Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 5-31-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 286. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/286 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Cloudy, Cooler Tonight; A Little Warmer Friday Stocks Up Sharply 106 Holiday Deaths Near 61 Killed in Train After Holiday Rest 1-Day Record By DARDEN CHAMBLISS firm said orders are pouring in when it starts hearings late In By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AP Business News Writtr from foreign investors. June on the inventor/ policies»of Traffic .... "10ft NEW YORK (AP) - The stock Some brokers cautioned, how- the nation 's business. Boating .... ' ...• ..' . • . -. market forged ahead in 'heavy ever, that they hold a lot of long- The subcommittee will seek to Drowning 34 opening trading today with a del- standing sell orders they are or- determine whether the stock mar- . Miscellaneous 46 uge of buy orders spurring a fur- dered to execute if the market ket reacts to the inventory situa- Total ... ...19$ Collision in Italy ther recovery from the biggest rises very sharply. tion , o£ whether the inventory is The opening strength encour- drop since 1929. hinged to movements of the mar- The nation's traffic accidents on aged hopes that the market will ket, Reuss said, Several stocks opened more rise high enough to generate solid Memorial Day, with a spurt in than $3 higher on big blocks of Freight Rams confidence in its direction. The the final hours, killed more than orders in hand when trading Reuss said Rep. Wrfght Pet- agonizing slide that harked to man, D-Tex., asked him last week 100 persons, close to the record for opened at 10 a.m. After the Me- the one-day holiday period. morial Day holiday respite. days of the big 3929 crash be- to head the subcommittee investi- fore it was dramatically arrested gation on the inventory situation, The count at the end of the 30- Passenger American Telephone opened at early Tuesday afternoon , shook and asked him Tuesday to include hour holiday period at midnight $115. up $6.50, on a whopping investor confidence badly. Wednesday showed 106 highway block of 100,000 shares and Du the stock market drop in the in- The market slide will be inves- quiry. deaths. But belated reports may Pont rose $7.62 to $216.50 on 4,000. boost the death toll to near the tigated by a congressional sub- Keith Funston , president of the Boeing jumped $4.12 to $45 on a one-day record of 109 in 1956. Near Milan block of 12,000 and Chrysler rose committee. New York Stock Exchange, said By SERGIO MARSOTTO Rep. Henry Reuss, D-Wis , said Wednesday he was $2 <o $45 on 5,000. encouraged Other violent deaths boosted the VOGHERA, Italy (AP)-A fast in Milwaukee Wednesday night by the market's gains on Tuesday. over-all total to near the record freight train hurtled into a stand- Brokers said buy orders out- that the subcommittee which he He made the statement at Hous- of 174, also set in 1956. Thirty- numbered sell orders 3 to 1. One heads will inquire into the drop ton , Tex., where he stopped brief- four persons drowned , 9 lost their ing passenger express jammed ly on his way to New York after lives in boating accidents and 46 with Riviera-bound holiday crowds delivering the commencement ad- were killed in miscellaneous mis- early today and 61 persons wer« dress at Trinity University in San haps, an over-all total of 195. reported killed. Antonio , Tex. In 1951, the third one-day The station master said the Funston said one Memorial Day observance since of the factors freight had run a red stop light. in the market's slide on Monday World War II, 81 persons were was "the shaking of the public 's killed in tra ffic "accidents and the The death toll was expected to confidence—a reaction to the over-all total was 129. mount. President's handling of United This year's holiday period start- Seventy persons were reported States Steel's price increase. " ed at .6 p.m. (local time) Tuesday. injured. 