01073451 Vol. 45, No. 14 Charlene Johnson named as Distinguished Catholic of Year LAKE CHARLES – Charlene Johnson was nual church bazaar, the parish “movie night,” named the “Distinguished Catholic of the the monthly ‘meet and greet; cooking for the Year” by St. Peter Claver Court and Council monthly priest gatherings at the parish; help- #168 of St. Henry Catholic Church at the an- ing with receptions given for ordinations. nual Sapphire and Ice Gala fundraiser. Her willingness to be helpful within the Father Wayne LeBleu in his nomination of community at large is also laudable. Johnson said, “It is with great pleasure that I nominate Ms. Charlene Johnson, as she dem- “Ms. Charlene serves our community as onstrates an extraordinary commitment to her well through service to those who are in need,” Church parish as well as to the community.” according to Father LeBleu. “She is always Johnson is a longtime Lake Charles resi- ready and willing to assist the sick and elderly, dent and parishioner of Immaculate Heart of taking them to their medical appointments or Mary Catholic Church, he noted. any other errands that they may need. Charlene Johnson, center, received the Distinguished Catholic of Year Award at “She has always balanced family, work, “In the spirit of St. Peter Claver, she will church, and community involvement and is the 2019 Sapphire and Ice Gala fundraiser. Pictured with Johnson are members of give her last to assist someone in need. Even the clergy of the Diocese of Lake Charles, from left, Father Joby Matthew; Father always willing to go the extra mile,” LeBleu though she fell down to a leakage at the back said. “Her commitment to serving the people Jeffrey Starkovich, Father Ruben Villarreal; Bishop Glen John Provost, Father of her brain, by the grace of God, she recov- of IHM and her community makes her an ex- Matthew Cormier, the pastor of St. Henry Catholic Church; and Father Timothy ered and regrouped and began the ministry of cellent candidate for this award. In my opin- Goodly, the keynote speaker for the Gala. Johnson was nominated for the award ion, the best she can, when she can, is all the service once again, where she is always anx- by her pastor, Father Wayne LeBleu, at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church. time.” ious and willing to serve. Although she is very St. Peter Claver Council and Court #168 of St. Henry Catholic Church sponsors the According to the nomination letter, Johnson active, she has never received any awards, annual event. has exhibited service to Immaculate Heart of which is not important to her, but for this rea- Mary by volunteering in the Parish Religious son I feel that she is an excellent candidate for Education Program (PREP), helping with reg- this award.” istration, setup, and any other events that take Proceeds from the event will be used to place during PREP; and making head pieces December events at support college-level seminarians studying for our Communicants and helping to serve for the priesthood for the Diocese of Lake for any reception given for celebrating the Charles and the St. Henry Catholic Church’s Sacraments. She is a member of the Christian Mothers Building Bridges Capital Campaign. Saint Charles Center where she assists as needed; the head usher at Pastors of the church parishes of the Dio- MOSS BLUFF – Decem- the parish’s 4 p.m. Mass on Saturday evenings; cese of Lake Charles were asked to nominate ber events scheduled at Saint a member of the 3rd and 4th Degree Ladies of an individual for the award, with St. Henry Charles Center include Fr. Peter Claver and working intently for the an- serving as host for the gala. Whitney Miller and Deacon Brian Soileau presenting an Advent Family Eucharistic The Mudd Family Memorial Scholarship Adoration Evening of Refl ec- tion on Tuesday, December 3, from 6 to 8 p.m. provides tuition for eleven children The evening includes an introduction and explanation of Eucharistic Adoration for the children followed by Ado- ration for the family as well for the calendar of The Lodge 6 to 9 p.m. Registration dead- as opportunity for Confes- at Camp Karol. To make a res- line, with a suggested dona- sion. There is also time in the ervation, call (337) 855-1232 to tion of $20, is Friday, Decem- evening for the children to discuss details and arrange- ber 13. participate in arts and crafts ments. Please ask to speak In 2015, these three com- projects while the parents with Michelle Monceaux or panions of faith presented an Deacon Soileau. have quiet time in prayer be- Evening of Refl ection on the “KISS (Keep It Sane and fore the Blessed Sacrament. spiritual themes of believ- In addition, any teens who at- Simple) Life” will be offered ing, beholding and becoming tend join