3rd/17th --- 1st/9th Air Cavalry Squadron THE BULLWHIP SQUADRON NEWS _______________________________________________________________________ The official News Magazine of the Bullwhip Squadron Association June 2001 THE VETERAN He was getting old and paunchy, And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion Hall telling stories of his past. Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies – they were heroes, every one. And though sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke, All his Legion buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke. But we’ll hear his tales no longer, for old Bill passed away. And the world’s a little poorer, for a soldier died today. He was just a common soldier, and his ranks are growing thin, But his presence should remind us we may need his like again. For when countries are in conflict, then we find the soldier’s part, Is to clean up all the troubles that others often start. If we cannot give him honor, while he’s here to hear the praise, Then at least let’s give him homage, at the ending of his days. Perhaps a simple notice in a paper that would say, “Our Country is in morning, Cause a Soldier passed away”. Author unknown REMEMBER THE VETERAN 2 AdjutantsCall Attention to Orders SOME YEARS AGO, JOHN B STOCKTON SENT ME NEXT DOOR TO OUR PLOT OF GROUND ALONG RADCLIFF ROAD TO TELL, NOT ASK, LTC HAL MOORE CO 1/7 CAV THAT WE WERE EXPANDING OUR BOUNDRY ABOUT 10 FEET INTO HIS AREA. LTC HAL MOORE WAS NOT AMUSED AND TOLD ME TO GET MY BUTT OUT OF HIS BATTALION AREA. LT. GEN. (RET) HAL MOORE HAS BEEN A REGULAR VISITOR TO COLUMBUS, GEORGIA AND FORT BENNING THIS SPRING BECAUSE OF HIS BOOK," WE WERE SOLDIERS ONCE AND YOUNG", ABOUT THE BATTLE IN THE IA DRANG VALLEY. IT IS BEING MADE INTO A MOVIE AT FORT BENNING WITH MEL GIBSON AS HAL MOORE, THE STAR. TO MY KNOWLEDGE, THERE IS LITTLE MENTION IN THE MOVIE ABOUT THE 1/9 TROOPERS THAT STARTED THE EVENT. MOVIES, BOOKS, TV SPECIALS, LIKE MUSEUMS, SHOULD RECORD HISTORY NOT CHANGE IT. I RECEIVED A CALL JUST BEFORE MEMORIAL DAY FROM OUR DEVOTED SGT MAJOR AL DEFLERON REMINDING ME THAT IT WAS TIME FOR ME TO SEND IN ADJUTANTS CALL COMMENTS. WHAT BETTER TIME TO RECALL THE ACTIONS OF THE BULLWHIP SQUADRON AND THE TROOPERS WHO FELL IN THEIR DUTY TO THE NATION. AT ANDERSONVILLE, SOUTHEAST OF COLUMBUS, THEY HONOR ALL PRISONERS OF WAR. ANDERSONVILLE, A CONFEDERATE POW CAMP DURING THE CIVIL WAR, WHERE SOME 13,000 UNION SOLDIERS DIED, NOW HONORS POW'S FROM ALL WARS IN WHICH THE U S MILITARY HAS FOUGHT. THIS YEAR A SPECIAL CEREMONY HONORED OUR POW'S FROM THE VIET NAM ERA. AS YOU KNOW BY NOW, THE PRESIDENT HAS SIGNED A DOCUMENT AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF A WW II MONUMENT IN WASHINGTON. THE MONUMENT WILL COST SOME 160,000,000 DOLLARS. IT IS ESTIMATED THAT 16 MILLION MEN AND WOMEN SERVED DURING WW II AND OF THAT NUMBER FEWER THAN 5 MILLION ARE STILL LIVING. SOME 1100 WW II VETS DIE EACH DAY. WE NEED TO START CONSTRUCTION ON THIS LONG OVERLOOKED MEMORIAL BEFORE THERE ARE NO WW II VETS ALIVE TO APPRECIATE IT. WE VIET NAM VETS KNOW THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MEMORIAL HONORING THE DEAD COMRADS OF OUR WAR. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE BULLWHIP SQUADRON SEND A DONATION TO THE AMERICAN BATTLE MONUMENTS COMMISSION TO SHOW OUR SUPPORT FOR OUR FELLOW VETS THAT SERVED DURING THE 1940'S. IF YOU AGREE, LET GEN ALLEN, COL EWART OR SGT MAJOR DEFLERON KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS. FOR THE COMMANDER DICK GRUBE ADJUTANT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 POST SCRIPT Many articles in this newsletter honor the veteran. Memorial Day has passed and is only once a year, but we must never forget what the veteran has accomplished for, and sacrificed, for this country. If you do not agree with the articles, or want to add your thoughts, then sound off. Send your comments to Loel either by e-mail or regular mail. We are troopers one and all, and are unique. Word and actions are what has set us apart. We are who we are: AIR CAV TROOPERS. We WILL persevere. Our beloved nation WILL NOT FALL. BWS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAPS To all the veterans of all the wars, May you wait for us on Fiddlers Green. Rest in peace. