ATvnifre Dally Net Press Rm For Hie Week RntM The Weather AngiMtn, mo Clear and cool tonight; low in 60s^ Tomorrow sunny, mQd 15,367 iianrifpatpr lEupitttm&raUi with high about 80. Wednesday fair, warmer. Hanchester— A City of Village Charm VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 282 TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1970 (Olaaslfled Advertising on Page SO) PRICE TEN CENTS McLucas Convicted Golda Meir One Policeman Dies; 12 Shot Says Israel^ Of Conspiring to Kill V.S. Dispute TEL AVIV (AP) — Prime As Violence Jolts U.S. Cities Minister Golda Meic said today By DAN HAIX erence to the length of the de­ that Koskoff has asked for a Israel is engaged in a "stren­ Associated Press Writer liberations. Court observers said mistrial. uous dispute" with the United By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the deliberations were the long­ When the Jury adjourned Sun­ NEW HAVEN, Conn. States over Israeli charges of \ A dozen policemen in est in modem Connecticut court day, shortly before 6 p.m., it Egyptian violations of the Mid­ three cities were shot over history. (A P)— Black Panther Lon­ had spent a total of 32 hours de­ dle East cease-fire along the the weekend, seven of th m liberating the complex charges nie McLucas was convicted Mulvey said the Jury’s work Suez Canal. in Philadelphia, where one "indicates to the whole wide against McLucas—kidnaping re­ “ As initiator of the proposal, in Superior Court today on sulting in death; conspiracy to died. Urban violence flared world" that it had gone "almost the United States promised that also in Washinsfton, D.C., a chargre of conspiracy to beyond what was expected of murder; conspiracy to kidnap; neither side would be allowed to murder in connection with you. .to help bring Justice in binding with intent to commit a Improve its position through the where two foreign missions crime. were bombed and in Los the May 1969 slaying of a this case.” cease-fire,” she told a meeting A few hours before the ad­ of the Histadrut, Israel’s 1 abor Angeles, where Mexican- fellow Panther. McLucas smiled as he was journment, the Jury had report­ led out of the courtroom to re­ federation. American rioting claimed Ihe Jury of two blacks and ed Itself "in disagreement." "Only a few hours passed one life. 10 whites—which had deliberated turn to the State Correctional Judge Harold M. Mulvey sent 3 Center at Litchfield. (after the shooting halt took ef­ 'The latest shootings in Phila­ more than 30 hours since getting them back for more delibera-. Earlier in the day, defense fect Aug. 7) and already the delphia came this morning the case Wednesday afternoon— tions. Egyptians began violating the when three members of a police acquitted McLucas of three attorney Theodore I. Koskoff McLucas was charged in con­ asked for a mistrial, calling the agreement, and these violations raiding party were wounded in other charges—kidnaping result­ nection with what police say are still continuing," she said. lengthy deliberation "an exer­ an exchange of fire with barri­ ing in death, conspiracy to kid­ was a plot by the Panthers to "Israel cannot concede on this cise in endurance rather than caded occupants of what police nap and binding with criminal kidnap and kill Alex Rackley, a point and agree to become said was a Black Panther com­ Intent. deliberation." The Judge denied New Tork City Panther who po­ weaker if fighting is renewed on the motion. munity information center In Judge Harold M. Mulvey set lice maintain had been suspect­ the canal.” the North Philadelphia area. bond for McLucas, who also Is "'Ihe Jury is apparently hope­ ed of informing on the Pan­ Israel claims Egypt is moving lessly deadlocked," said defense Inspector James Curran was under a murder indictment in thers. missiles into the so-called for­ attorney Theodore I. Koskoff, hit in the right hand. Police Middlesex County in the same The prosecution says the or­ bidden zone—a 30-mile-wide Capt. Ro)Rrt Martin in the "and further deliberation be­ der to kill Rackley carhe from strip along both sides of the ca­ case, at $16,000 and set a pre­ stomach tmMiands and Patrol­ comes an endurance contest and nal where, according to the sentencing hearing for Sept. 18. National headquarters and from man FYank Eckman in the left <0 any verdict achieved would ap­ cease-fire agreement, no mili­ The maximum penalty for con­ Black Panther National Chair­ leg. The injuries were not be­ pear to be as a result of the man Bobby Seale. In addition to tary materiel may be moved up spiracy to murder is 16 years. lieved serious. pressures of the Jury room and McLucas, seven Panthers in­ at least for the 90-day duration “ I believe you have made Fourteen arrests were made. becomes