The Together Trust Archive The Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Manchester and Salford Boys' and Girls' Refuges and Children's Aid Society (1892) Reference number: DA/2020/1/3 (1891) Original copies can be viewed at Manchester Central Library Rare Books Collection: 362.7M1 1891-96 © 2021 The Together Trust THE TWE TY-SECOND ANNUAL REPOR'I;' OF THE -=- MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BOYS' AND GIRLS' REFUGES, A. D CHI LDREN"S A IDS 0 C lET Y, _... ._- _--- STRANGEWA YS, MANCHESTER. Trustees. OLIVER HEYWOOD, Esq., J.P. HEI<BERT PHILIPS, Esq., J.P. ISAAC HOYLE, Esq., M.P. \Y. J. C,WS LEY, Esq. HENRY LEE, Esq., J.P. RICHARD B. TAYLOR, Esq. F. W. CROSSLEY, Esq., J.P. LOUIS M. HAYES, Esq. HENRY CHARLTON, Esq. LEONARD K. SHAW, Esq, Committee. ... W. J. CROSSLEY, Chairman. LOUIS M. HAYES. _---- - JOHN THOMSON. GILBERT R. KIRLEW. J. C. STUART. JAMES BOYD. -~:c=3f-::,: RICHARD B. TAYLOR. Tuos. R. ACKROYD. LEONARD 1<:. SHAW . ..- .~:::- Treasurer. HENRY CHARLTON, Esq., Blackfriars Street. Honorary Medical Officers. ANDREW BOUTFLOWER, Esq., Great Ducie Street. ROBERT RODGER, Esq., Cheetham Hill. Geo. H. PINDER, Esq., Great Clowes Street, Lower Broughton. Honorary Dentists. J. R. MANN, Esq. WM. SIMMS, Esq. Honorary Solicitors. Messrs. FARRAR & CJ., Fountain Street. Honorary Counsel. , A. C. MABERLEY, Esq. J. M. YATES, Esq. Bankers. WILLIAMS DEACON & MANCHESTER & SALFORD BANK, Limited, St. Ann Street Branch. • • General Superintendents. Mr. and Mrs. STEPHENS. Honorary Secretaries. LEONARD 1<. SHAW, Broom Holm, Cheetham Hill. } And at the GILBERT R. KIRLEW, 5, Upper Camp Street, Higher Refuge, Broughton. Slral1geways. MANCHESTER: WORKING BO~Y~S'~~II~~~lllliEillll BOYS' REFUGE, PRINTING DEPARTMENT, STRANGEWAYS. LADS' HOME AND INSTITUTE, BRIGADE BOYS' HOME, AND 1892 . GREAT DUCIE STREET, STRANGEWAY:). /" SUMMARY OF ANNUAL MEETING. The TWl/lly-slContf A "nllal AIrelin!: of the MANCHESTER AND SALFORD Boys' AND GIRLS' REFUGES AND HOMES A:<D CHILDRE 's ID SOCIETY, WIlS held ill the MIlYOI'"s ParlollY, Town Hall• • ,1 Monday, Febl'llal"Y lsi, 1892. His 'Worship the Mayor (Alderman Bosdin T. Leech.) took the chair at II-30 o'clock. Amongst those present were the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of JlTanchester, vVilliam Mather, Esq., M.P., Oliver Heywood. Esq., J.P.. H. T. Gaddum, Esq., the Chief Con table of Manchester, Charle Lister, Esq., J.P., W. W. " These Homes are based upon Christian principles, Coulborn, Esq., T. L. Farrar, Esq., J. C. Stuart, Esq., Johl1 they are managed by practical methods, and are doing Thomson, Esp., Rev. Arthur Parkinson, &c. a great work for all the Churches. They are doing the The Meeting was opened with prayer. Letters of apology for work of ten societies, and are in danger of only receiving non-attendance were read from the Right Hon. Sir James Fergusson, the support of one. Bart.. M.P.. Jacob Bright, Esq., M.1 ., Lees I{nowles, Esq. M.P., Hy. W. West. Esq.. Q. C., Henry Lee, Esq.. J.P., and others. We should give not merely the traditional guinea, The Annual Heport was read by the Hon. Secretary. Mr. Leonard but in proportion to the work."-THE LORD BISHOP OF K. Shaw. and the Financial Statement by the Hon. Treasurer, MANCHESTER at the last Annnal Meeti1lg. Mr. Henry Charlton. It was then mo\'ed by His 'Worship the Mayor, seconded by the Lord Bishop of Manchester, snpported by 'William Mather, Esq., M.P.. and resolved:- .. That the Report. together with the Financial Statement now read, be adopted. printed. and circulated, under the direction of the ' .. Committee." It was also moved by Oliver Heywood. Esq., seconded by H. T. Gaddum, Esq.. and resolved:- " That the Committee for the ensuing year be. Messrs. W. J. Crossley, John Thomson, J. C. Stuart. R. B. Taylor, L. IVI. Hayes, James Boyd. T. R. Ackroyd, Gilbert R Kirle~. and Leonard K. Shaw. That the Treasurer be Mr. Henry Charlton, and the Auditors Messrs. Theodore Jones. Crewdson and Youatt. The Meeting closed with the Benediction. l TWE TY-SECOND A NIVERSARY. A NUAL REPORT OF THE MANCHESTER AND SALFORD Boys' and Girl' Refuges and H01l1es, AND CHILDREN' AID SOCIETY, VOR THE YEAR 1891. God bends from out th deep and says: "I gave thee th great gift of life; Wast thou not called in many ways! s an Institution, or rather Are not my earth and heaven at strife? I gave thee of my se d to sow, A a combination of In­ Bringest thou me my hundred fold? ' stitutions, we greet our friend Can I look up with face aglow, an 1 subscribers to-day after And answer: "Father, here is gold ?" lw nty-two years' service, more anxious than ever to fulfil Christ still is wandering o'er the earth, Without a place to lay His head; the great