S p DISTRICT MUNICIPAL CORPORATION KORANGI KARACHI No: EE/DMC/KZ/2.éo /2017-18 Karachi dated : O) -o3-2018 To, The Deputy Director (ENF-1) s pp RA Government of Sindh, Karachi. SUBJECT: NIT No. EE/Korangi/CDP/02/2018 DATE: 02-03-2018 Please Enclosed find herewith NIT, eligibility criteria in original as well as in CD, Copy of procurement Committee notification and copy of Complaint Redressal Committee duly attested & Standard bidding documents, Annual Procurement Plan, Complete schedule in CD & Hardcopy in respect of above NIT are sent herewith request to upload it on SPPRA website. The Copies of Newspapers will be sent later on when NIT appeared EXE( IVE ENGINEER D CKORANGI E'.ecntiu' Inineer 4BR)E)\1( I'.orangt c1 r . OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICT KORANGI KARACHI 1 Floor D.C. Korangi Office Near Total Petrol Pump Korangi # 2 1/2 Karachi Phone # 02 1-99264409 Email : [email protected] No. EE/Koran.gi/CDP/02/2018 Karachi Dated 02-03-2018 TENDER NOTICE AS PER UNDER RULE 17(1)SPPRA 2010 Sealed tenders are invited from all the interested Contractors I Firms/ Parties for the following works Under Community Development Program for Sustainable Developments Goal 2017-2018 S# Name of Work Estimated 5% Tender Time Cost In Earnest Cost Period Million Money 1 REHABILITATION OF ROAD AT NOORANI CHOWK TILL GOVTSCHOOL SEC. 48/H AND FRONT OF BAHAR E MADINA MASJID TILL HAil AHMED BHANGAR PMT, UC-35, & CHAKRA GOTH STREET NO. 1, KORANGI. 17.00 850000.0 3000.0 60 Days 2 REHABILITATION OF SEWERAGE LINE 24" ZERO POINT TILL FRONT OF CREEK GENERAL HOSPITAL AND 15" DIFFERENT AREAS, NOORANI BASTI, NEW NOORANI COLONY AND UNIVERSAL TOWN UC-35, KORANGI 16.00 800000.0 3000.0 60 Days 3 REHABILITATION OF WATER LINE 6" AND 4" DIA SECTOR 32/A, UC-33, NOORANICHOWK TO GOVT. SCHOOL SEC 48/H AND CHRISTAN TOWN UC-36, KORANGI DIVISION. 07.00 350000.0 3000.0 60 Days 4 WATER SUPPLY PUMP 50 HP WITH SAFETY ROOM AT EX-UC OFFICE ITEHAD COLONY, CHRISTIAN TOWN FRONT OF G.B.P.S UC-28 KORANGI 02.00 i/C RSW-134 O/R 100000.0 3000.0 60 Days 5 REHABILITATION ITTEHAD COLONY MARKET TILL QABRUSTAN ROAD UC-28 KORANGI. 08.00 400000.0 3000.0 60 Days TERMS & CONDITIONS Tenders schedule shall be as follows: SCHEDULE DATE & TIME VENUE 1) Receiving of Application From the date of Executive Engineer Office l Floor D.C. Korangi Office Near Total for issuance of Tenders. publication in Petrol Pump Korangi #2 /2 Karachi newspaper to 27-03-2018 During office hour 2) Dropping of Tenders. 28-03-2018 Committee Room District Municipal Corporation Korangi Karachi, 02:00 Pm 1st Floor D.C. Korangi Office Near Total Petrol Pump Korangi # 2 Y2 Karachi 3) Opening of Tenders. 28-03-2018 Committee Room District Municipal Corporation Korangi Karachi, 03:00 Pm ft Floor D.C. Korangi Office Near Total Petrol Pump Korangi # 2 Y Karachi. 2. The Tenders documents will be issued to contractor on the submission of written request on letter head and on payment of non refundable cost of Tender price through pay order from any Schedule bank in favor of The Deputy Commissioner Community Development Program For Sustainable Goal 2017-18 District Korangi Karachi, to the interested parties who possess valid Pakistan Engineering Council Certificate in the relevant category. However photocopy of PEC registration certificate is not required up to Rs. 4.00 Million vide PEC/BOK/Const/ 670 Dated 10-04-2014. 