Em ulat ion Handbook Warriors: Into the fire / Erin Hunter There is a cat nam ed Rust y, w ho lives w it h t w o Hum ans w ho are called t w olegs in t he st ory. Rust y is a very advent urous cat w ho had alw ays w ant ed t o vent ure t he forest in his backyard. He ent ers t he forest one day t rying t o hunt a m ouse. He is t hen at t acked by a forest cat . He finds out t hat t he cat t hat at t acked him is from a clan called t he Thunderclan. He decides t o join t he clan and live life t he w ay t he clan cat s do. Visuals What 's t his elem ent ? The aut hor is giving us hint s t o w hat w e have t o look forw ard t o. The pict ure are t ied t o a couple of sent ences or a paragraph, but t he pict ures never depict w hat t he w hole chapt er is about . Exam ple from t ext Why does it m at t er? It creat es suspense and give t he book a unique t rait because a lot of books have chapt er t it les t hat are som et im es w acky or inform at ional. For exam ple, in chapt er 3 t he opening pict ure is Firepaw hunt ing for a m ouse. The im age w as about Firepaw ?s dream . A direct quot e is ?The m ouse dream cam e again, even m ore vivid t han before. Free of his collar, beneat h t he m oon, he st alked t he t im id creat ure.? What 's t he im pact on t he reader? But w hat m y aut hor does is t o t ry t o feed your im aginat ion a lit t le m ore. By giving t he reader one im age t o look at , it creat es a pict ure in t heir m ind, w hich t hen? allow s us t o feel anot her sensat ion w here w e can feel t he environm ent and visualize everyt hing t hat m y aut hor describes in t he book. Com pound Nam es What 's t his elem ent ? The aut hor uses t he nam e as a w ay t o describe t he cat ?s personalit y and appearance. The second half of a clan cat ?s com pound nam e changes as t hey get older and go up t he ranking of t he clan. Let ?s say t he first part of your nam e is Tree. When you are a kit t en your nam e w ould be Treekit . When you are old enough t o becom e a w arrior apprent ice your nam e becom es Treepaw. When you becom e a w arrior you. Then w hen you becom e a w arrior t he leader chooses your nam e. And finally w hen you becom e a leader you t ake on t he ending -st ar. Exam ple from Text ?Darkst ripe, Longt ail, Willow pelt , and Dust paw w ere w ait ing silent ly at t he cam p ent rance.? Pg 11 Why does it m at t er? The syst em of leadership is im port ant t o t he cat s because? every nam e is unique. The first half of a clan cat ?s nam e is a given nam e on t he cat ?s appearance and personalit y. The second part of t he clan cat s nam e resem bles t heir st at us. The nam e syst em creat es cont rol and order in t he clan because you don?t get your nam e unt il you are proven w ort hy t o achieve t he next st at us. What 's t he im pact on t he reader? It is a unique w ay t o show t hat t he cat s in t he clans t ake a lot of pride in t heir t radit ions and t he aut hor also t ries t o show us t hat t here are t hings going on t hat w e don?t even not ice. To show t he reader t hat t he w hole w orld is full of m yst eries t hat w e w ould never be able t o solve. Descript ive Writ ing What 's t his elem ent ? The aut hor ?Erin Hunt er ? loves t o m akes people not just able t o read t he book, but t o see t he book. As if it plays out like a m ovie in your head. The w ords light ly, st alked, sickly, dam p, bright all cont ribut e t o t he descript ion. They give t he scene m ore dept h. Provide Exam ple #3 ?Out side, t he m oon w as bright . It w as raining light ly . Rust y st alked dow n t he t idy garden, follow ing t he st arlit gravel pat h, feeling t he st ones cold and sharp beneat h his paw s. He m ade his dirt beneat h a large bush w it h glossy green leaves and heavy purple purple flow ers. Their sickly sw eet scent cloyed t he dam p air around him , and he curled his lip t o drive t he sm ell out of his nost rils.? Pg 9 Why does it m at t er? It m at t ers because w e don?t just w ant regular, old, boring, scenes t hat allow s us t o underst and w hat is going on, but doesn?t really m ake us feel, and see w hat is happening. For exam ple, ?He m ade his dirt beneat h a large bush w it h glossy green leaves and heavy purple flow ers.?. In t his quot e t he aut hor allow s us t o clearly see w hat t he bushes and flow ers look like. Unlike t his exam ple, ?Rust y pooped behind a big green bush w it h purple flow ers.?. What 's t he im pact on t he reader? This m akes t he book m ore int erest ing t o t he reader. I believe t hat it just t akes you on a m agical journey t hat you just don?t w ant t o end. It causes t he reader not w ant ing t o st op reading. My em ulat ion: Lost Longst ride felt a light breeze gent ly caress his fur. The w arm t h of t he blazing sun above Longst ride?s body. The cold leaves below Longst ride?s body chilled his soft underbelly. Longst ride opened his eyes only t o feel t he st inging rays of t he sun blind him . Longst ride got up slow ly as if he had been sleeping for days. Longst ride list ens t o t he t rees around him . He hears t he silent foot st eps of grasshoppers up nort h. Speeding cars on t he road due east . Longst ride t hen t urned his ears t ow ards w est . Longst ride heard not hing except w hat sounded like t he grow l of a savage beast w ho hungers for a m eal. Tow ards t he sout h he hears a river st ream not so far aw ay. He decided t o go t o t he river before he becam e dehydrat ed. As Longst ride navigat ed t hrough t he huge luscious forest . The noise t hat Longst ride had heard com ing from t he sout h w as nearby. Longst ride t ight ened up his haunches and got int o a crouch posit ion. The adrenaline rushed t hrough Longst ride?s veins. Longst ride felt t he fight ing spirit inside him em erge like an erupt ing volcano. Longst ride let out a deep bark. Longst ride felt all his senses at hundred percent . Longst ride st rained his ears t o list en for t he sm allest sounds. He heard a t w ig break on t he left of him . Longst ride t urned w it h one sw ift m ovem ent . My Em ulat ion: Lost Ct d. ?Com e out w hoever you are!? barked Longst ride. The rum bling in t he bushes got louder and louder. The figure jum ped out of t he bush. ?AHH.? how led Longst ride. ?Wow , w hat a chicken,? said t he m yst erious figure. ?I?m supposed t o be scared of you.? said t he m yst erious figure, as it w alked out of t he shadow s. Longst ride w asn?t scared anym ore and not iced t hat it w as just a squirrel. ?UHH, I w asn?t scared.? barked Longst ride ?What ?s your nam e.? barked Longst ride ?Ohhh sure.? squeaked t he squirrel.
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