FOR EVERYOHE Si THE BUSINESS OF MUSIC ito Hj (VW • music week Now that her début album is No. 1, and bas gone platinum maybe we should release a single... ...and it's just the begmning k Spécial video enhanced UK édition CD AIUSTA 1 FOR EVERVOHE IN THE BUSINESS OF MUSIC Majors remain divided on Napster Hardlng SchmidtEcommerce has defied Group's indus- ingAOl o d Parsons and 3 by insisting major label Warne executived suggestions Roger still facing légal action %r-Ai , including BMG. A décision from followed Bertelsmann CEO Thomas «th1 them, US onCircuit whether Court to ofuphold Appeals an inRIAA the viableMidelhoff's Napster earlier subsoription déclaration modelthat a Ames: continuing lawsuits tel that puts reality around that,"' the end of the' month,' now expected by wouldThe bétwo ready Bertelsmann by June thisexecutives' year. mergedAmes i thatpanies," his companyAmes said. intended He tostre: co îBN the Amro industry analyst is now Helen facing Snell the homeUS independentto artists includingTVT Records Snoop - company'scontinuing confidence ability to in theshape German the tionalready servi at isubscrip- feature Napster.ue with its copyright lawsuit ag! ;icreal space. challenge "A huge inamount the onlineof co- dropDoggy its Dogg suit - againstlast month Napster agreed and to timefuture when of digital at least music one cornes other atrival a reliable"faster qune md more Bertelsmann'sIn contrast Schmidtto claims f ration is needed, but we seem to beginreleases making available new single to users. and album The music company looks increasingly "Lawsui ts have a way of keeping werethat hisreceiving company's "a very Napster po plans before"So far, this it's isjust sorted been out," about she reactive says. mentmove fromfo Edel. productionZomba has companystruck a Endemoldeal with forBig the Brother development Bob's the job in EMI's pubiishing victory Twëfve'perTdrmersof Starmaker, a new - selectedreality TV via talent audition show. - will Bob The Builder fixed it for EMI combined total of the next two com- be put in the Big Brother house and narrowed cleanMusic sweepPublishing of 2000'sto complété market a (12.6%).panies, Universel (14.3%) and BMG senior VP A&R Europe Martin Dodd says, "It's a biggestshares leadin quarterof the year.. four with its withEMI 18.4%, also led although the albums Universal listings aretrue leaning joint venture on them with for Zomba télévision and expertise,Endemol. Wethey Peter Reichardf s company pushed it much doser in claiming are leaning on us for music expertise." Zomba becameclaimed both100% quarter of Bob's four hit, and which the also16.3% finished in second second spot. overall Universal with localartist launchBritney programme Spears (pictured) in the Netherlands,featured in the year's biggest-selling single, while 15.6%, two percentage points whlch featured artists and music Industry figures oentagehelping EMIpoints to an victoryoverall tivein per-the finishedahead of third. Warner/Chappell which Keatlng,Including LouisBon Jovl,Walsh Anastacla, and Max Westlife,Martin reveallng Ronan market share league table, with The results of the publishing how they made It in the music business. It is 21.6%.The BBC release ensured the 2000market willshares be forrevealed the whole shortly of discussionsunderstood thatwith EndemolUK broadcasters Is currently for inscheduling showingcompany onan eventhe singles-onlymore impressive pub- Awards.ahead of which this takeyear's place Music on MarchWeek thelaunched version to ofthe the média show. in The late sériés February. will be mïMwmM sharelishing amounting shares, towith more its than 27.9% the Hôtel.15 at London's Grosvenor House BRI seuls 'massive' marketing deal Radio One hits a slump as Rai dioTwosails on siveThe musicmarketing industry boost is setthis for summer a mas- intoprovide our industry,"a physical he cash says. injection Radio One lost almost 750,000 lls- serles of branded events during thanksCoca-Cola to aand tie-up News between International. the BPI, fromThe May promotion, to August, whichwill offer will chart run 2000,teners toin postthe last Its lowestthree months Rajar fig- of the survey perlod. a Thehuge three havepromotion joined forcescalled for equipmentCDs, pop andmemorabilia, have music-related music ureIts forweekly two years. reach of 10.7m fol- programmesof the CMA Awards broadcast and a sériés from of SunMusic4you, and News which Of The will World run andin The on ningitems inin theexchange newspapers for tokens and run-on quarterlowed the three, 11.5m when it aachleved summer ofIn veryNottlngham," pleasing resuit."she says. "This 1s a offeringCoca-Cola everything and Diet fromCoke CDs packs to willCoke feature products. in a 48-pageThe items music available mag- andlive eventsOne Big such Sunday as Loveboosted Parade its reachClasslc remaln FM abovesaw Itsthe weekly6m-a- expectedmusic equipment. to prove even The bigger tie-up than is andalogue online, available through The Sun The latest figures reveal that weekalmost mark, 500,000 while llsteners Virgin InAM a yearlost the Free Books For Schools