3. Un-Responded /rejected Tenders will be re-issued from 29-03-2018 to 12-04-2018 will be received back on 13-04-2018 up to 2.:O0p.m, & will be opened on the Same day after one hour at 03:00 Pm respectively in the office address mentioned above with same terms & condition. 4 Photocopy of Registration certificate with Sindh Board of revenue (SRB), NTN & Electrical license issued from the office of the Electrical Inspector Government of Sindh is required for Electrical works only is required. 5 In case of holiday and unforeseen circumstances on opening date the bids shall be submitted and opened on the next working day, other terms and condition shall remain same. 6. 5% of specified amount against each work in shape of pay order/Bank draft in favor of Deputy Commissioner District Korangi Karachi. 7. Tender in unsealed cover and without 5% earnest money will not be entertained and discarded. 8. Minimum Three Years Experience of relevant field & Turnover of at least Rs. 10.00 Million in last Three years (Documentary Evidence Bank Statement, Tax returns Audited Balance Sheet etc. required) 9. The Single Stage-one Envelope procedure would be adopted for tender work as per SPPRA Rule.46(1). 10. Total bid amount as well as the rate of items must be filled both in figure and words and in case any correction is made by the contractor himself then each correction must be initiated by the contractor otherwise the Tenders are liable to be summarily rejected/cancelled without any compensation but penalty will be imposed as per rule. 11. If any fake documents are found than the tender is liable to be rejected/cancelled without any compensation but penalty will be imposed as per rule. 12. Bidding Documents can be seen/downloaded from Authority's website SPPRA www.PPRA.sindh.gov.pk EXECUTI'E ENGINEER DMC KORANGI fLiie1nth1? nineev Director (CB) SPPRA, GOS fB&R) I)'slC koringL With a request to upload on the website of SPPR.A (Authority) Enclosed CD copyfor information to: i) The Additional Chi ef Secretary (0ev.) Plonning & Development Department Sindh Korochi ii) The Secretary, Finance Department Government of Sindh Karachi. iii) The Secretary, Local Government Deportment Govt. of Sindh Karachi iv) The Commissioner, Karachi Division, Karachi v) The Deputy Commissioner, District Korongi, Karachi vi The Superintending Engineer, DMC Korangi vii) Office Copy / Master File L1©L @ Li ©ftcJHLdiV U ILfl Bidders are advised to submit following documents with bidding documents for Eligibility / Qualification Criteria. Eligibility / Qualification Criteria S.No. Eligibility / Qualification Criteria 01 NTN. 02 Registration with Sindh Revenue Board (SRB). 03 Registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in re'evant category/field (for works costing more than Rupees Four Million). 04 Electrical license issued from the office of the Electrical Inspector Government of Sindh is required for Electrical works only. Qualification Criteria S.No. Eligibility / Qualification Criteria 01 Minimum Three years Experience of relevant field 02 Turnover of at least Rs. 10.00 Million in last three years (Attach Documentary Evidence Bank Statement, Tax Returns, Audited Balance sheets etc.) .03 Required Bid security may be attached. 