June 11, 2010 Vol. 50, No. 12 Spaceport News John F. Kennedy Space Center - America’s gateway to the universe www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/news/snews/spnews_toc.html INSIDE . U.S. Labor, Commerce efforts to help transition STS-131 By Linda Herridge Inc., which will serve as the NASA Associate Adminis- identify emerging opportuni- crew returns Spaceport News program operator. Funds trator for Mission Support ties and to ensure that the will help individuals ranging Woodrow Whitlow. region’s aerospace workers $15 million grant from entry-level workers to Locke discussed the have the training and the from the Department highly skilled professionals. president’s commitment to resources they need to be an Aof Labor and efforts Services will include career job creation and strengthen- integral part of the region’s by the Space Industry Task guidance, job search skills, ing of the economy with the new economic strategy. Force to bring more high- resume reviews, skill as- launch of the presidential Once the task force has technology jobs to Florida, sessments and labor market task force and its $40 million gathered the best ideas from are just two of the efforts information, as well as train- for multiagency initiatives throughout the region, Locke recently implemented to ing and continuing education for regional and economic said they will owe the presi- help Kennedy Space Center Page 2 opportunities. growth. dent an action plan by Aug. workers who will be affected “We must take every “We are committed to 15 on how the $40 million Four astronauts by the retirement of NASA’s step possible to maintain the this region,” Locke said. will be used to further the join hall of fame Space Shuttle Program. Space Coast’s highly skilled “We’re developing a very economic development. Secretary of Labor work force, and this grant ambitious and targeted plan Bolden said the highly Hilda Solis made the grant will provide critical support to revitalize the Space Coast skilled civil service and announcement at the Ken- to workers and help them region.” contractor work force team nedy Space Center Visitor find new job opportunities in Locke said the president is one of NASA’s greatest as- Complex on June 2 with our community,” said Rep. is ensuring that Kennedy sets, and their hard work and NASA Deputy Administra- Suzanne Kosmas. “At the and all of NASA have the re- talents have enabled America tor Lori Garver and Rep. same time, I will continue sources they need to pursue to be the world’s premier Suzanne Kosmas of Florida. working to minimize the new avenues of discovery. spacefaring nation. The grant will assist ap- human spaceflight gap and He also said the task “I am confident that proximately 3,200 ASRC Page 3 attract new businesses to force will be working closely NASA’s contributions to the Aerospace Corp., Boeing the Space Coast in order to with colleagues throughout solutions we seek will have Storm session and United Space Alliance strengthen and diversify our the federal government and wide-ranging benefits for the addresses season workers, and is in addi- economy.” local leaders to expand the country and all of Central tion to the $40 million of On June 4, Commerce region’s economic base, to Florida,” Bolden said. Recovery Act funds pledged Secretary Gary Locke and by President Barack Obama NASA Administrator Charlie during his visit to the center Bolden, co-chair of the Pres- April 15. idential Task Force on Space “During nearly three Industry Work Force and De- decades of continuous space velopment, held a town hall shuttle flights, these dedi- meeting in Orlando to hear cated and talented workers directly from local leaders Page 6 have helped move our nation about ways to strengthen the -- and the world as a whole work force. Heritage: U.S. makes -- forward in a broad range Meeting moderator first spacewalk of disciplines,” Solis said. and Space Florida President “Today, these hard-work- Frank DiBello said it’s vital NASA/Rick Wetherington ing Americans need and to preserve and refresh key STS-132, Atlantis return safely deserve our support, and I Kennedy and Cape Canav- am pleased that this grant eral Air Force Station assets Space shuttle Atlantis and its six astronauts ended a 12-day journey of more than 4.8 million miles with an 8:48 a.m. EDT landing May 26 at will allow them to upgrade that are essential to the Kennedy Space Center. The third of five shuttle missions planned for 2010, their skills further and gain nation’s space future. Other this was the last scheduled flight for Atlantis. access to work opportunities panel members were Assis- The mission, designated STS-132, delivered the Russian-built Mini in high-demand industries.” Research Module-1 to the International Space Station. tant Secretary of Commerce Ken Ham commanded the flight and was joined by Pilot Tony Antonelli The grant