SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1960 ^ « v V :)' ' I t ^ TW ELVE ^anrI;pBtpr lEttPiting If^raUi IV8 Needed Now— Help the Heart Drive slocma*- It finds fault baeauaa the Balk or Box Caady slogans. It says, aren’t lived up to. “Sham Doctor” Guest Organist No Worry Here Where the'slogans claim that From Frfifihmutcr About Town ''smlllag service" is given, there is Aversffa Dstly Net Press Ran The Weather Heard A long Main Street u m usually a grouch, it la claimed, and Interned Here On Coal Stock Electric Candy C For the Meath af Jaaaary, IBS# Cub Puck n of Tutnpl# Beth And on Some o/ Manche$tei*§ Side Street*, Too where the most careful attention i I m H Bbotom win hold u wp- to detail la advertised by slogan, Arthur Drug Storea Omij slvivg MtHnvwl per und WhlU Blephunt uulo o" anything goes. Supply Rationed, But 9 , 8 3 9 Z i w f l n 1 nirR IFT iTPiTTfin IPIPrnifl fair end eolder tkla afternoont tair rebnw ry 2Z, ut «:S0 p. m.. In the Hail Best of References While Manchester’s teachers.one thing; leaving one girl ap- Why not a safe slogan—like the Msmber af tha AadH tonight, colder la latorler, golag te Temple Veetry. The event la In one Winston Churchill put out last Sufficient to Meet All undoubtedly love their work, they parently to chase another is plenty From New Jersey Hos­ Baraaa ef drealatlaaa le belewi'Taeaday fair. cclelmtion of the tOth annlveraary are usually glad to see the tw o -, more serious, and 11 you would like night to the British voters. Current Demands M anchester^A City of Village Charm' of Scouting. dav week-ends roll around. A lew to keep your fancy mug out of "W e’ll do our best," be said. pital Doctors AUTO GLASS of these teachers have formed a hock, you had better listen to this; That la all anybody can expect. Kuthlaen. unuU give up chaslpg other women, and william R. MacLeod, the "sham H m current coal miners' strike MIRRORS •'Thank God" club which mceU has not affected this area very VOL. LXIX, NO. 119 (UassISad AdvortWat os Fags t6) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1950 and Mfu. AUen B. Belcher, of 37 every Frldajr. At tljesc sessions get back to your own family! A group of local women were doctor" who talked his way Into (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE POUR CBNTB l«nox atreet, celebrated her aec- You may as well get It straight; much as yet. It Is reported by sev­ the pedagogues solemnly pay discussing the multiplicity of a position of Interne on four Hart­ eral leading coal dealers here. It ond Wrthduy yeaterday ,wlUi a no other girl likes you better Hum drives fur funds, which almost party, attended by the following homage to that wonderful cus­ ford area hospitals, was a most was generally ag r^ the anthra­ tom, the school-less week-end. Marion Phaneuf, and you are nuts overlap each other, when one of convincing impostor, Manchester UtOa folks: Carol Nolan, ever to have sneaked out on her, cite situation Is not very bad but Mitchell,. Douglaa Hartin, David Although the local organisa­ them told a story of the way a for­ Memorial hospital management re­ bituminous coal Is hard to g e t Defendants Face Hungarian Court tion has no more than six mem­ and you no good on only three mer minister met similar situa­ C h w ^ David and Edward Mun­ called today. I Because of the unusually mild Reform of Court 3 m bers, the club’s fame has spread feet too! She is worried stiff, and tions, by tithing. He doesn’t live In MacLeod came to Manchester son, Mortimer, Susan Cope- figures some gal with a slinky winter the local companies have ‘Stop Strike’ Order J^ d , and Kathleen’s brothers, Lee to the remote corners of the earth the "City of Village Charm" now just three years ago, and remained found that their allotments of ooal and even to Boston University. A coat enticed you away, as .hey and It may be told. at the local hospital as an Interne and Kirk. ____ ha\e before. are sufficient to meet the needs of local girl took a sociology course Tithing Is a custom of remote for a period of three or four customers. Coal Is still being dis­ But always before, she says, you System Is Urged Mrs. Walter kanehl of 44 WelU at BU. In one of the classes the antiquity. It was practiced by the months. He came with apparently tributed by quotas throughout the have come back after a while. It’s ancient Hebrews and the early attaat, a member of discussion turned to the quirks the most