V Jlarcb 1*. 1I1T cloudy tonight &rob*b,P rtJn 12 PAGES AVKRAGKAVERAGE l>\ll.DAILYy CIRCrCIRCV- IN WHICH IS MERGED THE I.ATION LAST WIKK PLAINFIELD DAILY PRESS 7,905 PLA13F1ELD, SEW aBRSBV, Tl EHDAY. MArt( H IS. 1917. PEIOE TWO CEHTS SMINCK'BUCK’SS PLANSPLANS CALKINS NOT RDN¥08i'S TALK MRS. CEO. MEGREW BUSY SESSION OF HOPE TO AVOID BREAK BETWEEN ARAREE PRESENTEDPRESENTED AGAINSAGAINSTT ARMORARPIORYY EXCITES COMMENT HOSTESS AT TEA SCOOT COUNCIL BROTHERHOODS AND RAILROADS Ha. Not Enthused Over Prop- Tells Women's Club Assem- Second ol Series to be Given Tcfc Research and Adviiory oiition Because of Increas- blyraen Not Supposed to at The Rookery From 4 to T* Research and Advisory ... !• Washington, Marclv |3.—The United States Board of . ed Cost of Government Think for Themselves 6 o'Clock This Afternoon irWmu ies *" Washington, March- 13.'—The United State# CommissioOnmissionn ooff CausCausee o fof ro minutes 'MediatiorMediationi an dand Conciliatiolj Conciliation,, \vhic whichh faile failedd to preven to preventt an open MageeMayor CalkinsCalkins,, whewh.nn askeaskedd this.I Ml! Specia l to Ctmrler News: The •I'ooUtl In |h« scries of t«-a» v The rnaltr on brMchjreacl1 be, vecn the Bi EastEast EnEndd FloodFloodss morning 11 he was opposed to the | Trenton, March li,—St. ijSa'3Sa"oi°.!"(i'"B<SXoS »'l ' between the Big Fpur Brotherhoods and the railroads oruins If lie wee opposed to the e poi- 'In honor of Mr. and Mri. John th- Plaindrld Toni£■ ££!& o! ' « four Brotherhoods and the council.UDdl epproprlatlnsapproprlatlDi. »IB.OO«it.000O foforr aann . uictans have reao +tu. .-.. Johansen. th- welUkftowa artists. an uneijica] America., wa is*was« ieik*idd* ; at*t Scou «cooit Vart- Swaa-l las lastt April April,, wil willl mak makee a finala final effor effortt to reac to hreach an agreemen an agre t in armoryarmory fotorr CompanCompaajry KK., th thee loca locall io r lhe remarks rn.de by Amnblyiun inhibition at «b.i»- work* A* b,ting quarter* tfast r h(e e re military orvaalaatloa,—"Usatlon, ttoo bbee useusedd I nIn ; Willia m N. liunyonj of Culon county, shown•i'..w:i at Tie Koofcery on Sycamore !Etej^,."t*P.*i5,155'°v>* president.* ,T. tufcu”’ '".'ils S*5! ! *> P present*»« recurrenc recurrencee bf of th ethe controversy controversy.. SUGGESTS A .connection i th an., appropriation of • before tye Women's! Club of Hoboken, connection with an. appropriation of ■tree*. op.,oeUe tirade church, willJporg Gi orgee T . T.MonroWoor *'e waif»i*a appointeax>|iolt»tr4apllolatrdd "*•••ww-- • ■■ - ^ V •(35,00136,0000 fromfrot ththee StalStalee anandd (20,00 ISO.OOO0 | lh e other evi-ning iom-enitn* bis 1m- he given ihlH afl.-rpoon by Mr*. rdtart pro | from the county,'ty, »wpaid: ipressloHB «f the Legislature "and State! George Mrgn w from * to C o’clock. fo*Ucilm ■‘You may stataislee thathatt 1 1a mam no tnot politics . Mr. |Iunyon!s comments are «t 'She will be a-slsicd by .Mrs. William ,-d for the ,) ni.