will be award- for Economic Development and Mission Specialists Garrett Reisman, Michael Good, Steve Bowen and Page 7 ed to The Brevard Work- John Fernandez, Rep. Alan Piers Sellers. force Development Board Grayson of Florida, and Page 2 SPACEPORT NEWS May 28, 2010 Power, patience persevere during STS-131 mission By Rebecca Sprague ternational Space Station . Here on Earth, that correctly in its place outside . they did it anyway. Spaceport News and moved all of it by hand. same ammonia tank was the station. “We try to be good Five of the crew mem- moved around by a large So, how does an astro- stewards of the places that ody builders around bers stopped by Kennedy crane during processing in naut stay physically fit in we’ve been,” said Wilson. the world have every Space Center’s Operations the Space Station Process- space to perform that kind of “So, we do a little bit of right to envy the B Support Building II on June ing Facility. While lifting the work? housekeeping inside the crew of STS-131. 2 to talk about their ride into tank in space seemed like a Metcalf-Lindenburger airlock, making everything In April, Commander orbit aboard space shuttle synch, even while wearing talked about the advanced neat and tidy, and also in the Alan Poindexter, Pilot James Discovery and their success- a 350-pound spacesuit and resistive exercise device high-traffic areas since Node P. Dutton Jr., and Mission ful 15-day mission. carrying around an additional being a great way for shuttle 1 is now a common place to Specialists Rick Mastrac- “Clay actually had to 50 pounds of tools, it didn’t and station crew members to have meals.” chio, Clayton Anderson, pick this ammonia tank go into place without a fight. stay in shape. She also spoke The shuttle and Dorothy Metcalf-Linden- up, its weight about 1,800 Anderson and Poindexter about how much taller they station crews even celebrated burger, Stephanie Wilson and pounds,” said Poindexter. tried for hours to poke, are in orbit. the first-ever “Sushi Naoko Yamazaki delivered “He picked it up and held it prod and push the tank into “We discovered that we Party” in Node 1. 6 tons of supplies to the In- up over his head.” place and Kennedy workers all had about another inch to “Actually, it was really erupted in laughter when brag about to our friends on delicious,” Poindexter said. Poindexter described the the ground,” Metcalf-Lin- “It tasted pretty much like it battle. denburger said. would here on the ground.” “Then, Houston came In their space time, they It was a busy mission up and said, ‘Hey, try it with enjoyed floating and goofing for the crew that supplied this little 6-ounce hammer,’” around, messing around with the space station with vital said Poindexter. “So, we their food, and playing musi- components and enough sci- tried this 6-ounce hammer cal instruments and catch. ence racks and experiments on the 1,800-pound tank and, They even taught school for months to come. They of course, that’s not going to children that science works wrapped up their crew return help at all.” in space, too. And even event with some questions NASA/Kim Shiflett It eventually took a though their parents weren’t and a heartfelt thank you to STS-131 Commander Alan Poindexter signs a poster during a crew return event in the Operations Support Building II at Kennedy on June 2. The crew launched re-install and whole lot of up there to nag them about the Kennedy team that pre- from Kennedy’s Launch Pad 39A aboard space shuttle Discovery on April 5. wiggling to make the tank sit picking up their bedrooms pared their vehicle for flight. Constellation Ground Operations completes milestone ore than 1,600 personnel witnessed, the result of outstand- before NASA builds flight hardware from NASA field centers ing work by the Ground Operations or, in the case of ground opera- Mand industry partners Project.” tions, builds the ground hardware successfully completed a review of Ground operations development and facilities infrastructure needed the Constellation Program’s ground is based upon the evolving knowl- to process and integrate a launch system preliminary designs at Ken- edge of requirements for launching vehicle. The review process serves as nedy Space Center on June 2. a human-rated vehicle into space a “gate” between development stages The review examined ground and lessons learned during almost 30 of a system and progresses to more systems and operations development years of launching the space shuttle. detailed parts of the system design, progress, ranging from launch pad One of the goals of the review was assessing the system to ensure it will refurbishment, Vehicle Assembly to demonstrate progress in reducing meet all NASA requirements for safe NASA/ Troy Cryder Building modifications, and mobile ground processing hours, increas- and reliable flights.
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