SERVICES (Misc.) 14 • BUILDING SERVICES 1* PRESS Monday, Dec. 29, 1952 Page 8 TORRANCE PHONE . GENERAL BUILDING TOP HAT CONTRACTOR LATEST MODEL PIN-UP GIRLS — FOR ALL SERVICES Oliver J. Minniear New Construction CLEANERS Remodeling Concrete Work 2 LOCATIONS Free Estimates 1185 2475 W. 235th Street 'eitieterv I^ot-n . » » TO SERVE YOU Torrance 'ard of Tn&nkft .......«••••.••«•» Early morning & late evening Phone Lomita 1274 Iblliiarlm ...........,..................... ours 6:30 a.m. t^ 7 p.m. CEMENT~& xmt & Found ...........—-... For Your Convenience 'rannportatlon ..._......„.»......... CARPENTER WORK Garages and Additions Announcement* ........................ Corner Redondo Beach Blvd. and Flat Work 'ernonaU ..........._..............-.~... & Western Foundations nnura-nre .......................—.—...._......_...11 Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone: Nervtee* (Mine.) ...............——————..14 And Torrance Blvd. FR. 4-7653 or FR. 5-5205 Building Servleei ..............———.....1ft Repair Services .................................. 16 We Pick-up Deliver SPECIAL! OardenlnR (KandncaplnR) ................20 18x20 GARAGE nstnirUnn (Mimic, Dancing SohU)..27 Call MEnlo 4-3139 $465 Complete P hild < nre. ...................................——...30 .Ituatlon* Wanted (Men) ................3B Torrance 331 Erected Garage $465 situation* \Vnnlrd (Women) ......... 34 Jement Stucco R Employment Offered (Men) ............3(1 18x20 Double on Your Slab, Employment Offered (Women) ........37 Singer Sewing FHA Terms, Nothing Down. Employment Off. (Men A Women)..38 COD CONSTRUCTION CO. E ilortgage* (Trnnt Deeds) ................44 Sales and Service 10114 E. Artesia St. Home* For Sale ..........................._...ftO Bellflower ncomei property (For Sale) ..........84 CAUTION TOrrey 7-6173 or 7-4923 S Real Eftt«t* F-xrhanjcn ....................M SINGER srlls its machines Week Days Only x>U For Male (Him. A Resident)... 60 only through SINGER SEW­ Electric Contractor S e*l Estate, (Wanted) ......................A8 NG CENTERS identified by Furnished Apts. For Rent ..............70 the famous Red "S" on the TORRANCE Unfurnished Apts. For Rent ..........7J ivindow, never through deal­ Houses For Rent (Furnished) ........77 ers or department stores. ELECTRIC SHOP Houses For Rent (Unfurnished) ....76 Rooms For Rent .........................—....78 Repair Service Room ft Board ..............................*....80 Singer Sewing Phone Torn 567 Rentals (Misc.) ..................... .......86 1421 Marcelina Ave. C Wanted to Rent ...........——.....——.....88 Machine Co. furniture .................................. REPAIR SERVICES 1ft Appliances .......—...................... 300 Hermosa Ave. L Musical Instrument! ............. Redondo Beach Television (Radio*) ..........................94 which Equipment (Store. * Office) ...........96 FR. 4-8947 TV AND RADIO DINNER FOR DIANA An advocate of the old proverb A Miscellaneous For Sale ....................98 tells us a bird in a girl's hand is as good as on the platter, pretty Swaps ......................................................99 prize won in one day's hunting. Chicagoan, Diana Davis, shows her Miscellaneous Wanted ...................100 Service The pheasant was bagged by Diana at Fin 'n Feather Farm, near S Pels. Poultry (Supplier) ................104 Repair Dundee, 111. Auto Rcpalrlnc ..................................107 A local institution with th« Trailers (Sales) ..._...........................lll largest and most complete ser­ S Auto Tarts .................~.............».llt-A vice department in this entire Here's an eye-catcher for the Service men all branches as posed by Universal-International Automobiles ...........«...........................11J area. starlets. They're Mary Castle as Miss Army, Lori Nelson as Miss Navy, Claudette Thornton as Miss Chamber Secretary Tells Automobiles Wnntrd ........................113 Marine, and Kathleen Hughes as Miss Air Force. The film beauties recently returned from a tour of I *Phone Torrance 650 the world pre­ CEMETERIES Alaskan military bases and outposts where they made appearances in connection with xx^^^w miere of the Gregory Peck-Ann Blyth movie, "The World In His Arms," an event sponsored by the "A LOCAL INSTITUTION AS NEAR AS or Torrance 2835 of Defenae to bring entertainment to service men. Lori Nelson is currently on the screen Of Local Industrial Growth F Department SERVING LOCAL NEEDS" YOUR PHONE! in "Francis Goes to West Point," and Kathleen Hughes in "Sally and St. Anne." Torrance has outstripped the whole San Francisco bay area in industrial expansion for the first ten months of 1952. PACIFIC G.IEST TORRANCE I « MID-CITY Dale Isenbcrg, executive secretary of the Chamber ol 182nd 8T. * 1NOLEWOOD AVE. « Beware of Uncooked Pork week from TEE VEE Commerce, pointed