VOL. XV Santa Barbara State College, Tuesday, October 8, 1935 No. 6 Gaticho Alumni Deadline This Week New Course Is Student Election Allred Secures Gather in All for Payment of Fee Planned for I. Set for Next Weèk New Machine All laboratory fees are due A special student body elec­ and collectable at the financial tion for the purpose of filling Parts of State secretary’s office during this E, Department the office of secretary left open for Book Work week. All students who do not when Betty Roonie transferred Local Alumni Hold Luncheon pay their fees this week will Certification of Counce 11 o r s to Occidental college will be Large Council Appropriation at El Paseo; Krueger not be admitted to classes on Will Be Possible Under held the first of next week. From Student Body Fund Is Speaker Monday, October 14, and there­ Expected Program Betty Walker, election com­ Used for Purchase after untir such fees are paid. mittee chairman, was appoint­ SAN DIEGO GROUP MEET Laboratory fees consist of E. ERICSON HEADS MOVE ed to be in charge of details. NEW SYSTEM IS USED one dollar per laboratory unit Any upper classwoman who Bay Section Holds Banquet plus three dollars library and Field of Student Personnel passes the eligibility rules and fifty-cents gym fees. A fine secures names of ten percent Financial Records of Clubs, Wh e n Gauchos Meet of two dollars will be added to Work Offers Two Types . of the present student body by Organizations Will Be San Francisco all fees paid after October 11. of Credentials a petition may be nominated. Kept on File The petitions may be obtained Meetings of the Santa Barbara Introduction of a new course in from the committee and must Financed by an emergency ap­ State college alumni are occurring the college may be slated, according be posted, on th e bulletin, propriation of $350.00 from the throughout the State of California Band Parades to reports brought back by E. E. board. at the opening of the school year. Ericson of the State college faculty surplus fund of the Associated Santa Barbara’s alumni met at a from a meeting of the Committee students recently made by the stu­ luncheon held recently in the Red to Advertise on Guidance in Los Angeles last dent body council, Fred Allred, Room of El Paseo, with Esther Saturday. This course will lead to­ Comment, Color controller, has purchased a new Jannssens Porter, local alumni pres­ Bond Issues ward certification for student coun- Burrough’s portable bookkeeping ident, in charge of the meeting. cel lors in California elementary and President Clarence L, Phelps gave secondary schools. Highlight New machine with which he is insti­ To advertise bond proposition tuting a new system of beekkeep- a short talk, while Jean Krueger, number five, Santa Barbara State As now recommended to the State head of the home economic depart­ College band participated in a par­ Board for its adoption, there are College Folder ing for the student body. ment, spoke on the “Latest Develop­ ade Monday afternoon at 2.00 P.| M. two different credentials within the The machine is particularly valu­ ment in liutrition.” The band, dressed in uniform, field of student personnel work, a Have you noticed the new foot­ able for, writing statements. It general counselling credential and posts ledgers, keeps accounts, draws „ President Clarence Phelps a n d marched iron) Santa Barbara Hotel ball programs at our games this Mrs. Jane Miller Abraham, presi­ to the post office. The purpose a vocational counselling credential. balances, checks invoices and fig­ dent and registrar, respectively, of the parade was to encourage Each credential will be granted for season? The main feautre of ures inventory. The machine also motored to San Diego last Sunday people to vote “yes” on bond issue 12 . additional semester hours of these programs, is the outside cover handles adding, subtracting, and to attend a statewide meeting of number five. work after the applicant already in several colors which portrays multiplyin. superintendents a n d appointment In a recent assembly Don Follett, has a valid teaching credential. In- a different football action picture Records Available each case a credential of two years “Financial records of clubs and secretaries. Mrs. Abraham, head of brought up I the motion that the each week. These programs are the Santa Barbara alumni associa­ of teaching experience will be a other campus organizations are kept student body pay for stickers “Vote an improvement over last years’ daily in the financial office, and tion, will attempt to organize a San ye? on proposition number five,” prerequisite. In order to obtain Diego alumni association. the vocational guidance credential and can be ranked with those of any person desiring information and also said stickers were to be larger schools. as to the present status of these, The Bay section alumni will give distributed by the freshmen class. the applicant