10 of them gravely, in the "There is lack of assurance this predawn collision at the main sta- California and New York had tion of this industrial city 30 miles will not be repeated." Funston the largest state totals. added. south of Milan. The National Safety Council , in Funston said h» hopes that Mon- a pre-holiday statement did not Thi 15-car passenger train had day's drop will dramatize the im estimate a specific number of stopped, to take on more passen- portant part that the exchange deaths for the midweek holiday. gers for a long weekend at tha community plays in the economy It said that between 80 and 120 seashore. of the nation. persons could be killed in traffic The freight engineer and his as- accidents during the 30-hour holi- sistant apparently leaped to safety J. Paul Getty, one of ihe world' s before the crash. They turned up richest men, said Wednesday that day period. t*W**- -mmmWW-^' "m " & . i JmmmmslBHI-i^-l-^^_VMHHi^VH^-iVHV^W!r>Srffm^M-R-ff_H_HB- ^^VHIHBHBViVMHIHHHBH ^HIV|HI^-H-V unhurt at police headquarters. A he instructed his brokers to buy Traffic deaths in the first four warrant had been issued earlier stocks last Monday. months this year totaled 11.360, FREIGHT TRAIN HIT EXPRESS . Work- rammed the standing express jammed with vaca- /or their arrest for questioning. "My brokers picked up between an average of 96 for a 24-hour men search through wreckage of a freight and tioners early today. (AP Photofax via radio from Samuel Vezzosi , the station mas- 40,000 and 50,000 oil shares for period or 124 in a 30-hour period. passenger train for victims after collision 30 London ) the, said the freight ran through These figures, however, included me, and I would have bought miles south of Milan , Italy. The freight train the light 800 yards putside the sta- some more if I'd been able to get many deaths that occurred long tion. Officials said it continued them," he added in an interview a'ft er the victims were injured. past watchmen who were fran- in England , where he lives. The holiday count included only tically waving flags and lanterns. deaths during the 30-hour period. U.S., Russ Deadlocked Getty, Whose fortune came Today is Ascension Day, a holi- mostly from , oil, said that if prices Earlier this month »n Asso- Du Pont Will day in Italy, and Saturday is the stay down he will continue to buy ; ciated Press survey of a midweek countr_y's national holiday in cele- stocks. i period of 30 , hours showed 69 traf- bration of the formation of the | fie deaths, 4 in boating accidents, No Agreement Italian Republic. Asked about the future, hi said: The two holidays gave many "I don't think the , 22 drownings not involving boats Distribute slide will go on. l and 20 in miscellaneous mishaps Italians an opportunity for a four- In fact, I think there , will be a i for a total of 115. day vacation. And betw«en 600 DENIES KILLING FIVE - . Gayno Gilbert Smith, 24, of rather substantial rise and very early ; The 1961 Memorial Day observ- About Berlin and 7O0 crowded aboard the Martinsburg, Iowa unshaven after three-day manhunt, shortly." morning Milan-Genoa tra in . , was ques- ance covered four days and the G.M. Shares By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER tioned in sheriff's office Wednesday about the killing of five rela- He gave this diagnosis of why As it stood in Voghera station the New York ! traffic death toll was a record WILMINGTON, Del. Cfl-Direc- WASHINGTON- Wi <— After nine months of exploratory talks, the crashed into the last tives of his, who, incidenta lly were being buried in a mass funeral stock market . 462. Other violent the freight dropped so badly: deaths included tors of E. I. Du Pont De Nemours United States and" the Soviet Union disagree completely on how to coach, ramming completely In nearby Hedrick during the time of questioning. Smith was held "I think it was 40 in boating accidents, 63 by largely emotional. Some specula- & Co., Inc., today decided to dis- tackle the problems of negotiating a Berlin settlement. through it. ' {drowning and 118 in miscellaneous In jail at Sigourney, Iowa, to be arraigned in the killings. (AP tors had been forced to sell after tribute about a third of the 63 U. S. officials are becoming discouraged about breaking the dead- mishaps for of the victims Photofax) pushing their luck too far." a r-ecord over-all total million shares of General Motors lock , but intend to go on trying for a while. Identification of 1 683 for any Memorial Day stock it holds to its common Secretary of State Dean Rusk held a lengthy meeting Wednesday was slow. None of the first dead He said he believes the market i period. shareholders on July 9. with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin but failed again to get Mos- and injured identfied was Amer- was largely over-sold , and "many Under the arrangement , a hold- ican.
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