THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's OLUME 38: ISSUE 15 · MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15,2003 NDSMCOBSERVIR.COM ? idwestern hospitali • ---~ Tensions high between fans as Michigan blows out ND game. By MEGHANNE DOWNES Ann Arbor police officer Sgt. News Editor Andrew Zazula said police responded to several fights ANN ARBOR, Mich.- Rivalries Friday night between Notre are common in college football, Dame and Michigan fans on but this week- Michigan's campus. He was end's rivalry unaware of any arrests. between Notre See Also At several tailgates prior to the Dame and game, fans from both sides Michigan in "Abused in Ann exchanged comments, and it Ann Arbor Arbor" wasn't uncommon for Notre was not con- Dame fans to pass Michigan tail­ tained to the Irish Insider gates and hear unsolicited TIM KACMAR!The Observer field as fans derogatory comments. Students avert their eyes from the field during the Notre Dame-Michigan football game on from both sides threw barbs Saturday. before, during and after the see TENSION/page 6 Ent.ire band squeezes into Michigan By ANDREW THAGARD band." said Ken Dye, director pre-game and post-game fes­ Assistant News Editor of University Bands. tivities and the half-time show. "Everybody got in, everybody By Friday, · however, The University of Michigan performed. There were no University of Michigan Deputy Athletic Department's warn­ problems." Athletic Director Sandy ings that the number of Notre This result, however, came Barbour warned that Notre Dame band members allowed as a surprise. On Thursday, Dame's plan of having band in Michigan Stadium would be the band was notified by Notre members enter the stadium limited never materialized Dame's Athletic Department for parts of the game might Saturday. Members of the that limited space would force not be feasible, and the addi­ Marching Band were person­ officials to cut 50 members tional band members would ally escorted inside the stadi­ from the sections. not be allowed in the stadium um by Michigan's band with­ The band staff sent out an e­ at any time, according to an e­ out reaction from ushers, mail to members asking for mail from Lane Weaver, assis­ band officials said. volunteers to sit out parts of tant band director. -, "We received 11th hour the game, but said the entire Fans show their disgust during the game against Michigan. The assistance from the Michigan band would perform during see BAND/page 6 Irish lost 38-0. David Tyson named provincial superi­ Dykes' fate Former ND vice president returns to Indiana almost in lenges, this is an exciting time in is still empty and University Tyson has been involved with jury's By SHEILA FLYNN the Church and in Holy Cross." President Father Edward Notre Dame since 1966, when News Writer A<> provincial superior, Tyson is Malloy's tenure expires in 2005, he entered the University as a responsible for the spiritual and Tyson's office is particularly freshman. He has two Notre Closing· arguments University trustee and former physical welfare of every mem­ important. Dame degrees: a bachelor's Notre Dame Vice President ber of the order. Each year, Tyson said he expects the sub­ degree, earned in 1970, and a begin today in Father David Tyson has either the provincial superior or ject of a new executive vice pres­ master's degree, earned in 197 4. returned as provincial superior his delegate visits each member, ident to be After his ordi­ second offour sexual of the Indiana as near as South Bend and as far addressed nation in assual t trials Province of as Chile, Kenya, Tanzania and shortly by the "Even though I have 1975, he held t h e Uganda. board, which been in Holy Cross many various posi­ Observer Staff Report Congregation "The provincial superior meets on cam­ years now, I am enjoying tions at the of Holy Cross. works with the other provincials pus in October. University, Jury deliberations are expect­ Tyson was worldwide and the general "The Chair of engagzng our including ed to begin Monday in Donald elected to the administration of the order to the Board cre­ membership through my admissions Dykes' trial where a Notre office in June, coordinate our many min­ ated an Ad Hoc new role.,, counselor, Dame student alleged he raped succeeding istries," Tyson said. Committee on assistant rec­ her. F a t h e r Tyson The role also gives Tyson Organization tor in Dillon T h e William increased power in the appoint­ that is prepar­ David Tyson llall, business defense Dorwart, who served as provin­ ment of upper-echelon ing a report for Provincial Superior of the professor, rested cial superior since 1997. Tyson University oflicials. As a trustee, the full Board Indiana Province Qf the