l ^ ’-'T:.V V6.. < i? 2 cjfr, -.. ■■lli|l» ^wywwwwipwii Si® i»a#ii®ai®sa'i Job Work* Offl< of Published (■ y Saturday nn»rnlng every description, plain or <•<>>■ r Martins burg, ,,n North .HK-Vti Street, promptly done at lowest pro < >. West Virginia, I NKI.S'O WISNER. POSTERS, i lltor and Proprleto PAMPHLETS, ,..IRM8_jl.50 Per Annum, in Advance. Terms lor Transient Advertising: BILLHEADS, One mob (10lines) 1 time. |1.( (I CIRCULARS,! Each subsequent insertion I 0 “Here Shall the Press the Unawed Influence and Unbribed Gain/’ In Advance Terms. $1.50 per year. People’s Sights Maintain, by by LETTERHEADS, Standing Advertisements. West Virgin! % Press Association Kates, Class “K,” on & --- .. .-z SALE BILLS, &e basis ol so cents per inch, per month, nun “UkAi'NKSS, TASTK AND and mouths, entitled to ref : DB8PATCH,” .er of inches VOL. 26. MARTINSBURG, W. V A, SATURDAY. JULY 24, 1897. NO. 7 our motto. Call and ascertain aouable discount. our rates. ■-- -----—-- No, 14. Cunib’d and lialto. Accommoda- THE PLEASURES OP THE DANCE- to turn them out into the world “There, enough oi that. Go about j ALL UPSET- tion, leaves C'umb’d D_ TIME TABLES, Daily except Sundav, with 2.50 in., arrives at shelterless, Edna went to plead your business.’’ p. Martinsburg 5.30, 1 the What’s the house a-comin’ to? Balto. 10.30 at all love gayly-lighted halla, Wash.9.00, p. m. Stops Mr. a little extension of Edna did as she was won- a Wilmot for bidden, j all stations and connects at Harper’s Ferry Where dwell thousand pleasures, Things upside down. for Winchester, at Weverton for Hagers- But better far, love that voice the time, that she might look about dering, within herself, if Ralph Wil- Husbands doin’ housework. 1897. town and at Frederick June, for Fredrick. Wives JULY lom, ECZEMA Which murmurs h the measures. re- a-doin’ the town. EFFECT wa3 mot IN No. 40.. loaves Most Torturing, Disfiguring, thre»y for lodgings; but harshly were human. Express, daily, Chicago Women wearin’ 7.00 p. in., arrives at Martinsburg 8.42 p. bloomers, Humiliating 1 the music’s fused. Oak he said, was The day the in.. Wash. 11.20, Baltimore 12.45 a. m love swelling tones, Cottage, ensuing Falrleighs Girls a-ridin’ bikes. , Of skin Death Pulls the Trigger. Phi la. New York 0.52 a. itching, burning, bleeding, scaly Oak 3.53, in. AVbich ebb and flee with feeling, already rented, and the new tenant received formal uotice to vacate Men a-wringin' dish rags— No. 13J4. Sunday only, leaves Martins- and scalp hnmors is instantly relieved A man doesn’t have to Islfeflns While on my heart with tenderness of to the himself Ever see the likes? burg 5.35 p. in., arrives at Wash. 9 00 and a warm bath with would arrive on the 25th June. Cottage; and in obedience the pull trigger '■» bj Coticuba Soap, 5* «-■>- » a Balto. 10.30 Comes tn order to commit sui- ® a stealing, stealing, stealing. single application of Ccticdba (oint- He did not houses to shelter mandate, removed to j cide. He doesn’t even What’s the cornin' to? No. 12. Cunib’d and Martinsburg ac- keep they meagre country ment), the groat skin and a full dose need a gun or kind commodation.daily except Sundav,on and cure, 1 love the pleasures of the dance, who could not pay for them. in an old house in the vil- j any Me ain’t got no say. alter of people lodgings of weapon. All he need o June 1, leaves Cumb’d 7.00 a. Ccticcba of blood — *, — ► in.,and Rksolvekt, greatest When all its surround me; Females runnin’ <£i*^*o»i»t.’,C7,*"3c'"7. KiN'-tce-J'i J> joys from his do is work hard and at polities. arrives at Martinsburg 9.40 a. m. purifiers and humor cures. Edna turned away pres- lage. SSSSKSgS And, obi the dearest joy of all the same time neglect Caucusing all day. WM. E. GltEENE, General It all new Manager. Is the arm around me. ence full of fierce rebellion. The tenant took possession his health. Death will Baltimore Md. manly Women wearin’ bloomers. -«? do the rest. Men nowadays are all in a a— 6? !■ ■■■■ii. .. i looked so to her. The of the and Edna’s life of Girls a-ridin’ li- wo»u“«c*«*N. 1). 1>. MARTIN, O. W. 9ANTMAN, cruelly unjust cottage; hurry. They bolt their food, and get indi- bikes. SSaKSSsSSSS Pas--. M and liver. The 5^;.. ^_ Traiits anager. Ticket Agent. childless old man refusing them toil grew drearier every day. Her gestion torpid blood gets Men a-peelin’ onions— rich, When the blood is sooner Edna Farleigh’s Temptation. impure. impure, Ever see the likes? v. k so little out of his mother’s health suffered from the or later will “smash.” The s ONT ALTO RAILROAD great plentitude. something I Remedies(pticura and smash will be at the weakest and most "••■r.