must have two years of experience outside of teaching. The programs are put out in the may get it at any time,” said Lyman a dinner on November 2, at the It was favorably passed upon-by school print, shop under the direc­ Goldsmith, chairman of the finance Perkeley Women’s City club, 2315 a large majority of the student tion of Ralph Pbrter, who is as­ committee and member of the coun­ Durant avenue, at 6:30 p.m. The body. The state college will re­ Frosh Bonfire sisted by Granzo Meisenbach and cil. San Francisco section will hold ceive the direct benefit of the prop­ Francis Becchio. The time saving machine makes their annual banquet at the same osition—namely the. lighting of a Advertisements for the program it possible for the bookkeeping to time as the Santa Barbara -San new athletic field at Laguna Park. Plans Advance are composed of 8 pages. Page 3 is be done more quickly, easily and Francisco State football game, to Frank Ellings, Harry Sloan, Jim­ made up of football comments by clearly. It eliminates the majori­ be played between the two colleges, my Jordano, Gene Chamberlain, Becchio Eliminates Difficulties Francis Becchio, PPages 4 to 7 carry ty of handwriting and types auto­ The San Joaquin alumni section and A1 Lathim distributed the the lineups, and officials. The re­ matically, according to Fred Allred. will hold a get-together sometime stickers around the campus. Before Last Minute maining pages contain advertising. in the near future. The proceeds from the programs “Plans for the detailed work, will go to the Athletic Fund. WOMEN STUDENTS which is necessary for making the FIRST MEETING Majors to Try Homecoming bonfire a success ENTERTAIN WITH OF MEN’S CLUB have been completed, and the en­ INFORMAL PARTY New Excursion thusiasm and cooperation expressed Courses Added IS HELD TODAY at the freshmen rally committee Freshmen and new -students will meeting leave no doubt in my mind be honored by the associated women Discussing inter-mural sports, new Discussing plans for an excursion that this year’s bonfire will be the to Curriculum to Huntington library, the English students at their annual Backwards furniture for the men’s club room, biggest and most successful in the Party to be given Saturday, Octo­ and the Farmer’s Formal, the men’s department met recently. history of the college,” states Fran­ Featured in the new fall curricu­ Margaret Bennett, head of the ber 12, at 5:45 in Ebbet’s hall. club held their first meeting of the cis Becchio, bonfire rally chairman. lum of the University of California “We want every freshman woman semester today in the school cafe­ English department, explained the “The committee - members have Extension Division at Los Angeles English test which all English ma­ to come to the party with her teria with Dean William Ashworth bëen assigned to their tasks and all are courses for nurses, social work­ safety pin in evidence and her as sponsor. jors must pass before their senior are agreed that the work should ers, doctors’ and dentists’ assistants, year. If the student has failed to clothes on backwards and have the To begin the' meeting “Bud” Lam- start without delay so as not to and certain courses of interest to best time of the whole year,” says bourne lead in a few songs. The pass the examination, he may take run into difficulfies that usually laboratory technicians, according the test over during the fall- sem­ Lois Jo McPbeters, A.W.S. presi­ officers Were then introduced as: arise by waiting until the last to announcement made by Miss dent. “I know that the transfers Denny McArthur, president; Durant ester. minute,” continued Becchio. Margaret Wotton, executive secre­ Petie McKinney, president of the and old students will have an equal­ Moseley, past president; Bob Way, Dan De Reign, rally committe tary in charge of the State Uni­ ly enjoyable evening.” vice-president; Mert Miller, social départaient, opened the meeting for chairman for the freshmen class, versity’s extension division classes the election of officers. Alice Hil- Committee heads in charge of the chairman; and Robert Kindred,, sec­ who is taking care of all negotia­ in Southern California. party are: Ellen Roe, food; Doro­ retary. With William Ogle as par- gren was elected social chairman, tions between the frosh and the Some of the courses offered are: and Dorothy Darrow, secretary. A thy Riche, tickets; Wilma Kiesner, limentarian, the club expects to school rally committee, reports, bacteriology, hematology, bio-chem­ decorations; Las Esquelas, program. speed up their business meetings. committee was appointed to look “So for the freshrtien class has been istry, serology, parasitology, blood As the meeting drew to an end, into the matter of transportation by working exceptionally well to­ cytology, x-ray, elementary public Tommy Merrill gave a short talk on school bus to the library.
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