See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327651772 From Iron Curtain to Cross-Border Landscapes along the European Green Belt: Case Study Austria-Slovakia Conference Paper · September 2018 CITATIONS READS 0 47 4 authors, including: Attila Tóth Katarina Kristianova Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - Slovenska posnohospodarska univerzita… Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava 109 PUBLICATIONS 130 CITATIONS 56 PUBLICATIONS 29 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Lubica Feriancova Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra - Slovenska posnohospodarska univerzita… 49 PUBLICATIONS 44 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Preservation of the Historical Legacy of Small Sacral Architecture in Rural Cultural Landscapes of Dolné Považie View project Green Infrastructure and Urban Agriculture View project All content following this page was uploaded by Attila Tóth on 14 September 2018. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. ECLAS CONFERENCE GHENT 2018 LANDSCAPES OF CONFLICT BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS 09—12.09.18 ECLAS 2018: BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS COPYRIGHTS COVER IMAGE ORGANISING COMMITEE REVIEWERS La Bataille de l’Argonne, 1964. Stefanie Delarue (Programme Chair) Tal Alon-Mozes MAGRITTE RENE FRANCOIS GH Glenn Deliège Maria-Beatrice Andreucci © Succession René Magritte. Hans Druart Simon Bell SABAM Belgium 2018 Rachelle Dufour Hassãn Bitar Pieter Foré Maria Bostenaru Dan COPYRIGHT Steven Heyde Sabine Bouche-Pillon Every scientific paper published in Ruben Joye Erich Buhmann this publication was peer reviewed. Harlind Libbrecht Agata Cieszewska All explanations, data, results, etc. Sylvie Van Damme Sandra Costa contained in this book have been made Jeroen de Vries by authors to their best knowledge EDITORiaL COMMITEE Stefanie Delarue and were true and accurate at the time Stefanie Delarue Glenn Deliège of publication. However, some errors Rachelle Dufour Oswald Devisch could not be excluded, so neither the Fabio Di Carlo publisher, the editors, nor the authors Hans Druart can accept any legal responsibility or Luca Maria Francesco Fabris liability for any errors and omissions that Paulo Farinha-Marques may be made. Ellen Fetzer Ian Fisher © Copyright 2018 by the authors. Karen Foley All rights reserved. Pieter Foré Steven Heyde PUBLICATION Robert Holden Printing: Stevens Print Maria Ignatieva Edition: 200 copies Karsten Jørgensen Ruben Joye Delarue, S. & Dufour, R. (Eds.). Harlind Libbrecht (2018). Landscapes of Conflict. ECLAS Gabriela Maksymiuk Conference 2018, Ghent, Belgium. Madara Markova Conference Proceedings. Ghent: Sophia Meeres University College Ghent – School of Rita Occhiuto Arts – Landscape & Garden Architecture Magdalena Rzeszotarska-Palka and Landscape Development. Richard Stiles Sylvie Van Damme ISBN 9789491564130 Adri van den Brink Kristine Vugule Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz University College Ghent – School of Arts. Landscape and Garden Architecture & Landscape Development Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2, 9000 Gent – Belgium www.schoolofarts.be 4 5 ECLAS 2018: BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS conservatION AND DeveloPMENT: GROUP C 5.3. CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT GROUP C Designing the Conflict Heritage of Post-Military Landscapes Verena Butt Cold War Heritage in Northeastern Italy, a Challenge for Landscape Design Luca Maria Francesco Fabris From Conflict to Commemoration: Finnish Civil War in the Landscape of Tampere Ranja Hautamäki, Julia Donner PECHA KUCHA PAPER From Iron Curtain to Cross-Border Landscapes along the European Green Belt: Case Study Austria-Slovakia Attila Tóth A Conflict of One Hundred Years Ago as a Challenge for Spatial Development Today: The Conservation of WWI-heritage Hanne Van den Berghe 350 351 ECLAS 2018: BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS conservatION AND DeveloPMENT: GROUP C The shared commemoration was Peltonen, U-M. (2000). Kuolema sisäl- From Iron Curtain to INTRODUCTION evident, for example, in the decision lissodassa 1918 & muistamisen ja unohtamisen Cross-Border Landscapes in 2015 to name the central battlefield kysymyksiä. Elore 2/2000. along the European Green The Iron Curtain used to be a global of Kalevankangas as the park of Belt: Case Study landscape of conflict in the real sense reconciliation (Street Name Committee Rodrigo, R. (2015). Making Public Pasts: Austria-Slovakia of the word. It was stretching from 2.9.2015). In the spring of 2018, the Cultural Dialogue and Negotiation in Public north to south of Europe, through the city centre formed the backdrop for Space. Landscape Review 15(2), pp. 32-42. middle of the continent, while dividing a photography exhibition in which Attila Tóth1, Richard