ST/LIB/SER.B/E.45 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Index to proceedings of the ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Fifty-fourth session - 1973 - UNITED NATIONS New York, 1973 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series No. E.45 ST/LIB/SER.B/E .45 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.73.I.l5 Price: $U.S. 2.50 (or equivalent in other currencies) Table ofContents Page Explanatory Note v Abbreviations vi Introduction 1 Agenda ... 3 Subject Index 6 Index to Speeches 28 Numerical List of Documents 49 iii This page intentionally left blank Explanatory Note SCOPE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS 1. This Index, prepared by the Documentation Division 3. All summary records of plenary and committee of the United Nations Headquarters Library, New York, is meetings of the Economic and Social Council appear first intended to offer a bibliographical guide 'Co the proceedings in provisional mimeographed form. They may be identified and documentation of the 54th session of th.e Economic and by their symbol, which consists of the series symbol (e.g., Social Council as well as of its committees or ad hoc com­ E/~, or E/AC .6/-) as indicated in the introduction (see mittees which met during the session. Check list of meetings), followetj by SR and an ordinal num­ ber corresponding to that of the meeting (e.g., E/SR.1847; E/AC.6/SR.594). Summary records of meetings are later ARRANGEMENT printed as separate fascicles in the Official Records. 2. The Index consists of the following parts: Of the other documents, a few appear only as printed (a) Introduction, including list of the Officers and Supplements to the Official Records (a fact always noted in check lists of meetings of the Economic and Social Council this Index), but the rest are first issued in mimeographed and its committees; form. Some of them are SUbsequently printed in the Annexes to the Official Records, where they ar'~ grouped into fascicles (b) Agenda, with reference to the relevant subject according to agenda item number. The resolutions adopted headings used in Part (c); . by the Economic and Social Council first issued in mimeo­ graphed form, are collected ;n printed supplements to the (c) Subject inde~. Subjects are arranged alpha- betically, with reference to the documentation, discussion, 0fficial Records of the sessicn. After their republicatio~ in and disposition of each item. Agenda item numbers are the Official Records, the provisional mimeographed docu­ indicated in parentheses following the SUbject headings. ments are no longer available. Names of delegations are noted in parentheses following the meeting number whenever statements are made on a SUbject not scheduled as an agenda item or on a subject 4. Printed documentation of this session ofthe Economic referred to in the general debate in plenary meetings; and Social Council may be obtained, or purchased from authorized sales agents, by requesting: (d) Index to speeches. Speeches and statements by representatives are listed in alphabetical order by Economic and Social Council, Official Records, country or organization, subdivided by subject discussed 54th session: and by name of speaker, with an indication of the meeting at which the speech was made. Addresses of Heads of Meeting ... (specify plenary or committee meeting State are listed under the name of the country they repre­ number) for summary records fascicles. sent, followed by their title and name. The remarks of Annexes, Agenda item ... (specify agenda item the President of the Economic and Social Council and of number) for documents republished in the Annexes. chairmen of committees are normally not indexed. The speeches of chairmen and rapporteurs of committees are included, however~ when they presented or explained the reports of their committees to the Council. Statements CHANGES IN CONTENTS and speeches made by private individuals representing an organization to which a hearing was granted are listed In accordance with General Assembly resolution 2836 under the name of the organization. Statements made by (XXVI), requiring a reduction in United Nations documenta­ officers of the United Nations Secretariat are listed under tion, the foll Jwing changes have been introduced in this the name of the Office or DE.~..trtment they represented; Index: (e) Numerical list of documents, arranged by Subject Index. Summaries of texts of resolutions document symbols. This list also contains information as have been discontinued. The full text of all resolutions to the republication of mimeographed documents in the is published in document E/5367 (ESCOR, 54th sess., suppl. printed fascicles of Annexes to the Official Records. no.l). v Abbreviations ACABQ Advisory Committee on Administrative and IUOTO International Union of Official Travel Budgetary Questions Organisations ACC Administrative Committee on Co-ordination NGO(s) Non-governmental organization (s) Add. Addendum OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and chap. chapter Development CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance .para.