COMBINED STATEMENT RECEIPTS AXD DISBUP~SZMEXTS (APPAREXT AND A. CTUAL) THZ UNITZD STATZS FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1904. COMBINED STA'I'E VlEXT OP THE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS (APPARENT AND ACTUAL) OP THE UNITED STATZS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1904-. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVIsION OIi' BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTs. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith a statement of the revenues derived by the GovernInent from customs, internal revenue, and sales of public lands, in each District and State, and from the various miscellaneous sources, during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1904, amounting, in the aggregate, to $540, 681, 749. 40; also, a stateInent of the disbursements for the same period, by appropriations, exclusive of the principal of the public debt, showing the amounts expended by each Department for "salaries, " " " "ordinary expenses, " "public works, ''miscellaneous, " and "unusual and extraordinary, aggregating II 582, 402, 821. 81. Very respectfully, V . F. MAOLENN kN, Chief of Dicisio~. Hon LESLIE M SHAW~ Secretary of the Treasury. (3) States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. From Cttstoms- Maine: Aroostook . $49& 209. 72 Bangor. 313, 605. 82 Bath . 20, 120. 79 Belfast. 2, 712. 74 Castine. 547. 10 Frenchman Bay 153. 06 Machias. 350. 40 Passamaquoddy 99, 995. 12 Portland . 191, 172. 78 Waldoboro. .. 836. 23 Wiscasset .. .. 266. 66 $678& 970. 42 New Hampshire: Ports mouth. 149. 04 Vermont: Burlington. 746, 813. 6H Newport. 366& 191. 18 1, 113& 004. H6 Massachusetts: Barnstable . 279. 71 Boston. 21& 791, 572. 99 Edgartown. 79. 17 Fall River. 31, 019. 42 Gloucester 12, 265. 55 Marblehead . 4, 239. 64 New Bedford. 32, 30o. 01 Newburyport .. 156. BB Plymouth 286&. 90 Salem. 1, 903. 13 Springiield. 41& 04H. 78 21, 915, 157. 18 Rhode Island: Newport. 56, 586. 93 Providence . 247, 505. 26 304, 092. 19 Connecticut: FairQeld. 147, 355. 02 Hartford . 2H6, 032. 22 New Haven. 184, 949. 14 New London. 1, 793. 23 Stonington. 2& 245 82 622, 375. 43 New York: Albany. 227, 549. 79 Butfalo. 656, 681. 88 Cape Vincent. 37, 422, 92 Champlain. 512& 262. 27 Dunkirk 2) 227. 30 Genesee . 411, 873. 26 New York. 170& 811, 874, 63 Niagara. 319, 449, 11 Oswegatchie . 245, 842. 41 Oswego 72& 872. 17 Sag Harbor. 533. 39 Syracuse. 62& 746. 80 173) 361, 335 93 New Jersey: Bridgeton . 695. 16 Burlington . 2o Great Egg Harbor . 256. 44 Newark. 95& 112. 93 Perth Amboy. 111, 898. 25 207& 963. 03 Pennsylvania: Erie. 45) 269. 23 Philadelphia. 18& 810& 967 85 Pittsburg. 504, 381. 62 19& 360& 618 70 Delaware 16, 208. 86 Maryland: Baltimore. 3& 185, 039. 31 Crisdeld. 10. 90 3& 185& 050. 21 (5) RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS) 1904. Recetyts —Continued. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts, Prom Otstoms —Continued. District of Columbia. $129, 156. 35 Virginia . A lexandria . $1, 137. 93 Norfolk 26& 866. 26 Petersburg. 23, 5ti0. 07 Richmond . 79, 991. 16 Newport News. 50o, Ho9. 52 634, 414. 94 North Carolina: Beaufort l. 25 Pamlico .. 35 Wilmington 7, 652. 