568 DIREOTORTES. Sinnatampi, Esq„ Christopher Brito, Esq., W. H. Clark, Esq„ V. Thuntiyappi, Chettiar ; Rev. Mr. • Gomesz, J, P. Van Schoenbeck, Esq., 8. Mndaliyak. hiandalanazaAare, Esq., Dr. Ramodpillai, Rev. Mr. Champion, Millvaganam Snpranrillter, Esq., N. Mylvaganam, Esq., C. Puverayasinghe, Esq., editor of the " Ceyltin Patriot," and C. Coomariah, Esq. EASTERN PROVINCE SOB-COMMITTEE :—Dr. Covington; E. Somanader, Mudaliyar; A.& Zylva, Mudaliyar; Mr. P. de Hoedt ; Mr. Alameda Lebbe Alim; Mr. Isulaii Lehbe Marker; Police leadman Assanar Conti; and all Vanuiyae and RatemaLat. nutyas. COLOMBO FRIEND-IN-NEED SOCIETY, PATRON :—His Excellency the Governor. OFFICERS : Hon. Mr. Justice Clarence, President. W. B. Patersnn, Esq., Hon. Treasurer. W. J. S. Boake, Esq., Hon. Secretary. Mr. James Jansz, Assistant Hon. Secretary. Dr. Vanderstraaten, Hon. Med. Adviser. MEteezus OF COMMITTEE : The Lord Bishop of Colombo. The Hon, R. A. Bosanquet. Rev. E. F. Miller. J. F. Churchill, Esq. A. Murray, Esq. Rev. R. HDuthy. Rev. E. T. Higgena. C. L. Ferdinands, Esq. F. H. Price, Esq. A. M. Ferguson, Esq., vait.i). The Hon. E. It. Saunders. Major Fergnsison. Rev..J. Scott. A. 0. Joseph, Esq. H. Van Cuylenburg, Esq. C. P. Layard, Esq. The Hon. J. VanLangenberg. Rev, S. Lindsay, Rev, F. D. Waldock. VISITORS : let Division.—Rev. W. N. Walton and Mr. A. de Livens, Fort. 2nd Division.—.Messrs. E. G. Rusbridge and G. Cherington, Slave Island. 3rd Division.—Messrs. J. Jansz, senior, and J. Jane; junior, Pettah. 4th Division.—Messrs. F. P. Fretaz and P. Franeke, Kollnpitiya. 5th Division.—Messrs. C. Dickman, and B. De LaHarpe, Maradana. Pith Division.—Rev. R. H. Duthy, and Mr. Van H'.tl, Small PAM 7th Division.—R v. P. PerAra, and Mr. J. Vansanden, Halstsdorp. Sth Division.—Messrs. D. S. Perera, Madlr. and L. Dirckze, Grand Pass Slth Division.—Iler. Walton, and Mr. Livinra, Wolveudal. Ifith Division.—Messrs. W. Ondaatje Miullr., and As:erappah, Kochchikada 11th Division.—Mesers. W. H. Malleappa, and J. Chitty, Kotabena. 12th Division.—The Inspector of Police Modara, and Mr. 0. Perera, Ivlutwal (www.historyofceylontea.com)(See Advertisements.) CEYLON BRANCH OF' TH E ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY. ( Instituted 7th. February 1845.—Incorporated 7th February 18464 PATRON Excellency the Governor. Vice-Pwron :—Lieut.•Governor C. Clementi h, c. alf. G. President —The Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Colombo. Vice-Prosidents:—tiro. Esq., e.n.a.s., T. Berwick, Esq. and S. Green, Hon. Treasurer :—Alex. Murray, Esq., A. I. C. E. Hon. Secretaries:-11. C. P. Bell, Esq., W. E. Davidson, Esq., c.c.s. CoaniurrEE : J. Capper, Esq. Ph. Freo.ienherg., Esq. J. B. Cull, Esq. J. G. Wardrop, Esq. 1), W. Ferguson, Esq. H. Trimen, Esq., r.t..s. J. L. Vanderstraaten, Esq., M. 0. COLOMBO MUSEUM. ComairrmE ob• SUPERVISION. The Houlle C. Clementi Smith, c. at. a. The .Hon'hle W. K. Ravenscroft. The Hou'lile F. R. Saunders, F. Vine, Esq., P.W.D. H. W. Green, Esq, 1). P. I. Staniforth Green, Esq. W. K Davidson, Esq. Cora tor. — A. IIaly, Esq. Librarian and Sceretary.-11. %au Cuylenhurg, Esq. ■ •111111 —11 DIRECTORIES. CoLGAIBO 'LIBRARY. te .6_ 25, Queen Street, Fort. ilr Established July 1st, 1R74. 