offer, Cleary says he came up with the Radio One attracted just 21,000 kïDouglas; strengthening position 1 to end with 2.6m. Total radio lls- ningwhich for Walkers the past Crisps three has years been withrun- tryidea has of thedirect promotion access toas thethe 16-indus- to Twollsteners - its a weekpoorest more Rajar than perfor-Radio "We expect to si c m upturn lin fromtening 42.7m has risen a week during to the almost year NewsBPI International.councll member Andrew to24-year-olds reach, but whom cannot the brandsalways want get mance since quarter four 1998, at Radiothe start Two of 2001."strengthened its heurs43.4m, the while audience the number tunes of In total for tion,Cleary, says who it instigatedprovides athe fantastio promo- theirbrands message have tried across to use to. music"AH these but ParfittProgramme says he controllerIs not too Andyeon- tenedposition to asstation the country'swith a record most-lis- mar- stand at 1.04bn hours a week. brandsopportunity talking to getabout the twothe biggestmusic none"l've takentoo sucoessfully,"them into the heheart says. of thiscerned was about not a the great drop. quarter "Of course for us ketIn quarter share ofthree 13.6%, and up 12.8% from a13.0% year ailBBC llstenlng Radio tookcompared a 51.7% with share 46.0% of industry. "Ifs the équivalent of a the industry and taken them to the but, after our fantastlc summer, ago. Managing edltor Lesley for• Chasingthe commercial the youth sector. market - tensmarketing of millions spend offor pounds the industry and will of openskey players. up are Thephénoménal." possibilities this work,our audience school orhas collège," gone heback says. to almostDouglas 10.7mattrlbutes llsteners, the rise, upto toa Rajar analysls p20 DVD Europe 2001 Forum Europe & 18 Aprll 19-20 April 48-20 April 2001, Business Design Centre, London DVD EUROPE 2001 & DVD FORUM WHOSHOOLD ATTEND? EUROPEAN CONFERENCE DVD Europe 200a and the DVD Forum European Conférence are In ils third year the DVD Europe event joins forces with the DVD aimed at international professionals working in the areas of: Forum to présent three days of essential information, training and debate on ail the key issues facing the DVD community in ■ Film/TV/multimedia content owners/production houses Europe. The DVD Forum conférence forms the first day of the making DVD, VFIS or multimédia CDs event, followed by the two-day DVD Europe 2001, creating an H Post production houses innovative and unmissable event, co chaired by industry H CD & DVD replicating experts, Tim Frost, Dana Parker and Jean-Luc Renaud. ■ Software & hardware distributing and retailing Topics being covered include: H CD & DVD equipment manufacturing O DVD Forum format and vérification issues S Recording studios ■ DVD Video and Audio M DVD content and commerce H Authoring equipment manufacturing ■ DVD games, software and web connectivity M Record labels H ReWritable DVD for home recording ■ Consumer electronics manufacturing ■ Expert Workshops ■ Broadcasting BENEFITS OF ATTENDING - ■ High profile speakers and an innovative programme charting what is happening with DVD now! ■ Great networking opportunities - to make new contacts and meet up with old ones. ■ A huge Exhibition to visit and the chance to experience the new products and technologies driving DVD. EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION - BOOK NOW! Save up to £175 on your registration fee! To take advantage of these "Early Bird Rates" book before 13 March to make huee savintTs on your delegate fee. You can register online on www.dvdeurope2001.com or contnrt thp Conférence Team on +44 (0)20 7407 8623 for a form. FOR FULL INFORMATION ABOUT ATTENDING THIS UNIQUE EVENT THEN VISIT OUR w/rpc.Tr ^ DVDEUROPE2001.COM wtBSITE AT SPONSORSHIP/EXHIBITIONSUKHVIR HAYRE, OPPORTUNITIES EVENTS MANAGER CONTACT ON LUCY +44 WYKES(0)20 7940 ON 8561 7940 8534 ([email protected]) NEWS oneexpected album to with score a Cheeky ils first act number since i^F Raphaël tipped for Epie news/7/0 oftheparent indiecompany label BMG'slast sommer. acquisition Dido's M after quitting BMG rôle TwoRUSSIAN Russian CD PIRATES CD pirates (AllHl convicted to(pictured) make an No eight-piace Angel was Jump on course to the Nlck Raphaël left his post at BMG IFPIlast andmonth BPI following investigation a combined with the top,following and enda repackaging Limp Blzkit's of reign,the album movelast week to Sony ahead Music. of an expected Citysentenced of London last policeFriday wereat Soirthwark in the UK with new artwork and for Raphaëlthe post is of understood Epie managing to be Indlrec- line Crown Court to four years' Cheekyvideo-enhanced label manager tracks. Morgan However, i tor which has been vacant since Rob . Vladamir Stroguine Nelson says public demand has been chairman/CEOStringer was promoted of Sony lastMusic year UK. to jn smuggiing CDs the album.main Influence "There's driving been asales lot of of However, a Sony spokesman sald press about her breakthrough US hadlast yetFriday been (Febmary finalised.
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