^Cast Dor daw Pnblio T,^mr" Merchants Group Rolls Up Sleeves The East Jordan. Businessmen association discussed work on 28-29-30. _ ..- lor children, professional out• It is expected that plant offi• THE CITY COUNCIL has set Local selection of a queen will four civic projects at the group's board motor boat races, street cials will visit East Jordan with• monthly meeting Tuesday night be held n.t the Temple Theater aside April 14th as "fire.inspec-. " uan..iiig and other festivities. in the next week or 10 days. tion day" in East Jordan at' \^ They will: (I) Sponsor a lo• next Tuesday night. Out of-town cal queen for the National Trout which. timc-:scate fire inspectors judgus will be asked to make the The members have agreed to will .inspect all business places Festival nueen contest at Kal• selection. IT IS PLANNED to decorate cooperate with the state fire in• kaska next month. the. downtown area as "it has spection day here April 14th by for possible fire hazards. (2) Sponsor a downtown . At a board meeting following never been decorated before." sponsoring a down town clean• It was announced that the Ap• clean-up day, April 14th. tile regular session, the members The. city dock will also be decor• up program at the same time. ril meeting-of the merchant's- <3) Work with a prospective made further plans for the city's ated for the water contests. The fire department plans to association will be opened to allj manufacturer who has shown de• first annual Swan City Festival." The members spent consider• wash down the main streets and members, guests and"-friends. sire to locate in East Jordan. - The event will include a par• able time discussing a prospec- later merchants will clean up the The dinner meeting time and (4) Sponsor a city-wide Me• ade with surrounding cities tak• t.ve manufacturing firm's desire street area in front of each place place will be announced later. morial weekend celebration, May ing part, a long list.of contests to locate m East Jordan. of business. • ' fGRAND OPENING—It was a big weekend for the Vaughn Company when the firm's East Jordan store held its official wcl- -' come to the public last weekend. Shown here are company^officials, '•* Grand Lighthill, left and Mr, Stephenson right, passing out refresh- -•"mjents to customers. Customers from throughout the East Jordan .'•Area streamed through the new department store alfday Friday and •Saturday inspecting the company's new lines and having a looK » 'at the many improvements made since the company took over. "•• •. (Photo by Huckle) VOLUME 59 NUMBER 13 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 TEN CENTS TIME TO VOTE CITY ELECTION MON. • • • BUGAI AT WAIKIKI—There's fun and sun in Honolulu for . Joseph Bugai, of East Jordan and Ellsworth. Attending the Waikiin Lions Club, Bugai was presented with the "Calabash Cousin Card" To Elect Mayor, Councilmen as evidence he had been there. He received the card from President Father, Son Banquet Ready Tom Oliver. Bugai, who owns Ellsworth Lumber Company and is a member of the Ellsworth Lions Club, is vacationing with his Mori-ell Cole, of Traverse City daughter Jean in Honolulu. an authority on rare guns and a At Annual Spring Election well known collector of guns, will Services Held East Jordan voters will go to the polls Monday to elect new- be the main speaker at the East More Plans members to the city council and to name a mayor for the coming East Jordan Track & Field RecordsJorda n Rotary Club's annual Fa• Wednesday For year ther and Son banquet Friday For Fire Also to be voted upon are candidates for supervisor and consta• Event T. or Dist. Holder Year night. ble. • 100 yd. dash 10.4 sec. Francis Quinn 1930 Mrs. Webler Running for the mayor's of• The banquet will be combined fice are Vern Whiteford and Al• 220 yd. dash 23.3 sec. Francis Quinn 1930 with the club's annual all sports Funeral services were held 9 Inspection 55.2 sec. James Milstein 1950 a.m. Wednesday at St. Joseph ston Penfold. Penfold will run 440 yd. 'dash dinner, Church for Mrs. Oscar • Weisler, -. Further plans were made this FFA Boys on slips. .110 yd. high hurdles 16,6 isee. Bill Bennett 1938 The dinner will be held at the the former Eleanor Jenkins, who week for East Jordan's fire in• The only other contest in the 180; yd. low hurdles 21,6 sec. Larry Huckle 1951 high school 7 p.m. I riday. died suddenly Sunday afternoon spection day to be held April .14. Attend State election.will be that for council• 880 yd. Belay. ; i :38,8 Bill Bennett, Howard 1938 Conservation officer Julius O'• :Fr. Joseph J; Malinowski offi- : A member of the Michigan man of the second ward. Both Porter Jr., William In- Brien will deliver- the toast to ciated with bkrial at Calvary State Fire Association met with Merrit Shaw and James Lilak . • ••• •• .:• • lMan,i Glen Malpass •the sons and the toast to the fa• local authorities and worked out Convention have filed petitions. 