESIGNATION OF DULLES IS ANNOUNCED WOW Meeting Is PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. the Murray Real Kroger Junior Cook Postponed Eitate Board, in cooperation with Award Made Today hundreds Discovery Of New Cancer In of other boards of Real- At Murray Red Buzzing Of The regular monthly meeting tors throughout the country and State of Hazel W. 0. W. Cam-p 138 -the National Association of Real •• has been pastponed until Thurs- Egtate Boards, is observing Realtor Elizabeth 'Ann, Shelby, has Secretary Brings Decision day night, April 23 aceording to Week from April 12-187 and 'been chosen winner of a long Consul Commander Carmon WHEREAS. the Realtors of Mur- play RCA Record Album for By MERRIMAN US Planes Could Parks. ray have taken a leading part in her outstanding recipe in the SMITH Dulles, the secretary had "de- Kroger - Westinghouse "Junior finitely made up his Mind to Conflicting dates with a spec- the development of our city by UPI White House Reporter ial meeting for financial secre- serving with professional com- Cock ot the Year". contest, it submit his resignation." tar:es of Area camps was given petence in the promotion. plan- has been announced by Warren AUGUSTA. Ga. Inn — President Eisenhower, looking somewhat as the reason for the postpone- ning, building, sale and purchase Engle, vice president of the-Car- Eisenhower today sadly announc- pale and drawn beneath his golf Cause ment. of all types of real property: and bonadale Kroger division. ed the resignation of Secretary course tan, went on to say calm- Losses Elizabeth Ann's selections also la that Dulles, All members are urged to be WHEREAS, Realtors have al- of State John Foster Dulles. formal letter home .would present on Thursday night, ways been in the forefront of brings a reward to her The President said Dulles him- reach him in a day or so April 23 at 7:30 for a business those willing to donate of their Economic teacher. Dr. Presson and he wou:d then reply to :to, By JOSEPH B. FLEMING called the • Soviet buzzing danger- meeting and the conferrrnent of spenal talents for the betterment who will receive a Westinghouse Was Net Hopeful United Press International ous. He insisted there was no the Protection Degree to quali- of civic life as 'shown by their transitor radio. In ,addition, Mur- Speaking sf the medical report BERLIN con -- Western diplo- 'a new mobile robot, or aMo- agreement among th e Western fied candidates. leadership in service clubs, citiz- ray State College will receive a Tuesday. the President said sad- mats expressed fear today that powers he moun. Right now it's for and Russia to limit the ems' organizations, various advis- Westinghouse roaster oven for ly that the findings on Dylan cable or radio. It has aggressive Russian buzzing of altitude of flights to nestl- Berlin. ory coMIlliSSionS, and particularly its home economics department. were "not te the kind that make e" would move high-altitude American flights in The fighters, Combs Will about on the it was disclosed Attend in their Build America Better The recipe Which won tor him' hopeful." a it operating the Berlin air corridors would Tuesday, a drill by re- dangerously buzzed an Formal Opening Of program for the arrest of urban Elizabeth Ann is a recipe far hot" chamber, but operated cause crashes and loss of life. Air The President, wearing a Force C-97 cargo plane flying blight and the elimination of aummer squash called "Stuffed .ands" ?Central Press) The diplomats were reluctant to over East Headquarters 'checked brownsports jacket and- Germany at 12,000 feet ms: and Summer Squash" Elizabeth Ann predict what steps the West might tan slacks, said that altnotion on April 3 and forced it to drop EREAS, the motivating spirit who is the daughter of Mr. and take if any such crashes took VERSAILLES — Beert T. Dulles was "obviously inaepaso- to a lower level A similar inci- Rea:tor activity is well ex- Mrs. William Shelby is a sopho- apiece. dent occurred March Combs, anti-administration candi- land as far as carrying his ad- 27. p seed in the strict Code of more home economics student at 6 IP The United States stood firm The United ACCOUNT—Victor date for the Democratic nomi- miniAralive load in addition to States protested both DISC de hies based on the Golden Rule Murray