-t'l T —— — .............. ■— imrw The Weather ATcrase Daily Net Pre9s Run ForecMt of V. ^..W entlier.Boma For the Week Ended March 11, 1991 ChMoo of oentterad obowaia 9a> night. Low 38 to 49. Wednaeday 13,317 mootly aunny, not na mild. High Member of the Audit In SOo. Bnrenn of Clroiilntlon Manchester— A'City of Village Charm (Olnmlfied Advertleing on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. LXXX, NO. 150 (SIXTEEN PAGES) , MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1961 ^ State News Souvanna Forecasts Roundup Kennedy Seeks Russian Agreement Crashes Kill ^ To Laos Cease-fire 3 from State More By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Paris, March 28 (A>)—Princetbollevod the international control Souvanna Phouma of— Laos to- commUsion ihould he liustallGd Three Connecticut resident.* first and then a cease-fire declared. died yesterday as a result of day predicted that the Sovi^ After this, he said, the 14-nation Union will accept BritainV conference should be called. auto accidents. Two of the victims were Fair- cease-fire proposal for his Asked If he thought It possible field County.* youths. Tlie third Asks Shift President country “with some slight to' have an effectlve'*cease-fire In was a Meriden man who was killed ; Laos, the prince said; "Yes I do. modifications.” In upstate New York. I think it would be easy to con- Richard F. Kane, »20, Burlington The neutralist Laotian leader, For Step-up who the Sovleta contend Is the trol a ceaae-flre.” Ct., Norwalk was injured fatally Of CANEL rightful head of the Laotian* gov- Prince Souvanna, who as pre- in a one-car accident in Westport ernment. made his prediction af- mier last year tried to form a last night. He died later In Nor- ter a conference yesterday with coalition between pro-'western Ln- walk hospital. Into AEC In Defense the Soviet ambassador in Paris. otian factions and the pro-Com- Pplice said Kane was a pas- 2 Prince Souvanna s^d he thought munist Pathet Lao rebels, fied In- senger in a car driven by John M. By ELTON O. FAT the Russians would agree to join to exile in Cambodia when troops Stankevitch Jr., 23, of 16 George Washington. March 28 (/P) led by anti-C o m m u n 1 s t Gen. Ave., Norwalk. The vehicle went Washington, March 28 ffP) ■"in an East-West appeal for a —President Kennedy told —President Kennedy asked truce in the war in Laos between Phouml Nosavan and Prince Boun out of control on Bayberry 1.4>ne Congress today that he pro- western-backed forces of Prince Oum captured Vientiane, the La- and strufk a tree. poses to take nuclear-powered Congress today for a boost of Boun Oum’s government aind the otian capital. In December. The Kane was thrown from the car. nearly $2 billion in the no* Western Allies subsequently rec- Stankeiitch was injured and re- aircraft research out of the pro-Communist Pathet Lao rebels, tion’s defense prostram who are being supplied by thp ognized a Laotian government ported in fair condition in Nor- defense budget and tran.sfer Russians. headed by Boun Oum. walk Hospital. it to the Atomic Energy Com- marily to beef up the Polaria The British proposed that after Prince Souvanna is now touring Kane was the son of Harry mission. missile submarine and Min- the cease-fire the Indlan-Polish- western European and Commu- Kane, principal of Cranbury Ele- In his message on the military uteman missile projects. nist capitals, seeking support for mentary School in 'Norwalk. Kennedy said he asked this step- 8 Canadlan Truce Control Commis- It was Westport’s first fatality budget, the President said; sion set up by th^e 1964 Indochina an international conference to "\Ve propose to terminate de- up in the Defense budget he In- armistice be revived and then a work out a peace settlement for in 23 months. velopment effort Ob'*” both ap- herited from the Elsenhower ad- Laos. The Soviet Union and Red A 17-year-old Stamford boy, proaches on the nuclear power- ministration because the United 14-nation conference be called to John Curto, died yesterday of in- work out a final settlement. plant. comprising reactor and en- States must continue to have “the (Continued on Page Seven) juries stiffeied in a crash Siuiday gine, and on the airfram e.. .