04 Bid is designed named and stamped by the authorized person of the firm along with Authorization Letter. EXEt 6VUTENGINEEW DMC KORANGI. PentRe Fngineer B&K D\1( Ktirarig Tel: 99211171 GOVEflNMUif[OF SINDH 211172 Karachi, dated the 15.12.2016 NOTIFICATION. NO. DG(M&E)/LGD/AD(MIS)/13(88): In pursuance of the request of Commissioner, ;:is4:. iLiz i'PS/CD//O15 dazcd Uii) th rocu1-en3 cut Committees" for Infrastructure Development Activities in concemd stricts of Karachi are constituted as under:- 1. 7 Dcputy Commissioner Chairman of conccrned District of Karachi Concerned Engineer (Not less than BS-18) Member :. Assistant Director, Local Governmentof concerned Member Districts Procuicrnent Committees shall follow the SF? Rules-2010.. SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT OF SINDH i JE) /LGD/AD(M1S)/ 13(88)/4i99c Karachi dated /6' - /2 A copy is forwardedto :- The Additional Chief Secretary (Dcv.) P&D Department. '2. The Director, Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory AUthority, Karachi. The ccetary, Finance Department, GOS, Karachi. 4. The Special Secretary (Tech.), Local Government Department, Karachi. 5. The Commissioner, Karachi 6. 'l'he Deputy Commissioners ( Concerned), Karachi he Director General (M&E), Local Government Department, Karachi. 'lhe Director, Local Government, Karachi The Assistant Director, Local Fund Audit, Karachi. i(. Thc Municipal Corniuissionei, JC. ! I. 'he PS u the Secretary IGD, Karachi (M'Azi. AS3i'i'ANT 1.'rcTOR(r! 'S OFFICE OF THE COM1VIISSIONERKARACHI DIVISION KARACHI 4, Club flu,.d. }(.t.c1,l. Tut flu. )92Ot(,O7, (6t() Vu,, 9',Or.(s2 e.mat!: cofltmissionerknrtchingrn3 iI.coill i'Qfl.F1cA T 1O, SUBIECT: CONSTITUTION OF COMPLAINT REDESAL (QMMITTIE LCLAUSE-31J.SPP RULES 2010 (AMENDED 2013) IN A DEPUTY COMMISSIONER. KARACHI OFFICES FOR ALL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FOR WHICH FUNDS ARE PLACED AT THE DISPOSAL OF DY. COMMISSIONERS KAut(;HI DLVlS1ON• To comply the requirement under clause 31 oF SPP Ruhs 2t) I 0. the !otlowing Complaint Redressal Committee (CRC) is constituted for all the subject 1. t.UtIOFICd procurement process:- 1. Mr;Muhammad Aslani Khoso .. .. •. I IIt,.iI. Additional Commissioner-I, Karachi [ 2. Deputy Commissioner (Concerned District) 3. Mr. S. I3ashir Hussain Shah, Chief Enl'incer (Desgn & Contract ManngernentJ. I<MC —. 4. Additional Deputy Corn missioner 'I . fv1t',iIr [Concerned District) ' . 5. .Rep. of Accountant General, Sindh _[Member TOR: To act zs guide line ptovi1ed ii.i Clause 31 of SPPIZJ\ Rules. 2010(Arnended 2013) if any complaint received from iny aggrieved bidder. Sd/= [ASIF HYDER SHAH] COMMISSIONER KARACHI DI VISION NQq/Dir/pD&E/2O 161347 Karchi Dated: j /04 /,() 1( (:o,y to:- 1. The Accountant General, Sindh. Karachi (with a requëstto nominate an OffIcer) ?. ¶h Deputy Commissioner (All), Karachi 3. 'I'li Addcional Deputy Commissioner-I, (All) l)isi.ri - Karachi.j , 4. lIMembers of Committee. 'ti'If ¶U/ . Office I:ile it!Vt niflefT i4 K&K.LE1.1C boraflg iEngr.Syd Muhammad Shakaib] Director (P.D&E) -,.omrnissiontrate Karachi Division .' -, (2 g%UD1tlG °Oc 4 A STANDARI) FORM OF BIDI)INC DOCUMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF WORKS (For Contracts (Small) amounting between Rs.2.5 million to Rs.50 million) Work # 01 REHABILITATION OF ROAD AT NOORANI CHOWK TILL GOVTSCHOOL SEC.
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