Neighbourhood On Show 8th March 2015 Page Suburb Price of Property Agency Name 145 Abbotsford R9 750 000 Pam Golding Properties 145 Abbotsford R6 400 000 Pam Golding Properties 91 Aldara Park R1 950 000 Sothebys 77 Allens Nek R980 000 Chas Everitt 77 Allens Nek R1 350 000 Chas Everitt 59 Atholl R2 000 000 Russel Fisher 117 Atholl R1 750 000 Vered Estates 109 Atholl R7 600 000 Vered Estates 44 Atholl R2 600 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 160 Atholl R4 600 000 Firzt 160 Atholl R4 000 000 Firzt 160 Atholl R11 950 000 Firzt 80 Atholl R10 500 000 Sothebys 81 Atholl R7 900 000 Sothebys 85 Atholl R8 900 000 Sothebys 172 Atholl R1 250 000 Jawitz Properties 172 Atholl R7 900 000 Jawitz Properties 172 Atholl R7 900 000 Jawitz Properties 172 Atholl R7 900 000 Jawitz Properties 49 Atholl Border R2 899 000 ChernoDavis Properties 44 Atholl Gardens R3 300 000 Adrienne Hersch Properties 176 Atholl Gardens R2 850 000 Jawitz Properties 185 Bagleyston R2 950 000 Jawitz Properties 184 Barbeque Downs R2 350 000 Jawitz Properties 196 Beaulieu R5 600 000 Countrylife Properties 197 Beaulieu R7 000 000 Countrylife Properties 197 Beaulieu R6 000 000 Countrylife Properties 110 Bedford Park R5 500 000 Vered Estates 167 Bedford Park R2 500 000 Firzt 89 Bedford Park R2 600 000 Sothebys 17 Bedfordview POA Zotos Property Group 90 Bedfordview R2 399 000 Sothebys 90 Bedfordview R4 700 000 Sothebys 90 Bedfordview R3 300 000 Sothebys 156 Bedfordview R3 990 000 Pam Golding Properties 171 Benmore Gardens R5 000 000 Hamilton's Property 31 Benmore Gardens R2 999 000 Seeff Properties 142 Benmore Gardens R2 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 121 Berario R3 200 000 Rawson Properties 76 Beverley R3 795 000 Chas Everitt 76 Beverley R2 900 000 Chas Everitt 23 Beverley R2 350 000 Otter Estates 34 Beverley R2 399 000 Seeff Properties 96 Beverley R3 200 000 Sothebys 152 Beverley R4 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 152 Beverley R4 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 152 Beverley R4 395 000 Pam Golding Properties 153 Beverley R3 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 99 Beverly R3 100 000 Tyson Properties 103 Beverly R2 999 000 Tyson Properties 116 Blairgowrie R1 575 000 Vered Estates 54 Blairgowrie R2 299 000 Fine & Country 164 Blairgowrie R2 100 000 Firzt 91 Blairgowrie R1 800 000 Sothebys 91 Blairgowrie R1 690 000 Sothebys 91 Blairgowrie R2 450 000 Sothebys 199 Blue Hills Country Estate R12 950 000 Pam Golding 39 Bordeaux South R2 200 000 Seeff Properties 39 Bordeaux South R1 700 000 Seeff Properties 118 Boskruin R1 850 000 Vered Estates 118 Boskruin R2 800 000 Vered Estates 93 Boskruin R1 990 000 Sothebys 148 Boskruin R2 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 98 Broadacres R2 795 000 Tyson Properties 99 Broadacres R1 145 000 Tyson Properties 106 Broadacres R804 000 SoHo Junction 106 Broadacres R959 000 SoHo Junction 106 Broadacres R1 349 000 SoHo Junction 78 Broadacres R1 385 000 Renprop Residential 35 Broadacres R1 580 000 Seeff Properties 95 Broadacres R1 250 000 Sothebys 154 Broadacres R2 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 118 Bromhof R1 520 000 Vered Estates 118 Bromhof R1 530 000 Vered Estates 77 Bromhof R1 695 000 Chas Everitt 150 Bromhof R1 