Cambridge University Press 052165629X - The Rise and Decline of the State Martin van Creveld Index More information Index Abdullah of Jordan, 352 Ali, R., 324 aborigines, Australian, 6 Allende, S., 305, 359 Acade´mie politique, 211 Allgemeines Landesrecht, 273 Accadian empire, 40, 42 Amadeus VIII of Savoy, 80 Action franc¸aise, 204 Amal, 398 administrative revolution, 129–30 American Revolution, 196 Admiralty Courts, 283 Amin, I., 330 Adrian of Utrecht, as pope, 66; as Amtrak, 358 humanist, 114 anarchism, 185, 205, 207, 275 Adulteration of Food Act, British, 218 ancien re´gime, 129 aediles,26 Andean Common Market (ACM), 388 aerarium, 33, 45 Andrea, V., 210 Afghanistan, 331; war in, 347, 414 Andropov, Y. V., 374 Africanus, S. C., 33, 53; accused of Angkole, 15 peculation, 54 Anglicanism, 68 Afrikaners, 295–6 Angola, 315, 326, 329 Agamemnon, King, 15 Annapolis Officer Academy, 211 agentes rerum,49 Anne of Bohemia, 121 Agincourt, Battle of, 93 Anne of Brittany, 122 Aid for Dependent Children Program Anne of England, 134 (AFDC), US, 363 Anne of Russia, 270 Air France, 357 Antiochus III, 33; killed while robbing airpower, rise of, 254 temple, 46, 54 Alagno, L. de, 98 Antiochus IV, 39 Alba, duke of, 101 Anuak, 2 Albania, 376 apartheid, 301 Albert of Brandenburg-Ansbach, 69 Aquinas, T., 51, 171 Albert I of Habsburg, 76 Arab–Israeli Wars, 347, 352, 362 Albiginsians, 64 Aragon, 89; united with Castile, 97–9, 100, Albrecht V of Bavaria, 102 298 alcabala, 116 architecture parlante, 199 Alexander the Great of Macedonia, 44, 47, archontes,28 224, 225, 383 Argentina, 202, 261, 304, 306; settlement Alexander VI, pope, 74 of, 307, 308, 310, 312, 343, 359, 388 Alexander I of Russia, 120, 208, 270, 271 Ariosto, 81 Alexander II of Russia, abolishes serfdom, Aristotle, 22; criticizes Plato, 25, 137, 172; 273, 274, 275 as model for Bodin, 176, 179, 186 Alfa Romeo, 370 Armenia, 36 Alfonso V of Aragon, 98 Arndt, M., 200 Algeria, 36, 331; retreats from socialism, Articles of Confederation, US, 284, 285 376; war in, 397 artillery, development of, 156, 158–9, 250 422 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052165629X - The Rise and Decline of the State Martin van Creveld Index More information 423Index assignats, French, 230, 233 Beer, F. von, 167 Association of South East Asian Nations Belarus, 270, 322, 381, 413 (ASEAN), 388 Belgium, 221; adopts gold standard, 233; Assyrian empire, 40 colonial empire of, 318, 321, 364, 371, Atahualpa, 46 412 ate´liers nationaux, 220 Belize, 330 Athens, 25, 29, 32, 36, 54, 56, 108 Bellamy, E., 210 Atlantic Charter, 354 Benedict XI, pope, 63 Attic–Delic League, 32 Benin, 388 auctoritas,28 Bentham, J., 140, 141, 168 Augsburg, Confession of, 68 Beria, L., 223 Augsburg, Peace of, 69, 85, 87 Berliet, 357 augusti,38 Bernhardi, T. von, 289 Augustine, St., 170, 180 Berti, 5 Augustus, C. O., 38, 44, 56, 168, 172, 225 Beveridge, A., 321 aurea libertas, 277 Beveridge Report, 355 Aurelius, M., 38; Capitoline statue of, 124 Beza, T., 68 Austerlitz, Battle of, 120 Bhutto, Z. A., 344 Australia, 261, 281; unification of, 294–5, Bible, 3, 5, 6, 7, 13, 21, 40, 69, 170, 177 298, 321, 326, 343, 371 BigGovernment, 291 Austria, 36, 78, 84, 102, 129, 134, 142, ‘big-men’’ societies, 22, 52 144; taxation in, 154–5, 169, 186, 190, billets d’e´tat, 229 199; creates paper money, 230; adopts Bismarck, O. von, 213, 217; introduces gold standard, 233, 251, 280, 290, 