DOCUMENT RESUME ED 025 903 EF 002 092 Listing of Food Service Equipment. National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, Mich. Testing Lab. Pub Date Jan 68 Note-274p. Available from-National Sanitation Foundation, Testing Laboratory, 2355 West Stadium Boulevard, P. a Box 1468, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 ($1.00) EDRS Price MF 41.25 HC-$13.80 Descriptors-Building Equipment, *Equipment, *Equipment Standards, *Food Service Industry, *Food Standards, Public Health, *Sanitation A comprehensive listing of food service equipment including--(1) companies authorized to use the National Sanitation Foundation seal of approval, and (2) equipment listed 'as meeting NSF standards including soda fountains, spray-type dishwashers, dishWashing equipment, cooking equipment. commerical cooking and warming equipment, freezers, refrigerators, food preparation equipment, ice-making equipment, food vending machines, special equipment, cloth towel dispensers. A final section presents an index to coMpany seal of approval numbers. (RH) Pt\ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE C) OFFICE Of EDUCATION ON Lf1 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING U. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS C\I STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of EDUCATION C) lik POSITION OR POLICY. CI _ L.Li la a 6 II : Annual authorization todisplaythe nSf Seal on equipment is grantedonly when, following laboratory and plant evaluation,theequipment is foundtobe in compliance with theadopted NSF Standards, Basicor Special Criteria. -Plant and laboratoryevaluations are conducted annually, thereby providing assurancethat Listed equipment complieson a continuing basis withthe NSF Standards and Criteria. Equipment evaluations are conducted jointly with officialhealth agency personnel whenever possiblein order toachievea better understanding andrelationship between in- dustry, public health andthe Foundation. Equipment bearing the nSfSealshould conform in all respects to the established Standardsor Criteria. Official healthagencies areencouraged to periodically assure themselvesthatequipment, in their locale, does meetthese requirements. The nSfSealand ListingProgram hasbeen developed and maintainedto assist the professional public health workerand industry inachievinga common goal-that of affording thepublic, the safe- guardsnecessary forthe protectionof their health. Published by The National SanitationFoundation Testing Laboratory 2355 West Stadium Boulevard P. 0. Box 1468 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Price $ 1.00 3 HISTORY AND PURPOSE OF THE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION In 1944, a small group of industrial and pub- T lic health leaderswere discussing mutualproblems ic involving sanitation. They realized thatmore so- lutions to modern sanitation problemsaffecting in- dustry and the publichealthcould bedeveloped through mutual understanding and cooperativeaction than through ordinances, inspections andlawen- forcement alone. It occurred to them that great strides could result from the creation ofan independent but au- thoritative liaison organizationwhich would be a clearing house through which business andindus- try and health authorities could worktogether for the solution of their commonproblems and for the common good. Theyforesaw that, through such an organi- ization, they could jointly seeknew facts in sani- tary science to bring it up to date with techno- logical advaaces of industry and withmodernprob- lems of the health officer in thefield. They could sponsoreducational programs and sanitation services which would wineveryone's co- operation in a nationwideprogram designed topro- mote superiorsanitation in modernproducts and services, and in the daily lives of thepeople. Thus was born the NationalSanitationFoun- dation. The Foundation isa non-profit, non-commercial organization seeking solutions toall problems in- volving the environment. Itis dedicatedtothe prevention of illness, the promotionof health, and the enrichment of the qualityofAmericanliving through improvement of the environment. Distinqui' -Id representatives of the public health professiun, of businessand industry, and of the public serveon its Board of Trustees,Council of Public Health Consultants, Industrial Advisory Board and various committees. TheNational SanitationFoundation fulfills the important purpose ofarranging for a common meeting ground where industry and public health may 14t discuss and solve common problems.In 1948 thefirst NationalSanitationFoundation clinic was held at -IP the Headquarters of the Foundation in Ann Arborfor the purpose of charting the course which the Foun- dation would follow. Five specific recommendations, outlined herein, cameout of the 1948 clinic on which theNational Sanitation Foundation has at- tempted to develop its program. 