(s) paragraph(s) Corr. Corrigendum res. resolution(s) Council Economic and Social Council Rev. Revision CPC Committee for Programme and Co-ordination sect. section Cttee(s) Committee(s) sess. session ECA Economic Commission for Africa SF Special Fund ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the Far suppl. no. supplement number East TDB Trade and Development Board ECE Economic Commission for Europe UN United Nations ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on Inter­ EEC European Economic Community national Trade Law ESCOR Economic and Social CouncilOfficialRecords UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the Development United Nations UNDP United Nations Development Programme GAOR General Assembly Official Records UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Cultural Organization !AEA International Atomic Energy Agency UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Refugees Development UNICEF UmtF:ct Nations Children's Fund ICAO Interna'~10nal Civil Aviation Organization UNIDO United Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrga­ ICC InternatlOnal Chamber of Commerce nization ICFTU International Confederation of Free Trade UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Unions Research IDA International Development Association united United K.ingdom of Great Britainand Northern IDB Industrial Development Board Kingdom Ireland IFC International Finance Corporation United States United States of America IFCTU International Federation of Christian Trade UPU Universal Postal Union Unions USSR Union of Loviet Socialist Republics ILO International Labour Organisation WFP World Food Programme IMCO Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative WFTU World Federation of Trade Unions Organization WFUNA World Federation of United Nations Associa­ IMF International Monetary Fund tionR INCB International Narcotics Control Board WHO World Health Organization ITU International Telecommunication Union WMO World Meteorological Organization The following abbreviations are used in the Index to Spe'3ches in designating plenary and committee meetings: Co-ord Co-ordination Committee (Series E/AC. 24/SR.) Econ Economic Committee (Series E/AC.6/SR.) NGO(s) Council Committee on Non-Governmental-Organizations (Series E/C.2/SR.) Plen Plenary (Series E/SR.) Sac Social Committee (Series E/AC.7/SR.) vi Introduction The 54th session of the Economic and Social Council was declared open on 8 Jan 1973 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York by the Acting President, Mr. Ka.roly Szarka (Hungary), and was closed on 18 May 1973. The organizational meetings were held from 8,410 Jan 1973. Members and Terms of Office ME;MBERS OF COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON NO~-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Date of election by Term of Office Members the General Assembly (1 Jan co 31 Dec) Barbados Kenya Bolivia Pl1ilippines Algeria 31 Oct 1972 1973-1975 France Tunisia Bolivia 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Ghana USSR Brazil 31 Oct 1972 1973-1975 Hungary United Kingdom Burundi 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Japan United States Chile 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 China 23 Nov 1971 1972..1974 Finland 23 Nov 1971 1972..1974 Officers France 310ct 1972 1973.. 1975 Haiti 27 Oct 1970 1971~1973 President: Mr. Sergio Armando Frazao (Brazil) Hungary 27 Oct 1970 1971-1973 Japan 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Vice..Presidents: Mr. Edouard Ghorra (Lebanon) Lebanon 270ct 1970 1971-1973 Mr. Blaise Rabetafika (Madagascar) Madagascar. 27 Oct 1970 1971-1973 Mr. John V. Scott (New Zealand) Malaysia 270ct 1970 1971-1973 Mali 31 Oct 1972 1973-1975 Secretaries: Mr. Rafeeuddin Ahmed Mongolia 31 Oct 1972 1973-1975 Mr. Diego Cordovez Netherlands 31 Oct 1972 1973-1975 New Zealand 27 Oct 1970 1971-1973 Co-ordination Committee: Niger 27 Oct 1970 1971.. 1973 Chairman: Mr. Edouard Ghorra (Lebanon) Poland 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Vice-Chairman: Mr. Wilhem F. Breitenstein (Finland) Spain 31 Oct 1972 1973..1975 Secretary: Mr. Miles Stoby Trinidad and Tubago 31 Oct 1972 1973.. 1975 Economic Committee: Uganda 31 Oct 1972 1973.. 1975 Chairman: Mr. John V. ScoU (New Zealand) USSR 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Vice-Chairm8J1: Mr. Antoni Czarkowski (Poland) United Kingdom 23 Nov 1971 1972-1974 Secretaries: Miss Faiha Kamal United States 27 Oct 1970 1971.. 1973 Mr. Edward H. Omotoso Zaire 27 Oct 1970 1971-1973 Social Committee: Chairmm: Mr. Blaise Rabetafika (Madagascar) Vice~Chairman: Mr. NoP. J ain (India) Secretary: Mr. Arkadij Nekrassov Council Committee on Non~Governmental Organizations.:
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