294, social security, 220; and annexation of 349, 371, 387 Alsace Lorraine, 350 Austrian school, 367 Black Death, 104 Aztec empire, 36, 42, 43, 48, 298 Blair, A., 409 Blanc, L., 220 Babylonian empire, 40 Blanche of Savoy, 70 Bacon, F., 260 Blenheim, Battle of, 250 bailiffs, 92 Blum, L., 356 Bakunin, M. A., 207 Bluntschli, J., 350 Bakwain, 9 Boccini, A., 223 Balladur, E., 370 Bodin, J., 70, 88, 145; and origins of Baltheassar, F. U., invents Swiss modern state, 176–9, 181, 186, 187; and nationalism, 192 private property, 206 Banco di Roma, 370 Boer War, 296 band societies, 2, 5 Bokassa, 330 BandungConference, 326 Bolingbroke, H., 134 Bank Act, US, 286 Bolivar, S., 304, 314 Bank of England: establishment of, 228–9, Bolivia, 306, 310, 388 230, 231; absorbed by state, 238, 336 Bolsheviks, 239, 275, 372 Banque de France, 229; reestablished by Boniface VIII, pope, 61; and quarrel with Napoleon, 231 Philip IV, 62–3, 76 Barere, B., 245 bonnes villes, 111 Baruch, B., 239 Books of Precedence, 265 Basel, Peace of, 81 Borgia, C., 74, 402 Basque Liberation Movement (ETA), 400 Borgia, R., see Alexander VI Bassianus, V. A., 38 Bosnia, 353, 385, 414 Bastille Day, 199 Bosworth Field, Battle of, 91, 107 Bavaria, 69, 102, 136, 149; education in, Botha, L., 296 212–13 boule,27 Bayerische Motoren Werke (BMW), 390 Bourbon family, 83 Beccaria, C., 168 Bouvines, Battle of, 76 Becket, T., 62 Braun, H., 211 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052165629X - The Rise and Decline of the State Martin van Creveld Index More information 424 Index Brazil, 304, 306, 308; under military Burr, A., 286 government, 310–11, 343, 359, 388 Burundi, 14 Bret, C. de, 178 Bush, G. S., 190, 343, 353; compares Bretton Woods Agreements, 391 administration with KGB, 408 Brezhnev, L. I., 374 Bushmen, 2, 8 Britain, 36; first census in, 147; abandons Byzantium, 17, 38, 44, 45, 47, 51, 59 tax-farming, 152, 153, 155, 200, 204; rise of police in, 208, 213, 216, 217, Cabet, H., 220 218; adopts social security, 221; cabildos, 300, 301, 302 establishes Bank of England, 228–9; Cable News Network (CNN), 392 creates legal tender, 230; taxation during caciques, 302 World War I, 235, 236; mobilization for Caesar, G. J., 33, 38 World War II, 241, 243, 251, 252, 253, caisse d’escompte, 230 254, 256, 261, 263, 270, 273, 274; gains California, 289; tax revolt in, 365 Canada, 284, 285, 290; and Canada, Caligula, C., 258 292–3, 307, 316; expansion in Asia and Calvin, J., 184 Africa, 317, 321, 324, 326, 336, 352, Cameroon, 388 361, 363, 364, 365; retreats from welfare Campus Martius, 30 state, 369–70, 372, 386; and European Canada, 260, 284, 289; political history of, Union, 387, 407, 409, 410, 412; see also 291–4, 295, 297, 343, 355; creates England, Scotland welfare state, 357, 359, 360; retreats British Aerospace, 369 from welfare state, 364, 366, 368, 371, British Airways, 369 372, 381, 383; and NAFTA, 388 British BroadcastingCorporation (BBC), Canaletto, J. A., 109 355, 393 Canqui, J. G. C., 302 British Columbia, 293 Cape Colony, 296 British Gas, 369 Capet, House of, 62 British North America Act, 293 carabinieri, 166 British Overseas Air Corporation (BOAC), Cardwell Reforms, 160 356 Carlist Wars, 248 British Petroleum, 369 Carlos III of Spain, 302 British Rail, 358 Carnot, L., 246 British Steel, 369 Carolingian empire, 12, 59–60, 210 British Telecom, 369 Carter, J. E., 412 Bubble Act, 228 Carthage, 22, 56 Bucer, M., 