Cynilun Rhcoli Dalgylch Ynys Mon Adroddiad Ymgynghorol Crynoaed

Cynilun Rhcoli Dalgylch Ynys Mon Adroddiad Ymgynghorol Crynoaed

luaiuuojjAU] Jdjo/\/\ 9i|i JO SUDjpiORQ uoftsay ijiuoqjnv sjaaiy jvuofjr>M Cynilun Rhcoli Dalgylch Ynys Mon Adroddiad Ymgynghorol CrynoaeD o r Adrodfiiad . - ' \ % ^ • uo!*Bjjnsuo 3 ju3ui3<feuej\[ J U 9 U iq D J B 3 U5 S3')voO -y»jvj NRA Copyright Waiver: This report is intended to be used widely anti may be quoted, copied or reproduced in any way, provided that the extracts are not quoted out of context and due acknowledgement is given to the National Rivers Authority: Acknowledgement: Maps are based on the 1992 Ordnance Survey 1:50,(XX) scale map with the permission o f the Controller o f Her Majesty’s Stationary Office Copyright. En v i r o n m e n t A g e n c y NATIONAL LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICE HEAD OFFICE Rio House. Waterside Drive, Aztec West, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4UD I D»\ ^ r H - 'o if t y < o s^enTit* - oc > rice i ^'Ooo No Accession No —. COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Swans and a disabled anglers boat on the Llyn Alaw WE 2 96 2k EAQNM attTjv uAj JV Jiftnw uiCnjoSs/Cd; qxno n n/^VTD NflTI I jopqjXp X uX ipjXS|Ep jijo a q j jojXS jb nEpBUA\q u p jb nEpEAqXs ioj i jouipajj^XS uX ppaoqXD X jippoqBA^S X pXid uoqSuXSuiA poujX^ sXauiuXd uX unjjuX^ qod 3Bui UAvq uiA^saqj X uiy nBppXAisj3|Xp ujuMByXS qjjA\ jpAv uX nBUUBippnq na nqDjXAiajpB uavjjbS X p j qDjXSiBp qoquiX jA\p X jXwppXupp b uioSuXqj jjjavsXS uajopp uX poj nsiunijuX^ j(i jipauA^g 8661 uXqja ruuiXqSN 8uX uojb qod jajXS je jiqajXquXS b ‘q3|X3|BQ ijo^qH nBiunjjuX^ SuaujXS Xa\j i ppaoqXD jj joyjryy uX ppaoqDjXSjBp ijoaqj riBisijod u ouXwyXo nuX^iapuad ipaAv uiXpXy I|iBJ3 ppXsXaui X jb qisoq qjiBjja jX qj^BuXjsX i pXituXS qapjqjijjXn ppXsXaui u o un qoqui uiX nBpp3JB8qji9A^8 j(i piBqj poq b ppXvuuBjXo p j uojb qDjXSjBp pauXjsX uXq bSXjoo qiiEAv i iuAVByXS jjbS X jouuejXS qDjXSjEp qj3B|03qj pBiuXsXo npBisXwqBj Xauj puo uiip ibui [)w P3J3 (ppXuOJB IBqj UAVOUl) oXa^P-IOW • •JAVp B 8ip3IJI|XsX3 JUBIUOJpB o p p Xa u Xh • lOunjBu pjjX p ppaqDyXSuiB jX qi3BJA\pB^ • •ppXajpoSsXd bjpm S b jbuuX^) • ■jAvp nBppoupB ijoaqa • ppX3qji|j uoippnqXqn • o p p p db jqoq i ppXSojin SEqj pBiuXyippury • JB9BP JA\p b q a u X w JAVp UAVOUJ ppajS X jl IJ03J X vup JAVp ppAVBSUB BJPAVS B [BUUX3 • -:sXauiuXd uXs ‘|ouip3JjjXr> nBppXA\sjajXpp i iuAVByXqD b jejsXSo uX ‘ppXjiS i(b njpBjsXD u(Xs jMp jXMppXupp 8uAvqj ojEpquA\ o ppnoBjjjXps sXjjBp oispD avX pou I B jS^on b njuiXq^N 8uX ]OJ.jXp ppaq:>iX8iiJE jX jav|03j jud AiX (3 w ) |oqj3B|pau33 ppXuojy popjnpAvy jj^ juXppSuXqj ojBpqwAvS ppXq X pqaouB u (obiu 3B ‘JAvpp jb 9| uib n9u JMpp uib njpBisXD u.nau ‘puXj-pX3 uX |ouEqEA\S ppXupp javbs 3BJ\t ruuiX^ jojipJojJB ppaojjXp b ppaojaqB ‘ppaouuXjj ‘ppXuojE jb jAip jXwppXuppp ubS joppXuXS jnsXiqd b javbui nBpBMjBS aspv dVINAMUJO V v k C f i S " S ° ( INTRODUCTION The rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters o f Wales are subject to large and rapidly increasing demands from the users o f water. Many different uses interact, or compete for water or water space, and inevitably come into conflict with one another. The National Rivers Authority (NRA) is the major manager o f the water environment in England and Wales and aims to harmonise conflicts between competing water users as well as its general duties that include: • Maintenance and improvement of water quality by