an exercise in endur­ cluding Seale face trial in con­ of the truce. some history in this case," ance rather than deliberation." Philadelphia police Sgt. Frank Judge Mulvey told the jury of nection with the alleged plot. Mrs. Meir denied Israel ac­ The motion marked the third cepted the cease-fire because its VonColln, 43, was shot to death six men and six women, a ref­ time since deliberations began (See Page Eight) air force could not stand up to Saturday night while talking on Soviet missiles in the canal the telephone in the guard house zone. at Cobbs Creek Park. Earlier, (O) ’This was a rebuff to Foreign park guard James Harrington, (0) 36, was shot in the mouth while (O) Minister Abba Eban, who said Saturday that had Israel reject­ patrolling in an emergency wag­ ed the cease-fire, it would have on. New Group Formed to Fight Sunday night, two highway IlgB lost its air superiority against Egypt. patrolmen were shot and one In Jerusalem informants said was critlcapy wounded in an in­ cident in the same area, but Po­ School Integration in South (See Page Nine) lice Commissioner Fl'ank Rizzo By TED SUMMONS said he did not think the two closed plans to mount a cam­ said the organzation is hopful shooting incidents were connect­ Associated Press Writer paign against busing, zoning that the Justice Departnient will Into ed. •teO A’TLANTA (AP) — ’Thousands and pairing of schools. raise those questions in a sched­ Rizzo blamed what he called a [)th- of schools across the South be­ A part of the campaign, uled Oct. 12 hearing before the band of organized revolutionar­ IdM gin classes this week under or­ spokesmen said, will be the es­ high court on an appeal of a Rebels H it ies for the Saturday shootings. <«) ders decreeing the end of dual tablishment of a “ Legal Offense court-ordered plan for Char­ Two men were arrested and <C> school systems. But attempts to Fund,” to compete in the courts lotte, N.C. ’The plan requires the (C) our others are being sought. <G> combat federally forced racial with the Legal Defense Fimd of busing of 13,000 to 17,000 pupils. The H ague; ‘’These men set out to—as <0 ) integration continue. the National Association for the 'The Charlotte case has been Ihcr m-' they say—kill p l^ ,” he said. ‘The latest effort came Simday Advancement of Colored Peo­ considered a pivotal one on the Rizzo said that highway pa­ ple. with the formation of the Na­ issue of busing. School officials K ill Guard Philadelphia Park policeman Frank VonColln lies on the floor of the police trolmen Thomas J. Gibbons, 20, tuU- tional Coalition of Concerned there postponed school opening rith “ We are all through reacting station where he was killed by a gunman who fired three shots. (AP Photofax) and Frank Nolan, 38, were shot hia Citizens, a group of state organ­ to what other people do. We are until Sept. 9, but Chief Justice 'THE HAGUE (AP) — 'Three Sunday night as they ai>- tion izations claiming more than a Warren E. Burger declined to busloads of young Indonesian one going on the offensive," said El­ proached a car with two men Uta miUiem members in 27 states. lis Rubin, a Miami Beach, Fla., issue a stay of implementation rebels stormed the residence of after chasing and curbing the Representatives of the coali­ attorney. of the plan as they had hoped. the Indonesian ambassador to­ rard vehicle. 'They shot back and >lck tion from North Carolina, South Dr. Mitchell Young of Texas Burger rejected similar ap-. day, killed a Dutch police guard wounded onb ot the men who Carolina, Virginia, Florida, said that although persons from peals from several other sys­ and hoisted the flag of the 1050 was apprehended. Car­ te) Georgia, Arkansas and ’Texas only seven states attended the tems vdiebe substantial busing Republic of the South Moluccas. Gibbons was reported in criti­ (C) gathered in Atlanta and dls- meeting, those present repre­ is required. His most recent ac­ Ambassador T. A. Natadlnin- JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) tigators said one of the group 'Hie FBI was investigating a cal condition and Nolan as satis­ (C) sented states other than their tion came Saturday, on a peti­ grat escaped and went into hid­ — Gunmen invaded a Navy may have been a woman or a possible link between Sunday’s factory. ( 0 > own. tion from Richmond, Va., offi­ ing, but his wife, their two chil­ arsenal about two miles from a man wearing a wig. robbery and a burglary July 27 Fl>ur policemen in Riverside, alph A second meeting of the coali­ cials. dren and 10 other persons were nuclear weapons storage point “ Numerous hand guns and of the ung(uardede Jacksonvlllle Calif., 65 miles southeast of Los tion is scheduled Sept.
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