I- Big Sur Coast Gas Map •• Back Page • m t ilig&ur Oba5tttt C' Serving the Jlisitors and Residents 0/ the Big SlIr Coast /rom Monterey Peninsula to Hearst 25 CENTS • Volume 2, No. 5 Big Sur, California 93920 408-881·2222 May,14 - June 11,/1979 NOrDllUI incorporation. Committee WIns Appeal Tables Town of Big Sur Big Sur artist Emile Nor­ The Committee for the Incorporation of Big Sur has • man won his appeal against announced that it has its action to incorporate Big Sur the Coastal Com­ as a town. condition to dedi­ According to chairman of the committee, John Harlan. the cate land for scenic easement .decision ends an eighteen month effort of gathering before a building information, ascertaining the economic feasibility, and permit. circulating petitions within the community to determine the "Getting the took desirability of incorporation., . • me two and fifteen Mr. Harlan said that "the goals of incorporation are stiil minutes, said Mr. Norman valid and the feasibility was proved by the Zion last week after the State Report." . Commission overturned the The Zion Report was prepared for the committee by an Central Regional Commis­ independent consultant in local and regional government, sion's required dedication. WilUamZion. The report concluded that a low-key, "The state staff convinced lQc:l.lly-controlled form of town government for Big Sur was • the pane! that were in economically feasible. error," he said. victory: ..In addition," Mr. Harlan continued, .. we have more than was unanimous - I'm glad I the required 2SOJo of the electorate who have sii1?ed petitions won!" to bring the matter before LAFCO.". / LAFCO is the Local Formation Commission which The victory: ended It con- troversial permit at makes of Supervisors about LAST CHANCE REVIV At led the RIchardson, Jeff Norman, and Katherine. the the formation of new towns. deUpted audience In poup slngJng at the Short. See Photo Story on 'age IS. "In a nut shell." Mr. Harlan • Flnt Amlual Big Sur In Ccmeert. From left to Photo by EOlia Hoye. economically feasible and poI5SU)le, right: Jolm Cluett, ronl Nicklaus, Barbara is not desirable to him to Zad Leavy _" .....1l1·,,'l"m.iln trailer It honse. second set of Mr. Norman the asked about the of the Mr. the condition to COASTAL COMMISSION Harlan replied that there were none. "However, said, "the main goals of incorporation are stilI valid:· to preserve • COlmJIIlSS10n was persuaded the Commission and to a required trail won his ease. FORMS IMAGE COMMlTIEE the coast, protect the residents, and promote private/ easement through his pro­ uThe victory: set a prece­ stewardship. If people feel that anyone of these goals is The Central Regional Coastal Commission has recently es­ significantly threatened by our existing local government, the perty, but they retained their dent," he said, "and other tablished a special committee charged with ways to improve demand of dedicating 100 of people may have an easier county. or by an state or federal agency, or by any special the Coastal Commission's image. interest group, then you can count on Big Sur people to opt for his 120 acre ranch into scenic time." Commissioner Zad Leavy of Big Sur was named chairman incorporation to establish home rule and local control. H of the new committee. Was he disappointed in the outcomeof-the incorporation • Sale on again The committee was formed in response to a barrage of effort? "Not in the least," he responded, "we've learned that criticism during a statewide convention of Coastal Com­ incorporation is feasible and possible, and if ever it is desired missioners and Staff at Asilomar in March, by enough people, it will happen." BilI Press, Director of the Governor's Office of Planning Kldco. Buys Gorda "In the meantime," he concluded, "the Jess outside The tiny South Coast community of Gorda has had· a •'For and Research, charged that •'the Commission has the worst government intrusion we have. the better off we'll all be." possible public relations of any Commission I've experienced, Sale" sign out for some time, so it was no surprise to local Gary: Koeppel, a member ofthe committee and «proponent residents when it was announced some months back that the with the possible exception of the Energy Commission." ·of incorporation. was asked his response to the committee's • "town"has been sold to Kidco Ltd. Ventures, a San At the same convention, Senator Jerry: Smith (D·Santa decision. Diego-based firm. Clara), the author of Proposition 20, scolded the Com­ .. It was, the right decision at this time," he replied. It was reported last week that Richard Cessna, the father of missioners for dragging their feet in developing the Local "Face it," he said, "nobody came to Big Sur to get the children who are listed as the legal owners of Kidco, and Coastal Programs (LCP's). involved in government. People are here to live