•’’ ability to survive a first blow and Souvanna Phouma said that he after a police chaae. Young Curto Tills raised an immediate ques- respond with devastating power." was one of five passengers in the tion as to what this means to 'Unit- The President said his request car. The driver was Raymond Dar- • Aircraft Corp.’s Connecticut stemmed from the reappraisal of And Spoil Laos Peace Hopes din. 18, also of Stamford, police Aircraft Nuclear Engine Labora- the U.S. defense posture he re- said. tory (CANEL) at Middletown, quested Secretary of Defense Rob- A State Trooper chased the Conn. ert S. McNamara to make last vehicle off the Connecticut Turn- j h e laboratory has been in gp- | January. While the review is many pike and Into the city, police said. months short of completion, Ken- Tlie chaae ended with the crash of e i^ o n since 1953 and employs j France Fears Tough 2.38^ persons. | nedy said, "circumstances do not the vehicle into a parked car and permit a postponement of all fur- an oil truck. At United Aircraft headquarters in Ea.st Hartford, there was no ther action,” Dardin was charged with negli- gent homicide. An appearance was comment from the company. Only There was only the briefest men- last week a congressman said he SEATO to Rile Reds scheduled for Circuit Court 1 April tion in Kennedy’s message of com- 25. had been advised that the work parable U.S.-Russlan missile done at CANEL would be contin- In Victor, N.Y.. Robert Mikla, strength and, whether Russia ■ Bangkok, Thailand, March 28« "small effect” on the SEATO con- 29, of 73 Elizabeth Rd., Meriden ued. , enjoys a so-called “misstlq gap" The President s message left un- advantage over this country. (jpl__Secretary of State Dean Rusk ference but he added: "It did not was injured fatally when a tire blew but while his station wagon clear jus’, what would lie the fu- Scuffle at Fort Lauderdale “It has been publicly acknowl- declared tonight he is confident “a put us back in any way." ture of CANEL. The portion of strong, unanimoOa resolution on . He expressed gpiarded optimism . was on the New York State Thi-u- An unidentified vouth loses all but his shprts in a battle with Fort Lauderdale police last night when edged for several years.” Kennedy that Britain’s proposal for a cease- way. The car flipped over; Five his message dealing with the sub- they jailed more than 100 young persons for disturbing the peace and being drunk in public. For said, "That this nation has not led Laos will be approved by the ject follows: Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza- fire will jecelve favorable atten- others In the car were hospitalized, the' second night in a row, the entire police forcie was called out to handle the thousands of vacation- the world in missile strength.** tton in Moscow because the Rus-1 New York State Police identi- ■‘Nearly 15 years and about II ing college students protesting the early closing of public beaches. (AP Photofax)^_______________ During last year’s presidential tion’s council of ministers. France offered objection.*, show- sians have already Indicated they fied the group as entertainers en billion have been devoted to the campaign, Kennedy said there 'was agree wih two of the three points j route to an engagement in Buf- attempted development of a nu- a missile gap. ’This was challenged ing a reluctamce to antagonize the Soviet Union with a hard-hitting — recalling the neutral armistice, falo. clear-powered aircraft; but the by Republicans. Last month, Ken- commission to Laos and holding a possibility of achieving a militari- Fire Deaths 11.! Failures Concealed nedy aaid it wmikl be "premature SEATO resolution that might nfar ly useful aircraft in the foresee- to reach a judgment aa to wOiether Laotian peace hopes.jjSAsked to 14-natlon conference on the future 52to4S comment on this Rusk told a re- of the country. The third point able future Is still very rem ote.. ” there is a gap or not a gap" 'untQ is the cease-fire itself. Hartford, March 28 'tflh— The May. Reach 12, the McNamara, study waa com- porter: State Motor Vehicle Department’s The message continued: SEATO secretsry-general' Pote "Transferring the entire sub- Jteds Deny Losing pleted. "It will all come out in the wash Sarasin shid the foreign ministers daily record of automobile accl- In today’s message, Kennedy tomorrow." denU as of last midnight and the ject matter to the Atomic Ehiergy Commission budget- where it be- In T ennessee said deterrent strenfftl) did not He acknowledged that there had totals on the -eanre date last depend "upon a simple compari- been vJUxBly disagreement with (ContiDiied Page N(lie) longs, as a non-defense research year; ** item, we propose to terminate de- Clarksville, Tenn., March 28 son of missiles on hand before an the French over the re.solution 1960 1961 Man in Space Hop attaick.’’ Rather, he said, it "de- but aatd it had never reached the velopment effort on both ap- A family of 11, possibly 12, died Accidents ........ 8.97.5 8,949 (est.) proaches on the nuclear power- today in a fire which destroyed the pends not only on the number of stage of an open split.
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