CATHOLIC APRIL 1, 2018 EASTER SUNDAY VOLUME 67:26 DIOCESE OF COLUMBUS A journal of Catholic life in Ohio THE TOMB IS EMPTY! JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN TODAY! ALLELUIA! 2 Catholic Times April 1, 2018 Father Hummer retires as Editor’s reflections by Doug Bean Scripture columnist Suffering, death, and resurrection Father Lawrence have succeeded is Hummer is retir- not for me to say. ing as the Catho- “I have enjoyed There’s no greater week in Christen- Easter Vigil Mass lic Times’ Scrip- dom than Holy Week. It is a solemn pe- on Holy Satur- writing in the ture columnist past, but have riod of reflection that culminates in the day; and Masses after writing for resurrection of Jesus Christ. of the Resurrec- tired of deadlines the newspaper for in recent months Before we celebrate the joy of the res- tion of the Lord 26 years over two and have decided urrection, we meditate on the crucifix- on Sunday. separate periods. that now is the ion. There can be no resurrection with- Holy Thursday is so rich in significance His final column time to hang it up. I thank out Jesus’ suffering and death on the because Christ instituted the priesthood appears on Page 14. those who have read the col- cross. The crucifix is a reminder of the and the holy Eucharist at the Last Sup- Father Hummer and Msgr. umn and I hope it has been a intense pain that Our Lord endured so per, where He changed the simple bread John Dreese wrote in the that we might have eternal life. Father and wine into His body and blood. Since benefit. The rich papacy of Michael Lumpe, rector of Columbus St. then, in tabernacles in Catholic church- Times on alternate weeks Pope Francis provides much Joseph Cathedral, offers his Easter re- es and at Masses throughout the world, about the coming Sunday’s that can be of far greater val- flections on Page 10. Jesus has been and continues to be truly Scriptural readings from ue for reflection than the few present every day in His body, blood, 1980 to 1991, when Father thoughts I have expressed The solemn liturgies celebrated rev- soul, and divinity. Hummer left the Diocese of each week and I look for- erently during Holy Week are stun- Columbus to serve as a chap- ward to hearing more of Pope ning. The faithful, in their thoughts and On Good Friday, fasting and praying lain for the Navy. He returned Francis in future issues of prayers, are transported back in time the sorrowful mysteries of the rosary – to the diocese in 2000 to be- the Catholic Times. Thank 2,000 years ago – to Palm Sunday at the Agony in the Garden, Scourging of Je- come pastor of Chillicothe you, and may the grace and beginning of the week; to be with Jesus sus at the Pillar, Crowning with Thorns, St. Mary Church, where he peace of God our Father and Carrying of the Cross, and Crucifixion – and the Apostles in the upper room at has served for the past 18 the Lord Jesus Christ be with deepen our understanding of the impor- the Last Supper on Holy Thursday; to be years, and resumed his week- you all.” tance this day represents in the salvation at the foot of the cross with St. John the ly Scripture column in 2003. of mankind. Father Hummer, a Cam- Apostle and the Blessed Mother when He has written approximately Christ is crucified; and to be there spir- Also, beginning on Good Friday is a bridge native who on Feb. 2 900 Scripture commentaries marked the 45th anniversary itually when Jesus leaves the tomb and novena of Divine Mercy that continues for the newspaper. his beloved followers discover that He through Easter week and ends with Di- of his ordination as a priest is indeed truly risen. vine Mercy Sunday on April 8. It pro- “I have always tried to of the diocese, also was pas- bridge the gap between the tor of Millersburg St. Peter Holy Week highlights in the Dio- vides another means to deepen our de- academic study of Sacred and Glenmont Sts. Peter and cese of Columbus include confession; votion and realize God’s love for every Scripture and people in the Paul churches and was as- vespers and benediction; the Chrism person. sociate pastor at Columbus Mass at Columbus St. Joseph Cathe- pews,” Father Hummer said. We rejoice on Holy Saturday, when the St. Mary, Mother of God dral, where Bishop Frederick Campbell “I have tried to avoid techni- Church is blessed with new Catholics cal jargon, or to explain it if I Church, Worthington St. Pe- blesses the holy oils used at all parish being baptized, confirmed, and receiv- churches throughout the year; the Holy used it. Granted some parish- ter Church, and