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I AM THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I am the flag of the United States of America. My name is Old Glory. I fly atop the world's tallest buildings. I stand watch in America's halls of justice. I fly majestically over institutions of learning. I stand guard with power in the world. Look up and see me. I stand for peace, honor, truth and justice. I stand for freedom. I am confident. I am arrogant. I am proud. When I am flown with my fellow banners, my head is a little higher, my colors a little truer. I bow to no one! I am recognized all over the world. I am worshipped - I am saluted. I am loved - I am revered. I am respected - and I am feared. I have fought in every battle of every war for more then 200 years. I was flown at Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Shiloh and Appamatox. I was there at San Juan Hill, the trenches of France, in the Argonne Forest, Anzio, Rome and the beaches of Normandy, Guam. Okinawa, Korea and KheSan, Saigon, Vietnam know me, I was there. I led my troops, I was dirty, battleworn and tired, but my soldiers cheered me. And I was proud. I have been burned, torn and trampled on the streets of countries I have helped set free. It does not hurt, for I am invincible. I have been soiled upon, burned, torn and trampled on the streets of my country. And when it's by those whom I've served in battle - it hurts. But I shall overcome - for I am strong. I have slipped the bonds of Earth and stood watch over the uncharted frontiers of space from my vantage point on the moon. I have borne silent witness to all of America's finest hours. But my finest hours are yet to come. When I am torn into strips and used as bandages for my wounded comrades on the battlefield, When I am flown at half-mast to honor my soldier, Or when I lie in the trembling arms of a grieving parent at the grave of their fallen son or daughter, I am proud. MY NAME IS OLD GLORY LONG MAY I WAVE. DEAR GOD IN HEAVEN, LONG MAY I WAVE! 4 FROM THE COMMANDER our 27 days on board the USS Darby en-route to Vietnam. This BWS newsletter gives us writers of Pappy Dietsch, Tom King and Ernest articles an opportunity to share with you troopers Saunders were of immense value to the platoon, some things of interest. This article will be a based on their previous war time assignments little different than usual. It is an article from the plus their maturity. I made crew assignments heart and closes a chapter of my life that started based on an old guy with a young pilot and it over 36 years ago. worked out well. My article concerns a gunship pilot who Now to the rest of the story. Pappy Dietsch served in A Troop in 1965 by the name of was a real character and kept us in high spirits Charles “Pappy” Deitsch. Pappy was a 45 year onboard ship with his antics. Somehow he was old ex Air Force Major who had earned his wings the first guy down the plank when we docked at in 1944 as a bomber pilot and later in Korea as a San Diego for 24 hours, and in his grasp was a night interdiction pilot, flying the B-26 and later large and empty ditty bag. He quickly located the as a Canberra pilot. Navy’s CLVI liquor store and made several trips As the Vietnam war began to build up, Pappy returning with a full load of unauthorized gin and decided he wanted to join the battle again, so he whiskey bottles, which we in the Red Platoon volunteered to go back into the Air Force. thoroughly enjoyed during our remaining trip on However, due to his age the AF would not accept the high seas. him for active duty. Not to be deterred, Pappy Shortly after our arrival in Vietnam, I was volunteered for Army Aviation service and in assigned another 45 year old ex AF pilot who January of 1964 he was accepted for helicopter became our platoon sergeant- Pappy Kuster. And transition. believe it or not, those 2 Pappy’s knew each other Pappy was assigned to my gun platoon in July from WWII and Korea! of 1965 as a CWO2 just before the Squadron Pappy Dietsch was one hell of a pilot and flew departed Fort Benning for Vietnam. The gun his gunship like an old experienced helicopter platoon had 10 UH-1B gunships with various pilot. What a joy he was to be around—everyone weapon systems such as the M3 Hog, 2.75 rocket loved him. system, the M16 machine gun and rocket After the Ia Drang battle, A Troop, under the combination system, and later the M5 40mm command of Major Stephen Guy Beardsley, turret system. stayed in the western part of II Corps and Because the squadron had lost many previous supported the various SF camps located along the Vietnam experienced pilots (a DA policy), all Cambodia border by flying recon missions and newly assigned pilots had to go through a very plotting potential LZ’s for future operations.
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