68 casa de la contratacio´n, 303 Buganda, 15 Casimir of the Palatinate, 95, 130 Bulgaria, 36 Castile, 89; united with Aragon, 97–9, 100, Bulnes, M., 304 114, 298 Bunyoro, 15 Cateau-Cambresis, Treaty of, 95 Bureau of Internal Revenue, US, 232 Cathars, 64 bureaucracy, in empires, 42, 50; under Catherine de Medici, 70, 95, 121 feudalism, 51; and early modern state, Catherine II of Russia, 270, 271; and 128–30; expansion of, 136–7, 140–3; Poland, 280 Prussian, 153, 191; and French Catholic kings, 98 Revolution, 198, 210; growth in World caudillos, 306, 308, 309, 311 War I, 235; in Soviet Union, 239; in censores,54 Russia, 269, 271; Polish, 278; American, Central African Republic, 330, 388 291; in Latin America, 308; in Asia and Central American Common Market Africa, 327, 329, 355; and welfare state, (CACM), 388 361; loss of faith in, 408–9 central banks, expandingrole of, 233–4 Burke, E., 140; and creation of legal Ceylon, see Sri Lanka tender, 230 Chaco War, 310 Burkhardt, J., 74 Charlemagne, 38; as universal emperor, Burma, 324, 325, 326, 327, 393 40, 60, 82 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 052165629X - The Rise and Decline of the State Martin van Creveld Index More information 425Index Charles the Bold of Burgundy, 78, 94 Clement IV, pope, 61 Charles V, Emperor, 41, 44, 66, 69; sacks Clement V, pope, moves papacy to Rome, 74, 81, 82, 87, 94, 99, 101; and Avignon, 63 germanias, 114, 116, 119, 122, 126, 130, Clement VII, pope, 74, 82 135, 159; testaments of, 172, 173, 176, Clinton, W. J., 1, 190, 364, 413 296, 301; North African campaigns, 317 Clive, R., 316 Charles I of England, 70, 92, 107, 120, Code Napoleon, 169 124; revenue of, 149, 228 coercitio,26 Charles II of England, 92, 282 Colbert, C. S., 134 Charles IV of France, 93 Colbert, J. B., 71; conducts recherche´dela Charles V of France, 147, 415 noblesse, 96, 145; estimates France’s Charles VI of France, 77, 178 revenue, 149, 211 Charles VII of France, 148 Cold War, 286; and BigGovernment, 291, Charles VIII of France, 121, 122 310, 325, 348, 384, 418 Charles IX of France, 71 Colombia, 306, 308, 310, 384 Charles XII of France, 94 Colonna family, 59, 74 Charles XII of Sweden, 120, 270 Colorado, 209 Charlotte of Savoy, 121 Commonwealth of Independent States CharlottenburgPalace, 123 (CIS), 413 Chechnya, war in, 334, 413 communeros, 99, 114 Cheka, 208 compagnies d’ordonance, 148 Chernenko, C. U., 374 concentration camps, 224 Chernobyl accident, 381 ‘Concert of Europe,’’ 382 Cherokee, 8 Conciliarists, 64 ChiangKai-shek, 325 Conde´, House of, 95 Chile, 304, 305, 310; military government Conde´, Louis de, 96, 103 in, 311, 359, 388 Confucianism, as official religion, 39, 170 China, 21; unification of, 22, 36, 38; and Congo, see Zaire Confucianism, 39; bureaucracy in, 42–4, Congress Party, Indian, 323 45, 55, 56; and paper money, 226, 290, Connecticut, 282, 285 321, 326, 343, 344, 345, 347; invades Conrad I, Emperor, 61 Vietnam, 352, 360; rolls back Conrad IV, Emperor, 76 communism, 373, 393 Conrail, 371 Christianity: as religion of resignation, 39; conscription, adopted by great powers, as imperial religion during Middle Ages, 252 60–1; can no longer serve as basis of conseil d’e´tat, 140 government, 176–7 Conseio de las Indias, 298 Christina of Sweden, 131 Constantine, Donation of, 65 Chrysler, 389 Constantinople, fall of, 156 Churchill, W.
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