QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLII] (342) FRIDAY, 2 JUNE, 2006 3HORTSTAFFEDnSELECTTHEBEST !REYOULOOKINGFOR4EMPORARYOR0ERMANENTSTAFF 3ELECT!PPOINTMENTSARESPECIALISTRECRUITERSFORTHEPUBLICSECTOR)FYOUNEED%XECUTIVE!SSISTANTS !DMINISTRATORS *UNIORS 2ECEPTIONISTS $ATA%NTRY/PERATORS 0ROJECT/FFICERS -ARKETING(23PECIALISTSCALLUSNOW !SPARTOFOURCOMMITMENTTOPUBLICSECTORRECRUITMENT WEALSOOFFER s#ANDIDATESWITHGOVERNMENTEXPERIENCE s3OFTWARESKILLSTESTING s0ANEL-EMBERS3CRIBES s4RAINEES s6OLUME0ROJECTRECRUITMENT s(2#ONSULTINGADVICE s0ERSONALITY0SYCHOLOGICALTESTING s!DVERTISINGRESPONSEHANDLING 3ELECT!PPOINTMENTSAREALSOABLETORECRUIT!AND!PERMANENTSTAFFUNDERTHE3/! /UR'OVERNMENT2ECRUITMENT3PECIALISTSAREEXPERIENCEDATCUSTOMISINGEACHPROCESSINACCORDANCEWITHYOURREQUIREMENTS &ORMOREINFORMATIONCONTACTONEOFOUR0UBLIC3ECTORTEAMONORVISITWWWSELECTAPPOINTMENTSCOMAU WWWSELECTAPPOINTMENTSCOMAU [355A] QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette EXTRAORDINARY 2005PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLII] (342) THURSDAY, 1 JUNE, 2006 [No. 21A Queensland NOTIFICATION OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION Statutory Instruments Act 1992 Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Table 1 TABLE 1 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY NUMBER No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act 120 Plant Protection (Electric Ant) Notice 2006 Plant Protection Act 1989 356 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 21A [1 June, 2006 TABLE 2 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY EMPOWERING ACT This table shows affected subordinate legislation Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No. Plant Protection Act 1989 Plant Protection (Electric Ant) Notice 2006 . 120 Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— SDS Publications. Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 371 Vulture Street Woolloongabba Qld 4102 . .Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> A mail service is available from— SDS Publications. Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151 . .Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 <www. publications.qld.gov.au> © The State of Queensland 2006. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. BRISBANE Printed b y Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 1 June, 2006 [357] QueenslandQueensland GovernmentGovernment Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLII (342) FRIDAY, 2 JUNE, 2006 [No. 22 Local Government Act 1993 WARWICK SHIRE COUNCIL (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) NOTICE (NO. 1) 2006 Title 1. This notice may be cited as the Warwick Shire Council (Making of Local Law) Notice (No. 1) 2006. Commencement 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the Gazette. Making of local law 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 the Warwick Shire Council made Local Law No. 18 (Cemeteries) 2006 by resolution on 22 March 2006 Inspection 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government’s public office and at the Department’s State office. ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 2 June 2006. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Queensland Department of Local Government and Planning. 358 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 22 [2 June, 2006 ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNING SCHEME FOR THE CITY OF CAIRNS Integrated Planning Act 1997 Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, Schedule 1 that on 11 May 2006 Cairns City Council adopted an amendment to the Planning Scheme for the City of Cairns. The purpose and general effect of the amendment is to allocate land described as Lot 106 on NR5300 in the Parish of Cairns, located at 110-124 Giffin Road White Rock, to the Low Density Residential Planning Area. The reference number for the amendment is (2006, No. 1) A copy of the Planning Scheme amendment is available for inspection and purchase at the Cairns City Council Customer Service Centre, 119 - 145 Spence St, Cairns, or online at www.cairns.qld.gov.au. A copy of the Planning Scheme amendment is also available for inspection at the Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and recreation, in the Planning Information Area, Level 25, Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane. D.B. Farmer CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER B72927 © The State of Queensland 2006. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4102. —————— BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 2 June, 2006 [359] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLII (342) FRIDAY, 2 JUNE, 2006 [No. 23 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 1011) 2006 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 1011) 2006. Land to be taken [s.9(7) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 2 June 2006, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Nares, Parish of Smithfield - an area of about 1.295 hectares being part of Lot 201 on SP178269 contained in Title Reference: 50561765. As shown approximately on Plan R11-661 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Cairns City Captain Cook Highway (Cairns – Mossman) 510/1198; 3843 ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 1 June 2006. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 June 2006. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads. 360 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 23 [2 June, 2006 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 1017) 2006 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 1017) 2006. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 914) 2005 dated 21 July 2005 and published in the Gazette of 22 July 2005 at pages 923 - 926 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 914) 2005 dated 21 July 2005 and published in the Gazette of 22 July 2005 at pages 923 - 926 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows - Omit - "County of Aubigny, Parish of Westbrook - an area of about 1.431 hectares being part of Lot 2 on RP215394 contained in Title Reference: 50098890. As shown approximately on Plan R3-624 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Jondaryan Shire Warrego Highway (Toowoomba Bypass) 510/294; 775/791" Insert - "County of Aubigny, Parish of Westbrook - an area of 1.432 hectares being Lot 1 on SP191890 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 50098890. Jondaryan Shire Warrego Highway (Toowoomba Bypass) R3-624(A) 510/294; 775/791" ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 1 June 2006. 2. Published in the Gazette on 2 June 2006. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 1018) 2006 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 1018) 2006. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 914) 2005 dated 21 July 2005 and published in the Gazette of 22 July 2005 at pages 923 - 926 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 914) 2005 dated 21 July 2005 and published in the Gazette of 22 July 2005 at pages 923 - 926 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows - Omit - “County of Aubigny, Parish of Westbrook - an area of about 3219 square metres being part of Lot 4 on RP210328 contained in Title Reference: 17037033. County of Aubigny, Parish of Westbrook - an area of about 8.159 hectares being part of Lot 3 on RP210328 contained in Title Reference: 17037032. 2 June, 2006] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 23 361 As shown approximately on Plan R3-625(B) held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Jondaryan
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