^gsgsr* -TIME TABLE.- speedily, permanently, the her fath- removal to new scenes the What’s the world a-comin’ gsgsgl« 2- Refusiug them heritage ; severing overworked point. In a to, when all marshy country economically cure, else fails. it will be malaria and chills. or riches? SOUTHWARD. it is rcry er for so and of old ties and affections was ex- probably A Poverty Potteb Dboo akd “My child, hard, yes had labored faithfully, Leave PM PM AM Ciikm. Cork., Sole Prop*., Bosto». working man wiH probably have a bilious in »jr How to Curt Evrtj Skin and Blood liutuor," tree. Men dressed up petticoats, 5 20 1 21 9 20 | hard ; but God ruletb.” for she knew the last dollar to and she did attack. A clerk or will have Chambersburg whicli ceedingly painful her, bookkeeper Women the breeebes. Mont Alto Junction 6 29 129 9 29 deadly consumption. A business, or pro- got Mrs. kissed the is wonder not as •« Fairleigh pale had been It little from the shock Edna Women wearin’ > «V I E. ivcttsville 5 44 1 44 9 44 PiMPLY paid. rally fessional man, nervous prostration or bloomers, 7 K < K *0 O exhaustion. Hit Alto 5 55 1 55 9 55 face of her daughter, Edna, as she over their she would. Girls a-ridin’ bikes, r-c.o—° ll that, thinking wrongs,she hoped It isn’t hard to or cure these dis- ° At. •>. >. nesboro 6 10 2 10 1010 BB prevent Men a-makin' clothes— «:;*§*• gsg&SSSS to the shawl about that God’s One eases if the is taken at the baby NORTHWARD. stopped arrange should cry secretly, “Oh, day the intelligence spread right remedy right time. Dr. Pierre’s Golden Medical Ever see the likes? 2 *•*< Leave A M P M P M CS . i snd a half ► her shoulders, suppressed fall him !" abroad that Wilmot was dead. — upon makes the — 7.— ? judgment might Ralph Discovery appetite keen, diges- 6iCO»**»»* NWjjO®*#*! H Wavnesboro 7 00 12 15 4 00 * = 5 tion and assimilation the liver act- ,i^ stirred the folds other mourn- had perfect, W «g Mont Alto 7 13 12 28 4 39 sigh A little afterward, when she The servant, on to call his :_e j.; going ive, the blood pure and the nerves steady It Rained E. Fayetteville 7 22 12 37 4 24 Oyster Soup. * a for she master to bad and strong. It drives out all disease Mont Alto 7 36 125 1 4 39 ing wrapper. prayed earnestly strength, breakfast, found him germs. Junction & It makes rich, red blood, firm flesh, solid f iMil.v except Sund ty. Ar. Chainbershtire 7 42 1 00 4 45 “I but it at in- X know, mother; is, asked for Wilmot mercy in his arm chair before his muscle and nerve-fiber. It cures { OnSundnvs+only. Connects for all V. R, R. stations. Ralph writing healthy was more than an C, m ~ lie ordinarily at 4*3) so to realize it. malaria and bilious attacks. It cures nerv- On Sundays, will leave Philadelphia p.m. A. times, difficult stead of but lor all that, dead. His were wide 11. Riddle, J .F. Boyd, Supt. judgment, table, eyes ous prostration and exhaustion. It cures for an Train# S».9 and JO run® daily between Harrisburg - 98 accomplished liar amatear, General Pass. Agt. Heaven and its sweet seem so cent, of all cases of bron- ana Hagerstown. C3 J glory she him, she could open, one hand in his bosom and the per consumption, « though forgave throat and kindred affections. all knew it when asked Through coach between Hagerstown and rhliadelohii chial, Dr. and they they and Philadel- ver\- far But I will al- lain and between Winchester RAILROAD away. hope not And this fair June other a Pierce’s Common Sense Medical on 2 and 9. ft s forget. covering massive document, Adviser on tiains 4 aud7. him for a phia -TIME TABLE.- _ o contains the letters of thousands who have story. leave Carlisle tor Harrisburg PENNSYLVANIA ways for the best. If the worst does she took her across on was Additional trains will <a <t» morning way which, examination, found been cured. once ran an at 5 60 a. m 12.20 p m.. 3 and after trains will “I can tell how 1 daily, except Sunday, 4; On May 15,1S96, fU can yon hi and from Meehanicsburg at 6,14, 9.L come, I think I manage to to the to be a I have been one of Ul y p.
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