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 89 Bruma R2 790 000 Sothebys 185 Bruma R560 000 Jawitz Properties 50 Bryanston R1 450 000 Fine & Country 50 Bryanston R5 250 000 Fine & Country 119 Bryanston R5 690 000 Executive Homes 119 Bryanston R4 450 000 Frankie Bell's Real Estate 114 Bryanston R1 200 000 Vered Estates 66 Bryanston R4 990 000 Homes of Distinction 66 Bryanston R985 000 Homes of Distinction 69 Bryanston R6 999 000 RJD Realty 69 Bryanston R8 500 000 RJD Realty 74 Bryanston R16 300 000 Chas Everitt 75 Bryanston R3 299 000 Chas Everitt 165 Bryanston R1 550 000 Firzt 165 Bryanston R1 150 000 Firzt 166 Bryanston R2 900 000 Firzt 166 Bryanston R6 950 000 Firzt 170 Bryanston R7 000 000 Hamilton's Property 170 Bryanston R4 600 000 Hamilton's Property 171 Bryanston R3 400 000 Hamilton's Property 193 Bryanston R6 500 000 Huizemark 24 Bryanston R7 750 000 Ennik Estates 25 Bryanston R1 900 000 Ennik Estates 25 Bryanston R1 790 000 Ennik Estates 31 Bryanston R17 500 000 Seeff Properties 31 Bryanston R6 500 000 Seeff Properties 31 Bryanston R12 500 000 Seeff Properties 31 Bryanston R3 850 000 Seeff Properties 41 Bryanston R1 265 000 RE/MAX 42 Bryanston R3 000 000 RE/MAX 42 Bryanston R4 900 000 RE/MAX 42 Bryanston R3 900 000 RE/MAX 88 Bryanston R3 500 000 Sothebys 88 Bryanston R7 999 000 Sothebys 88 Bryanston R3 700 000 Sothebys 88 Bryanston R7 500 000 Sothebys 88 Bryanston R4 690 000 Sothebys 89 Bryanston R5 999 000 Sothebys 89 Bryanston R7 700 000 Sothebys 89 Bryanston R5 700 000 Sothebys 138 Bryanston R1 350 000 Pam Golding Properties 138 Bryanston R1 400 000 Pam Golding Properties 139 Bryanston R4 599 000 Pam Golding Properties 139 Bryanston R5 990 000 Pam Golding Properties 182 Bryanston R1 520 000 Jawitz Properties 182 Bryanston R2 700 000 Jawitz Properties 182 Bryanston R1 595 000 Jawitz Properties 107 Bryanston East R18 000 000 Vered Estates 66 Bryanston East R3 600 000 Homes of Distinction 42 Bryanston East R3 950 000 RE/MAX 138 Bryanston East R6 300 000 Pam Golding Properties 138 Bryanston East R2 700 000 Pam Golding Properties 36 Buccleuch R865 000 Seeff Properties 43 Bushwillow Park Estate R4 800 000 RE/MAX 35 Cedar Creek R2 850 000 Seeff Properties 52 Cedar Lakes Estate R2 999 999 Fine & Country 192 Constantia Kloof R1 749 000 Arthur Baron Estate 93 Constantia Kloof R3 570 000 Sothebys 168 Corlett Gardens R1 199 000 Firzt 88 Corlett Gardens R1 395 000 Sothebys 75 Craigavon R2 100 000 Chas Everitt 75 Craigavon R2 100 000 Chas Everitt 94 Craigavon R1 150 000 Sothebys 94 Craigavon R1 350 000 Sothebys 94 Craigavon R1 650 000 Sothebys 94 Craigavon R1 850 000 Sothebys 94 Craigavon R1 250 000 Sothebys 154 Craigavon R1 380 000 Pam Golding Properties 154 Craigavon R1 670 000 Pam Golding Properties 85 Craighall R2 950 000 Sothebys 85 Craighall R3 500 000 Sothebys 85 Craighall R5 200 000 Sothebys 85 Craighall R3 700 000 Sothebys 77 Craighall Park R5 900 000 Chas Everitt 164 Craighall Park R4 500 000 Firzt 191 Craighall Park R4 350 000 Kings 42 Craighall Park R3 500 000 RE/MAX 85 Craighall Park R6 900 000 Sothebys 176 Craighall Park R4 150 000 Jawitz Properties 176 Craighall Park R4 850 000 Jawitz Properties 116 Cyrildene R3 699 999 Vered Estates 88 Cyrildene R1 600 000 Sothebys 158 Dainfern R8 000 000 Century 21 158 Dainfern R5 500 