this out after returning last E Redondo Beach, Caltt. APPLIANCE Cor. Cravens & Gramercy a California State Chamber of Commerce convention helc FRontler 2-1017 Says Health Dept. 23223 NARBONNE Torrance HILLS best protection against growth in the San D GREEN Lomita 1240 EMPLOYMENT disease an appointment, actor Barry Fitz­ OFFERED (Men) irichinoHin a worm detained at Francisco area, which comprises MEMORIAL PARK rooked pork gerald said: "I was $46,944,000 for Sewing Machines ( aufled by improperly thp kind who, 12 counties, was An Endowment Car» Cemetery IH to order your pork "well done." home by friends the first 10 months of this year S when they star " up to go, think Serving the Harbor District Rental! ALL MAKES Repair! And moqt people here must be according to figures released at For Information Old Treadles made Into electric they've gone." portable* or electrify in you MEN doing that because Dr. George M. the convention. Ph. Ter. a-0442 27MU Wentern cabinet. fihl, city health*officer, today de- During the same period, Tsen- ( -lared that acute attacks of trich- berg said. Torrance has obtained OBITVARIKS 6 Tour Adler Dealer Petroleum ^ ii!" -OH in human beings are rather the following manufacturing SAMUEL MKRKL BKVARP. age Cai Plaza Hotel, V720 CabflUo. Lived M & S Sewing Mach ' > ' m Los Angeles, and only two plants: a $36,000,000 Carbon In Torrance 6 years. Native o Maintenance have been reported in the bide Chemical plant, a $20,000 Bowling Green, Ohio. Date o two rtenth Pecpmfoer 22, 1952. Plnrt> .o far this year. 000 Douglas Aircraft plant, Plaza Hotel. Services were held Company Company "Nonetheless, about 1 in 6 per­ new Harvey plants estimated at at Stnne * Myorn Chapel Friday to $20,000,000, a $10, M Pec. 26. 1952, 2 p m. Conduct** 1416 Marcelina Ave. sons may now have the TrV.hl- $15,000,000 hy Rev. Henry Pe Klultter. Bur Torrance Phone 329 NEEDS ni'lla NpirallN organism in «ome 000^000 expansion of the Genera vivorn: brother* hosier and Lawr Petroleum facility, and a multi enff, both of St. IxmlK, Missouri muscles of the body already. Most A and Roscoe of Petrolt, Michigan WATER HEATERS The Following Crafts for of these persons have such a million dollar Dow Chemical plant .1 ulsters In the Kast. Torrance is a city with a popu­ MARY CATHRVN WHITE, age 57 Nationally known brand*. slight Infection that they may Addremi 434R Wllcox St.. Chtrano 8tove§ and Refrigerator! Work in El Segundo never In their live» be aware of lation of approximately 42,000 R Illinois. Native of La Salle, 111 while the San Francisco bay area Deceased WHS visiting In Torranci it," Dr. Uhl said. 1 week. PaU of degth Pec. 24 Torrance Plumbing exceeds 2,000,000 in population 1953. Place. Torrance Hospital Marine Chaplain Rickel elves a smiling assist to Pfc. William Hall The health of/icial emphasized, MUH1 K l>\\ or pointed out. Serylcea were held at La Salle Company WELDERS 11 of Chatsworth. Calif., by writing: a letter home for the Marine. however, that it 1» possible to get rh. M»;. 9-inofl 111. Survivors: husband John J. Wounded in the right arm. Hall is waiting In an aid station for "a massive attack" of the disease • 20 JTI. Klcctronlfl Kxpe Chicago, daughter Mr*. Kathryn Contractor*, Repair*, Heating • Flmt 1000 < untomrm E Coulter. 25000 Pnclflr Coast HI $2.27 3/4 Per Hr. evacuation to the rear. He wanted to let his family know he was by eating meat In which the Receive 10% Dlxrount find 1'rlorlt.v way, Ijomlta; son« John J., Jr. Eatabllfthed 191T •11 right., The chaplain considers this a routine part of his Job.. worms have not been thoroughly Hrrvlrlng. Only $1.00 rrglnlrHtlon fee Peru, 111., Richard, Morris, 111. 1418 Marcelllna Ave.. Torrance t killed by cooking. He advised that BOWMAN'S T Opposite Foil Office pork should never be eaten rare, PERSONALS 10 Pipe Fitters medium rare, medium, or In any TV REPAIR HOLIDAY WISHES stage of pink color. 1H.110 \Ventrrn Ave. — Menlo 9-lftOfl HAVE A. Used Cars Auto Wreckiij $2.273/4 Per Hr. PROSPEROUS YEAR Tait's Welding Shop By Using TORRANCE 21205 S. MAIN TEr. 4515 Torrance P PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS Torrance 24-Hour Servic Machinists % To Make Money. $2.27 3/4 Per Hr. BAPTIST NEWS L For Ad Writing Service Dial FIGUEROA ISAIAH 1:18 TORRANCE 1185 CHINCHILLA RANCH rea­ A HALL for riant. Suitable for wed TOP QUALITY Come now, and let us dings, dances, lodge*. Call Harry BREEDING STOCK Carpenter son together naith the Urecne. 1569-J. C 21219 So. Figueroa $2.273/4 PerHr. Lord; though your sins be THE FAMILY STORE Phone Torrance 3203 an Hcarlet, they nhall be as Received new shipment import* E from France. PRAN'S white snow; though they All lovely l,aces, 30 different eolor Letter Shop and patterns, .. ........... .$1.49 yd ^ be red like 'erimson, they
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