35- cemetery. .¾. plans for the down town pro• .4:5? ' Ala Brooks 1932 thers will be delivered by his . Two delegates elected from • With no one running for sup• •Mile Bun Bearers werrtv. William Stan- gram as well as a program to be ervisor of the first ward when <- 8:06, Walter Leist 1935. son, Jerry. pk.' f^Hai'hjSj^ifciri'.d Strehl, Al• the local FFA Chapter.and their MU> ,. Bun Braman, Rotary presi• carried out. in the school. filing deadline passed it was an• " 'IV • Howard Sommerville 1932 bert Trojanek, Chester Walden The inspection will be spon• advisor Donald Stormer -drove to. -JiolB,, Vault " •' dent-elect, will be' master of ce• and Ed Nemecek, Sr. nounced : recently -that William Broad Jump 20' 10" Edward Stanek 1936 remonies for the evening. sored by the local fire depart• Lansing, Thursday March 24th Taylor would run for that office Complete obituary will be ment, Rotary Club, city council, High Jump 5* 8¾" Dqnald Whiteford 1952 Coach Gayle Saxton will pre• to attend the Annual State Con-, on slips. published in next week's issue businessmen and Boy Scouts. vention; the 27th Annual Far• Keith Annear will run for first 12 lb. Shot Put . 45' 7"' Donald Whiteford 1952 sent awards to various Red De• of the News-Herald. vils for football, basketball, East Jordan is one of eight mers of America State Conven• ward councilman. Incumbent Michigan cities to carry out the tion held March 24th through the Frank Strehl did not file. Milton baseball and track. Keith Annear state, fire inspection day Meredith, the other councilman Saxton Opens Track will present the tennis awards. Announce . The Rotary Club will be host 26th. in the first ward has one more A feature of the evening will to 25 fire inspectors at a noon Lysle Howard a sophomore year to serve. bo the annual Kentucky Derby, Date To luncheon that day. Others are and Robert Russell a senior in which is a kiddy car race for se• welcome to attend. the meeting. * * * With 18 Boys Out veral age groups. Prizes will be high school were the elected de• PRESENT councilmen for the Pick Queen In cooperation with the in• legates who made the trip to second ward are Greg Boswell given. spection day, merchants will Lansing. The convention started Eighteen track candidates, .ill The race will be conducted by An East Jordan queen to re• sponsor a clean-up program for and George Rebec. Boswell does coaching staff in getting the at 1:00 on Thursday and adjoud- not seek another term and Rebec underclassmen, reported for in- Gayle Saxton and Bill Malpass. present the city.at the Kalkaska the downtown area. r.ed 12:00 on Saturday. itial workout under Coach Gayle youngsters started at the ele• Trout Festival • will be selected has another year to serve.. mentary and junior high level. A Harry Watson will be song Saxton Monday afternoon. leader for the evening. Rev; Dale at the Temple Theatre next Also attending the convention . In the third ward, Richard. Junior High-Grade School Field Tuesday night. from East Jordan were Jack Malpass, Sr., is seeking re-elect• Only Jerry Harrington, 6' 3" Day for boys and girls will be Larson will give the invocation junior,.a transfer from Croswell- and Rev. Edward 0. DeHaven Archers Zoulek and Steve Hayden who ion and Gilbert Sturgill- has.one held at the Fairgrounds this Members of the " East Jordan received their State Farmer De• more term. Lexingtbn, has had previous spring at a date to be announced will give the benediction. Businessmen's Association voted track experience. Harrington ran grees. Steve, who rated second Second ward supervisor Rob• later. The dinner will be prepared at their monthly meeting Tues• Organize highest in leadership of all the the 440 and was a letter-winner and.served, by the ladies of the day night to again sponsor a ert F. Barnett filed for re-elect• at Croswell, a Class B school, State Farmer candidates in Mi• ion as well as Barney Milstein Methodist church. queen to represent the city, • chigan receyied a "silver" State last spring. , In E. Jordan in the third ward. Tickets may be obtained from Local girls between 17 and 21 Farmer Award along with many Other, candidates are Dennis Swan In any Rotary club member or at and unmarried will be judged, on Ed Bowerman has been named others.
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