together for a group by Sr. Diane Depwe on Tues- as revealed through inspired activity designed specifi cally day, December 10, from 6 to for their age group. A sand- 9 p.m. Deadline to register is artwork, then in 2017, dur- wich, chip and cookie smor- Friday, December 6, with a ing the Season of Advent the gasbord will remain available suggested donation of $20 per three refl ected upon the art- throughout the evening for person. Life situations and work of Mary as she Kissed family fellowship, sharing people can be very diffi cult the Infant Jesus, Kissing the and visiting. Deadline to reg- and stressful at times. Learn Face of God. Now they will ister is Friday, November 29, how to listen to His voice and consider selected pieces of and the suggested donation is know that He is God of your art as a path to holy encoun- $35.00 per family. life. Learning simple tasks of ter during the Advent Season. Registration for most keeping life sane and simple Saint Charles Center events, unless otherwise not- is what Jesus taught his dis- stands as a place apart, offer- ed, can be achieved by call- ciples, the Early Church and ing an atmosphere of seren- ing (337) 855-1232 or visiting our Church today. The St. Nicholas Center for Children has announced that for the seventh year ity and peace, where one can the Mudd Family Memorial Scholarship is providing tuition for eleven children stcharlescenter.com. Addi- The “Advent Evening of tional information on events Refl ection: Art as a Path to a deepen one’s relationship diagnosed with autism to receive a Catholic education in the Diocese of Lake with God and achieve spiri- Charles. Those pictured above include donors Chad and Michelle Mudd; is available at the website as Holy Encounter” will be pre- well. In addition, advance sented by Doug Smith, Alex tual renewal and growth, re- Kimberlee Gazzolo, Superintendent for Catholic schools for the Diocese of reservations for events and Torres, and Keith Faul on discovering life’s meaning in Lake Charles; and The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake activities are being accepted Tuesday, December 17, from quiet refl ection. Charles. Also pictured are students from St. Theodore Holy Family Catholic School, Immaculate Conception Cathedral Catholic School, St. Margaret of Scotland Catholic School and St. Louis Catholic High School along with representatives of the schools’ administration staffs. (Read more at www.lcdiocese.org) Rev. Michael Grey, C.S.Sp.; generous service to the LAKE CHARLES – The Rev. Charles Okorougo; Rev. church over many years, in- Most Reverend Glen John Msgr. Charles Dubois; and cluding Eula Mae Carmon, Rev. Richard Uche Adiukwu Joseph Citizen, Joann Gar- Provost, Bishop of Lake (Sacred Heart’s pastor). The land, James Hollier, and Charles, was the celebrant Very Reverend Ruben Buller, Orelia Renee. of a Mass marking the 100 V.G., was master of ceremo- In his homily, Father Box- years of establishment of nies to Bishop Provost. Dea- ie spoke of the list of those Sacred Heart of Jesus Catho- cons serving included Dea- who were so dedicated in lic Church in Lake Charles. con Edward Lavine, who the church and school’s ear- Reverend Robert Boxie III, proclaimed the Gospel, along ly years (in fact there was Bishop Glen John Provost received a check in the amount of $1,625.00 from Fourth a priest of the Archdiocese of with Deacon Erroll DeVille a Catholic school present Degree Knights of Columbus Diocesan Coordinator and District Marshall Sir Knight Washington, DC and a native and Deacon Harold Nixon. before the parish was estab- I. J. Tarou of Sulphur. The contribution comes from the 2019 donations made by of Lake Charles and Sacred Devoted Service Medals lished in 1919). Knights of Fourth Degree Assemblies domiciled in the Diocese of Lake Charles – Heart Church, was the hom- were presented by Bishop “We are here to commem- Monsignor Hubert Cramers Assembly #320 of Lake Charles, Father Eugene Veillard ilist. Provost to fi ve longtime orate this incredible mile- Assembly #2087 of Sulphur, Monsignor Joseph Peeters Assembly #332 of Jennings, Father Boxie concele- members of Sacred Heart, all stone of 100 years of this faith and Father James Shahrigian Assembly #2182 of DeRidder – to aid in the continuing brated the Mass along with over the age of 90, for their community at Sacred Heart excellence in religious education program of the Diocese. Pictured above, from of Jesus parish—a beacon of left, are Sir Knight Darryl Fontenot of Father Shahrigian; Sir Knight Tarou of Father light and hope in southwest Veillard; Bishop Provost; Sir Knight Robert Dale Istre of Monsignor Peeters; and Sir Louisiana through 100 years Knight J.W.
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