000 Century 21 158 Dainfern R4 750 000 Century 21 151 Dainfern R12 000 000 Pam Golding Properties 151 Dainfern R7 300 000 Pam Golding Properties 151 Dainfern R6 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 152 Dainfern R5 800 000 Pam Golding Properties 152 Dainfern R4 700 000 Pam Golding Properties 152 Dainfern R6 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 158 Dainfern Ridge R3 850 000 Century 21 106 Dainfern Ridge R4 700 000 Gaye Cawood Realty 151 Dainfern Valley R6 900 000 Pam Golding Properties 118 Darrenwood R1 525 000 Vered Estates 185 De Wetshof R1 995 000 Jawitz Properties 106 Dianfern R8 395 000 Gaye Cawood Realty 119 Doughlasdale R2 200 000 Frankie Bell's Real Estate 66 Douglasdale R1 199 000 Homes of Distinction 66 Douglasdale R1 950 000 Homes of Distinction 35 Douglasdale R1 900 000 Seeff Properties 95 Douglasdale R2 399 000 Sothebys 95 Douglasdale R2 299 000 Sothebys 153 Douglasdale R1 850 000 Pam Golding Properties 153 Douglasdale R3 050 000 Pam Golding Properties 153 Douglasdale R3 695 000 Pam Golding Properties 153 Douglasdale R1 599 000 Pam Golding Properties 153 Douglasdale R985 000 Pam Golding Properties 67 Duxberry R5 499 000 RJD Realty 114 Edenburg R1 900 000 Vered Estates 48 Edenburg R2 499 000 ChernoDavis Properties 188 Edenburg R4 250 000 John Livanos Estates 193 Edenburg R1 650 000 Huizemark 36 Edenburg R2 750 000 Seeff Properties 142 Edenburg R1 895 000 Pam Golding Properties 51 Emmarentia R5 250 000 Fine & Country 45 Emmarentia POA Adrienne Hersch Properties 25 Emmarentia R3 100 000 Ennik Estates 38 Emmarentia R4 300 000 Seeff Properties 38 Emmarentia R4 200 000 Seeff Properties 149 Emmarentia R4 650 000 Pam Golding Properties 150 Emmarentia R6 950 000 Pam Golding Properties 178 Emmarentia R3 200 000 Jawitz Properties 178 Emmarentia R4 400 000 Jawitz Properties 121 Fairland R3 150 000 Rawson Properties 38 Fairland R3 995 000 Seeff Properties 41 Fairland R1 150 000 RE/MAX 149 Fairland R1 450 000 Pam Golding Properties 149 Fairland R1 750 000 Pam Golding Properties 41 Fairlands R2 800 000 RE/MAX 185 Fairmount R3 999 000 Jawitz Properties 177 Fairwood R1 550 000 Jawitz Properties 113 Fellside R1 700 000 Vered Estates 35 Fernbrook Estate R4 250 000 Seeff Properties 94 Fernbrook Estate R4 500 000 Sothebys 54 Ferndale R990 000 Fine & Country 39 Ferndale R2 400 000 Seeff Properties 41 Ferndale R2 500 000 RE/MAX 159 Fernridge Estate R4 395 000 Century 21 150 Florida Glen R2 195 000 Pam Golding Properties 93 Florida Park R1 490 000 Sothebys 55 Fontainebleau R1 650 000 Fine & Country 92 Fontainebleau R2 999 000 Sothebys 179 Fontainebleau R1 650 000 Jawitz Properties 136 Forest Town R6 500 000 Pam Golding Properties 106 Fourways R1 500 000 OCC Realty 106 Fourways R770 000 OCC Realty 94 Fourways R1 299 000 Sothebys 95 Fourways R2 899 000 Sothebys 153 Fourways R950 000 Pam Golding Properties 183 Fourways R1 849 000 Jawitz Properties 106 Fourways R1 630 000 OCC Realty 106 Fourways Gardens R5 575 000 Gaye Cawood Realty 48 Fourways Gardens R4 500 000 ChernoDavis Properties 111 Gallo Manor R3 700 000 Vered Estates 71 Gallo Manor R2 000 000 RJD Realty 143 Gallo Manor R2 495 000 Pam Golding Properties 150 Georgina R975 000 Pam Golding Properties 116 Glenhazel
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