control of pollution in surface and groundwater. • Flood defence for people and property. • Flood warning. • Management of water resources. • Maintenance and improvement of fisheries. • Conservation of the natural water environment. • Promotion of water based recreation. • Navigation (in some rivers). The NRA believes it can only carry out its work by adopting the concept ol integrated catchment management. This means that a river catchment is considered as a whole and the actions in each of our areas of responsibility must take account o f the possible impact on the other areas. We have decided to formally present our catchment management policies to the public via Catchment Management Plans which will be produced for all the rivers in Wales by 1998. The Plans are intended to provide a link between us and the users of water in each catchment so that we can better reflect their interests whilst carrying out our duties. For this reason each Plan includes a Consultation Phase during which the general public are invited to comment on our proposals for the future management of the catchment. 1 CATCHMENT STATISTICS GENERAL A r e a 716 km 2 P o p u la t io n 69,149 (estimated) Ground Levels M ax height 230m A O D Tide Levels Mean High Water Springs -3-1 m A.O.D. (Moelfre) -2.8 m A.O.D. (Cemaes Bay) -2.35m A.O.D. (Holyhead) -2.09m A.O.D. (Llanddwyn) -3-1 m A.O.D. (Menai Bridge) Mean Low Water Springs 3.5 m A.O.D. (Moelfre) 3.0 m A.O.D. (Cemaes Bay) 2.55m A.O.D. (Holyhead) 2.2 m A.O.D. (Llanddwyn) 3 5 m A .O .D . (M en ai B rid ge) WATER RESOURCES Annual Average Rainfall 1030mm (Range 850-1050mm) Primary Gauging Stations 1 (Afon Frogwy) Principal Reservoirs 2 (C efn i, A la w ) WATER QUALITY River Classification C lass A 15.6 km C lass B 54.1 km C lass C 1.2 km C lass D 2.3 km Estuary Classification G o o d 5.9km Fair 12.1km FLOOD DEFENCE Length of main river in catchment 443km Length of main river within Internal Drainage District 41 km Length of adopted ditch within Internal Drainage District 18km Length of flood banks maintained by NRA 21km Area at risk of flood (tidal or river) l,969Ha FISHERIES Length of watercourse designated under EC Directive (78/659/EEC) on "The Quality of Fresh Waters needing Protection or Improvement in Order to support Fish Life". Salmonid None Cyprinid None 2 I UJIQ p iU fjd X ^ UIIQ PPJB8 0 3 •Mpo8sXd |BuuA3 uaa\uj J3 B][3avq r\3 nsu poqajBMQ na u38ub ppAs avao.t) ppoojjAQ pp^Bsuy,, JB ( 3 3 3 /6 S9 /8 Z.) HO ^ qappAAUBjAQ UBp pAwpouApp e ja^p sjmo A pXn aajGjaoosAd b h 6 9 6 ‘ 1 (uojb nan joui) ppASojif o |8 Aj;h I u v\.>iu |Bpjy ui>j \ z 3 VV ueX jipquA# e jijjoX nsippop A pAn Ui>J 8 X fOUAiara OIU 3 B4 Q [Epj\ UAV3 J O 8 i p 3 1 sAAVqBUI ppASOJJ A pA n ur>| ip |OUM3J\ O IU 3 BJCJ JE p jy jA UAY3J O UOJB j u q A p A n UK| £ fp q3|A8[Ep A uA uojb ju q A pA{] QOAdOJm 9 vhh NJUdiaawv IZl |Opp3MO 6 5 * a pAioiv pBiqjJEqsoQ i z a quBqs'OQ Z l 3 q u B q s o a ui)( x 'H H q jjB q so a mn 9 &i V quEqsoQ u ojv pEiqjJEqsoQ m a acMVSNV (mejv iu j3 3 ) z p p A s j u o j o j u j (AmSojj uojv) I ppEJuA ) jnsaiv ppaojESJOO ( iu iu 0£010£8 pEipajuiy) tuuiofe'OI ppajBJJEjAf) JB |OppAuA(g pBIMB| 0 n m g n v a a o N a v (AvMimquod) o s n vu$ i (uA^ppuEji) o s a vuZ Z (iqAaj3E3) o S n ™<,£ Z (S3BUJ3 3 ) O s a UJO f (3jj|3oiv) o s n us t 8up3iuX3 nAjsia (A^qjanquod) o s n UJI c- (uXAvppuEn) o s n u»6crz- (iqA8j3B3) o s n urn z- (S3BUI3 3 ) o s n uig Z’ (aijiaojM) o s n u»r€* Sup3UlX3 MUBHU^d AV U B ]J I1 BPJ 3 7 osn