4, ich. is incorporated the late United Service Library, estabrudied 1842. 01' Patron :—H. E. the Governor. Jo, Vice-Patron :—The Major General Commanding the Forces. CommirrEE : e Hon'ble Major Clarke, c. in. ii. A. 0, Joseph, Esq. IT; The Hon'ble 0 .W. Paterson Capt. Biyley. 0, The Hou'ble P. Rims Nathan. D. F. Brown., Esq. T 4W. Green, Esq. Lieut.-Col, Carey, R. A. an Il air. Esq. II. P. Baumgartner, Esq. oil ( :s1mud, Esq. .11, D. Robinson, Esq. C. J. N. Ktith, E .q. honorary Secretary :—Rarv. Citss. lkiyil, M.A. Honorary Treasurer :—S. Green, J. Librarian :--]Ir. E. Rusbridge. Asst. Librarian :—Mr. Gen. A. Cberrington. Library is open from ft a. in. to 6 p. in. rholy, Sundays excepted, on y it is closed at I p. m., but no books are issued or received. Busiu• s-, hours 10 a.m. to 5-30 p.m. ber of Members, 265. LITAItV 11EDICAI, LIBRA Hl' _1N i1 Al I 'SEC NI. President and Secretary—Brigade-Surgeon J. Laudale, CEYLON LAW LIBRARY. (Instituted 2Ist February 1S55.) PA ritoNs :—The Hon ble the Judges of the Supreme Court. COMAUTITE : V Chairman :— The llon'Ide the Chief Justice. The pulite the Chief Justies F. Dornhorat, I, sq., Advocate. Attorney-General. 1 le. .1 tic Saram, E,q., J.r., Proctor, S. C. lion. gee rotary and Treasur,:, J. ILWeinman, Esq., Advocate. 0 • COLONIAL MEDICAL LLBRAiLY AND DE SOYS A AI CSEUNI. PA-rnox : Thu Principal Civil Nledical °nicer and Inspector General of Hospitals. Dr. Vanderstraaten—Secretary. itajap--Librarian. COLOMBO 1.14711:All LIBRA R Y. (Established 29th June 1829.) f. Hon. Secretary—J. R. Weinman. Treasurer James Jansz. Com M : The Hon'ble J. VanLangenberg. A. de A. S•lievirstne, Esq. C. L. Ferdinands, Esq, \V. P. Ranesinghe, Esq. Dr. kV. C. VanGeyzel. 11. -Thomasz, Esq. Rev. W. P. Waltham. (). Alaek, A. A lwis, Esq. H. G. Gqrnes, C. P . Dias, Esq. .1. SA'. Vanler•Irsate". E'q. J . Wouters., Esq. Crider-Librarian- —A. W. Ali ,t tar n. AGRI-HORTICULTURAL St)('I ETV, t:'ULuJiIhtJ. Patron—H. E. the Governor. Chairman—Hon. F. R. Saunders, Government Agent of the . Western Province. Itortorary ren.,n re S, I bony. Secy. Witt. Ferartgmt. Fsq. r, 1 , 71, ...1=1■■■■ 570 DIRECTORIES. COLOMBO CLUB: President and Patron—The Governor of Ceylon. Vice-Pmitlent--Hi Hon. the Lieut.-Governor C. Clementi Smith,' c.m.14. Trustees :—Hon. IL A. Bosanqut t; J. D. Robinson, Esq.; S. Green, Esl, ; COMMITTEE, 1885.86: Anderson, Jas., Esq. Leechman, C. A., Esq. Anderson, W., Esq. ' Mitchell, F. D., Esq. Berwick, Thos., Esq. Mtirray. A., Esq. Browne, D. F., Esq. Ormsby, It. D., Esq. s Boake, W. J. S., Esq. Saunders, F. R., Hon. Bayley, F., Esq. Layard, C. P., Esq. Forbes Jas. Ems. Raveuscroft, \V H., Hon. Dobree, T. S., E Robertson, J. M., Esq. Grigeon, E. S., Esq. Smith, V. Bowden, Eeq. Fterning, lionitle Thwaitts, H., Esq. Julius, V. A . , Esq. Wardrop, .1. G., Esq. Kelly, L. H., Esq. Webster, It., Esq. Lawrie, A. U., Hon. Auditor—M. Finlay. Bankers :—The Chartered.Mereantile Bank of India, London and China. Secretary and Manager.—F. W. O'B. Hereford. