International Journal of Plant Biology 2015 volume 6:5701 A new species of Freycinetia In 2006, several field studies have conducted in Kalimantan (Bukit-Baka-Bukit Raya Correspondence: Tatik Chikmawati, Department Gaudich (Pandanaceae) from Nationa Park and Sebangau National Park). of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural West Kalimantan, Indonesia Three new species of Freycinetia have discov- Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Raya ered by Keim (2009), namely F. kartawinatae Darmaga Kampus IPB Darmaga Bogor 16680, Fitri Sri Rizki,1 Tatik Chikmawati,1 Keim, F. runcingensis Keim, and F. subrace- West Java, Indonesia. T. Rugayah2 mosa Keim in Kalimantan based on the recent Tel.: +62.251.8622642. E-mail: [email protected] 1Department of Biology, Faculty of collection and the herbarium specimens 5,6 Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor deposited in Herbarium Bogoriense. Key words: Freycinetia sessiliflora; Mount Nyiut; In 2013, there were conducted exploration of Agricultural University; 2Herbarium sessile. Pandanaceae in Mount Nyiut-Sambas, West Bogoriense, Botany Division, Research Kalimantan. The Mt. Nyiut has wet tropical for- Acknowledgements: the authors would like to Center For Biology, Indonesian Institute est with moderate to steep topography and the thank to the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), of Sciences, Bogor, Indonesia highest area is 1701 m asl. From the explo- thanks also to Herbarium Bogoriense and ration, 7 species Freycinetia were found, one of Rijksherbarium, Leiden for the oportunity using them is suspected as a new species namely the specimens. Thank also to Dr. Ary P. Keim and Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki & Rugayah. It has Prof. Mien A. Rifai for their opinion in the scien- tific writing and comments to the manuscript. Abstract pectinate spinulose auricle similar to F. rigidi- folia and F. pectinata, but it differs in its auri- Contributions: the authors contributed equally. A new species Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki cle apex, leaf and other generative characters. & Rugayah is described and illustrated based After comparing to the herbarium specimens Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten- on specimen character from Mount Nyiut- deposited in Herbarium Bogoriense and a loan tial conflict of interest. Sambas, West Kalimantan (Indonesia). The specimen from Rijksherbarium Leiden, we species is differed from others by having ses- concluded this taxon as a new species. Funding: this study was supported by Directorate sile pedicellus, concave cylindrical of inner General of Higher Education (DIKTI), bracts and bright red bracts. Kemendikbudonly RI, Government of Indonesia. Results Received for publication: 5 November 2014. Revision received: 18 November 2014. Introduction useAccepted for publication: 18 December 2014. Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki & This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Freycinetia Gaudich (Pandanaceae) is most- Rugayah Sp. nov. Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- ly distributed in the region of Malesia, particu- Feycinetia sessiliflora similar to F. rigidifolia NC 3.0). larly in Borneo, Celebes, Papua and Sumatra. and F. pectinata in its pectinate spinulose auri- The genus comprises approximately 200-300 cle. But differ in its leaf size and floral charac- ©Copyright F.S. Rizki et al., 2015 Licensee PAGEPress srl, Italy species all over the world; about 150 species ters. The leaf size 47-55 cm x 0.7-1.6 cm. International Journal of Plant Biology 2015; 6:5701 1 Pedicellus sessile, inner bract concave cylin- found in Indonesia. Freycinetia was first doi:10.4081/pb.2015.5701 described by the French botanist Gaudichaud drical (Figures 1 and 2). in 1824. Along with Pandanus, Sararanga, Typus: Indonesia, Borneo, West Kalimantan, Martelidendron, and Benstoniana were classi- Mt. Nyiut Sambas, 108°59’ - 109°07’40” east fied into Pandanaceae family.2,3 longitude and 0°48’30” - 0°52’20” north lati- from the base to the apex; spine triangle Bornean Freycinetia has seen thoroughly tude.commercial 20 August 2013, Rizki 03 (Holo-BO!). 