State College. today on its insistence it will Schryyer, former Detroit nation for governor, will attend making poacy." he would remren incidents but a spokesman at the juke- which every Realtor is pledged; The contest attracted thousands continue to fly the Berlin air Embassy box operator who now sells re- the formal opening of Combs - in a yet-to-be determined cat:a-- Soviet in East Berlin ad of entries in 18 minavestern and corridors above the arbitrary 10,- ligious books, tells Wyatt headquarters here at 8 p.m. city as fore.gn_ consultant to CO rejected the protest He said the the Senate 'WHEREAS. every Realtor has scu.hern states. For the 12-to-20 000-foot ceiling which the Rus- rackets hearing in Washington c.d:t. tonight . President. Soviet twists the 10,000-foot ceil- available to him, in serving our ago group only, it is the first sians seek to impose. A military that in 1944 he paid $5,e00 on The headquarters of Combs and ing be observed. cftlzenrs in any field of real such competition ever to be John Foster Dull** Eisenhower said in 'aninci:e - ;- spokesman said "we will continue behalf of Detroit jukebox oper- his running mate, Wilson W. Wy- The big military transport, property--Whether it be commer- held exclusively for teenagers. inglyebusky voice that no m to fly as high as we please when ators to William Presser, who att, is located across from the self made the decision to give which the West would need to cial. industrial, or residential—the up of cabinet rank to his knowled 2 we please." now is president of the Ohio Woodford County Courthouse in his cabinet poet, after run a possible future blockade specialized knowledge of organiz- doctors had filled his posation with gre.O- At the beginning of the Berlin Teamsters, De Schryyer said this hometown of Gov. A. B. Tuesday reported indicatiorfs of a of Berlin. flew the gauntlet of ed real estate: and Waterfield Promises er distinction than Dulles. crisis Western officials said they the money was for advice on Chandler. third outbreak of cancer, Soviet fighters and landed safely WHEREAS, above all, Realtors a ma- Dulles, batting againat nis wouId not allow Soviet interfer- how to run the jukebox setup Combs, speaking at Flemings- Economic Expansion lignant tumor in the area below in West Berlin. have played a_ most beneficial third cancer attack, has been • lince with flight's to Berlin. They properly and keep it enforced. burg Tuesday. charged Joseph J. Dulles* neck The informed sources said So- role in helping increasing numbers Of State Resources secretary of state since 1953. Ai- said that if necessary Western Leary, Frankfort. campaign man- The President, with traces of viet fighters tried to force the of our people to achieve home though 85 -at the time, he has fighter planes would escort cargo ager for Lt .Gov. Harry Lee tears in his eyes and a choked plane below 10,000 feet. ownership status to the great become perhaps the world's most aircraft and defend than against Waterfield, with "deliberately try- up voice, personally met with It was not known immediately Nothing Wrong betterment of our civic well- PINEVILLE (UPI; — Lt. Gov. active traveler, covering hurl- Soviet attacks. ing to mislead the people on his reporters to tell them that the how high the U.S plane was being: Harry Lee Waterfield began a reds of thousands of miles by In Washington. State Depart- With 1959 Penny proposed plan to improve teachers' cancer-stricken secretary was "ab- flying or how many Soviet planes NOW THEREFORE, I. Holmes campa.gn swing through eastern land, sea and air in :he interest ment Spokesman Lincoln White salaries." solutely incapacitated" to carry accosted it. Ellis. as Mayor of the City of Kentucky here Tuesday night by of America's diplomatic policy PHILADELPHIA Rin — Toe Combs offered a plan to remove on his administrative duties as Flies Despite Prates. Murray, hereby proclaim the week promising to work unceasingly during the cold war small "o" on "tail" side of the the subject of education from state secretary and still make flight was after of April 12-18 to be Realtor Week for expansion of 1Criaucky's ec- Found Recurrence The made the new Lincoln penny islet an er- "political disputes and distortions." peircy.
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