ST. HYACINTH CEMETERY N43*40.36 – W70*21.0 St. Hyacinth is Westbrook’s active Catholic cemetery and it has a preponderance of French family stones in the older section. In keeping with the French history of the City of Westbrook, we have recorded these transcriptions in French as written on the stones. Around the turn of the century there was a section of burials marked only by a numbered Iron Cross; the name was recorded in the priest’s record book but not on the cross. According to City lore, during WW II the iron crosses were removed and the iron donated to the war effort and burial sites were no longer evident. Thanks to Phil LaViolet of Westbrook who has a copy of the priest’s record book, we have included the listings for these burials (identified in this transcription by a cross [+]). This data was translated from the original handwritten French so there may be errors in spelling and translation. Most of these ‘Iron Cross’ names do not have any stones marking their burial places. * Denotes that no stone was seen in 2002 but names were on earlier transcriptions. If data was not taken from the stone but from cemetery records or obituaries, the entry is so marked. Last First/Maiden Information ______________ xx decede 3 Dec 1884 Age 21 et __ moi [ stone in very weathered, unable to read] _______________ Valida Enfant d'Isaic decedee 26 Fev 1884 Agee de 4 mois [unable to read surname] ABBIOG Patricia * d. May 1958 ABBOTT Doris C. Jul 9, 1898 - Nov 2, 1971 ABDALAS Amie Georgianna *+ w/o Ferris Abdalas (Syrien); d. 12 May 1903, age 22 yrs ACKER Bernadette M. 1909 - (Feb 19) 1995 ACKER William S. Pfc US Army WW II Nov 19, 1916 - Jun 9, 1992 ACTON Anne Armani 1st Lt USAF Korea Jul 11, 1932 - Feb 17, 1988 ADAMS Alice M. Decormier His wife (Charles A. Adams) 1875 - 1931 ADAMS Carolyn 1913 - 2000 ADAMS Charles A. 1878 - 1954 ADAMS Gabrielle P. 1924 - (Apr 14) 1996 ADAMS Joseph 1889 - 1952 ADAMS Mary E. 1st Lt US Army WW II Jul 9, 1911 - Nov 21, 1999 ADAMS Virginia 1907 - 1997 ADAMS Walter C. GM2 US Navy WW II Nov 4, 1920 - May 30, 2000 AFTHIM Gloria Theresa Us Army 1935 - 1989 AFTHIM Margaret Pineau w/o William A. Aftim Beloved Mother 1902 - 1980 "Rest in Peace" AFTHIM William A. WAGR US Army WW I 1892 - 1980 AKERLEY Claudia 1881 - 1957 ALBERT Auguste 1900 - 1982 ALBERT Bernadette 1902 - no date ALBERT Ferdinand 1864 - 1929 ALBERT Georgienne H. Son epouse (Ferdinand Albert) 1863 - 1911 ALBERT J. Wilfrid, Rev 1903 - 1972 ALBERT Marie A. (Gallant) w/o Emmanuel R. Gallant 1898 - 1999 ALBERT Olive (Martineau) His wife (Mark Martineau, Jr) 1890 - 1951 ALBERT Yvonne 1896 - 1926 ALLARD Frances C. 1923 - 1968 ALLARD Peter C. 1952 - 1968 ALLARD Roger G. 1920 - 1968 ALLARD Susan D. 1955 - 1968 ALLEN Agnes J. 1871 - 1944 ALLEN Alfred *+ c/o Edward Allen & Katherine McGinty; d. 22 Jan 1910, age 2 yrs ALLEN Clarence J. Sp4 US Army Dec 9, 1936 - Jan 4, 1990 ALLEN Frank R. 1914 - no date "Together forever" ALLEN Madeline M. 1914 - no date "Together forever" AMENT Deborah Lynn Jul 21, 1974 - Jul 24, 1974 ANASTACIO Ernesto L. SSCS USCG Jan 29, 1939 - Nov 4, 1995 ANDERSON Joseph B. 1891 - 