.. ., ........ .... ... .. .___,,-.~.. .XC- ....... ... ................... ...... ........... ................ ..._ ... - ., .. , L. , . '. .. 'Anthology. hb. Ream is attempting to put : ' . 1 movement on the stage. "Nthii each section ' aprsongetsupandwili assumeacharacter. '. Say it's an older woman who has len Spoon River, traveled around France or Europe. become pretly much a society lady. bu! slill ' . has that small tom,' rural Illinois blood in . ' her. I! would be within her charaeler lo stand . and perhaps to walk around. In a couple of : .. places I'm trying lo do some pantomine with . , the songs (folk music)." ' . .... Ab. Ream is acting director of the drama groupthis year in the placeof hb. Richard A:. , . \Villiams. Ilis response as to how he Id1 about . ' his .new. position was, "It's frightening. ' .' There's a lot to be done and you never realize ' . -until you sit here. It's a large responsibility. It's kind of a scary thing. but I'm enjoying it. : I'm managing to keep up and that's the mosl . ,:important thing for me." ..: Distressedaboutthelackofpar2icip~tionin ' ~ production$ by the student body. hlr. Ream -:. saidtbathewouldlikelo beabletogettothe students and urge them to become involved. "I think that there are a lo1 of people who .' wouldliketocometryout for productions and .- work on crews that arm't doing it. There's somegoodf good fellowship and that lomek75pr -I cent of it - the people you're uorking with , . and the fun you have doing it." .. Speaking about the drama deprtmenl hlr. Ream stated. "Jus! the cast (Taylor.hlarlin. Becky Geible, Paul Sanders and 'Marti . ... Doumanlshoasthatwehavealotoftalenl. I think we'll havea very goodyer andit shous~ .even more potenlial for next year.). Spoon ~irer..~n~lo~o~wi~showon , ' ,October 26 and 27, and November:l. Z'and '' .L .. ... 3. :_ ......... ., ,--. , : .... .. .,.~ Stud ent-al u m n i to draw a prallel belween the student court try to bridge that gap." '. ' ' . that Karen and her crew must lid." and the facully. "The student murt has in the ' , The committee under the proposal would . , &weeds go to the alumni fund. This fund. Past proved be a very responsible body." .,. .. consist of five students representing a cross ' to ,Jim explained, is money going to operations - .." . .. ' he said. "For this reason we feel that his ' Read ,All .About It! ,,f the student body; hIembers . .... , ' Of the college. It does not go to building nor to committee could also be a very responsible b+appointdby thecentral Council president . Record review, editorial..;...'; :.....p. 2 endoument. but to yearly operations. uith Central Cauncil'approval. : . body. It wouldn't end up being a committee ..... ."I jUSt can't be pmiti\T enough about it," out to get any and every professor it could." . ,. , p. 4 , I thought," features..::..:..; ........................... said Jim. "bst year we ran out of numbers plan or said 7. .. '.,. aundlResident, ~~vin+,i, *was that a ' ' "That'sanimportant point," said Kevin. "1 Creative,writing : ;...p. 5 and had to stop early but this year because of number of St,&& are too or just . .!hiink that's why a lot of lacully members '* ........ ................. Karen' and her crew's efficiency we have' ' .I ' afraid to talg to the professor whether It be a .reject the.idea. They think it's going to give Sports ....: .... :.:; .................... ..:.p. 6, 7 . manv more............ numben." ' ' the.. student??n opportunity get out and go . 4' ~. DroNem or just amatterconcerning a course. to Spoon River Anthology'..: ....: .......... p. 8 hi te~ethon~wi~run from <even to ten For thme sibdents this would be <place lor .~ :gter !hem." ': o'clock, Sunday through Thursday hiween .'7Ve also want to make it dear that this October 28 and November 15. them to mme and possibly break.. the ice as .. ., .. ... .. ..., .. ... , I.' .. .. .. ..... ..-. .... -.,. ............... .... ......... ., ,. .. .. .. .. ~. ,. ... .. * ;: .. .. ., I, ....... ......... ... ...... ... .......... ... ,............. ... .. I .......... -. .. .. .. .. ~. .. .. 2 .-- October 26, 19 ..... -. ._ -- -- . ,.. -. .. .~ ... .. .. ,.’ ’ . ‘t. .... .. , .. -. ’. Editorial:. need support J We .. .. ’ .. ’# Garfunkel’s ‘Angel Clore’ : ..’ . .. From both sides now ~’ :From .Bath melodies Central Council is seeking support from both students and faculty on a proposal carried over from last spring and revived last week. The proposal ~ committee which is setup concernstheestablishmentofastudent-facultyrelations .. ’ to English. ballads . : to further .communications between students and faculty. The four basic ‘.‘duties” as outiinkl in the proposal are: 1) to organize rap sessions between .. .. ’ rtudents and professors; (2) to be available for departments or individual faculty members to .