INDEX opacity of, 176–177 Symbols and Numbers perspective of, 173–174, 416–417 <…> (angle brackets), in XML, 370 selecting, 166, 171, 176–177 • (bullet), in text, 268 sides of, 171, 176–177 : (colon), in SVG snapping, 175–176, 339 in element and attribute names, 372 styling, 166–167, 174, 176–177 in style properties, 77, 378 tessellation with, 363–365 © (copyright sign), in text, 268 tweaking, 177 “…” (curly double quotes), in text, 268 vanishing points of, 173–174, 338–339, ‘…’ (curly single quotes), in text, 268 416–417 «…» (double guillemets), in text, 268 see also shapes … (ellipsis), in text, 268 3D effects, 229–230 — (em dash), in text, 268 3D software, 6, 171 – (en dash), in text, 268 = (equal sign), in XML, 371 / (forward slash), in XML, 370 A # (hash mark), in SVG, 77, 379 ABCs (Filters submenu), 291 × (multiplication sign), in text, 268 About dialog, 18, 172 ® (registered sign), in text, 268 sodipodi:absref attribute, 305 ; (semicolon), in SVG, 378 Add Layer command, 61, 330 "…" (straight double quotes), in XML, 371 Add Nodes extension, 144, 195, 231, 233 ™ (trademark sign), in text, 268 Add Noise extension, 309 3D Box tool, 6, 14, 24, 171–172, 337–340, Adobe Distiller, 12 416–417 Adobe Flash, 3, 8–9, 329, 333, 390 controls bar of, 166–167 Adobe Freehand, 390 deselecting in, 78, 416 Adobe Illustrator (AI), 10 dragging in, 166, 416 Bloat tool in, 208 editing color management in, 320, 328 clones in, 272–273 dragging in, 82 gradients in, 150 gradient meshes in, 14, 132, 388 path effects in, 217 importing Inkscape SVG into, 376 patterns in, 163 Knife tool in, 194 shapes in, 166 layers in, 62, 384, 388 rotating in, 416 panning in, 48 selecting in, 68, 71, 166, 416 Pucker tool in, 208 styling in, 167, 174, 177 selecting in, 72 switching to, 172, 399, 406 shapes in, 166 3D boxes, 165, 171–177 speed of, 10 as drawing aid, 337–341 transformations in, 12 converting to UI of, 10–11, 13 groups of paths, 165, 171, 176, 363 version 9 or newer, 8, 12, 388 guides, 102 Adobe Illustrator (AI) file format, 8, 12, 39, creating, 166, 172, 416 384, 388 editing handles of, 166, 172, 174–176, Adobe InDesign, 6 416–417 The Book of Inkscape (C) 2009 by Dmitry Kirsanov Adobe Photoshop, 5, 10 Barcode extension, 7, 233 color management in, 320 baseline origin point, 110, 112 PNG converting with, 327 Bend effect, 217–220 running from Inkscape, 304 bevels, 196, 291 selecting in, 2 Bevels (Filters submenu), 291 soft brush in, 132 Bézier curves, 190–191 Adobe RGB, 123 converting into straight lines, 204, 231, Affect buttons, 96–97, 159, 170, 274 413, 420 AI, see Adobe Illustrator creating, 238, 240, 413, 419 Align and Distribute dialog, 109–114, 206, 364 cusps in the middle of, 137 opening by keyboard, 109, 400 dragging, 203 alignment, 109–111 nodes of, 143, 191 checking, 100 vs. spirals, 186 of clones, 273 vs. Spiro splines, 225 of path nodes, 112 Bézier handles, 191, 197–198, 202–204, 419 of text objects, 110, 261 hiding, 197–198, 202–203, 207 alpha, see opacity jittering, 232 anchor boxes, 110 moving, 203–205, 411–412, 419 angle brackets (<…>), in XML, 370 retracting, 191, 202–204, 411–412 animations, 3, 7, 9, 329–336 rotating, 411–412, 419 templates for, 330 scaling, 412 antialiasing, 2, 13, 128 visualizing, 235 Apache FOP, 6 bitmap editors, 5, 237 approximating strokes, 223 canvas size in, 3 arcs, 177–180 converting formats in, 314 creating, 179–180, 417 layers in, 2 editing handles of, 177 natural-media tools in, 5 turning into a whole ellipse, 180, 417 running from Inkscape, 305 see also ellipses selecting in, 2 arrowheads and tails, 142–143, 374 zooming in, 3 artistic drawings, 5 bitmaps, 1–2, 303–320 checking with temporary flipping, 89 blending vector objects with, 128, 308 distortions in, 196, 223, 324, 347–348 clones of, 309 paths in, 96, 194, 208 converting to vector, see tracing, bitmaps patterns in, 163 copies of, 404 photorealistic, 286, 365–366 cropping, 306 randomness in, 184 editing, 304–305, 308 tools for, 25, 68, 238, 244, 343–348 embedding, 305 tracing, 358 exporting, see export, to PNG visual bounding boxes in, 54 fading the edges out, 160, 307 ArtRage, 5 file sizes of, 3 attributes, in XML, 65, 371, 378 filtering, 308 order of, 65, 371 importing, 4, 8, 303–305, 317–318, 357, 390, setting in XML Editor, 400 403–404 AutoCAD, 6 in Outline mode, 49 Autodesk Maya, 6 linked, 304–305, 309, 372 Autopackage program, 18 opacity of, 121 avatars, 330 optimizing, 314 axonometric drawings, 349–355 picking color from, 128 duplicating in, 169 pixel-sized, 316, 393 using grids for, 103–105, 349 resampling, 310 resolution of, 31, 302, 304, 310, 312, 316–318, 327, 377, 386, 388, 393 B searching, 77 styling, 120, 151 background, of Inkscape SVG documents, thumbnails from, 94, 115 40, 129 tinting, 289–290 banners, 5, 330 tracing, see tracing, bitmaps The Book of