ujo^j JBqDfl JB3BQ nepjai 0ujA8uE5uiB) 6^1'69 q j3 E ««| q o d 9 1 L ppsqsaXAuy 1 0 NIQ3yJdA3 HD1A91VQ H.nVOBQViSA ANGELS EY CATCHMENT AREA t 10 km 3 YOUR VIEWS The Anglesey Catchment Management Consultation Report is our assessment o f the state of the catchment and identifies the key issues which need to be resolved. The most important are outlined in the tables at the end of this summary report. • We need your views. • What do you think about the plan in general? • Have w e identified all the uses? • Have w e identified all the issues? • What do you think about the options proposed? If you would like to comment on the Consultation Report or receive a free copy of the full document please write to: THE AREA CATCHMENT PLANNER, NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY, FFORDD PENLAN, PARC MENAI, BANGOR, GWYNEDD LL57 4BP. TELEPHONE: 01248 670770 Please send your comments in writing, but if this is not possible contact us on the telephone number above. 4 •poipn jiqj X j v u o jj X scup iu e mj[XsX8 ipAvjjES qisoq uX uXq ayX puu so puo ‘jndi?q jb n^puAqAs qap uojub qaajXQ 0^.1019 8*Z10 :NOJJ *d3* L S T l a a a N A ^ o HOOMVS ‘IYM3IM 3HVd ‘NTSriNHd dOHOJd ‘iOHi3viaaN33 aaANOdY aoaana^v TVOKV HA (KIHOH3IADIVCI M AVI N HUM A3 :JK q3AVUU3JI.l8sX uiipp ure 3E prqj uX u a ^h] u ajS o p p j o idoo peS q^ajjoq so nau jojoqSuXSuiA pBippojpy jX je nTjpEAqXs ioj iqD qo3jjoq s o iJiSiuXS e nBpEisiAvap X jb iqD ureq q3tA\X qiag • <;pX8 i UOU3JBUJ J iAvua ippAv iu uXpx • ipXS i n E ippX upp j.iAvua ip^Av i u uXp^ • ,;jouip3Jj^X8 uX urqjuXo X j b iqD u j^q qDtA\X q ia g • iqa ujuq ip p pu3 uaSuE iu u io u jb • uam| loquXiD pEippojpB jX pp^Avipp jb r»B|qEj X uX jedisXa u ! inqj X jijpuijuiv sXirep n3 u ^Sue 3b u i X |opp3M|j^ uouamu jjAvua uX qDjXSjep X jav^XS o iu pEisasEq u io q j uX uojv sXu a qDfXSfBa ijoaqH unjyuX^ jojoqSuXSuiA p^ippojpv oejv IHD nVOVMlAS HDI3 r r u r f U j f p u o f j v m( j v jo tu pp/Ca/uXfffppm y jilisuas ppaojBpjB uav^ u i pBi8X|qiBp jajXS jb jij ipoujsnjS i SiuuXS npu SipaqisBjJB pBiSXjqiBpp AvXqjun q3|XqSuX nBqiaBpojBjp -pXo UAV3LU jopajqip/w UBqj 3BJBMq3 uX UMppXq b oiunjjuAS sosojq X uX SisXmcI riBqiaBuXisX j o un uX ppXSojij] Suqj uXyippiuB sbjv uXq nBiurqiuXo j.oiunfl jajX S jb ppsuXjq jiBp nBqiaBuouaBjj u afS n q j b JuauiXSuiA pE|Avo u p 3 joSuX^ j b iu uioSuXqj ouruXo ntip3Av PgB S qod jajX S jb oiun|| na jm.q nBpj;ri no3lftI nBiunjjuX^ jjib 3 •pp3oq3|XS|Bp X um dj o uiBqaXq ppXuojB 8b SipdijfjXsXs uX op p p i ppXSojij o joSiun s o q D B i ipquiB ‘XuuXq q3J3s ‘jp 8 ppXjiS a^(i pXiq o JAvpp uBp |oppXqj3BuiB ppsojipjijjoS X poq J3 ‘oppp jb J iq ip jp j ^ j j u o jb j (o ppXSojijj BpXS javbui nBuisjqojd uiip saoQ u;>8ub jX jo uX jpu M b uojb ipsqj b oijjispBp/nuuXMq^pBp nBiunfjuXqa b jBuuaq uX ppXSojifi SBqj uXyippure qiiBAvS opuA\ b 3Bui ‘qDjX8|Bp X uX ||ibj3 r»Buut?ui UAvapv BSXpQ SJ0 3 J\dV PJ JIU3BAVPB B ‘(W C IV) IOUAV3JV OlU^BjpQ [Bpjy uX pBiqiXSXj UBp ppXs [BpJB J.3BJV ‘AVUBfl X iibS ippoq p p B 3 pBiqjXSXj UBp ppXs q3jX8|Bp X uX qjnBpq [BpjB 8iun j(avX bSXpq sjo^ Jippsj SipaisXAvqBui ppXsojj b ppXuojB ju d X jM p nBisjXo ‘u o jb 3B j o u i ppXajuXyippujB JBUUXS JB OIJuXAVqjOUB3 uX q^jXSjBp X ua\3j o ppXSojin 8bqj uXyippuiB ppnjB8q:ipA\8 3Bp\ aaAOOdin 9 vh» Njwiaawv FLOOD DEFENCE Flood defence activity within the catchment is concentrated on the maintenance of tidal and fluvial defences, main river watercourses and adopted ditches.

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