[D,toTO THEth e ED No. : C. 248. M. 86. 1 9 2 9 . MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE] LEAGUE OF NATIONS Ge n e v a , June 4th, 1929. S ubject L ist N o. 97 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING MAY 1929. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Key to Signs. § Distributed previously. Key to Abbreviations. A. * Assembly Jan. January A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers L. of N. League of Nations Add. Addendum, Addenda Memo. Memorandum Addit. Additional Mtg. * Meeting Adv. Advisory Min. Minutes Agrt. Agreement Nov. November Ann. Annex Observ. Observation App. Appendix Oct. October Arb. and Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Committee O.J. Official Journal Arrgt. Arrangement Org. Organisation Art. Article P- Page Ass. Assembly P.A. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Aug. August Powers C. * Council Para. Paragraph Chapt. Chapter Perm. Perm anent Cl. Council Pet. Petition C.L. * Circular Letter Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings C.M. * Council and Members Prelim. Preliminary Comm. Commission Prep. Preparatory Conf. Conference Pres. President Consult. Consultative Prov. Provisional Conv. Convention Pt. P art C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of International Recomm. Recommendation Justice Redist. Redistributed Cttee. Committee Rep. Report Dec. December Repres. Representative Del. Delegation Resol. Resolution Disc. Discussion Sec.-Gen. Secretary-General Dist. Distribution and Distributed Secret. Secretariat Doc. Document Sect. Section Eng. English Sept. September Err. Erratum, Errata Sess. Session Extraord. Extraordinary S.H.S. Serb, Croat and Slovene Feb. February Spec. Special Fr. ** French Supp. Supplement Govt. Government Techn. Technical I.L.O. International Labour Office Tel. Telegram Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference Temp. Temporary Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisation U.S.A. United States of America Intell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Committee U.S.S.R. Union of Socialist Soviet Re­ Intell. Co-op. Insti­ Intellectual Co-operation Institute publics tute Vol. Volume * Used for numbering only. ** Used for language only. * Used for numbering only. S. d. N. 175 (F.) + 150 (A.) 6/29. Imp. Sonor S. A. — 4 - Economics and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Currency Currency (continued) Counterfeiting of Counterfeiting of (continued) Conf., April 1929. Geneva Protocol, Optional, concluded April 20, 1929 at Act, Final, adopted April 20, 1929 by Geneva concerning, as regards extradition, the acts referred to in Art. 3 of Conv. of same C. 153, M. 59. 1929. II * date C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * Letter May 18, 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and other States Letter May 18, 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. to represented at this Conf. or invited to to Members of the League and other States adhere to the Conv. adopted thereat, represented at the Conf. or invited to adhere forwarding a certified true copy of this to the Conv. concluded on the same Act, showing the signatures appended date, forwarding a ce. titled true copy of to date this Protocol showing signatures appended C. L. 93. 1929. II thereto to date and drawing attention to paragraph 3 thereof concerning accession to and ratification of Signatures appended up to May 18, 1929 to C. L. 93. 1929. II C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * Signatures appended up to May 18, 1929 to Conv. drawn up by C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Customs formalities Currency Abolition of import and export prohibitions and Counterfeiting of restrictions Conv., Int., etc. Conv. Protocol, and annexed Declaration signed Nov. 8, 1927 at Geneva on (C. 14. M. n. Protocol concerning interpretation of Conv. of 1929. II) April 20, 1929, reservations thereto and Agrt., Supplementary, and annexed Protocol declarations made at time of signature concluded July 11, 1928, Geneva (C. 13, M.io. thereof, drawn up by 1929. II) See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Err. to Currency C. 13. M. 10. 1929. II, Err. Counterfeiting of Conv., Int., and Protocol, etc. Ratification by Belgium Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Protocol, Optional, drawn up by Members of the League and States See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE non-Members represented at the Conf. of Nov. 8, 1927 or invited to adhere Currency to the Conv. announcing deposit of Counterfeiting of instrument of this ratification, its entry Protocol, Optional, etc. into force being subject to ratification by specified States, and stating that Conv., Int. and Protocol concluded April 20, it does not apply to Belgian Congo 1929 at Geneva for the suppression of C. L. 84. 