1. BASIC RESEARCH: Theneed for an enlarged re- search program inthe field of sanitaticm was recognized by the clinic as pressing. Some of the research Rrograms in which the National SanitationFoundationhas engaged, with the support of industry and publichealth, since 1948 include dishwashing studies, research on the cleanability of surfaces,automaticclothes washer studies, plastic pipe for potablewater uses, acceleratedmaterial and finish testing and evaluation, and many others. 2. STANDARDS: Theneedfor uniform equipment standards was pointed out by both industry and public health groups. ElevenNational San- itation Foundation sanitation Standards and two Criteriahavebeen developed relating to food equipment, and products complying with the provisionsof these Standards are Listed herein. 3. TESTING LABORATORY: The need foran indepen- dent testing laboratory where sanitationmeth- ods, materials and equipment may beevaluated objectively has been expressed many times by industryand publichealth. The 1948 clinic emphasized that such a laboratory where tests may be made and, whenmerited, approvalgiven will serve as a valuable contributionto the improvement of sanitation throughout the coun- try. The National Sanitation Foundation Test- ing Laboratory was established in 1952 and is available to serve industry and public health sanitation interests. 4. SEAL OF IDENTIFICATION: A Seal or some means of identifying items of equipmentor devices I meeting highstanCards ofsanitary signi- ficancewas specified, bythe clinic to be an urgent need. Following the establishment of 1 theNationalSanitation FoundationTesting Laboratory, an official nSf Seal was adopted 1 and may be authorizedfor use by industry, on equipment found to conform with National Sani- tation Foundation Standards. The manufacturers Listedin this publication have been auth- orized by the Board of Directors ofthe Na- tional Sanitation Foundation Testing Labora- tory to use the National Sanitation Foundation Testing Laboratory Sealon equipment complying with published Standards. 11 5. EDUCATION: Only through an adequate program of Education is it possible to distribute the results orproducts of research to public i health, business and the public.The develop- ment of effective means of education callsfor research and wide spread tests ofmethods and materials. A continuing program in the devel- opment of materials has been and isone of the main efforts of the Foundation. In these five important areas the NationalSa- nitation Foundation will strive to continue serving industry and public health in makinga better envi- ronment for all people. WHAT IS THE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION? It is a non-commercial, non-profit making organization seeking solutions to all problems in- volving the environment. It is dedicated to the prevention of illness and theimprovement of qual- ity of living through a better environment. It sponsors or conducts objective research to find im- proved sanitation methods andto determine facts. These studies are clearingup uncertainties regard- ing what is detrimental to health. They arepro- viding an authoritative basis forthe establishment iv of minimum sanitation standard.; for equipment, pro- ducts, and devices that are generally acceptable to 121 health authorities. It maintains xegular contacts with health workers throughout the nationto learn their needs for studies, and to keepthem informed 6 of the Foundation's findings. WHAT IS THE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION TESTING LABORATORY? The NationalSanitationFoundationTesting Laboratory is a separate non-profit corporation es- tablished to carry on research in the fieldof sanitation and is wholly owned by theNational SanitationFoundation. It alsoconducts regular inspections andperiodictesting of products of manufacturingplants authorized by itsBoardof Trustees to use the nSf Seal. This is for the or:- pose of determining that the devices or products to which the nSf Sealhas beenattached meet either the applicable National Sanitation Foundation Stan- dard or the standard set by the special testingof any productor device to which the applicationof the Seal has been approved following such testing. TheTesting Laboratory is authorized to make charges for services rendered. Such charges are de- signed to cover operating costs. HOW MAY A MANUFACTURER APPLY FOR THE USE OF THE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION TESTING LABORATORY SEAL AND FOR LISTING? 1. A manufacturer, who is convinced that equip- ment being constructed by his company is cov- ered byone of the published NationalSani- tationFoundationStandards, andthatsuch equipment is being, or can be, fabricated in conformity with the applicableStandard, may write to the ExecutiveDirectorof theNa- tional Sanitation
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