enthusiastic and authen­ country. Seldom has it bMn pos­ M% Wa. of Pocfthont®8i and qualms of the human race two weeks now—too long. If you Anglo-Saxons for religious, chari­ want to keep your respectability tic references from a hospital In sible for a customer to receive the lim Osatei at. Pbai Renewed by Judge; and the various orgatdsatlons and table or taxing purposes. who h*8 hetn welvlne mall and New Jersey, with which ho had same size coal on a second ordea imeaia to the Council to assist .societies that exist for the ex­ you had better show up at the Some people make It a practice Stors Frosts, Ptetars F In Ninth Chapter V--, w V previously been connected, ■ and Bach allotment has meant the pression of Ideas and Ideals. kitchen dour at 14 East Maple to give a tenth of their Income to v s m Om an«fis JrtSh^trlbutlons to <*‘""*"1 from doctors whe said they had JniM MdUnney substitution of one else for an­ ^ p a lg n a for funds, feels that As her contribution, the Man­ street. the church, eepecially when It la F w IMhs Tbps been associated with him in New other. ^ e sMl be saved 11 they are ad- chester gin told of the "Thank If anybody knows where this big necessary to raise funds for an ad­ For a while this winter It was handsome, sort-of German shep­ York City hospitals. Miss June McKinney of 577 State Organization Com­ - to the secretary, Mrs, God ” club. dition or a new building. E ast Center street will be the feared that there would not be To Run to March 3 A idla Beale, at 160 Charter Oak A fraternity member In the herd la, the best advice they can The clergyman referred to set He possessed a complete com­ enough coal to supply the local give him is, beat it back. guest organist at the North mission Would Abol­ street __ _ class, who had a vivid Imagina­ aside a tenth of all he possessed mand of the "medical language.” Methodist church Sunday. She will schools. The Manchester Lumber News Tidbits tion immediately seized upon the Steady hainburg Is worth more and when any appeal came to him According to Memorial Hospital and Fuel company, which supplies ish Municipal and than all the witches in town. play at both the 9:30 a. m. and the Culled From (fP) Wires Action Token Despite Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. n m - local outfit as a perfect addition he met It out of that tithing fund, authorities he took "good care” of 11 a. m. services. coal for the schools, said that over Itdlian- to the fraternity "Hell Week” ac­ whether It was for church, Red his patients with! the range of his Trial Justice Tribunals Bias. 1J7 CJooper Hill street, en- ’The organ numbers will be from 500 tons of anthracite was now Mine Owners Beaten Union Arguments of tarbalned last Saturday even ng tivities. In college life, "Hell We (k>n’t know whether the Cross, polio, cancer, assisting a duties as an Interne, and never Bach, Matthews and Martin. stored in its yards, this Is enough American Hall President Rafael TnijUlo of town's liquor dispensers them­ —Likely to Kick Up with a party lor Mrs. Walter Tlni- Week" Is a period when fraternity needy family or other charity. gave any member of the Hospital coal to last the remainder of the Dominican Republic has eased Work Stoppages by "brothers" use all of their ac­ selves have firm intentions of ad­ Another woman In the g;roup re­ S n s , Jr. Friends from staff reason to doubt his authen­ winter and Into thtf early part of Top Amount of Fuss oombat Jitters in Caribbean by Indivifliiol lil i n ers; New BriUln. Wllllmantlc and this quired knowledge to see that. In­ hering to the Town Court’s ruling marked that one of their ministers ticity. May. Open Dates By Band of 100 Men about no sale to habitual offen­ Eelsou Bailey Will asking his Congress to revoke his town attended. The party was held coming members, pledgees, lead gave more than any other con­ "No harm” to any patient came Although some parts of the Federal Jurist to G>n< as Inhuman a life ns is humanly ders. But the habitual offenders tributor In the church at one Hartford, Feb. 20.—(/P)— extraordinary powers to declare in the basement of the Timmins as a result of his stay at the lopal country have found It necessary For Weddings, Showers, war . Today is the day govern­ pos.slble. themselves take the ruling very time, and through his example Address Kiwaiiis to order a brown-out at nights.
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