executive Friday after did not officially leave his post as he was already involved in the on structural Congregation of Holy Cross assistant to calling only president of the University of process; the board of trustees issues in the the president three wit­ Portland, which is also a Holv elects the Notre Dame president. University under Father nesses, Cross school, until Aug. 1. He However, the board's gover­ administration," Tyson said. "It Theodore Hesburgh and vice while the arrived permanently in South nance and nominating commit­ is my understanding that the president for student affairs. He prosecution Dykes Bend on Aug. 18. tee is also required to request a position of executive vice presi­ left Notre Dame after being had called 13 "Even though I have bePn in recommendation for the next dent will be included in the selected as president of the since the trial began Tuesday. lloly Cross many years now, 1 am University president from the report." University of Portland in ·t990. Dykes, who pled n<rt guilty, did enjoying engaging our member­ provincial of the Indiana Tyson was one of the top can­ not testify during his trial. He is ship through my new role." province. At this point in the didates for the Notre Dame pres­ charged with rape, conspiracy Tyson said in an e-mail inter­ University's history, when the idency in 1987. when Malloy Contact Sheila Flynn at view. "Though there arc chal- office of executive vice president was selected. [email protected] see DYKES/ page 9 page 2 The Observer + PAGE 2 Monday, September 15, 2003 . ' INSIDE COLUMN I QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT DID YOU THINK OF SATURDAY'S FOOTBALL GAME AGAINST MICHIGAN? First Impressions• • I learned a lot about first impres­ sions this weekend in Michigan. I learned that Ann Arbor is, in fact, not a woman of ill repute as I Mel Triay Shlee Ghiaseddin Dan Brown Lisa Sustman Geet Paul Adam Kaufmann had been repeatedly told and was St. Edwards Keough St. Edwards Lyons O'Neill Off-campus beginning to Freshman Sophomore Freshman Junior Freshman Junior believe. Rather, Allison Walsh it is a pretty amazing college "Like elastic. ..It was tough ''Lance "/ went to bed .. Chris Perry is "Man, let's town that, upon we will bounce but I support Armstrong had - before first glimpse, Ad Design .. probably one of never let that .. outdoes the city back to our players. some bumps on halftime... the best happen again. of South Bend in championship his Tour de running backs every way possible, as asserted by form and win our ranking as "Great Campus, France in the nation, it Bad To·wn" by Sports Illustrated On the national victories. ,, was a tough Campus. title.·· game. .. I also believed that Michigan fans couldn't be all that different than Notre Dame fans. We both came in hopes of good times and a good game, although I was forced to drive home without the latter. Upon entering one State Street IN BRIEF locale and hearing a rowdy rendi­ tion of the Notre Dame fight song, The CeH.ter for Social my first thought was to keep an Concerns is sponsoring eye out for locals. Soon I realized, "Discerning One's Future." however, that throwing insults The reflection session, back and forth with the enemy can scheduled from 5 to 7 p.m. at be a source of entertainment for the Siegfried Hall TV Lounge, all. will be led .by Father Michael "Overrated," they chanted in Himes. response to our rounds of "25-23," the score of last year's encounter. The Engineering Depart­ For the next half hour, as both ment is hosting "Engineering tables tried to one-up the other, Industry Day. •• Learn more chants of "George O'Leary" and about engineering programs "Bob Davie" were directed at us, and opportunities from 6 to 9 we received our insults with p.m. in the McKenna Hall amusement. Atrium. When everyone ran out of come­ backs, two of the Michigan stu­ Ellen Gootblatt will deliver dents brought a peace offering of a lecture entitled "Mating, two cold pitchers. Dating and Relating," at 7 They shook hands and introduced p.m. at Saint Mary's Carroll themselves, and soon enough, the Auditorium. Irish were teaching our opponents how to play cups. It brought a tear Come watch "Johnny to my eye. Stecchino" with the Italian CHIP MARKS/The Observer Club on Tuesday at 8 p.m. in I think it's safe to say that our Singer and songwriter Owen entertained Notre Dame and Saint Mary's students at fondness for drinking games is the Hesburgh Library Legends on Saturday evening. Approximately 300 students attended the WVFI spon­ Auditorium. where our similarities with their sored event, which also featured "The Rutabega" and "The Love of Everything." fans end.
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