24 7& 653. 84 South Carolina: Beau fort. 1, llo. 52 Charleston. 58, 449. 12 Georgetown 23. 70 59, 588. 34 Georgia: Atlanta. 23& 877. 10 Brunswick. 5& 699. 15 St. Marys. 17. 52 Savannah. 54, 725. 44 84, 319. 21 Alabama: Mobile. 50, 149. 03 Florida: Apalachicola. 1) 054. 66 i Fernandina. 6, 159. 43 Key West. 433) 059. 66 Pensacola. 2H, 742. 51 St. Augustine. 15, 452. 57 St. Johns. .. .. , . 43, 179. 82 St. Marks. 1& 962. 98 Tampa 1, 305& 563. 83 1& 835, 175. 46 Mississippi: Pearl River. 12, 148. 53 Louisiana: New Orleans. 9, 089, 712. 41 Texas: Brazos de Santiago . 3, 118. 45 Corpus Christi. 98, 025. 18 Galveston. 419, 211. 48 Paso del Norte. 142, 410. 99 8aluria. 43, 572. 52 706, 338. 62 Tennessee: Knoxville 3, 702. 64 Memphis 56, 206. 48 Nashville. 18, 340. 87 78, 249. 99 Kentucky: Louisville 330) 077. 15 Ohio: Cincinnati. 882, 331. 72 Cuyahoga . 936, 280. 49 Columbus . 119, 596. 89 Dayton. 1, 761. 77 Miami. 95, 881. 62 Sandusky. 2, 091. 85 2& 037, 944. 34 Michigan: Detroit. 1, 1&9& 414. 99 Grand Rapids. 95, 764. 77 Port Huron. 305& 992. 33 Michigan. 4& 547. 60 Superior. 80& 435. 27 1, 666& 154. 96 Indiana: Evansville. 51, 305. 98 Indianapolis. 178& 981 26 230, 287. 24 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS) 1904. BecetJitd —Continued. States aud districts. Total by districts. Total by States. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. Frtrm Customs —Continued. Illinois: Chicago. 88, 116, 839. 71 Peoria. 14, 605. 74 $8, 131, 445. 45 Iowa: Council Blutis. 16, 532. 87 Des Moines. 25, 972. 72 Dubuque. 15, 804. 03 Sioux City. 4& 551. 66 62, 861. 28 Missouri: Kansas City. 289, 580. 40 St. Joseph. 83& 40]. 43 St. Louis. 2, 357, 426. 14 2, 730, 407. 97 Colorado: Denver. 153& 515. 95 Oregon: Oregon. 12, 949. 22 Coos Bay 15. 66 Willamette . 658, 986. 39 Yaquina . 1. 50 671, 952. 77 Washington . 869& 120 16 Montana and Idaho. 88, 763. 23 Arizona. 58, 618. 92 Minnesota: Duluth. 20& 890. 88 Minneapolis. 377, 990. 65 St. Paul. 316, 045. 06 7147 926. 59 North and South Dakota. 94, 849. 87 Nebraska: Omaha . 103& 137, 91 Lincoln. 6, 678. 14 109, 816. 05 Wisconsin: Milwaukee. 638, 771. 95 California: Humboldt 535 95 Los Angeles . 516, 587. 75 San Diego . 73, 706. 69 San Francisco. 7, 399& 308. 13 7, 990, 138. 52 Hawaii 1& 185, 130. 10 Alaska: Sitka. 44, 996. 52 Porto Rico. 12& 953. 22 $261, 274, 564. 81 Less amount refunded for excess of deposits for unascertained duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Repayment to im- porters, excess of deposits for unascertained duties ".. 83, 579, 6 & 7. 52 Amount refunded for duties collected from importers on articles sub- sequently exported, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Debentures or drawbacks" 4, 904, 016. 01 Amount returned to pay debentures and other charges arising from duties, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Debentures and other charges " 1, 918. 17 Amount refunded to claimants from sale of unclaimed merchandise, charged as an expenditure under the head of "Unclaimed merchan- dise" 980. 03 Amount of tonnage-tax included in customs receipts applied to the support of Public Health and Marine-Hospital Scrvi«e, 8787, 167.43, and to "Salaries, once of Surgeon-General, Public IIealth and Marine-Hospital Service, " $38&743. 