Davis Cup Round Partly Cloudy After the first ".y of Dn" C"" gmpetitlen, the p.tty dMy .... eMIL •• will ....., ..... ~ . : united St.... MCI Austr.lI•• ,. tIM. R.I ..... wen ....... Hith .......... 1... 15 -* ed, 15 Ie hi' ·.,..,Ing g_. For story .. ,... 4. oil owon IS 104IIhWftt. cs of Serving the State University of IOWtI tional Established in 1868 10 Cents Per Copy a, friday, December fl, 19G3 mme! fight­ quare been Sreak in Negotiations?- Heffner Takes . Co., laxing 1e de- Indiana Job U.S. OKs, License Uneasy Cyprus Truce; Ray L. Heffner, vice-president decl· for instruction ond dean of the said. faculties at SUI for the past year, I with For Red Wheat has been named to a simlJar p0- people ,wand sition at lndiana University, Pre· IU it. " WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States authorized its sident Elvis Stahr of announced mored £irst sale of surplus wheat to the Soviet Union Thursday. Thursday. > pro­ Perhaps signaling a break in a seven-week impasse, the Vice·President Heffner came to ihows. SUI from Indiana University, Turkish Jets Jolt Area 19505, Commerce Department approved export licenses for two caS]1 where he had served for several ltWOrk sales to the Russians worth $20.32 million each - a total of yea rs as associate dean of the fa­ 'eekly. culties under the late Dean Ralph $40.64 million. Collins, who died suddenly in Oc· ltwork Virtually no other information was disclosed. Iyand Lo ber from a heart attack. Dean esday, UThere are a number of conditions which must be met Heffner will conti nue his work at LBJ Pledges Help before the sale is consummated," I SUI through the present academic :works a Commerce Department source by a severe drought in Eastern year. Expressing reo . NBC saJd. ".T~~t ' s about all we can say Europe this year . gret that the po. ridays about It. This 4 million tons would come As Chiefs Confer slUon at Indiana il Box­ But the proposed transactions to about 190 milli.on bushels. sdays. should develop at CQuld be the forerunner of more The United States and the Com- t hi s particul ar ICO I , Cyprus (AP) - With Briti h troop relnforc&­ show Soviet purchases which, together ments on the way and Pre id nt rohn n pI d iog support for ogram munist nations negotiated an agree· time , with in sev· with purchase by other Communist ment announced Nov. 8 on handling en months of the mtract nations. could add up to an esti­ nn end "to lilis terrible frut mal lrife.~ military chi f of three the sales. But the purchases be- retirement of SUI n, tion conferred h re ThuJ'Sday on m~tlr 10 r tore peace mated $250 million in surplus grain came snagged later over U.S. re- President Virgil transactions. quirements that up to SO per cent Hancher. Dr. to Cypru , That is the value placed on the of the grain be carried in U.S. said in An tin mIce re ched Chrislmas Day aft five days of 2.5 million tons of wheat the Soviet flagships. The Soviet Union ob- letter of re- cia h . betw n Cr k nd Turldh Cypriot w being gen ral. Union is reported seeking, plus the jected because of higher U.S. trans· ER signation, "The 1.5 billion tons Soviet satellites portati.on charges. death of Dean Collins and the in- Iy observed, with only un occnsional mltl of gunfire. want, to offset crop losses inflicted Whether this dispute had been vi taUon from President Stahr were But the appearooce o[ two Turk-I--- ------- worked out or at least eased was entirely unforeseen events, and 1 h jet plan screaming low over B I e S not known, but available Inform a- the position at Indiana holds and Cypru during th day jolted Lhe U garlan py tlon indicated the export licenses must hold a very special signifi­ good fceling that had ~gun to de- Goldwater would not be issued unUi the condi'l eance for me . I hope you and v lop. The Turks nt jets oller Cy· lions specified were met. all my lown colleagues will under· pru on Chrl tmas apparently In a PI d G elty stand that my decision is a person- d lared how of trength to warn ea 5 UI · A k al one and refl ects my desire to Greek Cypriots ag In ~ attack on Lashes Out La borites S retu rn to the universi ty and to the Turki h Cypriots. offi ce In which ] was trained for • I • Th Cypru I:0v rnm n1 h d!d La konla nqulry acndemic adminlstrn tion ." by Archbl hDP Makarlo. the TI0 U••S Work Heffner, 38. alRo holds an ap­ Gr k Cypriot