-'inenti ooff EngineeKosloeerr ttoo »eTiOrtks» oppose opposedd to to UthU project protect.. I t IsIt tru lae ! traymore than ordinary interest by reason : a . CookeCooke.. MraMrs.; < V.V. Cos. Mrs. A. II. Heins ,he DIPLOMATS THINTHINKK WAWARR NAJ1ATY ENENDD JUL JOLTY 1 1 rf A hellos. TnmbtTeobko It'^-(imHerons-- tha<halt I havI baref no )no, expresse esprMssodd mysel myselff eo- •>:eo ibe fact that h^ la a member ot iAlterbutterbuf Fyy aidand ; Mrs-Mrs . Mary Morel. .d„D(M an thuslastlcally about It for the reason (the majority party in tin? State at lhe MrMra.s CCor endi Mrs. Cobbs will pour or -.unmlHHloa .to MHJus.ut.J thualaatlrally aboul It fur th- reaaon ■fy Caned py»u: . c . posslbully of any oua of the princi- ' tha'hatt wwee shal shalll probably probably., hav ehare in- , presenla- t ilMe, was Itrjpublican I cade i of The entertainment siren by >flaa pan <f me roinsuttle met with the pal nation, breaking .uddenly und-'r thethe PmposlttowI*r<ii>osltlon creasecreeledd expense eapenaces in- ou Inr schoolour sachoule an<1' th ande Hous e in tbe session of 19)5-, fa-ia '*“Van Bo.keriiBuekrrCkk »»andH Ml,Ml.. RogerHuger., 9m Sal-- 11^,, btw ..'nrovaiy approvali al IIof I Iheentir entiree counci councill I - WulUnStojiWuhlnchm. MatcMarchh 1S_11,—AA m<fpencr-- »«-oatlon, oreiklo. .uoo.nlr nnoir otharother branchebranchess oofl ththee government.sovernment.! twic e been defeated as an Independent urday•* alieraooafrernoonn io'|o : MrMr.. »n aad4 Mr, Mrs.! »„««>,„ ",m ,|vnarrative, Jtho JbhnII D,,<!n. « al•>Duty •»«Peace « »<»move• "">will' »•he M««S>« launchedI I n In•»ihe • i»«K«mlllforyM Mralnstrain;; .oanda jrowlngrowlns, be be-- 1 1 f^l _. ' . i..- . .' ' ^^ . * fcoAH _ / ..i. «._!_ »__ A, . lint" Ihlll Hnll^il* nl.t *» n n _ _.hlr which the people • mt .t meet In thel O. O. p. candidate f«r Speaker, and Is n H r^uBciiman Charles 8. Smtnck, o : Johan.cn wa...s enjriinjuredj r-rl bb,y abou.boutt eev par-- hfs |,|,rep i for Ink, paat month-,three or four months, eccordlns lolief that nellher side can achieve ao ■Ilmel Charlie 8. Smlnclt. of]*"annua1 ''l t»«#eT le»j P~Ple. -. meet I"I regarded as one of the ablest men In *-itti • v(*w» oE diplomats and officials to- overwhelming victory, such as would tfc« HW "Ward, appeared before thi 1 eaty-ttve[jr-nve SU4BUmeets.. ThiThiss f s(. th ihee secon .moodd | wor» .,,r)I outline. outlinedd t the; sueceM withrttwo ot dtidometa aad othcl.l. to-overwhelming victory, such as would « -Ward. .Pi-ared before the , ]diiy. •' ', torco a strictly military peace, they Bssearcti tind .Advisory Commlsslo] '•I should like to see an armory i the Legislature^ cxhlblilon uj famous pafnffnxs sfr->wbe-h Ihe mobtlluplon plaafor for' force a strictly military peace, they a and advisory Commission »ho«W like lo oeo lit armory thel "' "i" inereasiiinjl}1 acute food aftua- believe.point to an early end of hoe-. la the Mayor's office last ulght, erected for the Iocs;), military com-) "Every Assemblyman goes to Tren-1 ca bbyy MisMiass Vavann BosKeHoakerck.rck, th thee first Oral ^OO tp,oopk& Ha sha. worke workedd o»t. Durlns the believe point to an early rod of hoo- iaior's o«cc last1 ulsht. .ad ereoledIfor the loeal military com- wnajtlon in all the warring nmiona, par- tllltfea.tllitles. "' afarcd argument■rramentas ffori Ibethi purpospwrywe o fof &anyb.ny.. becitiis hecauoee 1 consideI cotmldcrr it aItn auasse taaaet | ton an idealist," declared Uunyon be-i heloaiug aa collectiocollectionn ofof palotln ralntlasK b y byj-collr row„ mo( hi„fs j-eniapi. remark.i e teat call was. to the t-nium unity, bttt It should al- fore the Women's Clitti." but it Is bard j Jonasaas LieLie. j MlsMte>a V»Vs.a Boakcrc Bosh.rchk !sen i from neo(1from( bead quart or. to iTroops tieulnrl 1*.