9H. „. , 825, 911. 41 8&t 312, 503. 14 82&l, 962 061. 6& From 6nes, penalties, and forfeitures (navigation) . ., . .. 9, 879. 95 From Ques, penalties, and forfeitures (customs service) .. 117 4& 234, 997. 40 i RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS) 1904. Jleeeiyts —COiltinued. Gross receipts. Deductions. Net receipts. From Customs —Continued. Less amount charged in the expenditures under the head of "Col- lecting revenue from customs " $234) 997. 40 From customs fees (customs service) . .. .. .. $25, 924. 52 From labor, drayage, and storage (customs service). .. 110, 504. 96 From services of United States officers (customs service) 341, 500. 47 From customs of(icers' fees (customs service). 20, 991. 86 From navigation fees (customs service) . 77, 772. 35 From emolument fees (customs service). 15, 231. 85 From mileage of examiners (customs service) . 4, 649. 00 $596, 575. 01 Less amount expended on these accounts, charged under t he head of "Collecting revenue from customs " 596& 575. 01 States and districts. Total by districts. Tots, l by States. From Intern, al Revenue- New Hampshire. $561, 883. 46 Massachusetts 3, 666, 525. 30 5661 194 42 Connecticut. 1 & New York: First district. $6) 017& 557. 59 Second district . 3, 547, 144. 50 Third district. .. .. .. .. .. 7& 787, 934. 52 Fourteenth district. .. 5, 364, 986. 42 Twenty-first district. .. 1, 561, 858. 80 Twenty-eighth district. .. 2, 095, 643. 55 26& 375, 125. 38 New Jersey: First district. 400, 097. 86 Fifth district. 5, 645, 371. 06 6, 045& 468. 92 Pennsylvania: First district. 6& 080& 609. 59 Ninth district. 21 970, 641. 26 Twelfth district. 1, 3951 240. 40 Twenty-third district. 8, 428, 049. 35 18, 874) 540. 60 Maryland. 6) 319, 454. 07 Virginia: Second district. 2, 316, 796. 24 Sixth district . 1& 2341 092. 08 3) 550, 888. 32 West Virginia 1) 200) 581 24 North Carolina: Fourth district. 2, 256, 777. 58 Fifth district. 2, 410, 397. 42 4, 667, 175. 00 South Carolina . 759, 599. 28 Georgia, 482, 953. 64 Florida. 7701 031. 70 Alabama 338, 539. 49 Louisiana. 4, 658, 957. 14 Kentucky: Second district . 1, 789, 379, 00 Fifth district. 12, 018, 646. 98 Sixth district. 3, 127, 094. 22 Seventh district . 2) 645, 328. 73 Eighth district . 2, 177, 284. 59 21, 757, 733, 52 Tennessee: Second district. 40'3, 295. 37 Fifth district. 282& 692 18 1, 685, 987. 55 Arkansas . .. 116, 125. 54 Texas: Third district. 427& 088. 84 Fourth district. 166& 463. 74 593, 552. 58 Ohio: First district . 16, 669, 703. 76 Tenth district . 1, 343, 528. 77 Eleventh district. 1) 211) 849 SS Eighteenth district . 1& 866& 083. 90 21, 091, 166. 3I RECEIPTS AND DISBVRSEMENTS& 1904. Receive —Continued. States and districts. Total by districts. Total by States. (t ross receipts. Dednctions. r&et rece&pts Fro&a I» ternal Seve&ttte —Continued. Indiana: Sixth district. .. .. .. $9& 685, 433. 24 Seventh district . 14, 417, 056. 65 $24 102, 489 89 Michigan: First district. 3, 290& 981. 17 Fourth district 705& 444. 78 3, 996, 425. 95 Illinois: First district. 6, 306& 8] 4. 43 Fifth district. .. .. .. , 34, 059& 315.
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