1962 ANDERSON Laura E. Their wife (Arthur J. Fournier & Walter R. Anderson) 1894 - 1985 ANDERSON Lydia L. (w/o Joseph Anderson) 1892 - 1985 ANDERSON Rudolph J. 1913 - 1993 "Rest in peace" ANDERSON Ruth E. (w/o Rudolph J.Anderson) 1918 - 1993 "Rest in peace" ANDERSON Walter J. 1941 - 1943 "Jackie" ANDERSON Walter R. ME Pvt Co I 301 Eng WW I Jun 7, 1894 - Jun 9, 1961 [birth year 1895 on military stone] ANDERSON Yvonne F. * d Aug 16, 1997 88y [info taken from obituary] ANNIS Harlie G. 1913 - 1977 "In God's loving care" ANNIS Ruth C. 1913 - 1984 "In God's loving care" ARANAS Theresa A. * d Jul 29, 1997 84y [info taken from obituary] ARCHAMBAULT Alphonse 1850 - 1911 [see listing below for "Iron Cross" info] ARCHAMBAULT Alphonse + h/o Celanise Dalcourt; d. 24 May 1911, age 60 yrs ARCHAMBAULT Angilique Pinaux Son epouse (Joseph Archambeault) decede 22 Avril 1887 l'age 83 ans ARCHAMBAULT Arthur * d 1947 ARCHAMBAULT Cleophas l'eur fille (Joseph & Angilique Archambeault) decede 9 Mai 1888 l'age 59 ans ARCHAMBAULT Eva H. 1891 - 1967 ARCHAMBAULT infant * c/o Philippe Archambault Apr 1959 ARCHAMBAULT Joseph decede 3 Jan 1873 age de 70 ans "A la memoire de" ARCHAMBAULT Joseph *+ c/o Alphonse Archambault & Celine Delcourt; [no death date] age 35 yrs ARCHAMBAULT Selanire Son epouse (Alphonse Archambault) 1847 - 1930 ARCHAMBAULT Thomas * d 1947 ARCHAMBEAULT Delrice (Tanguay) decede le 9 Juil 1911 l'age 62 ans ARCHAMBEAULT Virginia (Tanguay) His wife (Francois Tanguay) 1828 - 1900 ARMENTINO Marie His wife (Ralph Armentino) 1900 - 1918 "Left one child Marie" ARMENTINO Ralph 1893 - no death date on stone ARMENTINO Vina M. 1892 - 1978 ARNOLD Saundra Ann * d 1964 ARSENAU Marie (Elsinger) Beloved w/o Wm. Elsinger d. Oct 1, 1912 ARSENAULT Adolph Epout de Marceline Buotte 1861 - 1928 ARSENAULT Aime D. Jan 6, 1882 - Mar 20, 1958 ARSENAULT Aimee *+ d. 17 Feb 1912, age 24 yrs ARSENAULT Albert ME ARMS3 USNR WW II Aug 23, 1920 - Jun 25, 1943 ARSENAULT Albert * + c/o Jean Arsenault & Bibiane Gallan; d. 30 May 1912, age 2 1/2 yrs ARSENAULT Albert A. 1916 - 1989 ARSENAULT Amanda 1899 - 1984 ARSENAULT Andrew 1859 - 1933 ARSENAULT Andrew 1893 - 1972 [name listed as Andre on head stone, as Andrew on foot stone] ARSENAULT Ann P. (Beatty) Jan 31, 1921 - Sep 26, 2001 ARSENAULT Arthur 1883 - 1937 [marker only] ARSENAULT Arthur J. 1905 - 1965 ARSENAULT Arthur J. 1925 - (Dec 27) 1997 ARSENAULT Bridget His wife (Andrew Arsenault) 1849 - 1926 ARSENAULT Callixte * d 1916 ARSENAULT Celina His wife (Philip Arsenault) 1876 - 1965 "My Jesus mercy" ARSENAULT Cesime *+ h/o Marie Arsenault; d. 22 Mar 1915, age 78 yrs ARSENAULT child * c/o Roland Arsenault d. 1961 ARSENAULT Christine (Comeau) w/o Joseph Comeau 1858 - 1917 ARSENAULT Clovis Sep 9, 1910 - Nov 13, 1969 ARSENAULT Daniel S. s/o Paul & Pam Arsenault 1994 - 1997 ARSENAULT David A. d. Dec 16, 1961 "Infant" ARSENAULT Delina (Mongeau) His wife (Moise Mongeau) 1899 - 1929 ARSENAULT Delina M. (Mercier) His wife (Levie P. Mercier) Apr 15, 1916 - Dec 15, 2000 ARSENAULT Eleanor M. 1911 - 1962 ARSENAULT Elizabeth no dates on stone ARSENAULT Elizabeth 1903 - 1983 ARSENAULT