~, ~ discuuviewsonmattersofmutualconcern; at ByChrisCurtis., ’ ’ !he same blending of’vocal’ and l&id ’ (3)toconductastudentevaluationofeveryprofessor midterm every semester as a service to the faculty;.and (4) to receive student comments and r\;t Carfunkel has Iindly cut an album. IIis quality. ... problems of and with professors. .,.: first relase. Angrl Clarr. proves to be well The traditional “Barbara Allen” is given It is important !hat thefaculty understand that this committee is not an execution squad.’Il is worth waiting for. Unlike Paul Simon uho’s . life by an excellent string accompaniment. equally important !hat students understand that the committee is no1 a weapon. I1 is set up as a been doing gospel. energetic mck and Xew Alelancholyinmntextitendsinasheerpoetic meansof communicationandrequiresnopowerexceptthepowerofcommunication. Orleans funk. the “sofrcr side” of the once ’ fashion, once again befitting ..only of the ‘ The procedureof !he,committeeas oullinedaouldbeasfolou~: Simon and Garfunkel has come out uith an ’. Garfunkel quality. ’ ’ 1. StudenUs) rillbrlngvlerstothecommlllee.Alisludentsrillbequestlonedlndepth. album of soft, easy listening traditional song , ’ . They buried \Villy in the old churchyard 2. Thestudenl(s) rillbeurgedtotalktolheprolessor.llhelsreluckntlodosohisreason rill be ranging from Bach melodies to English And Barbara in the new one. recorded. ballads. And from \Villiam’s~~~~~~~~ ~”~~ erave there mewa rose . .3. The prolessor wilt be contacted by (he commitlee on behalf of the student. ’ From Barbara’s D grccn briar- a. Inlheevenl a substanlialnumber 01 students approach the committee with slmilar legitlmale . Perhaps the best know song from the They grew and grew in !he old churchyard concerns regarding a particular prolessor a report 01the facts and opinions of the committee will be album is “All I how” uritten by Jimmy . ‘Till they couldgrow no higher submilled through the appropriate channels. Thh will be done only alter lhe commenls.have been’ \\’ebb. It is here !ha! Ihe sensitivity of Car- And there they tied in a true lover’s knot researched by lhecommillee by consullingotherslamiliarrilb theslluation: funkei’s singing merges supremely uith the !he red rose and the brlar. 5. action helween the committee and (he sludenl and the committee and (he prolessor wit! be ’ powerfully moving lyrics 01 Jim \Ycbb. ,\I1 .. The entire album has been performed ‘and conlidenlial. .. But the ending always coma at last. sung in a soft, slow-paced manner leading to \\’e urge the faculty to approve this proposal. It is definitely structured as a positive concept and ., Endings always came too fast. the effect of peaceful, meditative enjoyment. it iscommonlyknownthatadequatecontrolsexistonthiscampustokeepitpositive. ... They come loo fast but they pass ta, slow. Angel Clare is a rare enough treat from Art \Ve alsourge studentrtocome out 01 a general state01 ignorance concerning student government’ 1 love you and that’s all I know. Carfunkel. and it is unlikely to be surpassed affairsand tosupport !hecentral Council. Onceagaincommunicationworksbothways. “Another Lullaby.”also byJimmy \\’ebb. has until he cuts his second. - .... RFK ... .. .. “GOride the misic‘‘ . Taylor i1. Alartln. ’ ’ . disappointed.’\\’e got whatwe didn’t need: Hello-again, friends. It has been tun issues :, another repackage. \\ly? Because there is since I last wote, so I would like to mention ’ nothing new on it. They put a live version of that.!his mlumn is to reveal some of the Alter ?Jidnlght and it sounds like a high Fings go!g on i? the music business. In !his . school group doing it. No sprk, no glamour, issuewewlllagamslartourstumpthechump . iust blech. It wasa real strumle just to get contest. First, some news on albums and ihroyh it. What a bummerr-No< even &e concerts. addition of Steve \\-inwood, Pde Tounshend, “Both in music and ‘1s Iecial filni for special . Concert dates mming up are as follows: Ron \\’a,d or Rich Crcch can uull this one out visible beauty au iences, for devotees Nov. 1-In Louisville-The Moody Blues of the hole. I’m sorry Eric.‘you just didn‘t J Nov. 10 - Nolre Dame University-David make il on this one. the icture is a of Hesse’s novels, for Crosbv & Graham Nash Premiata Fmncrk Alarconi is from Italy. eon inuinr deliehtl’ admirers of the esotic. And-in Indy: ~ PFnl is good. Combine !he uurdsof Yes with F Oct. 31-Alolt the Hoople. Eabe Ruth, &- the Alusicianshin of E. UPand add a little Blue-Indiana Theatre flu(e1romTull~dyouhavetheirCustalbum Nov. 24- EAIERSON. LAKE & PALMER titled Pholos olChorto. They are on Emerson. at the Colisem.uith Stray.Dog .__ --.., . - Lake & Palmer’s label “hlmtimre’: and are Also Coming: Cheech & Chong Nov:ll. .. produced by Pe!e
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