pr sid nt. asked the At Johnson LONDON IA'I - A Labor party pointment as prof ssor or English U.N. curity ouncU to bear spokesman demanded Thursday an on the SUI faculty, having taught WASHINGTON t.4'I - Sen. Barry official public inquiry into the chor cs alloin. Turke)l of nures­ Goldwater told his Republican col· and done r earch Ion a Gug­ aion and thr at of fol' . It ciled leagues he deeply resents Presi· Christmas cruise burn ing of the genheim Fellowship to the Bri­ th kt nights ond pr n or 2 dent Johnson's attempt "to play Greek liner Lakonia that took 96 tish Museum in London ) in the lives and lell 31 persons still un· Turki, h nov I crart In Cyprus w ' politics with Christmas by stamped. Shakespearean tragedies. At Indi· ters. !!!!!!!!!!!III accounted for . ana he helped develop honors pro­ ing votes on the highly questionable The Greek Line reported its ship Bul Cyprus Arobass.ador Zenon foreJgn aid bill." grams of advanced stud ies and was Rossid , at the United NatiDns. in Arkadla, bringing survivors from instrumental In developing !U's The Arizonan accused Johnson Madeira to London, had messaged New York. said h did not expect programs in torelgn languages and · 8 m eUns to be coiled before next of "trying to treat congressmen as It had aboard five persons previ. internation al studies. his personal erralJd boys. " He ousiy reported missing. Their iden. week. TUrkey's U.N. Amb dor served notice that he plans to speak titles were not immediately mode "We very much regret the loss Adnan KUrll1 Id his colJntry f It out and vote against tbe aid bill public. of Vice·President Heffner from our th Ituallon hould b tlled on when the Senate takes il up a¥ain The drop of those missing from staff, for during his tenure here the spot in Cypru .. on Monday. 36 to 31 brought tbe totnl of sur· he has more than ful CilIed the bopes TIl re wer r ports thnl the UnI· whi ch we had or him when he Goldwater, a potential Republi· ViVOfS to 901 [rom among 651 pas· ted Stoles and NATO lIi In th come to us from Indiana," Presi­ can presidential aspirant, sent a sengers and 337 crewmen - a re­ SecurJty Council would pr f r nol telegram from Phoenix, where he vised total of 1,028 aboard the La­ dent Hancher s aid Thursday. to h ve a m cting that pitted ·'However." he (:.o ntinued, "we can It Just Can't Be i rccuperatinl from surgery konia. • • • G e 81 Turkey. both NATO to understand hi s desire to return to remove a calcium deposit, or spur, In Lisbon, spokesmen for a firm YoJ r. right. Thl. picture ,.ktn I•• t spring nle. to turn thought' to . prln,. whic h .Itt,. .n, m m~I'I, gain tach oth r in that campus and carryon the tra­ w., the Unillld Nollo . from his right heel. that has two tugs standing by the Is only .bout fin month ••W I Y. ditions established hy his mentor, a long the Iowa River n•• r th. Unlv. rslty The_r• • Commnnders of Lhe British force Th His strong attack on Johnson burning Lakonia said the liner was - Photo by J .. Llpplneott the late Dean Collins. Hence, with But, b.tween Christmas and th. N. w V• • ,. It Is of 10,000 m n on th I land , of the death. - raised the question whether he listing mOre than before. They our thanks for a job well done might be priming to toss his hat added that the Norwegian tug Her· here, will go our sincere hopes for Gre k force of 850 nd of th Turk- The fndictm nt said Georglev re­ formally into the race for the pre· ltul~s was . slowly tu ggl~g the con tinued success in his new post." ceived $200.000 Cor his services. sidential nomination. Indications stricken ShIP, apparently to GI· Iowa Space Center Bid Prot Asks !~~:~~C:a~fa~ c~~~~r~E~~~::; most of which he pent on ".. ve ra I have been that he would make bralter. on compl ling m a ures to put all m 1st r e IS ea in Bulgaria and known shortly whether he wants Greece's government was re· Tests Show forces under command of a Briton. abroad." The defendant Is mar­ to try. ported already arranging an in- · d t C R M t Tax Ch a nge The three countries mai ntain ried. He has no children, Goldwater said most Americans vestigation o! ~he disaster. that EX pI a I ne a e. ee forces on Cyprus as cosignatories Georgiev told th court he enter­ are opposed to the $a-billion total st~uck the shIp m Ih~ Allanhc lBO CLEVELAND t.4'I _ A New York.
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