and earn a now, Gorda, has come up with the $80,000 required for a He said if the LCP's· are not completed by· the 1981 living. For years everything Was fine, and the law of the land down payment and the deal is now in escrow. deadline, "it's going to be a further disaster for the image of was the Master Plan." Kidco bought the 9.3 acres, situated on Highway 1 near 'the Coastal Commission." "And then the missionaries decided to 'save the coast' Gorda Mountain, for a reported $750,000 from Mr. and Mrs. Senator Smith also chided them for belaboring "non­ which, in Big Sur, had already been saved by the residents Larry: Anderson of Los Angeles, who have owned and essential coastal issues" in Coastal Permit applications, and and the Master Plan," he continued. "First we had the oPl~ralte<1 the store, ~as station, restaurant and cabins located he suggested that shoutd " streamline" the permit Adams-Parr-Turnage National Park then Con- on site for the 18 process and LCP's. gressman Panetta a the Interior Kidco was to over operatiOJ1S Finally, the alarmed the Commissioners and Staff study bilI." ' by reporting that a number of Coastal Commission month and has contacted emltllOIVef~S Mr. Koeppel said the result was that people became would Uke to contimle mtaDlilgelrnellh Reform bills were under debate in and alarmed and began talking about incorporation as an if they pass, the Commission could be sev·ere,l), • COlmnIMSf!i1 of about 20 residents who the alternative to a government takeover. Tnwn Hall meetings in 1Iimall community been in restricted. Continued to Pap 2 a state of confusion since sale WaS first announced iast By the end of the Asilomar Conv~~nti.on, the Commissioners and Staff an issues which emphasized the fall, when Cessna took over for Ii short whi(e before the Anderson's reclaimed the when the downpayment was need to and "clean up Point Lobos RPZ not forthcoming within the agreed time. ' Continued to Page 2 Court action was taken by Cessna, and an out-of-court Decision Deferred • settlement was made with the Andersons in which Cessna agreed to come up with the full downpayment before May 15 Town Hall Meeting byElaYlle Wareing her department will call a in order to regain control. Fitzpatrick-Orimm special meeting •• before the Ownership has always been absentee. in Gorda, With the Concerned property own­ month is out" for airing their Anderson's back in control, life went on as usual with the Set for Big Sur Lel ers from Carmel Meadows views on their proposed Re­ residents running the businesses and continuing their rather and Carmel Highlands be­ source Protection Zone (RPZ) idyllic existences in relative obscurity in relation to the The Monterey County terey County Board· of Super­ came irate property owners surrounding Point Lobos Re­ outside world. Planning Commission has visors, and Bill Farrell, Sen­ May 11th after spending the serve. • Recently, however. a feature story: began to hit the big city scheduled a Town Hall Meet· ior Planner· for the Monterey morning at a' public hearing A recent article in the dailys in California. It told how a corporation of kids had ing in Big Sur to present the County Planning Commis­ at Asilomar on the Point Monterey Peninsula Herald discovered capitalism in a big way to a manure-shoveling progress of the development sion. Lobos Plan only to discover disclosed the Department's operation at their father's stables in San Diego County, that of the Big Sur Local Coastal Roger Newell, Chairman that their input was "not on recommendation for a Re­ the kids were now buying their own town as a possible "tax Plan (LCP). of the Citizen Advisory Com­ the agenda at this time." source Protection Zone to be write-off. " The meeting is scheduled mittee which had been work­ After some testy exchang­ established from Carmel Val· Meanwhile the children's father, Richard Cessna, had filed for Tuesday, May 29, at the ing on the plan; said that es, the property owners were ley Road to Ywee Point, bankruptcy proceedings in San Diego County, that proceed­ Big Sur Grange Hall. sub-committee reports would somewhat appeased by a extending from the beach to ing to be terminated May 15, the date Kidco was to take over Guest speakers invited are be presented after the speak­ promise from Chief Deputy the top of the ridge. It had '. ~rations at Gorda, Mary: Henderson, Chairper­ ers and the audience would Director of the State Depart­ been publicized that the DPR Also reported was a possible movie contract to tell' the son of the Central Coast be allowed to comment on ment of Parks and Recreation Commission wowd discuss Haratio Alger of Richard Cessna's children's rise to Regional Commission, Sam the work accomplished to (DPll), Alice Wright-Cottin­ the iPZ at the May 11 Continued to Pap 2 Farr, Chairman of the Mon- date.
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