0.2×0.1 cm, gradually smaller and fewer to the studied by Stone in 1970.4 He described 24 Description: Climber, climbing up to 10 apex, the smaller ones 0.1 mm. Auricles pecti- species, and 11 species of them were reported meters, internodes 3.5-12 cm long, 0.5-1 cm in nate spinulose, lobed at the apex, 3.5-4×0.3-0.8 as endemic to Borneo. Those species account diameter. Leaves imbricate, linear-lanceolate, cm. Staminate inflorescence not known. mostly from N. Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak),Non47-55×0.7-1.6 cm, stiff, longitudinal veins visi- Pistillate inflorescence terminal, umbellate only 13 species occur in Kalimantan. It is indi- ble on the adaxial and abaxial surfaces; apex with 3 cephalia; peduncles cylindrical, cated that, Kalimantan is still under collected acuminate, sometimes revolute when dry; mar- glabrous, 5-6 cm long, 0.4 cm in diameter; for Pandanaceae. gins and midrib on the abaxial surfaces armed bracts 9 (3×3), concave cylindrical spoon-like, Table 1. Morphological differences between Freycinetia sessiliflora, Freycinetia rigidifolia, and Freycinetia pectinata. Characters Freycinetia sessiliflora Freycinetia rigidifolia Freycinetia pectinata Size of leaf, cm 47-55 × 0.7-1.6 25-33 × 0.7-1.6 15-20 × 0.9 Auricles Pectinate spinulose, apex lobed Pectinate spinulose, apex rounded Pectinate spinulose, apex rounded Pedicellus Sessile 1.5-3 × 0.3-0.4 cm 0.3-0.5 × 0.5-0.7 cm Shape of bracts Concave cylindrical Oblong-cylindrical Oblong-cylindrical Number of bract 3-9 3-7 3-6 Number of cephalia per inflorescences 2-3 2-3 4-5 Number of stigma 2-4 2-3 4-6 (-12) [page 8] [International Journal of Plant Biology 2015; 6:5701] Article Discussion The naming of new species refers to the main character of this species i.e. sessile or sitting cephalium. This species closely related with F. rigidifolia and F. pectinata and included in section Hemsleya because it has a pectinate spinulose auricle. The differences of Freycinetia sessiliflora with F. rigidifolia and F. pectinata are the size of leaves, tip of auricle, shape of bractea, number of stigma and pres- ence of pedicellus (Table 1). References 1. Stone BC. Malayan climbing pandans. The genus Freycinetia in Malaya. Malayan Nat Figure 1. A) Freycinetia sessiliflora habit (see arrow); B) F. sessiliflora bractea and inflo- J 1970;23:44-91. rescence: *cephalia, #bract concave cylindrica; C) F. sessiliflora auricle pectinate spinu- 2. Callmander MW, Chassot P, Kupfer P, lose, apex lobed: *auricles pectinate spinulose, #leaves; F. sessiliflora cephalium and pedi- Lowry P. Recognition of Martellidendron, a cellus sessile (arrow). onlynew genus of Pandanaceae, and its bio- geographic implications. Taxon 2003;52:747-62. 3. Callmander MW, Lowry P, Forest F, et al. use Benstonea Callm. & Buerki (Pandanaceae): characterization, circum- scription, and distribution of a new genus of screw- pines, with a synopsis of accept- ed species. Candollea 2012;67:323-45. 4. Stone BC. Materials for a monograph of Freycinetia Gaud. (Pandanaceae) VI. Species of Borneo. Gard Bull Sing 1970;25:209-33. Figure 2. Holotype specimen of Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki & Rugayah: A) F. sessiliflora; 5. Keim AP, Rugayah, Rustiami H. The B) auricle of F. sessiliflora; C) inflorescent of Freycinetia sessiliflora Rizki & Rugayah. Pandanaceae of the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya commercial National Park and adjacent areas, West and Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, with outer 15-20×6-8 cm, inner 1.4-2×6-10 cm, red- Nyiut-Sambas. notes on their nomenclature and the orange, margins armed from the base to the Etymology: The epithet name is given for it rediscovery of Pandanus aristatus and sev- apex. Cephalia 2-3, sessile, cylindrical, 6.5- obvious depressed pedicellus characteristic. eral new records. Gard Bull Sing 2006;63: 8×2-2.5 cm long, berry pentagonal,Non 0.2- 0.5 mm Habitat: Freycinetia sessiliflora located in 31-62. in diameter; stigma remains mostly 2-4, areola lowland bush and secondary forest area from 6. Keim AP. Three new species of Freycinetia stigma with rings, seeds ellipsoid. 90 to 750 m above sea level. Fruiting in August (Pandanaceae) from Kalimantan, Distribution: West Kalimantan, Mount and February. Indonesia. Reinwardtia 2009;13:15-20. [International Journal of Plant Biology 2015; 6:5701] [page 9].
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