1929. II C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * Signatures affixed on Jan. 1, 1929 (C. 13. M. 10. 1929. II) Letter May 18, 1929 from the Sec.-Gen. to Err. to Members of the League and other States C. 13. M. 10. 1929. II, Err. represented at the Conf. or invited to adhere to the Conv. forwarding a certified true copy Err. to thereof showing signatures appended to C. 14. M. 11. 1929. II, Err. date thereto and offering facilities in for­ malities necessary for the signature and ratification of Ratification by Belgium of C. L. 93. 1929. II Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to M embers of the League and to States non-Members represented at the Conf. of Nov. 8, I927- Signatures appended up to May 18, 1929 to or invited to adhere to the Conv. announc­ ing deposit of instrum ent of this ratification, C. 153. M. 59. 1929. II * its entry into force being subject to rati­ fication by specified States, and stating Protocol concluded April 20, 1929 at Geneva that it does not apply to Belgian Congo on interpretation of Conv. of same date, on or to Ruanda-Urundi reservations thereto and declarations made at C. L. 84. 1929- 11 time of signature thereof See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Signatures affixed on Jan. 1, 1929 to (C. M' Currency M. 11. 1929) Counterfeiting of Err. to Conv., Int., and Protocol, etc. C. 14. M. 11. 1929. II, Err. * Certified true copy, dist. with C. L. 93. 1929. II. * Certified true copy, dist. with C. L. 93. 1929. II. — 5 — Economics and Finance (continued) Economics and Finance (continued) Customs formalities (continued) Customs formalities (continued) Abolition of import and export prohibitions and Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions (continued) restrictions (continued) Hides, Skins and Bones Hides, Skins and Bones (continued) Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded Agrt., Int., and annexed Protocol concluded July i i , 1928, Geneva, concerning ex po rta­ July 11, 1928, Geneva, concerning exporta­ tion of bones (C. 12. M. 9. 1929.) tion of hides and skins (C. 11. M. 8. 1929. II) Err. to Err. to C. 12. M. 9. 1929. II. Err. C. 11. M. 8. 1929. II. Err. Ratification by Belgium of Ratification by Belgium of Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to Members of the League and to States Members of the League and to States represented at the Conf. or invited represented at the Conf. or invited to to adhere to the agrt. announcing adhere to the agrt. announcing deposit deposit of instrument of this ratification of instrument of this ratification and and stating that it does not cover stating that it does not cover Belgian Belgian Congo or Ruanda-Urundi Congo or Ruanda-Urundi C. L. 90. 1929. II C. L. 89. 1929. II Signature by Turkey Signature by Turkey Reservations made by Turkish Govt Reservation made by Turkish Govt, at a t time of (C. L. 17. 1929) tim e of (C. L. 16. 1929) Observs. of the following countries Observs. of the following countries Bulgaria Bulgaria Note May 1, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 1, 1929 from the to States signatory summarising Sec.-Gen. to States signatory, observs. of summarising observs. of C. L. 78. 1929. II France C. L. 78. 1929. II France Note May 6, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising ob­ Note May 6, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. servs. of to States signatory, summarising C. L. 79. 1929. II observs. of C. L. 79. 1929. II Germany Germany Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 18, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 97. 1929. II C. L. 97. 1929. II Great Britain Great Britain Note May 7, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May, 7, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 80. 1929. II C. L. 80. 1929. II Hungary Hungary Note May 14, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 14, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 91. 1929. II C. L. 91. 1929. II Norway Norway Note May 23, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 23, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 108. 1929. II C. L. 108. 1929. II Roumania Roumania Note May 4, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 4, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 77. 1929. II C. L. 77. 1929. II Sweden Sweden Note May 13, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 13, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L. 88. 1929. II C. L. 88. 1929. II Switzerland Switzerland Note May 11, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. Note May 11, 1929 from Sec.-Gen. to States signatory summarising to States signatory, summarising observs. of observs. of C. L 87 1929. II C.
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