object of our Institu­ He finds free welcome at my hearth, tion, " to seek and to save that He shares my cup and breaks my bread. which is lost." Ja-tIles Russell Lowell. The past year, closing Dec­ ember 31st, 1891, has been one of teady progress and con­ ·olidation. The extension practically completed last year, has increas d and improved our facilities for rescue and training, the full benefit of which i only just beginning to be felt. "'I , 6 7 We speak of the extension as practically complete, We thank the Corporations of Manchester and Salford but from various causes the plot of land just above the for their co-operation, and would still urge upon them Refuge, purchased a year ago and cleared last year, has the subject named in our last report, viz :-that young not yet been utilised, thongh the greater part of the people of either sex should not be associated with requisite funds are in hand or promised. However, no criminals and treated as such, when guilty only of the time will now be lost, and a year hence we hope to infringement of Corporation and Police Regulations. report enlarged workshops and laundry, as well as \t\T rejoice to learn the matter is having attention. more breathing space, which is sorely needed. We are glad that the Guardians of the Poor of a few The difficulty ofproviding open space for the recr ation Unions have availed themselves of the Act 13 and 14 of our large family has been settled during the year, a Viet., Chap. lOI, Sect. 4, and saved the rates by making settlement which we hope will not be disturbed for use of our own and similar emigration agencies. It is some time. The Cheetham Hill and Strangeways matter for astonishment that this opening is so little groups have now each their fi ld of several acres in used. Thousands of childr n are still a heavy cost which to carryon their sports. to the ratepayers, who might by a wise economy be During the year the Committee of the Gordon Boys' tl permanently provided for on our Colonial farms. It is a Home and Police Court Mission to Lads asked us to startling fact that last quarter the official returns shewed take over their work, and provide for the boys already in that there were no less than 221,564 children in the the Gordon Home. After careful consideration, seeing vVorkhouses, and Workhouse Schools of this country. we had fer years been doing similar work, we: acceded Well might the speaker of the House of Commons, to the request, and now carryon the work in our own whose figures we quote, speak of this state of things as buildings, and without increasing our staff. deplorable, and look to Emigration as one of the remedies. Some of our colleagues on the Committee have been As a result of our experience we strongly urge that laid aside during the year, but we are thankful to say \t\Torkhouse authorities keep their orphan and deserted they are now convalescent. \t\'e have again to acknow­ children separate from those who are often in and out of ledge the devotion and loyalty of our large taff of the Union with their vagrant parents, and whose voluntary and paid workers. influence is consequently d trimental physically and As the Institution becomes more widely known, our morally. We are convinced that the commw1ity will help is sought by officials and workers in the towns be richly compensated for any slight additional cost. surrounding Manchester, and we have rendered regular Our last report acknowledged the great help which and systematic service to the Magistracy and I alice of Parliament had rendered to the cause of the children by Manchester, Salford and the County. th passing of the" Bill for the Prevention of Cruelty • _ ...-- ----,__ :e..~ 8 9 to Children." VYe now record with equal thankfulness year. Notwithstanding these los es, we acknowledge the "Custody of Children's ct," which effectually with thankfulness to our Heavenly Fath r that wavering prevents unworthy relativ s from undoing all the labour faith has been strengthened and unbelief rebuked. of years, bestowed by I nstitutions such as ours. VYe have looked up and said," 11 our springs are in Having sofar brouahtour national estimate of Parental Thee," and so" the barrel of meal has wasted not, neither Rights into harmony with Parental Duti s and respon­ has th cruise of oil failed, according to the word of the sibilities, we are most hopeful that ere long the State Lord." \lYe believe that only as the principle of will teach our children's hands, as now their heads are stewardship and responsibility is acknowledged in our taught, and make idleness as difficult and disgraceful as giving, will such work as ours be adequately supported.
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