Stiles2, Katarína the whole world to West and East. It historical events and characters in Saunders, N. J. (2004). Material culture Kristiánová3, Ľubica Feriancová1 was the physical manifestation of the uniform were depicted in the modern and conflict. The Great War, 1914–2003. In: N. 1 Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Faculty Cold War, built after World War II in 1945 context of the battlefields. The differing J. Saunders, ed., Matters of conflict. Material of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, and lasting until the end of the Cold interpretations by the Reds and the culture, memory and the First World War. New Department of Garden and Landscape War in 1991 as a consequence of the Whites have been effaced and the York, NY: Routledge, pp. 5-25. Architecture, Tulipánová 7, SK-949 76 Nitra, fall of Communism in 1989. However, war has been presented as a shared Slovakia the separation and isolation throughout tragedy that permanently changed the Schriek, van der M. (2018). Landscape 2 Vienna University of Technology, Institute of almost four decades encouraged the city. This approach also had a strong biographies of commemoration, Landscape Urban Design and Landscape Architecture formation of the European Green Belt, presence in many of the city’s events, Research. Published online: 15 Feb 2018, pp. Department of Landscape Architecture, an extraordinary ecological network theatre performances, public lectures 1-13. Erzherzog Johann Platz 1, A-1040 Vienna, Austria and a pan-European living memorial and a major exhibition in the museum 3 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, landscape stretching from the Barents centre Vapriikki. Smith, L. (2006). Uses of heritage. Faculty of Architecture, Institute of Urban Design Sea to the Black Sea. Today, the Green The case study of Tampere London: Routledge. and Planning, Námestie slobody 19, SK-812 45 Belt is the backbone of the European evinces that the path to shared Bratislava Green Infrastructure and a great commemoration is lengthy and difficult, Newspapers: [email protected] example that biological diversity goes but public spaces and interventions ʿTampereen vapaudenpatsas jää hand in hand with cultural diversity. offer an important framework for mutual lopullisesti paikoilleenʾ. Aamulehti 8.11.1923. no Keywords: It has become a shared natural and interpretations. In these explications, it 258, p. 4 border, bridge, river, monument, memorial cultural heritage and a symbol for is essential to recognise the historical ʿMannerheiminpatsasʾ. Tammerkoski transboundary cooperation. layers of the landscape and the 4/1956, p. 107. ABSTRACT This paper takes a closer look at contradictory narratives they contain. the 106.7 km long Austrian-Slovak state The landscape of commemoration Municipal documents: The Iron Curtain was one of the most dividing and border, which is part of the European may serve as a medium to shape a Reports on municipal administration 1918, well known boundaries in human history. It divided Green Belt. It identifies the landscape consensual view of the past whilst 1921, 1922, City Archive, Tampere. Europe to West and East throughout four decades. character and heritage values of acknowledging its multi-faceted Today, the Iron Curtain is history, but it left behind these unique cross-border cultural meanings. City Council (1951) ʿItem 57: Pöydältä: a unique cultural and natural heritage. It has been landscapes, based on field studies. SKDL:n valtuustoryhmän Suomen Marsalkka replaced by the European Green Belt. From Iron Hundred years ago, landscapes along Mannerheiminpatsasta koskeva aloiteʾ. Minutes to Green, from Curtain to Belt, still it means so both sides of the border were part of the City Council meeting 11 April 1951, City much more than a mere play on words. It is about of one monarchy and one cultural Archive, Tampere. cross-border landscapes of our shared present landscape. There was only a natural REFERENCES and future. This article aims to grasp the change border – River Morava (March). After Street Name Committee Committee from a significant linear landscape of conflict, to almost nine decades of separation, Dwyer, OJ. (2004). Symbolic Accretion (2015) ʿItem 34: Valtuustoaloitteen jatkotoimet: diverse and valuable cross-border landscapes by including four decades of Cold War, the and Commemoration, Social & Cultural Matti Heinivahon aloite Sovinnonpuiston the example of the Austrian-Slovak border. The borders seem to have gone as Slovakia Geography 5(3), pp. 419-435. nimeämiseksiʾ. Minutes of the Street Name paper characterizes the meandering cross-border joined the Schengen Area in 2007. Committee meeting 2 September 2015, Street riverine landscapes and the potential of their This has opened up a huge regional Heyde, S. (2015). History as a source for Name Committee
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