Inkscape 428 INDEX (C) 2009 by Dmitry Kirsanov transforming, 304 bitmap tracing with, 358 using in patterns, 120, 306 Boolean operations on paths with, 193 Blender suite, 6 controls bar of, 244–248, 250 blend modes, 63, 289–290 guide tracking with, 245, 248–250, 360, 420 blogs, 330 hatching with, 333–335 blur, 4, 9, 286–289, 346 parameters of and bounding box, 286 Angle, 246, 343, 420 applied to Caps, 247–248 3D boxes, 176 Fixation, 246, 248, 343, 366 clones, 274, 282, 287 Mass, 247, 250 groups, 287–288 Pressure Sensitivity, 245–248, 343 multiple bushstrokes, 366 Thinning, 245, 248 text objects, 264 Tremor, 247–248, 250, 324, 334, bitmap editing with, 308 347–348, 366 blending bushstrokes with, 342, 359 Width, 33, 244–245, 248, 324, 334, 343, for shaders, 160 366, 420 motion, 288, 291 Wiggle, 247–248 picking color from, 128 presets of, 248 rendering, 14 selection cue in, 68 simulated with inset/outset paths, 229 sketching with, 341 transforming, 287–288 switching to, 399 Blur Content preset filter, 291 tool style of, 25 Blur primitive, see Gaussian Blur Camouflage pattern, 164 Blurs (Filters submenu), 291 canvas, 19–21, 40, 42 BMP format, 303 background of, 40, 129 bounding boxes, 54 current position on, 374 and repeated randomization, 113 empty, 70, 72, 78 and rubber band selection, 72 returning focus to, from a dialog, 400 as selection cue, 54, 68 scrolling converting to guides, 103 automatic, 256 geometric center of, 86, 88 by keys, 402 handles around, 83, 85 by mouse, 23, 401 of blurred objects, 286, 300 size of, 373 of flowed text, 258 Canvas vector editor, 39 querying via command line, 395 cartoons, 5, 25 types of, 54, 301 adding depth to, 160 Box tool, see 3D Box tool drawing, 238 Break Apart command, 188–190 CCX format, 389 Brighter extension, 133 CDR format, 389, 392 brightness, 123, 309 CDT format, 389 browsers Celtic knots, 222 PNG support in, 31, 315 CGM format, 389 SVG support in, 8–9, 31 Chalk and Sponge preset filter, 292 bullets Channel extension, 309 special character for, 268 channels, 121–123 using clones for, 271 correcting, 309 business cards, 321–328 removing from bitmaps, 309 tweaking, 132 characters C kerning, 261–263, 425 rotating, 262 CAD (Computer-Aided Design), 6, 349, 389 selecting, 256 Cairo library, 386 special, 268, 424 Calligraphic pen tool, 25, 135, 238, 244–250, 420 Charcoal extension, 309 applying stroke style, 126 Check Spelling dialog, 267–268 background tracing with, 245, 248–249, 335 The Book of Inkscape (C) 2009 by Dmitry Kirsanov INDEX 429 Checkerboard pattern, 164 colon (:), in SVG circles, 177 in element and attribute names, 372 creating, 178–179, 417 in style properties, 77, 378 locking, 417 Color (Extensions submenu), 133 skewing, 179 Color (Filters submenu), 133, 292 see also dots, ellipses color gestures, 126–128 click/drag threshold, 70–71, 82 using with gradients, 155 clipart, 7, 324, 389 color management, 318–320, 328 clipboard operations, 56–57, 404 Color Markers to Match Stroke extension, 145 and layers, 59, 332 Color Matrix primitive, 133, 274, 300 on clones, 275 color palette, see palette control on colors, 122, 126, 128 color profiles, see ICC color profiles on gradients, 154, 156, 404 colorimeters, 319 on path effects, 215, 404 Colorize preset filter, 292 on patterns, 162 colors on sizes, 93 assigning, 128–130 on styles, 30, 118, 154, 156, 162, 404 in Dropper tool, 129, 155, 353, 422 on text, 256–257, 404 in Tweak tool, 130 clipping paths, 193, 306–307 without selecting an object, 21, 124 applied to 3D boxes, 176 averaged, 122, 128 definitions of, 374 black, 121–123, 126, 128, 323 editing, 198, 306 clipboard operations on, 122, 126, 128, 423 in Outline mode, 49 flat, 118, 126 clones, 271–284 gray, 121, 123, 128, 133 aligning/distributing, 273 in Outline mode, 48 blurred, 274, 282 in RRGGBB form, 77 Boolean operations on, 405 inverting, 126, 133, 422 chaining, 275–276 last selected, 125 converting into stroke markers, 146 last set, 125 copying/pasting into another document, 275 models of, 121–123 creating, 272, 404 names of, 124 duplicating, 275 picking, 128–130, 156, 308, 353, 364–365, 422 editing, 272–273 randomizing, 131, 336 for printing business cards, 328 range of, 319 moving, 273 red, 323 of bitmaps, 309 separated for printing, 320 of groups, 272, 275, 277, 404 tweaking, 130–133 opacity of, 121, 274, 282 under cursor, 128 original of, 272 white, 121–123, 126, 128 deleting, 276 Combine command, 188–190, 192–193, 269, 331 finding, 78, 275–276, 278, 404 command-line interface, 41, 391–397 rotation center of, 86 exporting via, 79, 302, 317, 333, 392–394 searching, 77 help in, 397 snapping, 273 parameters in, 392 styling, 118, 120, 132, 151, 272–275, 283, 363 querying in, 394–395 tiling, see Create Tiled Clones dialog selecting objects
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