|y among the. Central Powers, It Is now believed here lhati Presf- OS llb#h rommlaalou of the '» commeblty. but It should .1 irtei-s to. Trw It is no. bellevod hero that, Preal- MO of ;hthe« HooHoodd aitua.ti.ielluatioon i nInway »»»»s b ebe born bprnee In nftnd'tbaIn uflndt • thatthes e theseI to kic k j f trecaformaiDSforins T^iThee RookerHooklryy tolo IM.makeC a nao Tt Twbe afiout aboa uUo l Troonof Troopi 18'wer It'weree Hnat - .cat-'» growin g Unrest among the l>e*ple, dentdent Wilson'Wllaon'.s auggeste.ugictedd "peac"peacea appropriation? mean additional Ibe itarne according io Is not Ijropriate setting fair each ejftlbi-i,eterti ln mlDu|i]»a> of the c Ibe ealt end and Tht approprlai. selling for oach s.hlhl „,loua! rads of-ity.jltidiiate the city. d by tbe dissatisfaction a»n- withoutwitnout victory,victory."" wilwilll resulresultt i nIn ftfetfact,, end .nd Ihe propriety of the &nappropriation,d while our peoplmeane maadditionaly he p cost,e suppoae d to ibtnk tor bltnsclf. F b'ut within thiirttf-twq minutes firom Ifested toward the Entente Cabinet*; and possibly not later than July 1. eomoiUsiodonn takinlaklasg tIhe subject under »”■> •>'»• ««' P**»le "Mr be perre „ , . b'ut within Ihirtyvlwq mlnuten from aad poaMbly not later than July 1. fectly willing to assume the cost. * granted through' "the boss. Mr. Johanieii, m aa informal talk tbe time the call left headquan eoasidcratloa with i ' fmstflv »ll)ln> lo tha mam* Id Mr. Johansen. In as laformal talk ,h, (ime the call left heedqueercre 1 IsIs IncumbenIneumhoalt upouponn tttnsee toto se seee that' thatever '**0^ fcroup group ther ethere are certaier. red.In me n youat ththee oiienlhopenlusg ofof tb thee exhlbiiTone.hlUfTou., Troo Troop 1p8 i|B,n ful|pl linlformil unltbrram fad andeqi equlD-1 th«> government is maintained at the c*n absolutely depend on, they are de clear the difference between a ^ sported with: 100'per « HMM ftbatlDi thi the government la malnlalaeri at the «*“ ataolmely depend on. made clear the difference between am atimint, reported wll»Tlfifi : per r» » 'highest posaibh, degree of etBclency; { n"1*11? m*° *">"> «>• *n>«JI counties: rtralt thaf. Is flnurtied with pslnt attftndance and the Stontm* CBI Engineer TJi hlghut pusalbl. degree of efficiency, mostly men from tho .mall pontnl. that I. finished wllh palpi l n .tt.pd.ace and the Msstnust.' KAISER'S RELATIVE HERE ARRESTED IN PLOT that we hare all the Improvement. Mhllelh they may aot he able t, aad esraleh.rh.i havinbarlnfg ththee appearancappearancee :l n chu-ftche„ (tThi s ThUwas s waothe linrthet tlBrrt II m. we ran get.
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