Elzeline M. w/o A.J. Arsenault 1897 - 1928 ARSENAULT Emile H. ME Cpl 9393 Tec SVC Unit WW II Nov 7, 1919 - Dec 31, 1957 ARSENAULT Emilienne His wife (Aime Arsenault) Feb 17, 1883 - Jan 6, 1957 ARSENAULT Emilienne (Melancon)* d. 1948 ARSENAULT Eugene A. ME Sgt 56 Air Engr SQ AAF WW II Dec 18, 1913 - Oct 6, 1970 ARSENAULT Eva (Leduc) d 1951 ARSENAULT Evangeline 1924 - 1932 ARSENAULT Exeline Gallant * d. 1948 ARSENAULT Francois* 1869 - 1950 ARSENAULT Henry J. 1914 - 2002 ARSENAULT Ida M. 1902 - 1968 ARSENAULT Jeannette* d 1990 ARSENAULT John T. 1906 - 1977 ARSENAULT Jos. 1885 - 1950 [marker only] ARSENAULT Joseph Dec 17, 1912 - Jan 31, 1989 ARSENAULT Joseph 1883 - 1960 ARSENAULT Joseph O. 1891 - 1937 ARSENAULT Joseph S. Cpl US Army WW II 1918 - 1988 ARSENAULT Joseph* d 1940 ARSENAULT Josephine* d 1976 ARSENAULT Laurent*+ c/o Jean Arsenault & Biane Galant; d. 14 Apr 1912, age 11 mos ARSENAULT Leo Pfc US Army WW II May 12, 1910 - Mar 7, 1988 ARSENAULT Leona M. Martin His wife (Henry J. Arsenault) 1920 - no date ARSENAULT Leona Theriault Son epouse (Andre Arsenault) 1897 - 1918 ARSENAULT Lorraine M. Beloved wife & mother 1920 - 1997 ARSENAULT Louise* d 1984 ARSENAULT Marceline Buotte 1882 - 1937 ARSENAULT Marie *+ w/o Joseph Arsenault; d. 9 Feb 1913, age 73 yrs ARSENAULT Martin J. 1952 - 1956 ARSENAULT Mary 1866 - 1941 ARSENAULT Mary Aug 18, 1876 - Aug 29, 1947 ARSENAULT Mary A. Deroche His wife (Arthur J. Arsenault) 1912 - no date ARSENAULT Mary B. His wife (Joseph Arsenault) 1888 - 1969 ARSENAULT Mary Jane Gallant *+ w/o Francois (Frank) Arseneault; d. 18 Dec 1910, age 36 yr ARSENAULT Mathilda (Blanchard)* w/o Elzie Blanchard d 1972 ARSENAULT Melite Arseneault*+ h/o Clarida Audette; d. 28 Mar 1915, age 38 yrs ARSENAULT Octave 1899 - 1960 ARSENAULT Patrick 1884 - 1938 [stone hard to read due to lichen] ARSENAULT Philip 1880 - 1962 "My Jesus mercy" ARSENAULT Raymond 1927 - 1991 ARSENAULT Raymond Sgt US Army WW II Feb 10, 1925 - Mar 28, 1998 ARSENAULT Raymond J. Sgt AAF Jul 24, 1920 - Jul 27, 1953 ARSENAULT Rita 1919 - 1966 [Marker only] ARSENAULT Robert P. 1925 - 1944 ARSENAULT Sara* d 1930 ARSENAULT Theresa M. 1926 - (no date) ARSENAULT Thomas J. ME Cpl US Army WW II Dec 16, 1912 - Sep 11, 1968 ARSENAULT Thomas L. 1882 - 1946 ARSENAULT Veronica M. 1928 - no date ARSENAULT Virginia P. w/o Eugene A. Arsenault Feb 5, 1923 - May 28, 1998 ARSENEAU Edeste *+ w/o Aimable Arsenau; d. 18 Oct 1911 ARSENEAULT Adeline (Leblanc)* + w/o Daniel Leblanc; d. 18 Mar 1911, age 27 yrs ARSENEAULT Amie Jeanne *+ d. in Yarmouth 26 Mar 1907, age 20 yrs ARSENEAULT Andre Ans. Clarence * + c/o Frank Arseneault & Catherine Gallant; d. 22 Mai 1911, age 8 mos ARSENEAULT Annie Gallant *+ w/o John Arseneault; d. 29 Jun 1907, age 37 yrs ARSENEAULT Barbara (Gallant)* + w/o Maurice Gallant; d. 29 Sep 1910, age 85 yrs ARSENEAULT Catherine Blanchard *+ w/o Etienne Arseneault; d. 3 Oct 1906, age 41 yrs ARSENEAULT John James *+ c/o Sabin Arseneault & Elodiam Blanchard; d. 20 Aug 1904, age 20 yrs ARSENEAULT Joseph *+ c/o Pascal Arseneault & Sara Langlois; b.
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