Columbus ing their first holy Communion at the ioners have objected over the St. Joseph Cathedral. In ad- Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Easter Vigil Mass. followed by adoration; Stations of the years that they need a dictio- dition, he has taught at Co- And on Sunday, voices are raised in Cross, the Seven Last Words of Christ, nary when I preach (an exag- lumbus Father Wehrle High the triumphant song Christ the Lord Is veneration of the cross, the solemn cel- geration, to be sure), I hoped School, been a member of Risen Today. ebration of the Passion, and the Of- to give material to those who the diocesan Tribunal, and fice of Tenebrae on Good Friday; the Happy Easter. preach to clarify or to explain served as chaplain at River- some of what is found in the side and Grant hospitals in Sacred Treasury. Whether I Columbus. Sx Front Page photo: Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD ~ President & Publisher The image of an CATHOLIC Doug Bean ~ Editor ([email protected]) empty tomb sym- Tim Puet ~ Reporter ([email protected]) bolizes the victory TIMES Alexandra Keves ~ Graphic Design Manager of Jesus Christ Copyright © 2018. All rights reserved. ([email protected]) over sin and death Catholic Times (USPS 967-000) (ISSN 745-6050) is the official Mailing Address: 197 E. Gay St., Columbus OH 43215 through his resur- newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Columbus, Ohio. It is Editorial/Advertising: (614) 224-5195 FAX (614) 241-2518 rection, which we published weekly 45 times per year with exception of every other week in June, July and August and the week following Christmas. Subscriptions (614) 224-6530 FAX (614) 241-2573 celebrate on Easter Subscription rate: $25 per year, or call and make arrangements Sunday, April 1. with your parish. Postage Paid at Columbus, OH 43218. ([email protected]) Shutterstock image Postmaster: Send address changes to Catholic Times, 197 E. Gay St., Columbus, OH 43215. Please allow two to four weeks for change of address. April 1, 2018 Catholic Times 3 My dear friends in Christ, Throughout the many centuries since that first Easter Sunday, faithful Christians have always celebrated the feast with profound gratitude and joy. In good times and bad, in times of peace and in times of trouble and suffer- ing, in times of expansion and of contraction, the Church has continued to proclaim the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and express the great hope that Easter brings. In the death and resurrection of the Lord, Christians know that the victory over sin and death, violence, and hatred, has been assured, and we await the full revelation of that victory in the second coming of Christ. In the lives of individual Christians, wherever they may live and have lived, in whatever differing circumstances, that Easter joy and expectant hope has been bravely pro- claimed and experienced. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome: “For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).” May this Easter be the occasion for renewing and deepen- ing your faith and hope, and may you always be lifted up by the joy of this day and be always in peace. Most Rev. Frederick F. Campbell Bishop of Columbus Pray the Divine Mercy Novena Mary, Mother of the Church To prepare for Divine while the prayers for should be celebrated this year, cardinal says Mercy Sunday, Catho- the fourth day focus on lics can pray a novena “those who do not be- Catholic News Service ah said that “all else being equal, the beginning on Good Fri- lieve in God and those obligatory memorial of the Blessed Reminding bishops, pastors and day, nine days before who do not yet know Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church is the feast of mercy. (Christ).” Catholics Catholics around the world that all to be preferred.” Latin-rite Catholics should celebrate St. Faustina Kowals- pray for those who have the feast of Mary, Mother of the In addition, he said, the list of Mass ka recorded a mystical “separated themselves” Church on the Monday after Pentecost readings published with the pope’s de- experience in her dia- from the church on the this year, Cardinal Robert Sarah said cree “are to be held as proper because ry, Divine Mercy in My fifth day of the novena. they illuminate the mystery of spiritu- the celebration should take prece- Soul, in which Christ Christ told Fausti- al motherhood.” dence over any other possible liturgy first told her to spread na to “bring to me that day.
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