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMIN ERR' BOARD. President, Hon'ble Cecil Clementi c.u.c., Colonial Secretary. C. L. Ferdinands, Esq., Solicit■r.tleneral. A. E. Paranagama Banda, P. M. .4. R. Dawson, Esq., Prin. Asst. Col. Secy. Galagedara. C. Dickman, Esq., Asst. Auditor-Geld. J. H. de Saram, Esq. THE COUNCIL OF LEGAL EDUCATION. Created by Ordinance No. l0 of 1873. Controls the admission of Advocates of the Supreme Court. MEMBERS. Ex Officio. By Appointment& The Hon. James VanLangenberg, The Hon. the Judges of the Supreme m Lc. Advocate. Court. The Hon. P. RamaNathan, m.L.t.., The Hon. the Attorney-General Advocate. The Solicitor-General J. F. Trine, Eeq., Proctor of the Supreme Court, Secretary Pro forma :—Registrar, Supreme Court. COLOMBO MINNESINGER SOCIETY. Honorary Secretary—G. J. Jameson. CEYLON TURF CLUB. Patron and President—H. E. the Governer, COMMI7TEE : 1885.8. E. Wailer, Req. G. W. Carlyon, Eett, F. D. Mitchell, Esq. W. B. Baring. - Major Knollye. R. J. Farquharson. D. F. Browne, Esq. L. H. Kelly. J. Duff Robinson, Esq. A. H. 51u/way-Menzies. F. H. Price, Fsq. J. G. Fort. Capt. H. H. Massy. G. Chapman Walker, Hony. Secy. & Treasurer—J. Murray Robertson. COLOMBO JYMKHANA CLUB. COM3MTEE : J. G. Fort, Esq. F. D. Mitchell, Esq. H. P Baumgartner, Esq. Captain Maisy, J. Murray lobertion, Eeq. Major Knollye, E. Chrtstian, F. q. raphin Mills, Secretary, DIRECTORIES. 57I COLOMBO ROWING CLUB. Patron—His Honer Sir. John McLeod, Y.C., K. C. r, President—Hon. L. B. Clarence. II' Vice-President—G. Hathorn, Esq. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT: lion. L. B. Clarence. F. W. Bois, E841. IL W. levers, Esq. VI E. Booth, Esq. V. A. Julius, Esq. M. lionetead, Esq. A. Murray. Esq. ,j,13. Cull, Esq. F. S. Rashleigh, Esq. an A. R. _Dawson, Esq. A. Schultze. Esq. sq Mr. E. Davidson, Esq. J. H. Starey, Esq. I J Fort, F. IV. Treusein, Esq, A. P. Green, Esq. T. Twynam, Esq. tc G. Hathorn, Esq. !W. Honorary Secretary.—IT. Ewart, Esq. BI Honorary Treasurer.—F. C. Liesching, Esq. No. of members-135; No. of boats—IS. 'I' 4' COLOMBO BOXING CLUB, COMM ITTEE : E. Booth, H. Swart, J, C. Townsend, Honorary Secretary, V. A, Julius, a. COLOMBO CRICKET CLUB, President—F. W. Bois, Captain—J, G. Fort Honorary l'reasurer—J. 0, Dean. Honorary Secretary—G. L. Taylor. Cosnarrn E. Cave-Browne Ashley Walker Maier Fergusson. G. Vanderepar C. E. ti, Symons. J J. H. Strachan Number of Members 100. COLOMBO FOOTBALL CLUB. ' V. A. Julius—Hon. Secretary, COLOMBO GARDEN CLUB. President—H. E. The Governor. Vice-President—The Hon'ble the Major-General Commanding. PROPRIETARY MEMBERS : Thos. Berwick, Esq. F. W. Bois, Esq. Bois, Esq. G. W. R. Campbell, Esq. •J. F. Churchill, Esq. W. K. Kynsey, Esq. Hon'ble W. H. Ravenscroft J. H. Starey, Esq. -Iion'hle F. R. Saunders C. E. H. Symons, Esq. G. Hathorn, Esq. W. Bowden Smith, Esq. Capt. Hansard, 0. B. Leechtnan, Esq. Murray Robertson, Esq. T. Skinner, Esq. D. Robinson, Esq. J. B. Cull, Esq. Murray, Esq. E. lave-Browne, Esq. G. Wardrop, Esq. G. IL Withers, Esq. Ctimherbatch, Esq. E. Aitken, Esq. ou'Ide L. B. Clarence. • H. Alston, 7-3g. ComurrrEE: B. H. Symons, Esq. Hon. F. R. Saunders pt. Hansard 0, M. Withers, Esq. Cave-Browne, Esq.
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